After six very long and frustrating years, our film production team, along with MotoCaribe, finally earned our Provisional Film Permit from the Dominican Film Commission approving our Two Wheels in Paradise-Hispaniola documentary project as a "National Brand", thus eligible for tax credit financing from local taxpayers and corporations.
This is a HUGE accomplishment for our team. We could have given up long ago, but hung in, worked hard, and did what many thought was somewhere between impossible and a pipe dream.
We celebrate today, but tomorrow go back to work to make TWIP happen and come alive on a cable channel or streaming service in the future.
So congrats to the entire TWIP team! You guys are amazing!
Stay tuned for news about the upcoming MotoCaribe tour season. Come on down, and when Two Wheels in Paradise-Hispaniola hits your media player, you can say "I was THERE!"