Recumbent Adventure

Recumbent Adventure Recumbent Adventure! provides custom recumbent trike and velomobile tours through Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. Part-time hobby recumbent cycle-touring outfit.

Personalized cycle taxi tours around the city of Copenhagen are also available. Contact [email protected] for more info. Contact at least 2 months in advance for tour possibilities!

Shout out to anyone in the København area that has a car-and-trailer, or van/truck big enough to carry an old rickshaw f...

Shout out to anyone in the København area that has a car-and-trailer, or van/truck big enough to carry an old rickshaw from Køge to Skovlunde! Will pay for gas or buy you lunch or trade for my computer or drone services.

I have in mind a project to renovate the rickshaw into a recumbent rickshaw similar to what I had in the old days, but make this one more modular so it can be used as a cycle-taxi, cargo-transport, or even a camper. Will even offer a lifetime supply of free use or rides to anyone that can help me transport the rickshaw to my place in Skovlunde.

See photo attached of the donor rickshaw in red. I have 4 doner recumbents available that can be grafted/bolted to the frame quite easily.

For those of you that remember, I use to drive a custom made rickshaw with the awesome help of Hartmut Stockter many years ago, and I want to re-create the fun and spirit of that time - plus get some much needed exercise carting people around. :D


Want a great vlog/blog to pass the time on those long winter nights? Try JaYoe - Matt rides a recumbent trike from China to the US - the long way around.

Producing Videos about Travel, Food, and Adventure while I Roam the World


Happy Birthday to Carl Georg Rasmussen, developer of the Leitra velomobile and recumbent trike - may his legacy continue for years to come! At 83, he still rides ~50-60 km a day, and still out-paces people half his age. :D


(english translation after the break)

Flyvende start på forestillingen “Den lille prins” i Grønnegården, Designmuseets Have. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s historie om den nødlandede pilot i Sahara og hans møde med den lille prins.
Forestillingen løber tirsdag – søndag frem til 24. juli.

From: Anna Munk Ørstrøm Andersen
Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2016 12:49 PM
To: C. G. Rasmussen
Subject: Re: Leje af kabinecykel

Kære Carl Georg,

Jeg vil på vegne af Grønnegårds teateret, Den Danske Scenekunstskole og hele produktionen, gerne sige tusind tak for en herlig premiere, og vi håber meget, at du nød forestillingen.
Vi havde håbet, at kunne at takke dig personlig efter premieren igår, men det hele gik desværre lidt stærkt og før vi havde set os om, kunne vi ikke finde dig. Det beklager vi.

Den smukke sølvgrå velomobil passer simplenthen så flot ind i forestillingen, og publikum var vilde med den! Der var efterfølgende flere mennesker henne og ville have fotos af den.
Vi er meget stolte og beæret over at have haft muligheden for at låne den til denne forestilling. Tusind tak Carl Georg for dit flotte samarbejde og venlige væsen - det er vi meget taknemmelige for!

Jeg vedhæfter et billede fra forestillingen, som er produktionens favorit - et billede som viser velomobilens særlige virke som medspiller blandt hele holdet.

De bedste hilsner

Flying start on the play "The Little Prince" in Grønnegården, Design Museum Garden. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's story of the crash landed pilot in the Sahara and his meeting with the little prince.
The show runs Tuesday - Sunday until 24 July.

"Dear Carl Georg,

On behalf of Grønnegårds theater, The Danish Arts School and the entire production, like to say thank you for a wonderful premiere, and we very much hope that you enjoyed the show. We had hoped to be able to thank you personally at the premiere yesterday, but sadly we could not find you. We regret.

The beautiful silver gray velomobile worked just so beautifully into the show, and the audience loved it! Subsequently there were several people who wanted photos of it.

We are very proud and honored to have had the opportunity to borrow it for this performance. Thanks Carl Georg for your splendid cooperation and friendly nature - we are very grateful!

I am attaching a picture from the show, which is production favorite - a picture showing velomobilens special act as a partner among the whole team.

Best greetings, Anne"

David De Regibus and C.G. Rasmussen of Leitra Velomobiles will begin their velomobile tour to SPEZI 2016 in Germersheim,...

David De Regibus and C.G. Rasmussen of Leitra Velomobiles will begin their velomobile tour to SPEZI 2016 in Germersheim, Germany on 14th of April. For those that want to join the tour along the way, connect with us at the Velomobile Eurotours forum at

Leitra can be found at SPEZI 2016 in the open air exhibition area in front of the main hall. C. G. Rasmussen will give a talk on “Practical Velomobiles” on Saturday April 23rd, 11-12 AM.

Home › Forums › 2016 SPEZI tour – Copenhagen to Germersheim (and back) This forum contains 2 topics and 12 replies, and was last updated by Jimm 1 week, 1 day ago. Viewing 2 top…


Happy birthday to Carl Georg Rasmussen, 80 years young, builder of the Leitra velomobile.


Had to scour the user profiles for info, as no-one appears to have uploaded any info on their own.   Found John/Warekiwi's RideWithGPS user account, and notice that he arrived in Halmstad today.  H...





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