He forgets to wait!😳
Did you see last weeks post? The little boy and mom playing and the boy jumping into the water from the mat to mom on the count of three.
The same boy just minutes later. When a swim friend steps by he forgets all about waiting to count before jumping in.
They live in the present moment our little children and when someone might take MY MAT or MY TURN (he is a toddler) he forgets everything but taking his turn - quickly - on his favorite activity.
This clip clearly shows the nature of a child and why they always are in need of adult supervision.
#Keepthemsafe #swimmix #happybabiesswim #swimmix #play #learn #swim
Jumping into the weekend!
The nature of us humans right from start is to challenge ourselves and others.
He is ready to move beyond the 1, 2, 3 but maybe Mom is not? So he finds his way to challenge both himself and his Mom...
Watch how he gets the idea and jumps away from her the second time and then the third time takes it even further.
Love it?
Question now is now how will they proceed?
1. Understanding his will and need to further develop his competence?
2. Control him and his behaviour?
From a developmental and relationship perspective I would look for how to accomodate and meet the new level of competence he is stretching towards.
Next week I'll share a fun thing that happened when we filmed this. A situation that puts a light on how .
#growngstrongertogether #swimmix #familylab #play #learn #swim #happybabiesswim
🫧 The fountain of youth🧜
Water stimulates us, it challenges us. It resists us even as it buoys us up. It allows us to move in graceful, new ways and helps develop our sense of balance.
Now research says that swimming might even keep us younger.
Lately I have began to enjoy cold showers and cold dips and even swims in the ocean. I don't know what happened how I who never liked the cold suddenly crave it. It invigorates me.
What is and where do you find your fountain of youth?
Have a lovely weekend!
🤩 What beats this feeling?
The wonderful feeling of "I can do it!"
To grow into more autonomy is a joined journey. To support your child's learning, to see when they stretch out for more independence.
As parents it's often a waltz with many emotions involved. What we want to show and our children to feel is that we trust them, trust them in learning and in life.
They keep us on our toes. We stay present, ready, being there if they need us or not. We enjoy with them - every step is a new victory.
They bring in so much wonderful wonder into our world.
#swimmix #happybabiesswim #familylab #play #learn #swim
A baby's laughter is the best sound ever
Peek-a-boo! Playing with our greatest fear.
She covers her face with her hands and seconds later when she opens them she says;
The little baby’s face lights up in a big smile towards her Mom.
Mom continue the play together with her little daughter. She shifts timing and tone. The little one expresses the anticipation and with increasing joy she is feeling it with her whole body. They are both, Mom and baby feeling and sharing it.
"Peek-a-boo" is one of many ingenious games children and parents play together.
It becomes interesting to play it just when, what we often refer to as, 'separation anxiety' appears.
With the "Peek-a-boo" play they are playing with life's biggest fear – abandonment. And also learning object constancy. An important milestone that makes it possible to deal with separation.
We have been given the ability to to play in order for us to learn to deal with the difficult.
With their parent engaging in the play they can adjust and regulate it to keep it exciting and manageable.
The child experiences the joy of being rediscovered over and over again.
An ingenious emotional work-out, where the parents also can be soaked in positive emotions while loosing themselves in the now and play with their child.
What are your favorite games in the water that bring joy and laughter to you and your baby?
💙 Bubble Academy 🫧💦
Today’s lesson: Baby steps in the bath
Set intention: Present Love
Blow all the love you’ve got into your hands, rub them together and feel the warmth.
Pick up your baby and let him rest in your warm loving arms. Feel his little body and how his chest moves with his breath.
Feel how love and warmth flow from you into him.
Now if he and you are relaxed and ready, ease him into the water.
Find a comfortable position where the water carries his weight. You give light support. Make it possible for him to find his balance. If he is a little uneasy just keep him close, find how he is most comfortable today.
Allow yourself to have all the time in world for a while. Nothing else than you and your baby and your connection matters right now. Breathe, relax and move in sync with him and his needs.
It’s your time to be, to feel, to connect 💙
#baby #bathtime #bubbleacademy #connection #presence #childdevelopment #emotionalintelligence
In general all children can learn without us "teaching" them how to break the waters surface, to submerse, take of into a short swim and to know how to get back up again. They learn through play and by copying. They learn it best, in their own time, and with caring adults who give them time and opportunity to be in water in an interesting and supporting environment where they feel safe.
In the video clip you see how the little babies try to copy their parents. They are enjoying a song together that the group do every time. The repetition gives time for practice and the song helps create the happy feeling. Parents are engaged and they encourage interest and it makes it a pleasurable learning experience. Through trial and error they learn.
This is the natural child-led way to develop in water and that will lead to full submersion eventually. It is the practice that I love to see and hear being practiced.
There is so much to win for the relationship between parent and child in the present and in the future by not using force and pressure. There are also big wins for the individuals when children have adults that give them time and support, who engage (without taking over) and encourage the child's inborn curiosity.
Both young and old grow stronger within.
Swimmix On-Line Platform Launches tomorrow!
Excitement grows!
Are you also ready to make the pool into a classroom and playground where you can grow smarter, stronger and happier together?
Swimmix online platform for parents with babies 0-24 months opens tomorrow.
50% offer will be given to all who are subscibe to https://blog.swimmix.com/
Royaltyfree music from Bensound
From 4 weeks to 2 years in a minute
More than swimming - a journey in water where you learn more and become smarter together with the most important relationship of our life in focus.
Welcome to this season - it will be exciting. I look forward to hear from you 🤗
A Beautiful Journey Begins
How wonderful isn't this?
First time in the pool with dad. The combination of the softness and strength of both daughter and dad is wonderful to watch.
Together they are learning and building the foundation of trust.
She learns by experiencing her dad's presence, care and predictability. He learns about his daughters ability to communicate, how he can create delightful experiences for her and how to quickly help her into comfort when she experience discomfort.
She builds trust in dad because of his presence, interest and care. He builds trust in him self because he experience success and feels capable and competent.
A beautiful journey has begun.