Homo Immigrantis

Homo Immigrantis Homo Immigrantis is a theatre play written and performed by TeArt. ATTENTION!!

Homo Immigrantis wants to play with the experience of being foreigner as a reflection on the human need to fit in the society, to belong to something, to be part of a whole, the need to have a home, the need to have a place to go back to. As being foreigner becomes more and more essential for the global society we live in Homo Immigrantis examines not only the pure physical meaning of being foreig

ner but the personal and individual aspect of the term - for example being a foreigner in your own country. The play treats the foreigner as individual, understanding his cultural background and migration decisions, as the collective feeling of many immigrants in a new society. International Fever Party (HOMO IMMIGRANTIS EDITION) Friday May 24th 9pm



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