The Hotel "Sueño Taizai Quito" is a luxury establishment created by the fusion of two cultures: Ecuadorian and Japanese. Sueño from Spanish translates as a Dream and Taizai from Japanese translates as a Stay. The enthusiastic approach of the Japanese Airlines has helped to develop and build this traveling treasure from scratch. Guests can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Quito, Ecuador, discover new
attractions and immortal monuments of time; Relax between the flights or stay for longer and feel like home. Our guests experience new things everyday: Elegant, healthy and locally inspired dining in the restaurant "Cotopaxi", named after one of the highest mountain picks in Ecuador, Long Walks in the Japanese Garden of the Hotel, Useful and efficient meetings in our Conference & Meeting Facilities, Relaxing afternoons in spa... But the most important experiences wait for them outside of these safe walls - the life of Ecuador, fresh and charming; exciting and mysterious, is ready to be discovered.