Visit North Copenhagen

Visit North Copenhagen The Area of North Copenhagen, has so many beautiful sights and is a true hidden gem. Go explore it for yourself. Take a sneak peak here!


Kurser og virksomhedsrådgivning i oplevelsesdesign

Nu kan du tjene penge på din passion og ekspertise ved at lave authentiske oplevelser i dit lokalområde. Klik på billede...

Nu kan du tjene penge på din passion og ekspertise ved at lave authentiske oplevelser i dit lokalområde. Klik på billedet og lær mere. Har du brug for hjælp og inspiration, så hjælper jeg dig med ideer og prisfastsættelse. .

Tjen penge ved at guide folk til aktiviteter, du elsker.


Feel good video of my hood in Lyngby

Så er der endelig ikke lang tid til at Lyngbys Torvemarked åbner. Kig forbi pladsen foran rådhuset på Lørdag 26. maj kl....

Så er der endelig ikke lang tid til at Lyngbys Torvemarked åbner. Kig forbi pladsen foran rådhuset på Lørdag 26. maj kl. 10. Her kan du købe lokale lækkerier med hjem eller bare nyde den gode stemning. Husk der er direkte tog fra København til Lyngby st. Torvet ligge overfor Lyngby Station. Så tag en tur ud af byen og besøg et ægte lokalt marked. Du vil ikke fortryde det!

There is a lot of life at Rungsted HarborThe harbor is always worth a visit. When the weather is good, there are plenty ...

There is a lot of life at Rungsted Harbor
The harbor is always worth a visit. When the weather is good, there are plenty of possibilities for outdoor activities and enjoying the delicious food served from one of the many restarants on the harbour. Just across from the harbour you will find Karen Blixens House and Garden and Bird Sanctuary.

Bellevue Strandbad/Beach is located at the Øresund coast only 10 km. north of Copenhagen. The Beach is a public beach, w...

Bellevue Strandbad/Beach is located at the Øresund coast only 10 km. north of Copenhagen. The Beach is a public beach, with about half a million visitors on only 700 meters of beach, Bellevue Beach is probably Denmark's most famous beach. The beach is artificially landscaped with a 20-40 meter wide sand belt and a large lawn. Enjoy a warm summerday at the beach far from the capital's noise and bustle. Take a dip in Øresund, play volleyball or just enjoy an ice cream with your loved ones.

Brede is a residential neighborhood in Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, located just north of Copenhagen. The settlement has...

Brede is a residential neighborhood in Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, located just north of Copenhagen. The settlement has arisen around Mølleåen, where water mills have been built far back in the Middle Ages. Due to the hydroelectric power along the Mølleåen in Brede, there have been different production companies in the area far back in time. From 1628, there has been a lot of herb, like copper works and from 1832 a clothing factory. Several of the original industrial buildings are now owned by the National Museum and constitute Brede Værk.
Near Brede is the Technical University of Denmark and the Frilands Museum.

Idag var jeg forbi Karen Blixen Museet. Skønt sted med en fabelagtig historie. Fra d. 25. april kan man opleve udstillin...

Idag var jeg forbi Karen Blixen Museet. Skønt sted med en fabelagtig historie. Fra d. 25. april kan man opleve udstillingen om Babette, fra Karen Blixens "Babettes Gæstebud". For første gang åbnes Karens Blixens Køkken for offentligheden og museets gæster kan se Blixens originale krystalglas og porcelæn, hendes kogebog og menuen fra “Babettes gæstebud”.

Eremitageslottet er bestemt et besøg værd. Husk at du kan kører hele vejen i bil hver onsdag hvor den røde port er åben....

Eremitageslottet er bestemt et besøg værd. Husk at du kan kører hele vejen i bil hver onsdag hvor den røde port er åben. Selve slottet har åbent for besøg fra 1. Juni til 31. August.

Did you miss the opportunity to visit the Garderhøjfortet duing the winter holiday? Dont worry it is open in the weekend...

Did you miss the opportunity to visit the Garderhøjfortet duing the winter holiday? Dont worry it is open in the weekend from 10:30. Entrance from Jægersborg Alle


Do you recognize him? He is our local painter in Lyngby, Jeppe Eisner. He lives just by the edge of Dyrehaven and you can visit his house on special occasions. He paints with an adventurous expression and you can find many of his paintings in . Have a good look around and you will find motives from Bakken, nature and deers from Dyrehaven and of riders from Galopbane.
If you are eager to learn how to make stunning masterpieces like Jeppe Eisner, he will teach the old techniques of painting at Vester Skerninge Kro in Fyn. There will be painted with both eggs and oil. Canvas, colors and staffelier are included for all participants. Sign up below!


Thanks to all who have liked this new site so far. You will find information on events and sights in North Copenhagen every day. The area has so much to offer. So we look forward to give you inspiring news on more enriching experiences and events. Hang in there and keep following 🙂


Are you looking for a destination that has it all? Only 20 min. from Copenhagen, you will find experiences from horseback riding, walks in the forrest, canoing on the lakes, visit the idustrial museum in Brede or how about going on a shopping spree on Lyngby Hovedgade. All just a short train ride away - get off at Lyngby station. See you!

Sailing, Canoeing, Walks in the forrest, Wild life in Dyrehaven, Castles and horseback riding is just some of the great ...

Sailing, Canoeing, Walks in the forrest, Wild life in Dyrehaven, Castles and horseback riding is just some of the great experiences that can be explored in North Copenhagen. Or how about taking a sailtrip to the little island Ven, which belongs to Sweden.


Carlshøjvej 43
Kongens Lyngby

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