Diamond Logos Denmark

Diamond Logos Denmark Diamond Logos Teachings - courses and retreats in our Essential Nature. www.diamondlogos.dk and https://www.centerforhealing.dk

The Diamond Logos work is a contemporary path of self-discovery and personal development that synthesizes modern psychology and ancient spiritual teachings. It is a comprehensive, deep and rich body of knowledge that gently uncovers the Sufi mystery that says 'God is a hidden treasure that wishes to know itself'. Currently, the Diamond Logos trainings are gaining a reputation throughout Europe as

one of the most precise and comprehensive paths of personal growth. They are especially suitable for people involved in modern life and as well as long time seekers. The Diamond Logos work is also appreciated by psychotherapists and others in helping professions who understand the need for ongoing inner development. The focus of this Path is a heartfelt inquiry into our current life experiences: our relationships, our work situations, our family life, and our moment to moment inner landscape, including our infinite manifestations of Being and Essence. The Diamond Logos Work shows us how to compassionately and precisely investigate our outer and inner experiences such that we re-connect with our Being and our Essential Nature and its many manifestations.

HØR NY PODCAST OM DIAMOND LOGOS TEACHINGSHvis du er interesseret i høre om hvorfor essens er et særligt potentiale i os ...

Hvis du er interesseret i høre om hvorfor essens er et særligt potentiale i os alle. Så giv dig selv en oplevelse og hør denne spirituelle podcast.
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Det Spirituelle Kompas stiller skarpt på Diamond Logos Teachings. Anabella og Henrik taler om det system der forandrede hele hans livssyn og verden.


Niels Ebbesens Vej 14



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