
goAgile Helping you transform your organization so that you are able to anchor the change is what goAgile is all about.

Our advisors will support you through the process - taking a pragmatic approach to new ways of working resulting in achieving your goals. Getting the most out of organizational transformations requires being more pragmatic than just focusing on methodologies. Rather than force certain practices, our approach to transformations is centered on these four goAgile Involve & Engage Principles™: Underst

and together, Plan together, Demonstrate results frequently + feedback, and Reflect together to learn & improve. Using your strategic ambitions as our guide, we will:

-Work with you to develop a dynamic plan to help you reach your goals.
-Recommend approaches to fit where your organization and people are right now.
-Inspect and adjust the plan together with you to best support you as you continue your transformation journey.
-Guide and support you as your people gain experience and expertise, thereby spreading new ways of working faster, and anchoring the transformation in your organization. Our experience proves that this pragmatic, one-step-at-a-time transformation approach works - enabling your organization to create lasting change.

Så er vi på bogforum hele weekenden 🌸

Så er vi på bogforum hele weekenden 🌸


Hej med jer.
Er der nogen der trænger til at deltage på et fysisk Leading SAFe 5.1 her den 1+2 juni, så skriv endelig til os 😃
[email protected]

It is almost spring and Easter🌿🌳We are looking forward to more sun 🤩🐣🌻🌞 and to send these out 🎍

It is almost spring and Easter🌿🌳
We are looking forward to more sun 🤩🐣🌻🌞 and to send these out 🎍

Do you want to join us for next weeks webinar?"Why fear of failure stops innovation & what you can do"Click here and sig...

Do you want to join us for next weeks webinar?
"Why fear of failure stops innovation & what you can do"
Click here and sign up. We are looking forward to seeing you https://www.togetherthebook.com/

How leaders involve & engage people to get great things done - Together

Come join us later today at Jenni's webinar Stop giving feedbackhttps://togetherthebook.com/

Come join us later today at Jenni's webinar
Stop giving feedback


How leaders involve & engage people to get great things done - Together

Want to dig deeper into feedback? Join me on May 20th for a free webinar exploring how to create an ask-for-feedback min...

Want to dig deeper into feedback? Join me on May 20th for a free webinar exploring how to create an ask-for-feedback mindset. Sign up here: https://lnkd.in/dhbb-gH hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag

Hvis du har dagen fri i morgen og trænger til en oplevelse i Wien 😃🌞https://agiletourvienna.at/

Hvis du har dagen fri i morgen og trænger til en oplevelse i Wien 😃🌞


The Agile Tour Vienna is a non-profit event that aims at bringing together experts, practioners and everybody else who is interested in agile software development. The main conference language is German but we welcome talks in English and are looking forward to an exchange with international partici...

👋Har du, en ven eller en kollega lyst til at komme på vores super kursus i Agil projektledelse med Ole Jepsen, så er der...

👋Har du, en ven eller en kollega lyst til at komme på vores super kursus i Agil projektledelse med Ole Jepsen, så er der her en fantastisk chance☺️
Vi afholder kurset på Fyn den 29+30 april og 1. maj.
I kan se mere her: https://goagile.dk/kurser/agil-projektledelse/
Prisen vil være reduceret i forhold til vores normale åbne kurser og der er mulighed for rabat, hvis I kommer flere sammen.

Lær om faciltiering, lederskab, arbejdsglæde, positiv psykologi og forandrings ledelse i Agil Projektledelse. Læs hele kursusbeskrivelsen her.


Skrevet af: Monica Christensen, Anders Murmann og Jenni Jepsen Det er med stor glæde at Mentorix kan annoncere vores nye samarbejde med goAgile, som styrker vores agile profil, og tilfører unikke nye kurser til vores portefølje. Vi tilbyder fremover kurser i SAFe og agilt lederskab i samarbejde m...

We’re happy to announce that we in goAgile have partnered with , an officially accredited training organization, to deli...

We’re happy to announce that we in goAgile have partnered with , an officially accredited training organization, to deliver training courses in Leading SAFe® 4.6, Agile Project Leadership, and Product Ownership 360. We’ve been so fortunate to have so many great people attend our training courses – and so appreciate the top marks we’ve received – and working with Mentorix will enable us to reach even more people.

For those of you who are new to Mentorix, the folks there live their motto: “Moving Minds,” helping people increase their competencies at the project/team, program and portfolio levels. Mentorix is accredited by EXIN, PeopleCert, ScrumStudy and APMG. Mentorix offers many courses in other project management disciplines, as well. Check them out at www.mentorix.dk.


Krogager 4



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