Hytek A/S

Hytek A/S Service provider in hydraulic/mechanical systems and weldment solutions Hytek A/S is a strong and reliable partner and problem solver for the industry.

Innovation and creativity are our keywords, and we take pride in creating customized hydraulic/mechanical solutions that generate results and accelerate the development of our customers. Our team embraces a wide range of motivated employees, each with their own specialty, with strong competencies and great commitment. We believe in sharing our knowledge and continuously training and updating our s

kills. Hytek A/S is based in northern Denmark, but we do not allow ourselves to be limited by geography. We offer our services anywhere in the world and have extensive experience working onsite and across cultural divides. Our facilities and workshops can handle large items and we have a large flexible and mobile machinery. Hytek A/S is an experienced service provider for all industries, that easily adapts work and responsibilities, whether as a general contractor or subcontractor.

One of two Ice booms has today been ready for delivery. Here, our driver Per runs the truck-handling, and makes sure, th...

One of two Ice booms has today been ready for delivery. Here, our driver Per runs the truck-handling, and makes sure, that the booms and cylinders are safely delivered to our customer.

Ice booms (in danish: Isgalger)

🏭 https://hytek.dk/

Two thrusters - where last week fully repaired and are back at work.The welding of ice-booms or ice-davits (in danish “i...

Two thrusters - where last week fully repaired and are back at work.
The welding of ice-booms or ice-davits (in danish “is-galger) is now underway in our maritime workshop💥💥💥

🏭 https://hytek.dk/

I Hytek har vi mange alsidige projekter - vi søger lige nu en medarbejder med maskinmesteruddannelsen, og som har flair ...

I Hytek har vi mange alsidige projekter - vi søger lige nu en medarbejder med maskinmesteruddannelsen, og som har flair for hydraulik.
Hent stillingsopslag via hjemmesiden: https://hytek.dk/da/career/

Har du spørgsmål omkring stillingen, er du altid velkommen til at fange vores HR Manager Caroline Skjoldborg på tlf.: dir. +45 3017 3958

We've just worked on this hydraulic cylinder for a mobil crane, stroke: 11.5 m – that needed overhaul and the piston rod...

We've just worked on this hydraulic cylinder for a mobil crane, stroke: 11.5 m – that needed overhaul and the piston rod to be rechromed.

At Hytek, the large dimensions are welcome. We have plenty of them! and facilities in both Frederikshavn and Sindal.

Please call us📱+45 98 93 69 44 -📥[email protected]


✔️ Hydraulic and mechanical systems
✔️ Hydraulic cylinders
✔️ CNC precision work
✔️ Steel-Iron-Metal constructions
✔️ Product development and design
✔️ Lifeboats, davits and release gear
✔️ Marine cranes and lifting gear
✔️ Repair and overhaul of cranes and mechanical/hydraulic constructions
✔️ Annual and 5-yearly inspection of LA and LSA equipment
✔️ Large flexible machinepark in context of subcontracting work

More about Hytek A/S here: WWW.HYTEK.DK


Goodbye 2024💨 Hello 2025INFO meeting about our current and upcoming orders for the rest of the winter📥Our dedicated empl...

Goodbye 2024💨 Hello 2025
INFO meeting about our current and upcoming orders for the rest of the winter📥
Our dedicated employees are ready for them all!💪


To our appreciated customers, partners, suppliers and friends, at home and abroad🌐 We send you all warm wishes for a Mer...

To our appreciated customers, partners, suppliers and friends, at home and abroad🌐 We send you all warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🌠

Juleafslutning- og sidste arbejdsdag! før højtid og helligdage sætter ind, og julefreden kan sænke sig🌟🎄🎁Vi åbner op ige...

- og sidste arbejdsdag! før højtid og helligdage sætter ind, og julefreden kan sænke sig🌟🎄🎁

Vi åbner op igen d. 6. januar 2025. Men som altid, trækker enkelte af os i arbejdstøjet dagene imellem, og holder servicegryden i kog💪🏭
Ring blot til os på📱+45 9893 6944.

God Jul og godt Nytår allesammen🌠

Nyt år - nyt job?  📣 Vi søger uddannede friske skibsmontører, til at hjælpe os, pt. i Hyteks maritime afdeling i Frederi...

Nyt år - nyt job? 📣 Vi søger uddannede friske skibsmontører, til at hjælpe os, pt. i Hyteks maritime afdeling i Frederikshavn.
Hent stillingsopslag via hjemmesiden: https://hytek.dk/da/career/

Har du spørgsmål omkring stillingen, er du altid velkommen til at fange vores HR Manager Caroline Skjoldborg på tlf.: dir. +45 3017 3958

Metal Vendsyssel Techcollege - Metal & Konstruktion

We are proud to announce that Hytek-apprentice Emil Væhrens-Mygind, has today performed and successfully passed the appr...

We are proud to announce that Hytek-apprentice Emil Væhrens-Mygind, has today performed and successfully passed the apprenticeship examination for Industrial technicians💪⚙️
From all of us at Hytek, lots of CONGRATULATIONS goes to Emil🇩🇰🥂🍾Well done!👌
All success and best wishes for the future.

Udenfor: regn og råkoldt decembervejr☔️ - indenfor: sild, snaps og lune fiskefileter🐟 samt et Hytekselskab i julehumør🍻🎄...

Udenfor: regn og råkoldt decembervejr☔️ - indenfor: sild, snaps og lune fiskefileter🐟 samt et Hytekselskab i julehumør🍻🎄
Tak igen i år! til for dejlig mad og altid god service 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


🏭In the workshop today, Per did some machining of a bearing seat in a gearbox.

More about Hytek services👉https://hytek.dk/

A giant 7.5 ton winch is currently in the workshop for overhaul. Here, Emil is busy dismantling for further processing🛠️...

A giant 7.5 ton winch is currently in the workshop for overhaul. Here, Emil is busy dismantling for further processing🛠️⚙️ Then it will quickly be back to work on the trawler⛴️


In the workshop, we are once again in the process of assembling the solution we called “ROV Service Unit”. For this customer we're working on both a stationary and afterwards a mobile solution.
The system, that maintain and keep your oil clean and free of seawater, is designed and prepared and assembled in Hytek, by our skilled duo of engineers specializing in construction and electricity Richard Jakobsen and Benny Højvælde.

More about this solution👉 https://hytek.dk/marine/hytek-rov-service-unit/

🌟 Celebrating a Successful Partnership! 🌟We’re thrilled to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the team at Plant Supervisi...

🌟 Celebrating a Successful Partnership! 🌟
We’re thrilled to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the team at Plant Supervision for their exceptional collaboration with Hytek A/S during the installation of two shiploaders in Tanzania, Africa.

This project was a significant endeavor, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the professionalism, dedication, and expertise that Plant Supervision brought to every phase of the process. Together, we overcame challenges and met project milestones with efficiency and precision, setting a new standard for operational excellence.

A huge thanks to everyone involved for their hard work and commitment. We’re proud to have partnered with such a skilled team, and we look forward to future opportunities to build on this success together.

Special thanks to Jacob Peter Jørgensen Plant Supervision

A super happy Christoffer Jarding has today performed and passed the marine fitters' apprenticeship examination. From al...

A super happy Christoffer Jarding has today performed and passed the marine fitters' apprenticeship examination. From all of us at Hytek we send Christoffer lots of CONGRATULATIONS!🇩🇰🎉Well done - and enjoy the celebration tonight!


It happens that we get quite special plants in for overhaul.
This summer an Oil Skimmer came through our maritime workshop.

🛠At the system we performed:
Central lubrication – Overhaul manoeuvring valve – Check of power-pack – General maintenance⚙️⚙️

About Oil Skimmers:
In Denmark, as in many other countries, oil skimmers are primarily used by environmental ships for the following purposes:

1. Oil spill capture: Oil skimmers are designed to remove oil from the sea surface, which is crucial in the event of accidents such as oil spills from ships or oil rigs. This helps to minimize environmental damage to the ocean and coastlines.

2. Pollution prevention: Oil skimmers can also be used proactively in areas where there is a risk of oil spills, such as at ports and oil terminals. This helps to prevent the spread of oil and protects the local marine environment.

3. Maintaining the marine environment: They are also used in more like routine tasks such as maintaining clean water around ships' berths and industrial areas where oil can leak into the water.

4. Preparedness and exercises: Oil skimmers are also used in emergency drills for training personnel and testing equipment so that they are ready to handle real spill incidents effectively.

Overall, oil skimmers play a vital role in protecting the marine environment from pollution and ensuring that accidental oil spills are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

Her lidt indtryk fra Den Maritime Karriere Dag som fandt sted i går på Frederikshavn Havn. I Hytek ser vi altid frem til...

Her lidt indtryk fra Den Maritime Karriere Dag som fandt sted i går på Frederikshavn Havn. I Hytek ser vi altid frem til at vise de unge studerende, hvad der sker i vores værksteder.
Søren og Christoffer viste eleverne, hvordan vi trykker slanger, bruger faldseler og hvordan davider virker når man skal hejse en redningsbåd i vandet.
De blev vist rundt i værkstedet og blev sat ind i, hvor stærke kræfter der er i det testværktøj vi arbejder med samt hvordan vi laver udregninger på de emner vi skal skifte eller reparere.
Nogle prøvede at tykke en slange - andre prøvede en faldsele og på Martec´område fik de unge lov til at hejse en redningsbåd i og op af vandet.
Vi håber at vi i Hytek har givet de unge et interessant indblik i vores maritime verden⚓️🛟⛴

Find the maritime delegation from Frederikshavn at the SMM Hamburg Exhibition  - stand no. 101 Hall B1.Our Managing Dire...

Find the maritime delegation from Frederikshavn at the SMM Hamburg Exhibition - stand no. 101 Hall B1.
Our Managing Director Johnny Hauberg and Team Manager Alexander Juhl Nielsen, are ready to welcome all visitors that may be interested in our offers for the maritime industry. They will be very pleased to profile Hytek for you and your company🏭

Our co-exhibitors:
Cralog Academy & Statutory inspections Norisol Orskov Yard A/S Scanel International

We all look forward to wellcome you!🤝


✔️ Hydraulic and mechanical systems
✔️ CNC precision work
✔️ Steel-Iron-Metal-Titanium constructions
✔️ Product development and design
✔️ Lifeboats, davits and release gear
✔️ Marine cranes and lifting gear
✔️ Repair and overhaul of cranes and mechanical/hydraulic constructions
✔️ Annual and 5-yearly inspection of LA and LSA equipment
✔️ Large flexible machinepark in context of subcontracting work

More about us: 🏭 https://hytek.dk/


Virkelystvej 6


Mandag 07:00 - 15:00
Tirsdag 07:00 - 15:00
Onsdag 07:00 - 15:00
Torsdag 07:00 - 15:00
Fredag 07:00 - 14:30

Internet side



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