Insight Journeys

Insight Journeys Insight Journeys helps professional organisations with customized entertainment, training, and workshops.

Our guided tours in Cph and beyond will entertain your international visitors. It is designed to show Denmark according to your purposes.

Københavns arkiv blev bevidst bygget i stuen, så man når man træder ind på Kbh’s Rådhus kan være i øjenhøjde med fortide...

Københavns arkiv blev bevidst bygget i stuen, så man når man træder ind på Kbh’s Rådhus kan være i øjenhøjde med fortiden. Her kan man finde klagesager gennem tiden – fx de breve Lars Arildsen skrev i 1790 til bystyret efter hans mester havde klaget over, at Lars gik og spredte æreskrænkende rygter om mesters kone Sofie. Lars forsvarer herefter sin sag.

Sagen var, at Lars havde været kæreste med tjenestepigen Sofie, indtil hun i stedet snupper herren i huset og dermed bliver borgerlig frue. I Lars øjne har mester stjålet hans kæreste, og det fortæller han vidt og bredt om. For at bevise, at der er noget om sagen beskriver han i sine breve, hvordan han mens de var kærester har varmet hendes underkjole, så hun kan tage en dejlig varm kjole på efter – ja hvad der nu måtte være sket. Han kommer også med en detaljeret beskrivelse af hendes krop fra navlen og ned til knæene, så man ikke kan være i tvivl om, at han kender hende intimt. Magistraten vælger dog ikke at gå mere ind i sagen, og hvad det ender med, kan vi ikke være sikre på. Men Sofie slap tilsyneladende for mere æreskrænkelse for hun bevarede sin position.

På arkivet befinder også et dokument fra 1422 underskrevet af Erik af Pommern, som er det som betegnes Københavns overgang til hovedstad. Skrevet på pergament – en ged måtte lade livet for at Københavns privilegier kunne nedskrives.


If you are in Denmark on the 13th of December you might stumble upon a parade of young people in white robes holding candles and singing “Santa Lucia”. It is actually a Swedish tradition that Danes copied approximately 80 years ago.

The Lucia parade is an odd mix of an Italian saint, Lucia, who died on the 13th of December, and the pagan tradition of celebrating the winter solstice – the darkest day of the year and also the last day before it starts getting lighter again.

In Sweden, this is known as “lussenat” meaning night of light and in the 17th century, it was celebrated by staying up all night feasting. On such a day it was important to scare away all sorcerers and you could do that by confusing them by having women wear pants and men wearing white chemises. Ooh, such fun!

For those of you who will argue that winter solstice is the 21st of December – they were following the Julian Calendar back then. Since the Swedes continued celebrating catholic saints even after Protestantism the two traditions melted together.

At some point in the middle of the 18th century, a custom started having a young woman dressed in white serve coffee and saffron buns in the morning when the party of the 13th of December was at its end. She would wear a wreath with candles on her head.

However, there were no formal Lucia parades until 1928 when a Swedish newspaper introduced the idea of electing a Lucia Bride in Stockholm. In 1944 a Danish newspaper copied the idea and made it a popular thing to do in Denmark as well.

As mentioned it will often be a group of young kids or children who do the Lucia Parade with a Lucia Bride in front (not a real bride, and can be a boy as well).

Recently Copenhagen has introduced Lucia Parades in the harbor in kayaks and small boats decorated with lights. A nice renewal that is a joy for anyone in the city.




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