Security Committee -Costambar

Security Committee -Costambar Improve Security and Safety in Costambar , Puerto Plata , by raising money to purchase uniforms, boots, radios, and maintain security infrastructure.

We raise money every year , here in Costambar to improve security for all . We are an " independent " committee , and we meet monthly , during the high season . Ours suggested " dues " are 7200 pesos per year, but we accept any amount from anybody , and dues are strictly voluntary .

the  50/50  Raffle  winner  is  :  Nancy Bruno !    The drawing was  held at the security committee  meeting  yesterday ...

the 50/50 Raffle winner is : Nancy Bruno ! The drawing was held at the security committee meeting yesterday . Thank you to Carol Cormier , Marylyn Scott , and Sue Conrad for selling $ 180,000 pesos of tickets .. the winner receives $ 90,000 pesos . The proceeds will go to a new camera system for the entry of Costambar


The Costambar Security Committee will hold their March meeting next Friday March 24th @ 9 am at Seahorse Condos .

The 50/50 Raffle drawing will be held, and the " pot " is approaching $ 160,000 pesos !! ( to benefit new camera systems in Costambar )

So you will want to attend , and purchase last minute tickets to increase your chances of winning ..

Updates on plans and spending will be presented .

Coffee and goodies will be served .


Costambar Security

The Security Committee will have their 1st meeting of the year , this Friday , January 20th , 9:00 am at Seahorse Condos . Last years financial report will be shown, this years wish list will be presented, dues will be collected , and as always the floor will be opened for comments and questions . All are welcome to come to Seahorse Condos 9:00 am this Friday the 20th , coffee and other goodies will be served .


The Security Committee continues to raise funds for our annual Xmas basket gifts to our guards, and their Xmas party . If you would like to help , you can pledge @ [email protected] or drop off a gift at the APC office 9-3 . 2000 pesos is the " suggested " gift , but any amount will be appreciated !

*******Christmas Basket " Canasta " fund raising for our Security Guards in Costambar ****** Security Committee Costamba...

*******Christmas Basket " Canasta " fund raising for our Security Guards in Costambar ****** Security Committee Costambar

Canasta fund raising/ Xmas party :

For a number of years , the Security Committee has raised funds and accepted " pledges " for the annual Xmas basket fund, and Christmas Party , that we are planning to have on December 15th of this year .

Past years our suggested donation has been $ 2,000 pesos , however, we would be happy to accept , any amount from anybody!

Our guards have worked very hard , in harsh conditions the past several years , ( pandemic , higher crime rates etc. )

They deserve that we provide a nice traditional Dominican Canasta , Christmas Basket for them and their families. * please see photos of last years Xmas Party and Canastas Construction . We went more " practical " the last few years and added , Laundry Detergent , sponges, napkins, milk & frosted flakes, tuna , pastas , and beans, and more food to our baskets *

Pledges or Donations can be given at [email protected] or by calling 809-844-0684

You can also leave a donation at the APC office 9-3 Monday -Friday .

We hope you will help us with this important fund raising event !

[email protected] or by calling 809-844-0684

Securely yours , Security Committee -Costambar


Last evening , our security motor patrol encountered a suspicious man , without a shirt, who’s actions did not seem correct . While detaining him, the APC security casita received a call from a Costambar resident , that they had an attempted break in . The casita radioed our motor patrol . The suspect matched the video , and the PN was called and the suspect arrested! This was excellent coordination and ex*****on by our APC security, keeping Costambar safer .


Costambar APC security would like to know if anyone can identify this person who stole a large pot this am in Costsmbar, please share , and we hope we can get a leed .


Costambar security wants to question this couple in connection to a theft in Costambar, at 4:30 pm today . ( please share this )

Today the security committee is painting “ yellow “ in our entry casita

Today the security committee is painting “ yellow “ in our entry casita


Security Committee Meeting , at Seahorse Condos , This Friday February 18th at 9:00 am Guest Speaker , New APC President Jorge Fernandez , will speak on the current security situation in Costambar, and plans for this year and beyond . We will collect donations for the committte's work and Cake and Coffee will be served ! Hope to see you ......there .........


Greetings Security Committee Members & the Community :

We have had several break ins , burglaries and robberies .

Last night , in the Italian Village there was a robbery .

We have obtained information that a neighbor to this residence, believed this past Monday an intruder was at their property , ( adjacent ) but the owners dog apparently ? scared the thief away .

There have been other recent reports of other property crimes. One party did not want to report the crime to the PN the Police as they were told nothing would come of it . ( however Lt. Rolando is very suspicious of an " inside job " )

We recommend , the same things we have recommended before :

1) Make sure all you doors are locked and metal is locked .
2) If you have security lighting , use it .
3) Many walls are constructed so low , they will not stop anybody consider raising perimeter wall heights .
4) Have tall grass cut, if possible if your property touches an overgrown lot . ( there is many of these in Costambar now )
5) Share a trusted Security Guard with your neighbors , and If you have a Security Guard , do what you can to insure they are not sleeping .
6) Report any suspicious activity to Costambar Security at 809-970-7015 or the APC office 809-970-7877
7) Add a Security Camera system , and buy the best system you can , cameras are a real deterrent.
8) When planning a trip into town, go on days that there is a cruise ship , as Tourism adds 250 police or military .
9) If you live in a " complex " meet and budget for a security camera system and provide whatever infrastructure is needed .

The suspect in last nights robbery is : About 5'7" in Height, medium skinned Dominican , blue jeans, white and bright yellow polo shirt , If anybody yesterday recalled seeing anybody that matches this description , please let us know .

We will investigate several cameras systems we are aware are near this area . We also had a meeting to discuss that , the Security Commitee approved in prior years, paying for information that will lead to the arrest of the correct suspects .

The Security Committee has planned to place more security camera systems in Costambar . Right now we have 2 systems at the APC office we have purchased and maintained, and 1 and Rofiasa , 1 at Jenny's Market , one at the construction gate, and of course our main system at the main gate . We need more systems , however, we need more money !! ( our revenues were down $ 200,000 pesos last year ) .

We are planning to organize meetings with CESTUR and the PN to see if we can get more protection than they are providing now .

We believe these robberies were planned and not random , the thief " scoped " out the areas . Everybody has to be more vigilant in Costambar, and report suspicious activity .

We appreciated that Lt. Rolando called the Police station for help when victims went to file police reports . We also appreciated that Lt. Rolando visited for a meeting today concerning these break ins . ( see photo )

We are sorry we have to report this . Costambar has had some small property crimes always , but robberies and break ins, have not been a large problem until recently.
Inflation and economic times are hard in the Dominican Republic . We expected an up kick in crime , when the pandemic started . We have been luckier up until now . Our condolences go out to the victim's of these crimes.

Stay safe , and the Security Commitee will continue to spend your contributions to improve security, in the manner we always have .

Security Committee Costambar


Puerto Plata

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