Street Movement

Street Movement Founded in 2007 we are a collective of the most experienced ADD/parkour professionals in Denmark, wi

Street Movements work is, in its essence, based on the art of movement - a lifestyle which nurtures the simple joy of movement. The training and our way of interpreting spatial and cultural contexts are a result of our lengthy experience with parkour and the philosophy of Method Naturelle. We are part of a movement revolution - an alternative to the popular body culture of our time, which predominantly focuses on measurable and visual results.

Kom med til fridayjam i Game 1. november. Jam for børn kl 15-16. Åbent for voksne fra kl 16.00. Åbent parkourjam og mini...

Kom med til fridayjam i Game 1. november. Jam for børn kl 15-16. Åbent for voksne fra kl 16.00. Åbent parkourjam og mini skill Challenge med små præmier.

Tak til Vester Lokaludvalg for at støtte dette års CPH Skill Challenge.📸

Tak til Vester Lokaludvalg for at støtte dette års CPH Skill Challenge.

🔥 By popular demand, the Drip Hoodie is here for a short time only ! 🔥Sleek, stylish, and oh-so-comfortable. I’m not sur...

🔥 By popular demand, the Drip Hoodie is here for a short time only ! 🔥

Sleek, stylish, and oh-so-comfortable. I’m not sure one can even train parkour without one.

Limited time only—don’t miss out!

🛒 Get yours now at Street Movement

New arrivals!!Check out our new drips and the awesome Cph Spot map shirt 🚀🚀 get yours today!

New arrivals!!
Check out our new drips and the awesome Cph Spot map shirt 🚀🚀 get yours today!

CPH Skill Challenge this weekend was so much fun!We'll do it again - stand by - keep training 📸Simon Jeppesen

CPH Skill Challenge this weekend was so much fun!
We'll do it again - stand by - keep training
📸Simon Jeppesen

Gadeidrættens dag: CPH Skill 📷

Gadeidrættens dag: CPH Skill 📷

CPH Skill Challenge - parkour udfordringer til ALLE niveauer 🥇🥈🥉Program:10:00 velkomst10:10 opvarmning, fælles10:30 intr...

CPH Skill Challenge - parkour udfordringer til ALLE niveauer 🥇🥈🥉Program:
10:00 velkomst
10:10 opvarmning, fælles
10:30 introduktion til comp og start
12:30 Skill challenge slutter
12:45 Stick challenge
13:00 Finalen
13:30 præmieoverrækkelse
-1600 Jam for alle
11:00-11:45 brønetræning 6-9 år
11:45 - 12:30 børnetræning 10-14 år

Endelig nogle forårsfornemmelser på vores udendørs City Kids hold ☀️Kender du nogen børn fra 6-16 år der kunne bruge et ...

Endelig nogle forårsfornemmelser på vores udendørs City Kids hold ☀️

Kender du nogen børn fra 6-16 år der kunne bruge et godt skud bevægelsesglæde i parkourform. Skriv til os på [email protected]

If you havn’t seen it yet, check out our ‘thoughts & ramblings’ section on our website. This is where you'll find articl...

If you havn’t seen it yet, check out our ‘thoughts & ramblings’ section on our website.

This is where you'll find articles on everything movement related: Parkour, training, nutrition, philosophy, health and good stories.

The next danish parkour coaching education is starting this May, and is now open for bookings. 

Its a series of 6 onlin...

The next danish parkour coaching education is starting this May, and is now open for bookings. 

Its a series of 6 online seminars and a 3 day immersive learning experience

* Collection of our most valued experiences from the past +15 years
* Historical overview and perspective in Danish
* What it means to be a great teacher and rolemodel, and methods and techniques for training and teaching, with a specific pedagogical approach (DANISH ONLY).

This course will be held in Copenhagen and Aalborg.

The course is create on collaboration with Gadeidræt, , , and

Every year we join and support this fantastic event at Gerlev Idrætshøjskole - once again an amaaazing week. Lovely shot...

Every year we join and support this fantastic event at Gerlev Idrætshøjskole - once again an amaaazing week. Lovely shots Andy Day Photography!.
The selected shots from this years International Gathing - Parkour, Move and Dance. Feel free to tag people, share and download to use on other platforms but PLEASE credit: Andy Day Photography (here on FB) and on instagram AND please give us a mention FB: and insta: @ gerlevih

The entire album of around 600 photos can be found on - same request for mentions when using, thanks.

Photo collection by Andy Day


A few jumps from a show we did this weekend with
Thanks those who came and
cheered and thanks to


Parkour Sommercamps uge 26 & 27

Vi har stadig et par ledige pladser tilbage i alle aldersgrupper på vores parkour sommercamps der starter på den anden side af weekenden.
Har i endnu ikke tilmeldt jer kan i gøre det samt finde mere info her:
God sommer!


Check out the summer sessions we are hosting in Aalborg together with alto sommer Aalborg. Go to their website to book your place.


Stop parkour - freeze when the music pauses
A few weeks ago most of us where gathered in the lovely surroundings of Gerlev to develop new coaching tools, skills and bonds. Our crew have been growing rapidly the last years and we fell it is important to do more stuff together as the big family we are.

We shared ideas for the future, coached each other, jammed together and spend precious time drinkings beers in the sauna. We’ll try to make this a yearly get together.

Until next year!


Mayhem at this weekends Gerlev Getaway where all the whole gang of Street Movement coaches and family are getting together.


Vesterbrogade 20, 1. Th


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