
Latventure Your reliable inbound partner for South America ! ABOUT US

Latventure is your inbound tour agency with country offices in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.

With our specialized services in the travel industry, and combined with our top-notch business partners, we offer not only our expertise knowledge, but also to be by your side as a friend and partner. It is important to us to represent you and your philosophy to your clients while simultaneously infusing the South American love for life and vibrant culture. WHY LATVENTURE?

� Services:
We customiz

e our services based on your needs and company philosophy.

� Team of Experts:
Our team of experts operate under European management.

� Price-Performance:
We strive to offer the best quality at the best price.

� Presence:
We are there for you – in your country and on-site in our destination offices.

� Contact Person:
You will be taken care of by your contact person for each destination.

� Sustainability:
You are important to us; just as are the countries we are live and work in. OUR HISTORY

2006 - Foundation of Latventure Ecuador
2009 - We become a Galapagos Island Hopping operator in Ecuador
2010 - Incorporation of our offices in Argentina & Peru into the Latventure Group
2010 - We become an officially licensed Inca Trail operator in Peru
2011 - Our first trade show participation at ITB Berlin, Germany
2014 - Acquisition of the Hakuna Matata Amazon Lodge in Ecuador
2019 - Integration of our office in Chile into the Latventure Group
2021 - Membership in Latinconnect


Reflecting on the memorable moments from our 25th Latinconnect birthday celebration! Grateful for the incredible journey and the remarkable individuals who have been part of this story. Cheers to many more years of success and connection! 🎉

🎉 Exciting news! This year, for the first time, Latventure is at the ITB fair with Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru! ...

🎉 Exciting news! This year, for the first time, Latventure is at the ITB fair with Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru! 🌍 Thanks to all who visited! Looking forward to next year already!

Latventure Peru*DEU*Karneval in Peru ist eine farbenfrohe Feier, die jedes Jahr in verschiedenen Städten des Landes stat...

Latventure Peru

Karneval in Peru ist eine farbenfrohe Feier, die jedes Jahr in verschiedenen Städten des Landes stattfindet, wobei La Candelaria in Puno eine der herausragenden Veranstaltungen ist. La Candelaria in Puno ist berühmt für seine spektakulären Tanz- und Musikdarbietungen, bei denen die Einheimischen traditionelle Kostüme tragen und zu den rhythmischen Klängen von Sambamusic durch die Straßen ziehen. Während des Karnevals in La Candelaria verwandelt sich die Stadt Puno in ein lebendiges Fest, bei dem Touristen die Möglichkeit haben, in die reiche Kultur und Tradition der Anden einzutauchen und die beeindruckenden Masken und Kostüme der Tänzer zu bewundern.

Carnival in Peru is a colorful celebration that takes place every year in various cities of the country, with La Candelaria in Puno being one of the standout events. La Candelaria in Puno is famous for its spectacular dance and music performances, where locals wear traditional costumes and parade through the streets to the rhythmic beats of Samba music. During Carnival in La Candelaria, the city of Puno transforms into a lively festival, offering tourists the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich culture and tradition of the Andes and admire the impressive masks and costumes of the dancers.

El Carnaval en Perú es una celebración colorida que tiene lugar cada año en varias ciudades del país, siendo La Candelaria en Puno una de las destacadas. La Candelaria en Puno es famosa por sus espectaculares presentaciones de baile y música, donde los lugareños visten trajes tradicionales y desfilan por las calles al ritmo de la música de Samba. Durante el Carnaval en La Candelaria, la ciudad de Puno se transforma en un festival animado, ofreciendo a los turistas la oportunidad de sumergirse en la rica cultura y tradición de los Andes y admirar las impresionantes máscaras y trajes de los bailarines.

Foto: Juno Montoya

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*The Nazca Lines, located in the eponymous desert in Peru, are fascinating geoglyph-like formatio...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

The Nazca Lines, located in the eponymous desert in Peru, are fascinating geoglyph-like formations created by the ancient Nazca culture. Their true beauty is revealed only from the air, showcasing gigantic ground drawings depicting animals, geometric patterns, and human figures. The origin and purpose of these impressive artworks, dating between 200 BCE and 600 CE, remain a captivating mystery in the archaeological world.

Die Nazca-Linien, gelegen in der gleichnamigen Wüste in Peru, sind faszinierende geoglyphenartige Formationen, die von der alten Nazca-Kultur geschaffen wurden. Erst aus der Luft offenbart sich die Pracht dieser gigantischen Bodenzeichnungen, die Tiere, geometrische Muster und menschliche Figuren darstellen. Der Ursprung und Zweck dieser beeindruckenden Kunstwerke, die zwischen 200 v. Chr. und 600 n. Chr. entstanden, bleiben ein faszinierendes Rätsel der archäologischen Welt.

Las Líneas de Nazca, ubicadas en el desierto del mismo nombre en Perú, son formaciones fascinantes similares a geoglifos creadas por la antigua cultura Nazca. Su verdadera belleza se revela solo desde el aire, mostrando gigantescos dibujos en el suelo que representan animales, patrones geométricos y figuras humanas. El origen y propósito de estas impresionantes obras de arte, que datan entre el 200 a.C. y el 600 d.C., siguen siendo un misterio cautivador en el mundo arqueológico.

Since 2014, Latventure Peru has been organizing Children's Christmas in Cusco. This year, we reached a record of 250 chi...

Since 2014, Latventure Peru has been organizing Children's Christmas in Cusco. This year, we reached a record of 250 children in the Huacahuasi community. Despite the pandemic interruption, we returned last year and brought joy to 200 children. Thanks to all the donors! With your help, we hope to reach 300 children next year. 🎁🎄

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG* Are you ready for thrilling hikes in breathtaking environments? We have the perfect adventures ...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪
Are you ready for thrilling hikes in breathtaking environments? We have the perfect adventures for you! Whether you prefer the Inca Trail, Salcantay, or Lares, we'll tailor the experience to your taste! Peru offers numerous routes for enthusiastic hikers. Discover the beauty of nature and create unforgettable moments on the country's finest hiking trails.

Möchten Sie aufregende Wanderungen in atemberaubenden Umgebungen erleben? Wir haben die perfekten Abenteuer für Sie! Egal, ob Sie den Incatrail, Salcantay oder Lares bevorzugen, wir finden das ideale Erlebnis nach Ihrem Geschmack! Peru bietet zahlreiche Routen für begeisterte Wanderer. Entdecken Sie die Schönheit der Natur und erleben Sie unvergessliche Momente auf den besten Wanderwegen des Landes.

Estás listo para emocionantes caminatas en entornos impresionantes? ¡Tenemos las aventuras perfectas para ti! Ya sea que prefieras el Camino Inca, Salcantay o Lares, ¡encontraremos la experiencia ideal a tu medida! Perú ofrece numerosas rutas para entusiastas excursionistas. Descubre la belleza de la naturaleza y vive momentos inolvidables en los mejores senderos del país.

Photocredits: .2222

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG* On Lake Titicaca in Puno, there is much to explore! One example is the beautiful craftsmanship ...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

On Lake Titicaca in Puno, there is much to explore! One example is the beautiful craftsmanship of the Uros, who live on the floating islands. Immerse yourself in the enchanting traditions of this unique community and be captivated by their artistry.

Auf dem Titicacasee in Puno gibt es zahlreiche faszinierende Entdeckungen zu machen! Ein herausragendes Highlight ist das atemberaubende Kunsthandwerk der Uros, die auf den schwimmenden Inseln ihre Heimat haben. Tauchen Sie ein in die bezaubernden Traditionen dieser einzigartigen Gemeinschaft und lassen Sie sich von ihrer Kunstfertigkeit und kulturellen Vielfalt verzaubern.

En el lago Titicaca en Puno, hay mucho por descubrir! Un ejemplo es la hermosa artesanía de los Uros, que viven en las islas flotantes. Sumérgete en las encantadoras tradiciones de esta comunidad única y déjate cautivar por su destreza artística.

🎄🌟 Felices Fiestas! 🌟🎄Last night, our Ecuador team celebrated the end of the year at a festive Christmas party. Fantasti...

🎄🌟 Felices Fiestas! 🌟🎄

Last night, our Ecuador team celebrated the end of the year at a festive Christmas party. Fantastic food, exciting prizes, and great colleagues made it unforgettable. With a DJ who got the dance floor rocking, the mood was perfect! Thanks for a successful 2023 – here's to more successes in the new year! 🎉

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG* Have you ever heard of Colca Sour? It's an exceptionally delicious drink made from the beautifu...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

*ENG* Have you ever heard of Colca Sour? It's an exceptionally delicious drink made from the beautiful Colca Canyon, using the cactus fruit "Sancayo." Let yourself be enchanted by the breathtaking beauty of the canyon and its culinary delights with Latventure.

*GER* Haben Sie schon einmal von Colca Sour gehört? Das ist ein besonders leckerer Drink aus dem wunderschönen Colca Canyon, hergestellt aus der Kaktusfrucht "Sancayo". Lassen Sie sich mit Latventure von der atemberaubenden Schönheit des Canyons und seinen köstlichen Gaumenfreuden verzaubern.

*ESP* Alguna vez has oído hablar del Colca Sour? Es una bebida excepcionalmente deliciosa proveniente del hermoso Cañón del Colca, elaborada con la fruta de cactus "Sancayo". Permítete ser encantado por la impresionante belleza del cañón y sus delicias culinarias con Latventure.

Photocredit: .2222

🚩 Latventure reaches new heights! 🚩We are thrilled to announce that our Latventure flag has soared to an awe-inspiring a...

🚩 Latventure reaches new heights! 🚩

We are thrilled to announce that our Latventure flag has soared to an awe-inspiring altitude of 6000 meters for the second time, conquering the magnificent peak of Chachani at 6057 meters! 🏔️⛰️

Let's climb even higher peaks together and create more unforgettable travel moments!

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*In Peru, you can find not only the famous ancient Inca ruins but also relics from modern times, ...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

In Peru, you can find not only the famous ancient Inca ruins but also relics from modern times, including many well-preserved classic cars like the VW Beetle. This country is a true paradise for enthusiasts of these timeless vehicles.

In Peru findet man nicht nur die berühmten antiken Inka-Ruinen, sondern auch Relikte aus der Neuzeit, darunter viele original erhaltene Kultautos wie den VW Käfer. Dieses Land ist ein wahres Paradies für Liebhaber dieser zeitlosen Fahrzeuge.

En Perú, no solo encontrarás los famosos restos de las antiguas ruinas incas, sino también reliquias de la época moderna, entre ellas muchos coches clásicos originales como el VW Escarabajo. Este país es un auténtico paraíso para los amantes de estos vehículos atemporales.

Photocredits: .2222

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG* Machu Picchu, one of the most fascinating archaeological sites in the world, attracts thousands...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

Machu Picchu, one of the most fascinating archaeological sites in the world, attracts thousands of visitors annually. Located in the majestic Andes of Peru, this lost Inca city offers a unique combination of breathtaking natural beauty and impressive history. Explore the well-preserved ruins, marvel at the precision of stone craftsmanship, and enjoy panoramic views of the Sacred Valley.

Machu Picchu, eine der faszinierendsten archäologischen Stätten der Welt, zieht jährlich Tausende von Besuchern an. In den majestätischen Anden Perus gelegen, bietet diese verlorene Inka-Stadt eine einzigartige Kombination aus atemberaubender Naturschönheit und beeindruckender Geschichte. Erkunden Sie die gut erhaltenen Ruinen, bestaunen Sie die präzise Steinbearbeitung und genießen Sie den Panoramablick auf das Heilige Tal.

Machu Picchu, uno de los sitios arqueológicos más fascinantes del mundo, atrae a miles de visitantes anualmente. Ubicada en los majestuosos Andes de Perú, esta ciudad inca perdida ofrece una combinación única de impresionante belleza natural e historia impactante. Explore las ruinas bien conservadas, maravíllese ante la precisión en el trabajo de la piedra y disfrute de vistas panorámicas del Valle Sagrado.

Photocredits: Latventure Cusco

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*Discover the paradisiacal Huacachina in the heart of the Peruvian desert, where you will experie...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

Discover the paradisiacal Huacachina in the heart of the Peruvian desert, where you will experience the true meaning of relaxation. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking oasis, surrounded by majestic sand dunes, and let the magic of a sunset enchant your soul with tranquility and beauty. Huacachina - the perfect place to escape the hectic everyday life and find ultimate relaxation or adventure.

Entdecken Sie das paradiesische Huacachina inmitten der peruanischen Wüste, wo Sie die wahre Bedeutung von Entspannung erfahren werden. Tauchen Sie ein in die atemberaubende Oase, umgeben von majestätischen Sanddünen, und lassen Sie sich von der Magie eines Sonnenuntergangs verführen, der Ihre Seele mit Ruhe und Schönheit erfüllt. Huacachina - der perfekte Ort, um dem hektischen Alltag zu entfliehen und die ultimative Entspannung oder Abendteuer zu finden.

Descubre el paraíso de Huacachina, en el corazón del desierto peruano, donde experimentarás el verdadero significado de la relajación. Sumérgete en el impresionante oasis, rodeado de majestuosas dunas de arena, y deja que la magia de un atardecer encante tu alma con tranquilidad y belleza. Huacachina - el lugar perfecto para escapar de la vida cotidiana agitada y encontrar la relajación definitiva o la aventura.

Photocredit: Lima Schweitzer


Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨ENGAlthough the Day of the Dead in Ecuador is celebrated on November 2, two elements of a pre-Hispa...

Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨

Although the Day of the Dead in Ecuador is celebrated on November 2, two elements of a pre-Hispanic tradition have been in the windows of markets, supermarkets, cafés and gourmet restaurants since October. These are the colada morada - a thick drink made from dried spices, fruit and flour - and the guagua de pan - a child's figure filled with some kind of jam or delicacy. The consumption of these products not only pleases the taste buds but also serves as a way of honoring the deaths of Ecuadorians and remembering those who are no longer with us.

Obwohl der Tag der Toten in Ecuador am 2. November gefeiert wird, sind zwei Elemente einer vorspanischen Tradition schon seit Oktober in den Schaufenstern von Märkten, Supermärkten, Cafés und Gourmetrestaurants zu sehen. Es handelt sich um die colada morada - ein dickflüssiges Getränk aus getrockneten Gewürzen, Früchten und Mehl - und die guagua de pan - eine Kinderfigur, die mit einer Art Marmelade oder Delikatesse gefüllt ist. Der Verzehr dieser Produkte erfreut nicht nur die Geschmacksnerven, sondern dient auch dazu, den Tod von Ecuadorianers zu ehren und derer zu gedenken, die nicht mehr unter uns weilen.

Aunque el Día de los Difuntos en Ecuador se celebra el 2 de noviembre, dos elementos de una tradición prehispánica están desde octubre en los escaparates de mercados, supermercados, cafeterías y restaurantes gourmet. Se trata de la colada morada -una bebida espesa hecha a base de especias secas, frutas y harina- y la guagua de pan -una figura infantil rellena de algún tipo de mermelada o manjar-. El consumo de estos productos no sólo complace al paladar, sino que también sirve para honrar a los ecuatorianos fallecidos y recordar a los que ya no están con nosotros.

Photo Credit: Latventure

Latventure is a group of four countries 🇦🇷🇨🇱🇵🇪🇪🇨 ... this time we support Messi and the Argentinean national team on the...

Latventure is a group of four countries 🇦🇷🇨🇱🇵🇪🇪🇨 ... this time we support Messi and the Argentinean national team on their way to the World Cup 2026 ⚽️

Happy weekend from our teams in Arequipa and Cusco! ☀️

Happy weekend from our teams in Arequipa and Cusco! ☀️

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*Huacachina in Peru is a charming desert oasis village that looks like something out of a fairy t...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

Huacachina in Peru is a charming desert oasis village that looks like something out of a fairy tale. Surrounded by majestic sand dunes, this unique oasis is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts looking to try sandboarding or dune buggies. The backdrop of palm trees, the emerald-green lagoon, and the imposing dunes make Huacachina an unforgettable destination in the Peruvian desert.

Huacachina in Peru ist ein bezauberndes Wüsten-Oasendorf, das wie eine Szene aus einem Märchen erscheint. Umgeben von majestätischen Sanddünen ist diese einzigartige Oase ein Paradies für Abenteuersuchende, die sich im Sandboarding oder in Dünenbuggys wagen möchten. Die Kulisse aus Palmen, dem smaragdgrünen Lagunensee und den imposanten Dünen macht Huacachina zu einem unvergesslichen Reiseziel in der peruanischen Wüste.

Huacachina en Perú es un encantador pueblo oasis en el desierto que parece sacado de un cuento de hadas. Rodeada de majestuosas dunas de arena, esta oasis única es un paraíso para los entusiastas de la aventura que desean probar el sandboarding o los buggies de dunas. El telón de fondo de palmeras, la laguna de color verde esmeralda y las imponentes dunas hacen de Huacachina un destino inolvidable en el desierto peruano.

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*In Arequipa, a charming city in southern Peru, you can savor a culinary delight: the famous dish...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

In Arequipa, a charming city in southern Peru, you can savor a culinary delight: the famous dish known as "Adobo." This unique culinary experience features tender pork marinated in a spicy blend of garlic, chili, and an array of spices. The meat is then slow-cooked until it becomes tender and succulent. A treat for your palate and an essential experience for any food enthusiast to discover the authentic flavors of the Arequipa region.

In Arequipa, einer charmanten Stadt im Süden Perus, erwartet Sie ein kulinarisches Highlight: das berühmte Gericht namens "Adobo". Dieses einzigartige kulinarische Erlebnis besteht aus zartem Schweinefleisch, das in einer würzigen Marinade aus Knoblauch, Chili und einer Vielzahl von Gewürzen eingelegt wird. Anschließend wird das Fleisch langsam gegart, bis es zart und saftig ist. Ein Genuss für Ihren Gaumen und eine unverzichtbare Erfahrung für jeden Feinschmecker, um die authentischen Aromen der Region Arequipa kennenzulernen.

En Arequipa, una encantadora ciudad en el sur de Perú, puedes disfrutar de una delicia culinaria: el famoso plato conocido como "Adobo". Esta experiencia culinaria única presenta tierna carne de cerdo marinada en una mezcla picante de ajo, chile y una variedad de especias. La carne se cocina lentamente hasta que se vuelve tierna y jugosa. Un regalo para tu paladar y una experiencia esencial para cualquier amante de la comida que quiera descubrir los auténticos sabores de la región de Arequipa.

Photo Credit:

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*Arequipa, also known as the "White City," owes its name in part to the breathtaking Sillar build...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

Arequipa, also known as the "White City," owes its name in part to the breathtaking Sillar buildings in its historic center. You can explore the fascinating quarry that provides this coveted building material during an exciting tour, all while enjoying the majestic backdrop of the Andean landscape.

Arequipa, auch bekannt als die "Weiße Stadt", verdankt diesen Namen den unteranderem den atemberaubenden Sillar-Gebäuden in ihrem historischen Zentrum. Sie können den faszinierenden Steinbruch, der diesen begehrten Baustoff liefert, bei einer spannenden Tour erkunden und dabei die majestätische Kulisse der Andenlandschaft genießen.

Arequipa, también conocida como la "Ciudad Blanca", debe su nombre en parte a los impresionantes edificios de sillar en su centro histórico. Puede explorar la fascinante cantera que proporciona este codiciado material de construcción durante un emocionante recorrido, mientras disfruta del majestuoso telón de fondo de la cordillera de los Andes.

Photo Credit:

Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨 A personal travel report written by Andreas Senkel, our former colleague at Latventure in Ecuador,...

Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨

A personal travel report written by Andreas Senkel, our former colleague at Latventure in Ecuador, about his five-day, four-night adventure at Nicky Lodge in Cuyabeno National Park, located in the heart of the Amazon jungle.

In general, the lodge provided good accommodations with private bathrooms, mosquito-netted beds and an electricity supply, even if limited. Hot water was provided by gas, and a separate sewage treatment system protected the environment.

Day 1 began with a bus trip from Quito to the Cuyabeno Bridge, followed by a river trip to Nicky Lodge. Activities on the first day included a lagoon visit, swimming, stand-up paddling, watching the sunset and searching for caimans. Various animals, such as sloths, monkeys, pink river dolphins and birds were already observed on the first day. What an amazing start!

Day 2 involved a morning boat tour, jungle walking and a refreshing swim in the river. In the afternoon, during a lagoon trip we spotted even more animals and also discovered jaguar's footprints. How cool is that!

Day 3 activities were postponed due to rain, helping the group to take some additional sleep and regain batteries. Later, a visit to a Siona community provided insights into their daily activities and lifestyle. Fascinating! A night hike and boat trip followed, and animals like tarantulas, frogs, and spiders were observed.

Day 4 featured a morning boat trip, jungle walk, and a soccer game between guests and lodge staff. The planned afternoon canoe trip was canceled due to rain, but having another jungle hike was definitely a good alternative, as it offered sightings of a jungle tree boa and other animals!

On the final day, a morning canoe trip preceded breakfast, and then the departure back to the Cuyabeno Bridge and Quito.

Overall, the experience at Nicky Lodge was remarkable, with a rich variety of animals, insects, and plants observed. The guides, especially Ebi, were knowledgeable and explained the program well. The food was decent, and the accommodations were comfortable although there were minor issues with the shower.
The stay at Nicky Lodge provided an unforgettable experience, showcasing the beauty and diversity of the Amazon jungle and its wildlife. The activities, the guides' expertise and the stunning nature made the five days truly memorable.

Photo Credit: Latventure

Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨 Fam Trip on bike enjoying the Ecuadorian cloud-forest, organized by our supplier Biking DutchmanIn...

Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨

Fam Trip on bike enjoying the Ecuadorian cloud-forest, organized by our supplier Biking Dutchman

Inside the bustling world of business, it's easy to forget the simple pleasures of life. But for our team, a recent company outing reminded us about the importance of balance, teamwork, the beauty of the great outdoors and last but no least allowed us to break free from the daily grind and connect on a different level.

Early one Saturday morning, we gathered at our office car park with our bikes, helmets, and a sense of excitement. The sun was rising, and the promise of adventure hung in the air. With a mixture of experienced cyclists and novices among us, our journey was sure to be both thrilling and challenging.

When the initial car drive began, passing by the northern neighbourhood of Quito, we would never have imagined what lied ahead! We drove for a while on an old road from Quito toward the highest point of the trip (3200 m) where we switch to man power. A couple of minutes later we descend on bike 10 kilometers on a paved yet quiet road, surrounded by Andino flora until we reach the village of Nono, located at 2900 meters. From this point the ride continues on a pretty dirt road until Tandayapa (located at 1800 m) for 26 kilometers. Sometimes it was really tricky to keep an eye on the road and the other peeled on the sky. We encountered steep hills that tested our stamina and tricky trails that demanded precise control of our bikes. But with each challenge, we grew stronger as a team. Overcoming obstacles together forged a sense of unity that we could never achieve within the confines of the office.

The exuberant cloud forest was full of bromeliads, palm trees and orchids. On your right there was a mountain stream which soothing sounds accompany us. And quite often small waterfalls bedazzled us. Every once and then, we simply must stop taking pictures or breathe deeply. After a tasty lunch box some of us headed towards Quito another decided to stay in Mindo on their own.

Our Bike adventure was more than just a day of cycling; it was a great opportunity to strengthen our team, reconnect with nature, and recharge our batteries. It served as a reminder that sometimes the best solutions and ideas emerge when we step outside the office and explore the world around us. We're already looking forward to our next adventure, whatever form it may take, as we continue to prioritize the well-being and camaraderie of our team.

Written by our colleague Tobias Erler from our Sales Department in Quito, Ecuador.

Photo Credit: Latventure

Happy weekend from our team in Quito! ☀️

Happy weekend from our team in Quito! ☀️

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*The Colca Canyon in Peru is an absolutely stunning destination for adventure and nature enthusia...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

The Colca Canyon in Peru is an absolutely stunning destination for adventure and nature enthusiasts. With a depth of over 3,270 meters, it offers breathtaking views that will leave you in awe. Here, you can not only admire the captivating landscape but also experience the authentic culture of the Colca population and marvel at the majestic Andean condors during their impressive flight displays. The Colca Canyon promises an unforgettable adventure in one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in South America.

Der Colca Canyon in Peru ist ein absolut beeindruckendes Reiseziel für Abenteuer- und Naturliebhaber. Mit einer Tiefe von über 3.270 Metern bietet er atemberaubende Aussichten, die Sie in Staunen versetzen werden. Hier können Sie nicht nur die faszinierende Landschaft bewundern, sondern auch die authentische Kultur der Colca-Bevölkerung erleben und die majestätischen Andenkondore bei ihren majestätischen Flugvorführungen bewundern. Der Colca Canyon verspricht ein unvergessliches Abenteuer in einer der schönsten Naturlandschaften Südamerikas.

El Cañón del Colca en Perú es un destino absolutamente impresionante para los amantes de la aventura y la naturaleza. Con una profundidad de más de 3.270 metros, ofrece vistas impresionantes que te dejarán asombrado. Aquí, no solo puedes admirar el cautivador paisaje, sino también experimentar la auténtica cultura de la población Colca y maravillarte con los majestuosos cóndores andinos durante sus impresionantes exhibiciones de vuelo. El Cañón del Colca promete una aventura inolvidable en uno de los paisajes naturales más hermosos de América del Sur.


Latenventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*In the breathtaking landscapes of Peru, llamas are a familiar and captivating sight. These gra...

Latenventure Peru 🇵🇪

In the breathtaking landscapes of Peru, llamas are a familiar and captivating sight. These graceful creatures roam the highlands of the Andes, proudly displaying their dense, insulating fur. The unique relationship between humans and llamas spans centuries, reflecting in the cultural significance and practical utility of these gentle beings for transportation and wool.

In den beeindruckenden Landschaften Perus sind Lamas eine vertraute und faszinierende Erscheinung. Diese eleganten Tiere durchstreifen die Hochebenen der Anden und tragen stolz ihr dichtes, wärmendes Fell. Die einzigartige Beziehung zwischen den Menschen und den Lamas erstreckt sich über Jahrhunderte und spiegelt sich in der kulturellen Bedeutung und dem praktischen Nutzen dieser sanften Wesen für Transport und Wolle wider.

En los impresionantes paisajes del Perú, las llamas son una vista familiar y cautivadora. Estas elegantes criaturas deambulan por las tierras altas de los Andes, luciendo con orgullo su pelaje denso y aislante. La relación única entre los humanos y las llamas abarca siglos, reflejando la importancia cultural y la utilidad práctica de estos seres gentiles para el transporte y la obtención de lana.

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪 *ENG*In Peru, the country's cultural diversity is reflected in its various styles of traditional clot...

Latventure Peru 🇵🇪

In Peru, the country's cultural diversity is reflected in its various styles of traditional clothing. From the vibrant outfits of the Andean region, worn by the indigenous Quechua and Aymara communities, to the intricate embroideries and textiles of the coastal areas, there is an abundance of different types of traditional attire. This diversity not only tells the story and identity of the different ethnic groups, but it is also a vibrant expression of Peruvian culture and history.

In Peru spiegelt sich die reiche kulturelle Vielfalt des Landes in seinen traditionellen Kleidungsstilen wider. Von den farbenfrohen Gewändern der Andenregion, die von den indigenen Quechua- und Aymara-Gemeinschaften getragen werden, bis hin zu den kunstvollen Stickereien und Textilien der Küstengebiete, gibt es eine Fülle von unterschiedlichen traditionellen Kleidungsarten. Diese Vielfalt erzählt nicht nur die Geschichte und Identität der verschiedenen Ethnien, sondern ist auch ein lebendiger Ausdruck der peruanischen Kultur und Geschichte.

En Perú, la diversidad cultural del país se refleja en sus variados estilos de vestimenta tradicional. Desde los coloridos trajes de la región andina, usados por las comunidades indígenas Quechua y Aymara, hasta los elaborados bordados y textiles de las zonas costeras, existe una abundancia de diferentes tipos de vestimenta tradicional. Esta diversidad no solo narra la historia e identidad de las distintas etnias, sino que también es una expresión viva de la cultura y la historia peruana.

Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨 Recently, Ecuadorians have voted against mining in the Andean Chocó, a vital biosphere reserve wit...

Latventure Ecuador 🇪🇨

Recently, Ecuadorians have voted against mining in the Andean Chocó, a vital biosphere reserve with a total size of more than 100,000 hectares. In this referendum, 68% of over 2 million voters in Quito supported the prohibition of all mining activities in the Chocó forests, which is a strong message towards sustainable development and natural protection. Furthermore, this historical change also helps protect some of the iconic animals living in this area, such as the spectacled bear.

In a recent referendum, the majority of Ecuadorians supported the stop of oil extraction from the Yasuni, a national par...

In a recent referendum, the majority of Ecuadorians supported the stop of oil extraction from the Yasuni, a national park located in the Amazon. This achievement follows a ten-year effort led by activists and indigenous groups to safeguard this region, known as the place with the most biodiversity worldwide. Despite potential economic setbacks, the result of the voting obligate oil companies to dismantle their facilities, pointing out an example of moving away from fossil fuels.


Avenida Colón E8-57 Y José Urbina ▪︎ Ed. El Cisne ▪︎ 8vo Piso


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A few words from the CEO

My name is Kai Single. I was born in Swabia, Germany and I am the owner and CEO of the Latventure Group. When I traveled the first time to South America, I directly fell in love with the high-contrast landscapes of this diverse continent. My first stop was Quito in Ecuador. In the following years, I traveled to other countries of South America – and since then the continent did not let me go! In 2007, I finally decided to start a new life in Ecuador.

This was the birth of Latventure.

Coordinated from Ecuador, we have grown into a multi-destination DMC in the B2B sector, which specializes in South America, which has successfully spread across the continent. We own offices in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru and a wide and reliable network of enthusiastic travel specialists in all major destinations in South America.

Authentic journeys far away from mass tourism are particularly important to me. Therefore, our offers include tailor-made trips for individual travelers and groups, as well as our own, lovingly designed fixed-departure tours.

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