HypnoBirthing is a complete birth education programme, that teaches simple but specific self hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques for a better birth. HypnoBirthing is much more than just self hypnosis or hypnotherapy for childbirth. With HypnoBirthing, you'll discover that severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labour. In class you'll learn how to release the fears and anxiet
ies you may currently have about giving birth, and how to overcome previous traumatic births. HypnoBirthing lets you discover and experience the joy and magic of birth - most importantly, you'll learn how to put yourself back in control of your birth - rather than blindly turning your birthing experience over to your doctor or midwife. HypnoBirthing doesn't mean you'll be in a trance or a sleep. Rather, you'll be able to chat, and be and in good spirits - totally relaxed, but fully in control. You'll always be aware of what is happening to you, and around you. HypnoBirthing doesn't require any particular belief system, or prior experience. Some of our mums (and especially their husbands!) have been very sceptical at first - until they experience it for themselves. In short, HypnoBirthing allows you to experience birth in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear and tension that prevents the birthing muscles of your body from functioning as Nature intended them to.