We also provide Real Estate management service for Real Estate owners in Tallinn. Tallinn Student is the first company in Tallinn that specialised for accommodating foreign students. In Tallinn Student we understand how frustrating it can be to move to a new city and need to find the perfect new home. Finding the perfect home is essential to have the best experience in abroad and we do our best to
help you with that by picking the most suitable, quality places for your needs. We partner with colleges, universities, academic programs, and businesses to provide custom solutions for their interns, international faculty and students. As many colleges and universities find the need to privatize or outsource their housing, Tallinn Student has stepped up to the task with new and longstanding partnerships with leading post-secondary educational institutions throughout Tallinn to help with their housing needs. All our properties are hand-picked to fit the specific needs of our clients. Rentable properties are listed in our “Residences” category and if a suitable residence cannot be found, be sure to fill out the application and write the specifics of what you are looking for. We will then set the goal to find a housing solution which fits your needs. In addition to our housing services we are actively looking to create partnerships with companies in finance, telecommunications, transportation, catering, nightlife and many other areas to provide discounts and other incentives. Our objective is to create a relationship between our customers and these companies to make everyones life easier and more enjoyable. Please see our “Partners” section for further details. Also, check our “News” section or join us on Facebook to take part in our upcoming events and stay up-to-date with discounts and other deals from our partners. Sincerely,
Tallinn Student Staff
Tallinn Student on ettevõte, mille eesmärgiks on pakkuda usaldusväärset, professionaalset ja mugavaimat majutusteenust. Oleme esimene sedalaadi ettevõte Eestis, omades kolme aastast kogemust on meie prioriteediks tagada kliendi rahulolu. Tallinn Student teeb koostööd ülikoolide, kutsehariduskoolide, rahvusvaheliste üliõpilasprogrammide ja erinevate ettevõtetega, leidmaks parimaid võimalusi üliõpilaste, välispraktikantide, töötajate jne majutamiseks. Kuna paljud kõrgkoolid ja firmad kannatavad majutusvõimaluste puuduse all, oleme loonud just sellise ettevõtte nagu seda on Tallinn Student. Kõik elamispinna pakkumised on spetsiaalselt vastavalt meie klientide vajadustele välja valitud. Võimalus on broneerida sobiv majutus meie koduleheküljel, “Eluasemed” sektsioonis, ning kui sobivat pakkumist ei leidu, siis on alati võimalik täita avaldus ning lisada oma soov. Ettevõte omakorda seab eesmärgiks leida selline majutus, mis sobiks teile kõige paremini. Lisaks majutusteenusele pakume mitmekülgseid soodustusi ning korraldame enda klientidele erinevaid üritusi. Selleks on loodud koduleheküljel eraldi ” Partnerid” sektsioon. Kindlasti liituge meiega ka Facebook’is, et olla kursis kõige vajalikuga ning seal hulgas meie koostööpartnerite pakkumistega. Lugupidamisega,
Tallinn Student Meeskond