
In2media We work with ambitious brands and organisations to innovate and craft the future of digital experien In2media are digital pioneers, and we always have been.

We work with ambitious brands and organisations to innovate and craft the future of digital experiences in Copenhagen and in NYC. Since the beginning, we have been fired by the many possibilities the internet has created for both businesses and users. When it comes to introducing new technologies, we have been frontrunners all the way. We just can’t stop ourselves: We love new technology, new challenges and difficult tasks.


Exciting news:

In2media Group – one of Denmark’s leading digital agency groups comprising In2media, BABY and InSilico – has taken on KMD as a new owner. As part of the growth ambitions, the companies in the agency group will be merged into a new powerful digital business unit with the name Charlie Tango.
Read the media release here:


Right now Tim Frank Andersen is participating in DANSK IT's event at Folkemødet.

D. 15. til 18. juni løber årets folkemøde af stablen på Bornholm. I år er DANSK IT stærkt repræsenteret med egne arrangementer og samarbejde med andre organisationer, der har fremtidens digitale samfund på dagsordenen.

This afternoon Tim will be hosting a game of Jeopardy for Dansk Industri. Read more about the event at Folkemødet here.

This afternoon Tim will be hosting a game of Jeopardy for Dansk Industri. Read more about the event at Folkemødet here.

Verden er under forandring. De globale magtbalancer rykkes, og internationalt samarbejde og samhandel, som vi før tog for givet, er nu til diskussion. Hvad skal det betyde for den danske udenrigspolitik? Vi har sat de mest talentfulde af landets ungdomspolitikere til at forhandle på kryds og tværs a...

We are currently working on an audiobook strategy project with eReolen and need help with this user survey.It does not m...

We are currently working on an audiobook strategy project with eReolen and need help with this user survey.

It does not matter whether you are an experienced audiobook listener or prefer reading books the old fashioned way.

All input are welcome and will be taken into consideration.

We appreciate your help 🙏

Undersøgelse til analyse af lydbogsmarkedet samt kendskab og forhold til eReolen

Today digital creatives from all around are taking one day out of the calendar. Our Design Lead Kasper Andersen is co-or...

Today digital creatives from all around are taking one day out of the calendar. Our Design Lead Kasper Andersen is co-organiser at the event. Watch the livestream on the link below before heading out for Friday in the ☀.

One Day Out – One day, one conference – – 2017, Odense Denmark

We did this video on behalf of our UX-colleagues and IT-Branchen. Have a look. Get inspired.UX does have a business rati...

We did this video on behalf of our UX-colleagues and IT-Branchen. Have a look. Get inspired.

UX does have a business rationale!

Kom i gang med at høste gevinsterne ved strategisk arbejde med den gode brugeroplevelse (UX) anbefaler IT-Branchen. Se hvordan på www.dengodebrugeroplevelse....

He returned! Welcome back, Rasmus Sanko.

He returned! Welcome back, Rasmus Sanko.

In2media Gruppen har oprettet en ny stilling - Chief Experience Officer – og hentet en gammel

We are happy to announce that Codan Insurance (part of RSA) has chosen In2media Group as their new agency partner within...

We are happy to announce that Codan Insurance (part of RSA) has chosen In2media Group as their new agency partner within Dialogue, Social and Digital Marketing. We are looking forward to helping Codan fulfilling their high ambitions and customer focused vision. We have established a team of strong competences across the group from In2media, BABY and InSilico, working closely together to deliver strong customer experience solutions.

Efter at have fortalt til Bureaubiz, at man ledte efter et nyt bureau, fik forsikringskoncernen en uopfordret henvendelse fra et bureau, som trak det længste strå.

Our close working relationship with Statsforvaltningen is being mentioned again.

Our close working relationship with Statsforvaltningen is being mentioned again.

Glem lige Amanda-skandalen og tinglysnings-skandalen: Offentlige it-projekter, der kostede milliarder af skattekroner og gav hovedpine til tusinder af frustrerede borgere.

This bunch of happy UXers are to find at the UX Camp Cph where they'll also share some wise words.

This bunch of happy UXers are to find at the UX Camp Cph where they'll also share some wise words.

Proud to have such an ambitious client on UX as Statsforvaltningen. Listen to them in the (Danish) video below.

Proud to have such an ambitious client on UX as Statsforvaltningen. Listen to them in the (Danish) video below.

Statsforvaltningen har med udgangspunkt i den gode brugeroplevelse forbedret området for separation og skilsmisse ganske gevaldigt. Rasmus Kruse og Johanne H...

Plenty of activity in the office today! Nets are presenting the new Dankort app to the press.

Plenty of activity in the office today! Nets are presenting the new Dankort app to the press.


Digital Learning for the coming generations is on the agenda. The Minister for Education has invited our partner & chairman Tim Frank Andersen to play a role.

En række eksperter i teknologiens muligheder og samfundspåvirkning skal som medlemmer af en ny rådgivningsgruppe sparre med undervisningsminister Merete Riisager om en langsigtet handlingsplan for digital læring. Første opgave bliver at give input til målene for…

Yep - we did the concept, UX and design and are of course as proud as Statsforvaltningen of the results too.

Yep - we did the concept, UX and design and are of course as proud as Statsforvaltningen of the results too.

Det digitale bureau In2media har udviklet koncept og design for projektet ”Familiens livssitua

Good work & congratulations to Statsforvaltningen who took home the prize!

Good work & congratulations to Statsforvaltningen who took home the prize!

We've sent our Director of Innovation Jesper Arvidson to San Francisco with Danske Medier to visit tech companies and st...

We've sent our Director of Innovation Jesper Arvidson to San Francisco with Danske Medier to visit tech companies and startups.

Yesterday was spent at Facebook trying out Oculus and hearing about the company and its culture. It seems like their frenemies from Google should be expecting some competition when dealing with content and especially video.

Thanks to Facebook for being a great host!

Huge congrats! Our client Statsforvaltningen is nominated for the project “Familiens Livssituation" in the category "Dom...

Huge congrats!

Our client Statsforvaltningen is nominated for the project “Familiens Livssituation" in the category "Dommernes Specialpris” at Digitaliseringsprisen 2017.

Our very own Mikala Remvig has been with us for 10 years! We couldn't be more delighted and we look forward to many more...

Our very own Mikala Remvig has been with us for 10 years! We couldn't be more delighted and we look forward to many more 🙌

And the nominees are... Danish Digital Awards has just announced the 2017 shortlist. We're happy to share that our coope...

And the nominees are...

Danish Digital Awards has just announced the 2017 shortlist. We're happy to share that our cooperation with Danske Bank is nominated in the category 'Websites - Corporate or Public'. 🙌

Rådgivning samt finansielle bank og realkredit produkter til privat og erhverv.


Our joint effort with Danske Bank is declared the winner of Best Content Strategy. 👏 👏 👏

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Seems like everyone had a blast. Thank you all for joining and for celebrating Tim.

Seems like everyone had a blast. Thank you all for joining and for celebrating Tim.

The In2media clan is growing. Say HELLO to the newest members: Senior Interaction Designer Martin Mostrøm, Senior UX Con...

The In2media clan is growing. Say HELLO to the newest members: Senior Interaction Designer Martin Mostrøm, Senior UX Consultant Ulla Tønner & UX Consultant Maria Nørgaard.

50 it is!

50 it is!

Bestyrelsesformand og partner Tim Frank Andersen fylder 50. Vi inviterer derfor venner og bekendte, gamle kolleger og forretningsforbindelser til reception og fredagsbar hos In2media den 24. februar.

The team behind Digitaliseringsprisen is hosting a seminar. We are of course there too. 9th of March. Join in and listen...

The team behind Digitaliseringsprisen is hosting a seminar. We are of course there too. 9th of March. Join in and listen when our Senior UX Consultant Jonas Friisberg and IT Director Rasmus Kruse from The State Administration will be presenting our work.

Her kan du se hvilke forskellige arrangementer vi afholder, og høre mere om hvad de kommer til at indeholde. Se også mere om vores arrangementer på LinkedIn

Tim wrote a feature in today's Børsen. Find it on page 4 or on the link below. You might have to brush up on your Danish...

Tim wrote a feature in today's Børsen. Find it on page 4 or on the link below. You might have to brush up on your Danish skills to read it.

KRONIK - I starten af det nye år kunne man i flere af landets aviser læse resultatet af en undersøgelse fra Pwc, der dokumenterede, at den digitale udvikling går hen over hovedet på størstedelen af de mindre og mellemstore danske virksomheder. Tallene...

This guy is on The M List. Again.

This guy is on The M List. Again.

Tim Frank Andersen er en passioneret ambassadør og foregangsmand for nye digitale muligheder og en af de mest innovative digitale profiler i feltet. Tim har været på den digitale arena siden midten af 1990'erne og var bl.a. i 2006 medstifter af det succesfulde digitale konsulentbureau In2media, som…

Danish speaking Senior Project Manager wanted!

Danish speaking Senior Project Manager wanted!

You can plan, you can guide, you can inspire.

You are passionate about bringing digital products to life. It’s not you alone. It’s you and your dedicated team...

Thank you for coming yesterday... Thank you for listening & for asking questions.We're thrilled that our first morning s...

Thank you for coming yesterday... Thank you for listening & for asking questions.

We're thrilled that our first morning seminar went well.

More events are coming up next year! Hopefully we'll see you around.

Get to know In2media Group a little bit better.

Get to know In2media Group a little bit better.

Både In2media og Baby kom ud med et stærkt resultat, og nu er de flyttet sammen for at skabe en gruppe med betydelige muskler


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