Mød os på “Det Gamle Værft” i Ærøskøbing
The first one is born.
#permaculture #vitsøhus #afarmforthefuture #ærø #spelsau #sheep
Each one of the have now been breeding their period of time. Tomorrow we will have ducklings all over.
#vitsøhus #ducks #ducklings #rounclaire #runnerducks #duckforchristmas #permaculture #permakulturdanmark #breedingducks
Leveringstur til Bølgemose.
#vitsøhus #bølgemose #permakultur #mgbgt #permaculturegarden #visitærø #visitdenmark #altervandvedsidenafærø #veteranbil #mg #ærø
Waiting on the Ferry after 750 km on the road today. Now discussing names.
#visitaeroe #altervandvedsidenafærø #permakultur #visitdenmark #permaculturegarden #visitærø #vitsøhus #siam #siameser #cat #kat #katze
#waiting #slowliving
Loki, knittingwool in his beutiful grey just arrived in our shop. #alpaca #alpaka #vitsøhus #permaculture #permakulturdanmark #visitaeroe #visitærø #slowliving #permaculturegarden #ediblegarden #landcenter #permakulturlandcenter
Indian runner ducks on duty :-)
#indianeunnerducks #vitsøhus #permaculture #permakulturdanmark #slowliving #permaculturegarden #ediblegarden #slugeradicators #brightmorning
Misty morning at Vitsø #vitsøhus #goose #misty morning #vitsø # ærø
With SegwayÆrø on tour along Vitsø
Another fine tour along Vitsø today ... we were lucky to spot the white-tailed eagle in a tree.
Duckweed bruschetta .... an experiment. Very tasty.
Vitsø turen
It's just the right weather for a Segway tour along Vitsø! For booking call Morten: +4525644003
It is pure happyness to eat strawberrys with the lamb!
Vitsøhus Permakultur - Paradis Haver
Sommeren er over os! Paradis haverne emmer af skønhed.
Mange af vores 160 roser blomstrer ... duftene kan nydes i haven ;-)
Oplev vores alpakaer, får, lam, kyllinger og løbeænder med ællinger på en tur i haverne eller på en natur-audio-tur hvor der fortælles om permakultur principperne og deres anvendelse anskueliggøres i haverne.
Lamb born 04.04.16
Lamb born 04.04.16
Cosmos & Bella
Google is amazing!
We are looking forward to the day the Slug eradicaters (Indian runner Ducks) are to big for the cat and we can let them out of the playpen to do their job. Here they got 1 Litre of slugs for breakfast. They can be seen on a audio-tour at Vitsøhus permaculture gardens
14 Slug eradicaters (Indian runner Ducks) arrived at Vitsøhus yesterday. They seem to be happy getting out of the cardboard box, after a long trip. See them and the othter animals on a guided tour in our permaculture garden. Open from 12.00 - 17.00 Tuesday Closed!