Vyprava do Amazonie

Vyprava do Amazonie Výpravy do Amazonie za léčením s Ayahuascou pod vedením zkušených terapeutů-šamanů.

On 19.8.2022 around 6pm, very heavy rains fell at the headwaters of our beloved Piatua river, in the Llanganates nationa...

On 19.8.2022 around 6pm, very heavy rains fell at the headwaters of our beloved Piatua river, in the Llanganates national park, causing uncountable landslides and floodings. Our retreat center was unharmed, but the Piatua river has changed completely the way it flows, moved even the biggest stones, created new pathways and eradicated some pools. Now the river has a lot of sediment, soil and sand, and has a ayahuasca-like color. It will take at least couple of weeks if not months for the river to get back to its crystalline state. Unfortunately, fish could not survive such violet flooding and excess of sediments, the populations are expected to get back to normal in 2-3 years.

Wild   found in the   of

Wild found in the of

In May 2022 Feather Crown hosted an event which reunited   youth from all corners the Ecuadorian Amazon, including the  ...

In May 2022 Feather Crown hosted an event which reunited youth from all corners the Ecuadorian Amazon, including the , and . They exchanged the wisdom of their elders, painted sacred designs on their faces and talked about how they can better serve to be the protectors of and conserve their tribal values. We ended the gathering holding hands, offering roses to the sacred waters of the Piatua river, sharing to***co juice through nostrils and praying for better future of the .

You are looking at the     in  , part pf the   mountain range, where the sacred   river is born. www.feathercrown.com ay...

You are looking at the in , part pf the mountain range, where the sacred river is born. www.feathercrown.com ayahuasca retreat center is located at the foot of those mountains. Shamans connect participants of the retreat with the power and beauty of the mountain spirits, to receive blessing for their life, relations, health and work. During the ceremony, the partcipant is “transported” to the world of those spirits through chanting, and energy is shared through blowing into the crown chakra.

Today, on World Water Day, we want to open a window into the spiritual meaning and vision that indigenous peoples in the...

Today, on World Water Day, we want to open a window into the spiritual meaning and vision that indigenous peoples in the Upper Amazon have about this vital liquid.

Siekopai leader and protector of water, Justino Piaguaje, tells a story that explains the importance of this resource for his community, stressing that its significance extends far beyond its physical value.

"Water has material benefits: children can bathe in it, for example. But for us Siekopai, water is important even beyond its material use. Water embodies another world entirely. It has a spiritual identity.

In the past, our elders told us that the aquatic realm is ruled by 'Okome'. All beings living within the water live together in one big house. And in this house live our brothers and sisters, our uncles and grandparents.

We can enter this big house through our yagé (ayahuasca) ceremonies.

There is a story from the past, about a little girl who wanted to see the 'Okome'. She could not see it with her eyes alone. She simply could not see it. And so, a wise shaman told her, "If you take some of the sacred medicine of our peoples, then you will be able to see what is really inside this watery realm."

Today, we must heed the words of this wise ancestor. Until we can look at the world with different eyes, with a different perspective, we will never truly understand the importance of water to us, as human beings, and to the entire world."

text: amazonfrontlines.org
image: Piatua river, Ecuadorian Amazon

To some visitors of the   river, where we host our medicine retreats, the spirit of this place may present in a dream or...

To some visitors of the river, where we host our medicine retreats, the spirit of this place may present in a dream or vision in different forms, one of them being a sacred Mother, or “ warmi” ( ). The artwork on the photo was created by a local kichwa painter.

In the   province where we are located, there are 7 indigenous tribes:  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , and

In the province where we are located, there are 7 indigenous tribes: , , , , , , and

Exploring magical places in the sacred headwaters of the  , in the   province of  .

Exploring magical places in the sacred headwaters of the , in the province of .

The Amazon forest is our sacred home and we are its protectors ❤️

The Amazon forest is our sacred home and we are its protectors ❤️


Even a baby can learn how to prepare at www.feathercrown.com. Families are welcome on our retreats!

We found this lovely wild   while returning from   community visit during www.feathercrown.com     . It was easy to take...

We found this lovely wild while returning from community visit during www.feathercrown.com . It was easy to take pictures or even scratch him while this animal was moving very slowly towards another tree.


Stromy by měly být díky svým kořenům pevně připoutány k zemi. Ne nadarmo se i lidem říká, že by měli vědět, kde jsou jejich kořeny a „stát nohama pevně na zemi“. Jenže ekvádorské chodící stromy tato tvrzení vyvracejí. Zvláštní druhy palem se pohybují rychlostí asi ...

Shipibo healer Sina (Emilio Ramirez) visiting www.feathercrown.com (www.vypravadoamazonie.cz) in December 2021 and Janua...

Shipibo healer Sina (Emilio Ramirez) visiting www.feathercrown.com (www.vypravadoamazonie.cz) in December 2021 and January 2022. Event highlights: Total energy cleansing, strong Ayahuasca, powerful icaros and breathtaking environment in the Ecuadorian Amazon on a bank of a sacred crystalline river. Special New Years tribal celebration with songs dances and rituals!

www.feathercrown.com   retreat: visit of a   community with dances, songs, painting, traditional food, sacred stone and ...

www.feathercrown.com retreat: visit of a community with dances, songs, painting, traditional food, sacred stone and animals

www.feathercrown.com   retreat: visit of a   community with dances, songs, painting, traditional food, sanred stone and ...

www.feathercrown.com retreat: visit of a community with dances, songs, painting, traditional food, sanred stone and animals!

www.feathercrown.com   retreat: visit of a   community with dances, songs, painting, traditional food and sacred stone.

www.feathercrown.com retreat: visit of a community with dances, songs, painting, traditional food and sacred stone.

Maestro Sina is now in Ecuador with us, sharing his wisdom and Ayahuasca ceremonies, helping a lot of visitors to find a...

Maestro Sina is now in Ecuador with us, sharing his wisdom and Ayahuasca ceremonies, helping a lot of visitors to find a different path in life, find light and heal sickness. After two weeks more he will travel back to Peru to lead dietas.

The       women in the Ecuadorian Amazon always share a very positive energy with us, it is one of the best moments of t...

The women in the Ecuadorian Amazon always share a very positive energy with us, it is one of the best moments of the 13-day with www.feathercrown.com




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O projektu “Výprava do Amazonie”

Splňte si svůj sen o cestě do Amazonie a léčení s medicínou Ayahuasca ♥

Jmenuji se Jan Rostlinka a posledních 11 let žiji v ekvádorské horské Amazonii mezi indiány Naporuna. Přijel jsem zde se záměrem učit se o rostlinách u domorodých šamanů, které nyní doprovázím při léčení. Používáme zde rostliny pralesa k tomu, abychom zlepšili zdraví všem, kteří věří v léčivou moc matky přírody. Zaměřujeme se na velmi účinná sezení s nápojem připraveným z posvátné rostliny Ayahuasca – liánou duše, matkou rostlin. Připravil jsem v Ekvádoru bezpečný prostor pro všechny z vás, kteří chtějí prožít hluboké léčení s medicínou Ayahuasca v její domovině a být při tom obklopeni nádhernou přírodou. Postavil jsem k tomuto účelu centrum medicíny, ležící na posvátném a energeticky silném místě v pralese u křišťálově čisté řeky. Centrum poskytuje pohodlí lidem, kteří přijíždějí z civilizace. Čekají vás léčivé a hluboce transformující ceremonie i různé rostlinné terapie. Zážitky z ceremonií vám posléze pomůžu integrovat do každodenního života tak, abyste si z práce s Ayahuascou odnesli co nejvíce. Přijet může i ten, kdo se chce uzdravit nebo nalézt řešení problémů bez užití Ayahuascy. Tento pobyt je zaměřen na odstranění negativních energií a nemocí a získání vnitřní čistoty a nového náhledu na realitu. Je o spojení se hlouběji se sebou samým. Tato akce není „turistikou,“ dala by se nazvat cestováním do hloubi sama sebe. Byl bych rád, abyste vaši cestu využili na maximum, těšit se proto můžete na bohatý doprovodný program, díky kterému budete mít jedinečnou možnost prozkoumat prales s jeho obyvateli a poznat kulturu domorodců. Vaše účast pomůže domorodému etniku zachovat si své tradice a podpoří ochranu amazonské přírody. Výdělek z této akce míří na vytvoření ochranné rezervace u posvátné řeky ohrožené těžařskými aktivitami. Zvu vás k prozkoumání jednotlivých stránek této prezentace, kde naleznete více podrobností. Ať jsou duchové přírody vaší cestě do Amazonie nakloněni! Více na: www.vypravadoamazonie.cz

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