Let’s keep working towards a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful world through meaningful travel 👣
Happy World Tourism Day to all our friends in the industry and fellow travelers! 🤗
#WorldTourismDay #WTD2024 #meaningfultravel #travel #travelindustry
Enjoying some magical summer nights at the botanical garden in Quito.
#BosqueDeLuz #JardínBotánico #Quito #visitquito #quitoecuador
Deep-water snorkeling at Prince Philip's Steps, Genovesa Island
The diverse wildlife of Genovesa Island (swallow-tailed gulls, short-eared owls, finches, sea lions, etc.)
Red-footed boobies and Nazca boobies
Great and magnificent frigatebirds
Hatun Puncha, held during these days in the northern Andean city of Cotacachi, is one of the most important ancestral celebrations in Ecuador. ☀️🌽
#hatunpuncha #IntiRaymi #visitecuador #discoverecuador #solstice #folklore #Andeanculture #cotacachi #everydayandes
The captivating atmosphere of cruising through the flooded ecosystems of the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve… 🛶🌿
El ambiente cautivante de navegar por los ecosistemas inundados de la Reserva Cuyabeno… 🛶🌿
Die aufregende Stimmung während einer Expedition durch die gefluteten Ökosysteme des Cuyabeno-Naturreservats… 🛶🌿
#cuyabeno #selva #discoverecuador #ecuadortravel #rainforest #junglevibes #regenwald #nature #AdventureAwaits
Whale season has begun in Ecuador! Thousands of humpback whales are migrating from Antarctica to the warmer waters of Ecuador’s coast to mate and breed. 🐋
La temporada de ballenas ha comenzado en Ecuador! Miles de ballenas jorobadas están migrando desde la Antártida a las aguas más cálidas de la costa ecuatoriana para reproducirse. 🐋
Die Walsaison in Ecuador hat begonnen! Tausende Buckelwale ziehen von der Antarktis in die wärmeren Gewässer vor der ecuadorianischen Küste, um sich fortzupflanzen. 🐋
#whalewatching #ecuadortravel #whales #whaleseason #discoverecuador #costaecuatoriana #humpbackwhale #sea #ballenas #marinewildlife
Need a change of scenery? Let’s escape to Baños! 🖼
#Baños #ecuadortravel #discoverecuador #BañosDeAguaSanta #instratravel #travelgram #viewpoints #mirador #andes #traveldestinations #travelblogger
Smiling children are the mark of a great dad. - Happy Father’s Day! 🥰
Los niños sonrientes son la marca de un gran padre - Feliz Día del Padre! 🥰
Lächelnde Kinder sind das Kennzeichen eines tollen Vaters - Alles Gute zum Vatertag! 🥰
#fathersday #happyfathersday #vatertag #díadelpadre #happy #alegría #happykids