
Vitsøhus Summer Cottage at the Permaculture Garden

Permaculture Garden and LANDCenter • SegwayÆrø
Forest Garden, more than 150 medicinal plants and herbs, over 130 varieties of roses, old forgotten plant varieties. Vegetables, fruit, salad, potatoes
Microclimate zone with lakes
Vegeterian café and soup restaurant
Shop for herbs and garden accessories, vintage glass and ceramics
Audio tours in the permaculture garden and Seminars
Segway tours in the area arround Vitsøhus or on Denmark longest Nature track.


Mød os på “Det Gamle Værft” i Ærøskøbing


Regeringen og dens støttepartier lægger op til, at staten skal opkøbe store landbrugsarealer til skovplantning. En del af disse bør reserveres til fødevareproducerende skovlandbrug. Og så bør man styrke incitamentet til at lave landbrug, der modvirker klimaforandringerne, skriver Mira Illeris...

Rosa multiflora: one of the most impressing ancient wild rose that had a big influence on our modern roses and a strong ...

Rosa multiflora: one of the most impressing ancient wild rose that had a big influence on our modern roses and a strong connection to Svend Poulsen’s breeding. If you are curious to get to know more about the plant that lives on earth longer than mankind, you are welcome to join Petra’s Historical Rose Tour on the 23rd of June 15:00

Our large rose, 3 meter high Ø 7 meter

Our large rose, 3 meter high Ø 7 meter

Two Boys ... so far!

Two Boys ... so far!


The first one is born.

Roses and more at Vitsøhus!                       @ Vitsøhus

Roses and more at Vitsøhus!
@ Vitsøhus

An evening walk trough the Paradise Garden                       #

An evening walk trough the Paradise Garden

A meal from Petra’s home Region Hessen, Potatoes with “grūne Soße” al from our garden.

A meal from Petra’s home Region Hessen, Potatoes with “grūne Soße” al from our garden.


Each one of the have now been breeding their period of time. Tomorrow we will have ducklings all over.

Morning on the Alpaca field.

Morning on the Alpaca field.

After long day of playing, Momo and Paw take a nap in the last stripes of sun in the windowsill.

After long day of playing, Momo and Paw take a nap in the last stripes of sun in the windowsill.


Leveringstur til Bølgemose.


Waiting on the Ferry after 750 km on the road today. Now discussing names.

We have reached Kassel on our way home to Ærø with these two beauties.                 @ Vitsøhus

We have reached Kassel on our way home to Ærø with these two beauties.
@ Vitsøhus

Inspiration tour to Bingen!

Inspiration tour to Bingen!

Some pics of Max, he is doing fine.

Some pics of Max, he is doing fine.

Around midday this little stallion named Max was born.

Around midday this little stallion named Max was born.


Loki, knittingwool in his beutiful grey just arrived in our shop.


Indian runner ducks on duty :-)

Pure wool!

Pure wool!

Så er kan der igen genres møg på Vitsøhus.

Så er kan der igen genres møg på Vitsøhus.

Vi sælger ud af vores alpaka møg. Også kaldet “Golden Nuggets”2 kr. pr. Kg. Det kan afhentes Fredag den 29.03 mellem kl....

Vi sælger ud af vores alpaka møg. Også kaldet “Golden Nuggets”
2 kr. pr. Kg.
Det kan afhentes Fredag den 29.03 mellem kl. 12-15.
Medbring egnede spande, baljer eller trailer.
Alpaka møg har det højeste indhold af NPK af alle naturlige gødningsprodukter. N-P-K-Værdierne er (1.7-0.69-1.2).
I kraft af en meget lille andel af organisk materiale sammenlignet med anden husdyrgødning (ko, hest, ged, får og høns) er der et højere indhold af næringsstoffer som har jordstruktur forbedrende egenskaber der hjælper med at holde på vandet.

Den lavere andel af organisk materiale gør det muligt at andvende alpaka møg direkte på/ved planterne uden at de svides.

• et naturligt og lokalt produkt
• biologisk NPK-Gødning
• lugter ikke – kan med fordel
anvendes indendørs eller i
plantekrukker på terrassen.
• Ingen svidning af planterne
• velegnet til følsomme planter, Roser,
eller i køkkenhaven og drivhuset.

Guess a fruit? Grown here at Vitsøhus, our first harvest.

Guess a fruit? Grown here at Vitsøhus, our first harvest.


Misty morning at Vitsø morning # ærø

Joy is a “fresh” Christmas tree!

Joy is a “fresh” Christmas tree!

Feeding time!

Feeding time!


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Holiday houses

at the Vitsøhus Permaculture Garden ... Forest Garden, more than 150 medicinal plants and herbs, over 170 varieties of roses, old forgotten plant varieties. Vegetables, fruit, salad, potatoes Microclimate zone with ponds and a fantastic view over Vitsø!

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