Odense based Hypnobirthing - Birth by Nature

Odense based Hypnobirthing - Birth by Nature HypnoBirthing practitioner working on fyn and jylland. Calm birth for you and your baby What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing is a complete birth education programme, that teaches simple but specific self hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques for a better birth. HypnoBirthing is much more than just self hypnosis or hypnotherapy for childbirth. With HypnoBirthing, you'll discover that severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labour. In class you'll learn how to release the fears and anxiet

ies you may currently have about giving birth, and how to overcome previous traumatic births. HypnoBirthing lets you discover and experience the joy and magic of birth - most importantly, you'll learn how to put yourself back in control of your birth - rather than blindly turning your birthing experience over to your doctor or midwife. HypnoBirthing doesn't mean you'll be in a trance or a sleep. Rather, you'll be able to chat, and be and in good spirits - totally relaxed, but fully in control. You'll always be aware of what is happening to you, and around you. HypnoBirthing doesn't require any particular belief system, or prior experience. Some of our mums (and especially their husbands!) have been very sceptical at first - until they experience it for themselves. In short, HypnoBirthing allows you to experience birth in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear and tension that prevents the birthing muscles of your body from functioning as Nature intended them to.

Childbirth: Normal Vaginal Delivery – Medical Online


Childbirth: Normal Vaginal Delivery September 28, 2018 Admin Uncategorized What is normal vaginal delivery? Normal vaginal birth is the childbirth process which takes place without any form of medical intervention. Nowadays to alleviate the pain and speed up the delivery process medications might be...

Midwifery News

Midwifery News

Something Special Is Happening In Maternity Care In East London - The Country Should Take Note

Monet Nicole - Birthing Stories

Brilliant to see focus on the Dads too!

To all the fathers in the world. Thank you. I had the honor of editing this beautiful collection of birth clips from birth photographers around the world. And yes...I even make a short cameo with my sweet husband! www.birthbecomesher.com

Midwifery News

Really interesting to see the new ways we are trying to make birth more calm regardless of the path it takes

Having a 'natural' C-section is better for baby and mum


Timeline Photos

joyful talks

Hear a little bit more about HypnoBirthing and why I moved to Odense! Interview with the brilliant Joyful Talks

This time last year was a lot about finishing studies. With time topics moved on to job search, and now it is the season of marriages and babies! A couple of weeks ago I've met Christina - a mother of two, who shared her experience with giving birth. From London to Odense and here she is - willing to help other mothers to give birth easily. It was completely new for me, what about you?

Birth Becomes Her

Incredible....the moment you become a mother

In honor of mothers around the world, Birth Becomes Her compiled these authentic and powerful moments of women meeting their babies for the very first time. No matter where you give birth or how you welcome your baby into your life, your story is beautiful. Tag a mother or a woman you love. We're all in this together.

To see a whole collection of Mom Meeting Baby Images visit www.birthbecomesher.com

Evidence on: Failure to Progress

Nature doesn't follow a predetermined time scale...

Did you know that Failure to Progress is an outdated term that refers to slow labor? Unfortunately, it's still the most common reason for an unplanned Cesarean today.

A midwife led programme is saving women from huge injuries during childbirth

This is great news! Breath your baby down

There are plenty of old wives' tales and misconceptions about childbirth - the most enduring of which being that women in labour need to push. But a new midwife-led programme is working to dispel this myth by encouraging women to slow down during delivery and consider alternative positions.

Doula Mama Christina

Learn more about hypnobirthing and my journey to becoming a practitioner and thank you to the brilliant Mama Christina Doula for inviting me!

Da jeg fødte min yngste datter Alma Olivia, var det med en ro og et overskud der stadig nu her flere år efter sidder som en evig glædelig energikilde. Og da jeg på det tidspunkt boede i Florida USA, stod det ikke ligefrem i kortene at jeg som 42-årig 3. gangsfødende, kunne vælge frit hvordan jeg ønskede at føde mit barn. Det kan lyde helt vanvittigt for os danskere at blive umyndiggjort på den måde men jer der har boet i USA kender det muligvis selv alt for godt.

Jeg ville lyve hvis jeg sagde at jeg var 100% rolig og sikker hele vejen igennem de samtaler jeg havde med forskellige gynækologer (det er meget normalt at en OB/gyn er fødselshjælper over there), og jeg havde kvalme hver gang jeg kom hjem fra endnu en undersøgelse af mig og mit sunde ufødte barn.

Men jeg takker for al den modstand jeg mødte nu, for det gjorde mig blot endnu mere bevidst i min søgen efter min helt egen indre følelse af at fødslen var min og mit barns.

Lang historie kort, så fandt jeg Palms Birthhouse, de mest vidunderlige jordemødre, konceptet Doula og derigennem blev jeg introduceret til HypnoBirthing.

Det er i sin enkelthed så fint et koncept man kan sammensætte efter behov.

Da Christina Dee, HypnoBirth practitioner kontaktede mig her i Danmark for at spørge om deltagelse i mit tv-program Doula, var det derfor temmelig let for mig at sige: Yes please.

Igår aftes blev programmet sendt første gang på Kanal 1, så nu er det frigivet på nettet.

Hermed programmet om HypnoBirthing:


Doula TV with Mama Christina Doula | Birth By Nature

If you want to find out more about hypnobirthing; what it is, how it works and why it is so brilliant, you can see my interview with Mama christina doula.


Christina herself is a very amazing woman with many years experience working with mums-to-be, she is a strong advocate of the positive birth movement and is working hard to show women the choices they have in relation to their birth.

Doula TV with Mama Christina Doula | Birth By Nature

If you want to know more about HypnoBirthing; what it is, how it's works and why it's so brilliant then you can watch my interview with the brilliant Mama Christina Doula here!


Christina herself is a very amazing woman with many years experience working with mums-to-be, she is a strong advocate of the positive birth movement and is working hard to show women the choices they have in relation to their birth.

Should More Women Give Birth Outside The Hospital?

Definitely worth a read...had my daughter at home, amazing to just curl up in bed with her once she was born, no hospitals just home

The British medical system says healthy women with normal pregnancies should give birth at home or in a midwife-led facility. But 99 percent of babies in the U.S. are born in hospitals.


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