We have crazy-fun yet informative city tours, we have serious & profound historical tours, we have everything for everyone! Don’t take our word for it, look at what we do #traveldifferent #berlindifferent #FREECITYTOURS
Hello traveler(s) !
/ Salut le/la/ les voyageurs!
You’re in Berlin or you’re planning a trip to the German capital and you happen to wanna learn more about this eclectic & multicultural city charged with History? You don’t know where to start? You’re looking for something different than the regular walking tours? Tired of hearing about the Nazis and the Soviets? Whatever you prefer, we got you!
We have a whole collection of different tours for different tastes. So why don’t you go check our webpage and see for yourself!
Vous êtes sur Berlin ou vous planifiez un petit voyage direction la capitale allemande et vous voulez en apprendre plus sur cette ville multiculturelle, et chargée d’histoire? Vous cherchez quelque chose de différent que les tours classiques et ennuyeux? Vous en avez marre d’entendre parler des Nazis ou des Soviets? Peu importe votre préférence, on a quelque chose pour tous les goûts. Allez voir de vous-même sur notre site!!
#GetOutsideAndExplore #WalkingTourAdventures #PotsdamWalkingTours #history #matters #historymatters #berlin #is #different #berlinisdifferent #berlincity
After Black History Month, it’s time to celebrate all Women’s History Month. Bonus point to that celebration: it might piss off Andrew « distorted ballsack face » Tate. So, because at CYHIT, we not afraid of any DEI, know that you are always welcome & safe with us!! #womensupportingwomen #WomensHistoryMonth #HERstory #dei #march2025
So we didn’t learn. The world hasn’t learned. Need a refresh course? Our « Never again » tour is the perfect opportunity and it’s available in English & in French. #berlinhistorytour #neveragain1933 #neveragainisnow
We all a bit crazy and the first step is to acknowledge it! So come release your kookiness on our tours, chances are, our guides are crazier than you!! Link in bio #lamcrazyandiknowit #crazyscaryspookyhilarious #crazyscaryspookyhilarious🤪😨👻😅 #rudebastards #crazy #cats #crazycats
Don’t worry, our guides are way better at their jobs than at picking gifts for y’all partners. But hey, at least they tried and that brush is gonna make ceasing toilets so much more satisfying !! #ValentinesDayChallenge #lovegiftideas #itsalovestorybabyjustsayyes
You hate f-scists? So do we! And that’s why we have a whole tour visiting a former N4zi camp for you to understand how we got there and what we can do fight it! So check our link in the description and book our « Never Again » tour #Nazi #history #nazihistoryrepeatingitself #nazihistorytour #fascismmuststop #never #again #neveragainisnow
Baby, it’s cold outside… but don’t worry, our guides will have you warm up!! Whichever city you choose to meet our Rude bastards at, Berlin, Amsterdam, Cologne… we guarantee a good time!! And a lot of information too, of course. Check our links in our bio, you won’t regret it
Our guide Siobhán has a couple of things to say about that issh and they not too happy. They also have a lot of lessons & stories to share. Sounds interesting ? Book their « Never Again » tour NOW! #sachsenhausenmemorial #elonmusknazisalute #lessonsonfascism #berlintours2025 #autismacceptance #neurodivergentguide
2025 new year resolutions should be: more sleep, avoid the news and if you can’t : always keep a Kleenex box and a wine bottle next to you at all times and EDUCATE YOURSELF! Knowledge is power and right now, we all need it!! Luckily for you, our tour guides are more than happy to share stuff with you and let you know what’s up so don’t hesitate! (Link in bio) #traveling #different #travelingdifferently #2025NewYearResolution #wtfmoments #educationmatters #books #Ann #booksbanned
Tour guides who do « free tours » don’t get paid unless you tip them. So while it looks like they having fun along with you, they’re in fact working. Don’t forget that! #freetours #tipculture