Galapagos Blue Sky

Galapagos Blue Sky Travel agency & Tour operator



¡Get ready to overflow with tenderness! Sea lion pups are very playful. Although they usually approach humans fearlessly...

¡Get ready to overflow with tenderness!
Sea lion pups are very playful. Although they usually approach humans fearlessly, be careful! Our contact could interfere with their relationship with mama sea lion, as our scent could cause her to reject them. Maintain a safety distance of at least 2 meters from these adorable pups as well as from all the other animals of the fascinating Galapagos Islands.

Did you know? Egrets are tall snowy white birds that spend their time fishing in quiet mangrove lagoons. This Great Egre...

Did you know?

Egrets are tall snowy white birds that spend their time fishing in quiet mangrove lagoons. This Great Egret stands very still in shallow water, waiting for small fish to come close, and then pow it harpoons the fish with its sharp beak.

Did you Know? "The Red Crab of Galapagos, locally known as zayapa, stands out for its colorful appearance and its abilit...

Did you Know?

"The Red Crab of Galapagos, locally known as zayapa, stands out for its colorful appearance and its ability to adapt to coastal rocky environments. Its role in the dynamics of marine-coastal habitats is fundamental, as it mainly feeds on seaweed and organic matter, promoting the recycling of essential nutrients. Additionally, these crustaceans are an important part of the food chain, being preyed upon by seabirds and other predators."🦀🌊

¿Sabias que?

"La Zayapa, o Cangrejo Rojo de Galápagos, no solo deslumbra por su vibrante colorido, sino también por su notable adaptación a los entornos rocosos costeros. Su papel en los ecosistemas marino-costeros es crucial: se alimenta de algas marinas y desechos orgánicos, facilitando así el reciclaje de nutrientes esenciales. Además, al ser presa de aves marinas y otros depredadores, estas criaturas juegan un papel clave en la cadena alimenticia del archipiélago. 🦀🌊


The Twin Craters They were formed by a prolonged process of slow sinking of the earth. They are the product of a success...

The Twin Craters

They were formed by a prolonged process of slow sinking of the earth. They are the product of a succession of eruptions, at times when the island was still an active volcano. Geologically speaking, they are recognized as crater holes.

Brown Pelican ●The only pelican in galapagos, impossible to confuse with other seabirds.●Normally lays 3 white eggs: inc...

Brown Pelican

●The only pelican in galapagos, impossible to confuse with other seabirds.
●Normally lays 3 white eggs: incubation 28-30 days; fledging 75 days, successfully raising all chicks only when food supply plentiful.
●Courtship consists of head waving with outstretched wings and pouch.
●Plunge diving holding up to 8 liters (2 gal) of water, the pouch acts as a huge dip net trapping fish inside as water is slowly drained away.
●Chicks receiving meal of regurgitated fish ; size differences reflect staggered hatching.

Did you know? Gulls, sometimes called seagulls, can be seen around fishing boats in many parts of the world. But the Swa...

Did you know?

Gulls, sometimes called seagulls, can be seen around fishing boats in many parts of the world. But the Swallow-tailed Gull is very different. It has huge eyes so it can see to catch squid that swim up to the surface of the sea at night.

Flamingos Did you know? Flamingos live in salty lagoons where they eat tiny pink shrimp that give their feathers their l...

Did you know?
Flamingos live in salty lagoons where they eat tiny pink shrimp that give their feathers their lovely color.
They like to get together in big groups and strut about with their heads held high, especially when they are courting before they start to nest.

INTERESTING FACTS:Females are larger than males and have more dilated pupils, so differentiating a female from a male ju...


Females are larger than males and have more dilated pupils, so differentiating a female from a male just by looking at their eyes can be easier than trying to guess by their size.

Females emit a horrible “honk” and males emit a beautiful whistle. During mating season, a concert of whistling and squawking attracts the attention of visitors to North Seymour and Española Islands, home to the largest colonies of blue-footed bo***es in the Galapagos.

The pair usually stays together for life. Like other bird species inhabiting the Galapagos Islands, such as the Galapagos albatross, the blue-footed b***y is monogamous and remains with its mate for the rest of its life.


The Santa Fe land iguana (Conolophus pallidus).This is one of the three endemic species of land iguanas in the Galapagos...

The Santa Fe land iguana (Conolophus pallidus).
This is one of the three endemic species of land iguanas in the Galapagos.
They love both the Opuntia fruit and the leaves.
They nest in holes in the ground and females can lay between 2 and 25 eggs, but only an average of 10% of eggs hatch.

On this account we love sea horses. 😍Fun facts about sea horses:1. Some species only have one partner for life and other...

On this account we love sea horses. 😍

Fun facts about sea horses:
1. Some species only have one partner for life and others change partners every year but it is more difficult to reproduce.
2. The male is the one who gives birth.
3. They have bony plates instead of scales.
4. They are good at camouflage.
5. They are considered vulnerable species.

Hands up who is also a fan of sea horses? ♥️

Relaxing time 😍Come visit the enchanted islands. Relax in this paradise enjoying it's  beautiful flora and fauna.☺️Ven a...

Relaxing time 😍

Come visit the enchanted islands.
Relax in this paradise enjoying it's beautiful flora and fauna.☺️

Ven a visitar las islas encantadas.
Relájate en este paraíso disfrutando de su hermosa flora y fauna.

Hermosa Fragata Macho, con el pecho inflado en vuelo 😍❤️

Hermosa Fragata Macho, con el pecho inflado en vuelo 😍❤️

Cormoran no volador 😍En las Islas Galápagos, el cormorán no volador tuvo que evolucionar de formas únicas para sobrevivi...

Cormoran no volador 😍

En las Islas Galápagos, el cormorán no volador tuvo que evolucionar de formas únicas para sobrevivir en este remoto hábitat volcánico.
Los cormoranes de Galápagos se convirtieron en buceadores de aguas profundas y, finalmente, perdieron el uso de sus alas.

Estas aves solo las puedes ver en la isla Fernandina y a la costa occidental de la isla Isabela. Eligieron esos lugares por que pasa por ahí la corriente de Humboldt, la cual es una agua fría, rica en nutrientes proveniente de la Antártida.

Para verlos es necesario tomar un crucero con ruta al oeste. Si deseas más información escríbenos😊🙌

Amo a los puingüinos son tan bellos 😍 Que esperas ven a visitarnos, Galápagos te llenará de su  encanto. Experiencias ún...

Amo a los puingüinos son tan bellos 😍

Que esperas ven a visitarnos, Galápagos te llenará de su encanto.

Experiencias únicas, animales únicos, paisajes únicos y mucho más ❤️

Manos arriba si amas los puingüinos 🙌

Los más bellos paisajes los encontrarás en las islas Galápagos.Ven y disfruta de sus encantos. 1. BARTOLOMÉ 🤩2. K**E ROC...

Los más bellos paisajes los encontrarás en las islas Galápagos.
Ven y disfruta de sus encantos.

2. K**E ROCK 😍

Tortugas marinas, maravillosas e importantes en nuestro ecosistema marino. Cuidemos siempre nuestro paraíso,  y no  arro...

Tortugas marinas, maravillosas e importantes en nuestro ecosistema marino.

Cuidemos siempre nuestro paraíso, y no arrojemos basura al mar ni a ningún otro lado que no sea un tacho de basura, para que adi nuestras generaciones puedan también disfrutar de estas maravillas 😍😍

Hermosas estrellas de mar encontraras en el fondo marino de nuestras islas. Sabias que ver una estrella de mar te dará  ...

Hermosas estrellas de mar encontraras en el fondo marino de nuestras islas.

Sabias que ver una estrella de mar te dará buena suerte. 😉😍

Visit the most beautiful attractions of    with our    Meet closer the  ,  ,  ,   and     birds---Visita los atractivos ...

Visit the most beautiful attractions of with our
Meet closer the , , , and birds
Visita los atractivos más hermosos de Santa Cruz con nuestro tour de bahía.
Conocerás de cerca a los , tortugas, , y aves endémicas de Galápagos

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On this   to the upper part ⛰of   🏝you will discover the   🔥⌛️📜behind the fourth inhabited island, as well as see unique...

On this to the upper part ⛰of 🏝you will discover the 🔥⌛️📜behind the fourth inhabited island, as well as see unique species of and caves with stories that will dazzle you.
En este tour a la parte alta ⛰ de Floreana 🏝 descubrirás la 🔥⌛️📜 detrás de la cuarta isla habitada, además de ver especies únicas de iguanas y cuevas de con historias que te deslumbrarán.
Solo en
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🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️ Meet closer the white tip🦈 , and discover one of the best places to do   in    🌊In   You will see 🐢 , shark...

🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️ Meet closer the white tip🦈 , and discover one of the best places to do in 🌊
In You will see 🐢 , sharks, 🦭 , and more.
🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️ Conoce más de cerca a los 🦈 punta blanca, y descubre uno de los mejores lugares para hacer en Galápagos. 🌊
Verás 🐢 , tiburones, 🦭 , y más.
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If   with   🦭🦭🦭is what you desire, then this is the tour for you. Swim with families of sea lions in Santa Fe, plus you ...

If with 🦭🦭🦭is what you desire, then this is the tour for you. Swim with families of sea lions in Santa Fe, plus you can see , tropical fish and much more Galapagos marine life.
Si te gustaría nadar con 🦭🦭🦭, entonces este es el para ti. Nada con familias de leones marinos en , además podrás ver , peces tropicales y mucha más vida marina ́mica de Galápagos.

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One of the best   🏊‍♀️ of the world is waiting for you. Discover the amazing marine life under   in our  ---Uno de los m...

One of the best 🏊‍♀️ of the world is waiting for you. Discover the amazing marine life under in our
Uno de los mejores 🏊‍♀️ del mundo está esperando por ti. Descubre la asombrosa vida marina debajo de Daphne Mayor en nuestro en
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🏝 Enjoy of   in our   to the   where you will do🏊‍♀️   and see   🐧 besides you will visit the   to see   🦩 and  🐢 in the...

🏝 Enjoy of in our to the where you will do
🏊‍♀️ and see 🐧 besides you will visit the to see 🦩 and 🐢 in the breeding center
🏝 Disfruta de en nuestro a las donde podrás hacer
🏊‍♀️ y ver 🐧 además de visitar los para ver 🦩y 🐢en el centro de crianza.

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🛥 Discover the unique species of   and the variety of the   in our   to  .  ***es  ---🛥 descubre las especies únicas de ...

🛥 Discover the unique species of and the variety of the in our to .
🛥 descubre las especies únicas de galápagos y la variededa de aves en nuestro tour a Seymour.

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🛥 Get the best of   in our   to   where you will see one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world and discover the ...

🛥 Get the best of in our to where you will see one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world and discover the beauty of 🏝

🛥 Mira lo mejor de Galápagos en nuestro tour a Bartolomé, donde verás uno de los más hermosos paisajes en el mundo y descubrirás la belleza de Bartolomé y sus alrededores. 🏝

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🏝 Enjoy the full day on   visiting the best place to do 🏊‍♀️   and discover the amazing marine life that   has. You can ...

🏝 Enjoy the full day on visiting the best place to do 🏊‍♀️ and discover the amazing marine life that has. You can swin with 🐢 and much more.
🏝 Disfruta de un día completo en Isabela visitando el mejor lugar para hacer 🏊‍♀️ snorkeling y descubre la asombrosa vida marina de Galápagos, podrás nadar con peces tropicales 🐢 y mucho más

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Con nuestro   🚐conoce la   ⛰ de   y descubre las maravillas geológicas de   🐢/ With our   🚐meet the   ⛰ of   and discove...

Con nuestro 🚐conoce la ⛰ de y descubre las maravillas geológicas de 🐢

/ With our 🚐meet the ⛰ of and discover the geologic wonderfulsl of 🐢

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📌   Ferries 🚤 with us and don't lose your trips...📌    🚤con nosotros y no pierdas tus  . --

📌 Ferries 🚤 with us and don't lose your trips...
📌 🚤con nosotros y no pierdas tus .

📌    🚤con nosotros y no pierdas tus  . ..📌   Ferries 🚤 with us and don't lose your trips.--

📌 🚤con nosotros y no pierdas tus . ..
📌 Ferries 🚤 with us and don't lose your trips.



Charles Darwin
Santa Cruz


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