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ستخدام الكاميراWe are happy that you have come to the land of civilizationFor reservations and inquiries, visit our webs...

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Daily life in ancient Egypt

Difficult questions that "Afrocentric" failed to answer scientifically------------------------------1- Is Africa a conti...

Difficult questions that "Afrocentric" failed to answer scientifically
1- Is Africa a continent for the Negro race? And do all blacks belong to the same Negro race, and did they live in Egypt only while the continent of Africa was devoid of them?
2- If ancient Egyptians were black Africans, then left “their home” to live in sub-Saharan Africa “SSA” after an invasion, those migrants should have the knowledge, language, religion and culture of Egypt in their heads, so what happened to all of that?
3- Structures; Real ancient Egyptians documented all aspects of their live on the walls of temples and tombs from war to dancing. So, they should have made every corner in SSA tells their story but the fact is shocking; it looks like no one of the master builders of the ancient world took 5 minutes of their precious time to carve a single hieroglyphic symbol anywhere in their new societies?
4- Language, can they name one African tribe in sub-Saharan countries that speaks ancient Egyptian? Why did they not continue naming their children according to their “heritage”? While in Egypt there are more than 3,000 ancient Egyptian names still in use, such as Ramses, Ahmose, Mina, and Merit, why are there no hieroglyphic words in their languages, just as there are more than 50,000 ancient Egyptian words? In the Egyptian slang?
5- Religion; is anyone aware of an African tribe that worshiped ancient Egyptian gods? What about the dead, they were buried without mummification? Any mummies in SSA? Has one ancient Egyptian tomb ever discovered there?
6- Culture; were ancient Egyptian clothes, jewelry, statues or papyrus ever found in SSA? Are their dancing, music and traditions related to ancient Egypt in anyway? Do they celebrate ancient Egyptian feasts? Do they even have a calendar?
7- All these elements and more should have survived in part or in whole or at least affected the western African and sub-Saharan societies if they had any interaction with ancient Egyptians much less receiving a migration from ancient Egypt.
8- In addition, this whole Afrocentric circus started last century while Egypt was invaded by Greeks, Romans and Arabs between the fourth century BC to the seventh century AD. How can they explain 1300 + years of “radio silence”?
9- The only way to achieve the so-called Afrocentric scenario is for whatever invader to find a way to wipe out the memory of the so-called black African ancient Egyptians then stripping them naked to make sure they don’t have anything that can possibly be related to Egypt before showing them the way to the south?! Can they show the world any sign of ancient Egypt where they came from?
10- Whoever invented this lie didn’t realize that it is self-insulting? They simply branded themselves as cowards who left “their home” after being colonized. The truth is the exact opposite; Egyptians, whom they call “invaders”, suffered HORRIBLE times under the rule of many foreigners but never left their land. Real Egyptians are not rats to escape their country in the face of an invasion.

Dear colleagues and colleagues..After communicating with Professor Zahi Hawass, to request his archaeological scientific...

Dear colleagues and colleagues..
After communicating with Professor Zahi Hawass, to request his archaeological scientific response, to the allegations of the so-called “Afrocentric” campaigns, his office issued the following statement
Statement from Dr. Zahi Hawass Against the Group That Entered the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir and Claimed to Be the Origin of Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Archaeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass stated that the opinions announced by a group of Afrocentrists inside the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir have no basis in truth and are fantasies. He explained that the Black Kingdom of Kush ruled Egypt in 500 B.C., which was the end of the Pharaonic civilization. When the Kingdom of Kush ruled Egypt, it did not leave any impact on the civilization; rather, it was the Egyptian civilization that influenced those people.

Hawass added that there is a very important fact they need to know: the depictions on Egyptian temples from the Old Kingdom to the end of the Late Period show the King of Egypt and in front of him are captives from Africa, Libya, Syria, and Palestine.

Hawass pointed out that we will find that the features of the Egyptian king are completely different and do not show any characteristics that suggest he was Black.

Hawass added that we are not against Black people at all, but we are against this group that entered the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to announce ideas that have no basis in truth.

Hawass clarified that the Afrocentric movement aims to create confusion by spreading false and misleading information that the origin of Egyptian civilization is Black

Detail of the outer wooden coffin The mummy of the property manager Khnumhotep is made of colored sycamore wood inlaid w...

Detail of the outer wooden coffin The mummy of the property manager Khnumhotep is made of colored sycamore wood inlaid with precious stones and dates back to the Middle Kingdom, the Twelfth Dynasty, around 1900 BC. M 👀😍 We see a pair of eyes drawn on the outside of the coffin, which were placed opposite the eyes of the deceased while his mummy was lying on its left side, facing the eyes drawn outside it, as it is believed that the eyes of Horus allow the soul of the deceased to see the sunrise 👁️👁️🌞 Below the eyes there is a brilliantly decorated facade with a small entrance, which is equivalent to a false door in the Old Kingdom, which was believed to allow the soul of the deceased to move between the other world and the land of the living.

Amenhotep III, one of ancient Egypt's most influential and powerful pharaohs, reigned during the 18th Dynasty, around 13...

Amenhotep III, one of ancient Egypt's most influential and powerful pharaohs, reigned during the 18th Dynasty, around 1386–1353 BCE. His reign is often considered a high point in Egyptian civilization due to its remarkable prosperity, monumental construction projects, and extensive diplomatic relations.

# # # Early Life and Ascension to the Throne

Amenhotep III was the son of Thutmose IV and Queen Mutemwiya. He ascended the throne at a young age, possibly around 12 years old. His early reign was guided by his mother and influential court officials, ensuring a smooth transition of power.

# # # Achievements and Reign

# # # # Architectural Endeavors

Amenhotep III is renowned for his extensive building projects, which showcased the wealth and artistic achievements of his reign. The most famous of these include:
- **The Colossi of Memnon**: Two massive stone statues of the king that stood at the entrance of his mortuary temple.
- **Luxor Temple**: Expanded and embellished during his reign.
- **Malkata Palace**: A vast palace complex on the west bank of the Nile in Thebes, serving as his residence.

# # # # Diplomatic Relations

Amenhotep III maintained peaceful relations with neighboring regions through diplomacy and marriage alliances. He corresponded with other contemporary great powers, such as Mitanni, Babylonia, and Assyria, as evidenced by the Amarna letters. These clay tablets reveal a sophisticated network of communication and mutual respect between rulers.

# # # # Religious Contributions

During his reign, Amenhotep III promoted the worship of the sun god Amun-Ra. He also commissioned numerous temples and statues dedicated to various deities, reinforcing the religious and cultural hegemony of the pharaoh.

# # # Family and Succession

Amenhotep III was married to Queen Tiye, who wielded significant influence during his reign. Together, they had several children, including their famous son, Akhenaten, who succeeded him and later initiated religious reforms by promoting the worship of Aten.

# # # Legacy

Amenhotep III's reign is often viewed as a golden age of ancient Egypt, marked by stability, artistic achievement, and economic prosperity. His contributions to architecture, art, and diplomacy left a lasting legacy, influencing subsequent generations and the overall history of ancient Egypt.

His death marked the end of an era, but the monuments and records from his reign provide a comprehensive insight into one of the most flourishing periods in Egyptian history.


Sure, here's a content piece about the pyramids in English:


**The Pyramids of Egypt: Wonders of the Ancient World**

The pyramids of Egypt, iconic symbols of ancient civilization, continue to captivate the imagination of people around the world. These monumental structures, primarily built during the Old Kingdom period (c. 2686–2181 BCE), serve as a testament to the architectural ingenuity and cultural sophistication of ancient Egyptians.

**Historical Significance**

The most famous pyramids are located on the Giza Plateau, near Cairo. These include the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), the Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), and the Pyramid of Menkaure. The Great Pyramid, the largest of the three, was originally built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu and is the only surviving structure of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

**Construction Techniques**

The construction of the pyramids remains a topic of much scholarly debate. It is believed that a combination of skilled labor, innovative engineering, and sheer determination facilitated their creation. The Egyptians employed thousands of workers, who used simple tools and methods such as ramps and levers to move and position massive limestone and granite blocks, some weighing as much as 80 tons.

**Cultural and Religious Importance**

Pyramids were not merely grandiose tombs but also served as a means to ensure the pharaoh's safe passage to the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that the shape of the pyramid, with its base grounded on Earth and apex pointing towards the heavens, symbolized the sun’s rays and facilitated the ascension of the soul to join the gods. The interiors of these pyramids were elaborately decorated with hieroglyphs and filled with valuable items meant to aid the pharaoh in the afterlife.

**Modern-Day Fascination**

Today, the pyramids are a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors annually. They are also a subject of extensive archaeological study. Researchers continue to explore these ancient wonders, employing modern technology such as 3D scanning and satellite imagery to uncover new insights into their construction and purpose.


The pyramids of Egypt are more than just ancient monuments; they are enduring symbols of human achievement and the mysteries of the past. As we continue to study and admire these architectural feats, they offer a window into a civilization that has profoundly shaped human history.


This content provides a comprehensive overview of the pyramids, highlighting their historical, cultural, and architectural significance.

✨Its water never dries up It did not contain any algae or odors Its water level has been constant and has not changed wi...

✨Its water never dries up It did not contain any algae or odors Its water level has been constant and has not changed without increase or decrease for more than 3,000 years, despite the factors of erosion, loss, seepage, and evaporation over the ages. It is the sacred lake in Luxor This marvel of ancient Egyptian civilization is located outside the main lobby of the Karnak Temple. It is 80 meters long and 40 meters wide. The reason for its name is that the priests used to wash themselves with the water of the lake before the start of religious and official ceremonies or ceremonies.

Medusa statue in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. It was discovered in the western region of the Libyan Sea between ...

Medusa statue in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. It was discovered in the western region of the Libyan Sea between Greece and Egypt. According to experts, it has been at the bottom of the sea for 2,500 years. Bringing this statue to the surface is extremely complicated because Medusa has been falling over the millennium, and the slightest shake or movement, even slight, could cause it to break or be damaged beyond repair and eventually break into pieces.

🛑 The bride and groom are lovers of Egypt.. 📸 Snapshots from the legendary wedding of the “Indian billionaire” Ankur Jai...

🛑 The bride and groom are lovers of Egypt.. 📸 Snapshots from the legendary wedding of the “Indian billionaire” Ankur Jain and his fashion model wife in the Pyramids area at a cost of 3 million dollars.. And Zahi Hawass: I informed them that Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure send their greetings 🇪🇬❤️

The real face of King Tut: The pharaoh had a girl's hips, zambo feet and prominent teeth according to a 'virtual autopsy...

The real face of King Tut: The pharaoh had a girl's hips, zambo feet and prominent teeth according to a 'virtual autopsy' which also revealed his parents were brother and sister. With powerful features cast in brown gold, Tutankhamun's funerary mask projects an image of majestic beauty and regal power. But in the flesh, King Tut had prominent teeth

The face of King Seti I is one of the most well-preserved faces in Egyptian history.King Seti I's name means: belonging ...

The face of King Seti I is one of the most well-preserved faces in Egyptian history.
King Seti I's name means: belonging to the deity Set.
He died 3,298 years ago and ruled when Egypt was at its highest peaks. He was the father of one of the most famous kings of all time, Ramesses II.
In his time, mummification was at the peak of perfection.
Some wonder why the mummy is black and think it was burned.
But this darkening results from the interaction of some embalming materials with the body, including natron salt, which contains four substances: two substances that work to absorb fluids in the body, and two substances that form cells that swallow bacteria and cause this darkening.
Mummification developed during the 21st Dynasty, and they began to paint the mummy with some colors that resembled the color of the skin.
This mummy is considered the best preserved in the world.

Nefertiti Tours Company congratulates the world, the Islamic nation and the Arab world on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. H...

Nefertiti Tours Company congratulates the world, the Islamic nation and the Arab world on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. Happy new year, may your hearts always be filled with joy and happiness.


Queen Nefertiti Tomb Valley of Queens

A close-up look at the features of the leader's coffin.. Yuya.. 💙 Grandfather of King Akhenaten and great-grandfather of...

A close-up look at the features of the leader's coffin.. Yuya.. 💙 Grandfather of King Akhenaten and great-grandfather of King Tutankhamun The Eighteenth Dynasty of the New Kingdom The Ancient Egyptian Museum in Tahrir


Do you think that the Little Pharaohs used to go to schools and study stories like the ones we study today ?
(The Tale of Sinuhe)
For more stories

A new archaeological discovery in Minya... mummies, coffins, golden masks, and terracotta statues.A number of tombs dati...

A new archaeological discovery in Minya... mummies, coffins, golden masks, and terracotta statues.A number of tombs dating back to the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, and a number of mummies from the Roman era, were uncovered during their excavations in the Al-Bahnasa archaeological area in Minya Governorate.Dr. explained. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said that the tombs that were discovered from the Roman era were found in the eastern side of the upper cemetery in Bahnasa, and they are tombs with a new type of burial, as they consist of a hole dug in the natural rock in the ground, as was found, For the first time in the Bahnasa region, terracotta statues depict the goddess Isis Aphrodite wearing a floral wreath surmounted by a crown, which indicates that the region still reveals many secrets and burial methods there during different eras.The mission also found parts of papyrus inside a clay seal, in addition to a large number of mummies wrapped in colored wrappings, the faces of some of which were covered with gilded and colored funerary masks. A gold tongue was also found inside the mouths of two of them, which is a well-known ritual from the Roman era in Bahnasa to preserve On the deceased.The architectural design of the tombs in this site is a stone well that ends with a door closed with mud bricks that leads to a large hole inside which a group of empty coffins were found and another closed one containing mummies covered with colored cardboard. He added that 23 mummified mummies were found outside the coffins, and four coffins of the shape of Inside one of them are two mummies and small votive perfume bottles.

speech, the Prime Minister stressed that, in recognition of the vital and economic importance of medical and hospital to...

speech, the Prime Minister stressed that, in recognition of the vital and economic importance of medical and hospital tourism, Egypt has begun developing an integrated development vision for many of its unique tourist and health sites. To be destinations for medical and hospital tourism, such as the cities of Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada, Safaga, and El Quseir on the Red Sea coast, as well as the new cities that the state has begun to establish on the Mediterranean coast, led by the cities of New Alamein and Ras El Hekma, in addition to many other tourist areas within Egypt.


Egypt ♥️♥️🕊

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Ina Williams, Mohamed Amine Mokhtari, Mohamed Kilany Siwa, Ana Mardesic, Alsayed Hassanein, Erika Kaiser, Shahzad Ahmed Thebo, Ionela Lupsa

When you visit Aswan, Make sure that you have a view 🫴❤️ Our great team is waiting for you to take you for a tour inside...

When you visit Aswan, Make sure that you have a view 🫴❤️

Our great team is waiting for you to take you for a tour inside the wonderful city of Aswan ❤️


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Planning To Travel, It's Time To Book Now and you Can Pay Later,  Explore  Egypt Now and Get Up To 30 % OffBook Now

Planning To Travel, It's Time To Book Now and you Can Pay Later, Explore Egypt Now and Get Up To 30 % Off

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On your visit to Alexandria, you must know the history of the great Qaitbay Citadel Its construction dates back to 1477 ...

On your visit to Alexandria, you must know the history of the great Qaitbay Citadel

Its construction dates back to 1477 AD, which was erected over one of the Seven Wonders of the World in the city of Alexandria

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🇪🇬Planning your trip, enjoying your time in Egypt is our mission, Call us and book your trip now and travel later.Contac...

🇪🇬Planning your trip, enjoying your time in Egypt is our mission, Call us and book your trip now and travel later.

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🇪🇬Think To Visit Egypt, Contact Us To Plan Yout Trip, Enjoy it. Contact Us📞 +201062712697 - +201100960361Or Visit Our We...

🇪🇬Think To Visit Egypt, Contact Us To Plan Yout Trip, Enjoy it.

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▶️ If You are Planning To Visit Egypt,      You are in The Right Place ▶️ On the occasion of New Year's Day,      We Wis...

▶️ If You are Planning To Visit Egypt,
You are in The Right Place

▶️ On the occasion of New Year's Day,
We Wish it Happy With another Way,

▶️ Almost of Our Guests Choose :
☑️ Cairo, Luxor and Aswan for 8 Days ⤵️

☑️ Cairo and Luxor for 8 Days ⤵️

☑️ Cairo and Aswan for 8 Days ⤵️

☑️ But If You Stay More Than Or Less We Can Help You With a Custom Itinerary Just Click and Blew Everything ⤵️

Just Click To Book Your Trip, Then Let Us Say To You What's Our Surprise of The New Year. To You.


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