Tour Guide Rema

Tour Guide Rema Arce [𓂋𓇋𓅓𓄿]🗿
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[Narmar prayer_صلايه نعرمر]✒Written by: Rema Fayez▪︎ It dates back to the beginning of the First Dynasty around 3100 BC....

[Narmar prayer_صلايه نعرمر]
✒Written by: Rema Fayez
▪︎ It dates back to the beginning of the First Dynasty around 3100 BC.
▪︎ Its length is 64 cm, and its width is 42 cm.
▪︎ Made from green schist stone, the Egyptians used it to record their historical events.
▪︎It was discovered in the remains of a temple in the ancient state in Hierakonpolis (now known as Kom al-Ahmar) near Edfu.
1️⃣In the first face: From the top of the prayer, we find two faces of the goddess Hathor, and between them is a scroll with the name of King Narmer written on it.
▪︎ In the middle, we find the king depicted in a large figure, wearing the white crown, which is the crown of the north, and holding a spear with which he strikes one of his enemies.
▪︎ Behind him, he depicted a shoe holder, and in the front, the god Horus was depicted in the form of a falcon carrying the head of one of the captives, and his body was in the form of the sign of the earth, from which a papyrus plant emerges, as evidence that he is from the north. The depiction of Horus in the inscription here indicates that he is offering the North Delta to rule it and extend his influence over it.
▪︎ Below the prayer , we find 2 of the sacrifices running away and looking behind them to indicate fear of what they are running away from.
2️⃣In the second aspect: we find a depiction of the two faces of the goddess Hathor at the top of the prayer hall, and between them is the stage.
▪︎ In the middle, we find the king walking in the victory parade wearing the crown of the south, which is the red crown, and behind him is a slipper holder, and in the front, his most senior minister, and above him is a sign (st) to indicate that he is a minister, and in front of the minister walk the flag bearers.
▪︎ On the far right are pictures of the prisoners with their heads cut off and placed between their feet, with all feet facing each other except for two of them, who are likely commanders from the north.
▪︎ In the middle of the prayer, there are pictures of two huge animals with their necks intertwined, and this is evidence of the monotheism of Upper and Lower Egypt .

《مسجد احمد ابن طولون_Ahmed Ibn Tulun Mosque 》 ✍️written by: Tour guide_Rema Fayez .▪︎Built by Ahmed Ibn Tulun in the nin...

《مسجد احمد ابن طولون_Ahmed Ibn Tulun Mosque 》

✍️written by: Tour guide_Rema Fayez .

▪︎Built by Ahmed Ibn Tulun in the ninth century during his rule of Egypt in the year 876 AD, and its construction was completed a year later.
▪︎It is the third mosque built in Egypt.
▪︎ The mosque has classic characteristics that distinguish it from others, as it was built according to the Iraqi heritage and style in planning, decoration and décor.
▪︎ It is the largest mosque in Egypt, as it was built on an area of 6.5 acres.
▪︎ The mosque was built from burnt bricks.
▪︎ When entering the mosque, we will find a square courtyard in the middle, which is an open courtyard with an area of about 92 square metres, surrounded by 4 corridors, the largest of which is the Qibla corridor, which consists of 5 naves, while the rest of the corridors consist of two naves, and the corridors contain 300 columns.
▪︎ In the middle of the courtyard is a fountain inside a square-plan building topped with a dome supported by rows of muqarnas.
▪︎The left wall is the Qibla wall and contains 6 niches. ▪︎ The mihrab of the mosque is surrounded by two columns and is in the form of a semicircular recess in the qibla wall. It has a marble mosaic wall surmounted by a band of decorations with inscriptions in naskh script dating back to the reign of Sultan Lajin Al-Mansouri in 1296 AD.
▪︎ The mosque is famous for its conical minaret, which reaches a height of 40 meters from the surface of the ground and is ascended to via an external ladder.
▪︎The mosque is a unique example of Islamic architecture and a wonderful architectural masterpiece.

[ Saqqara Serapeum📍🇪🇬] Written by✍️ : Tour guide_Rema Fayez▪︎It is located in the Saqqara antiquities area in Lower Egyp...

[ Saqqara Serapeum📍🇪🇬]

Written by✍️ : Tour guide_Rema Fayez

▪︎It is located in the Saqqara antiquities area in Lower Egypt.
▪︎ It is called the Cemetery of the Sacred Calves, which was dedicated to the Apis calf, which was worshiped as a calf during a period of time, then was mummified and buried there.
▪︎The history of the Serapeum dates back to the 18th Dynasty in the Late Era.
▪︎ Serapeum was discovered in 1851 AD by Auguste Mariette.
▪︎The Serapeum was carved up to a depth of 380 meters underground, then corridors and side rooms, numbering 24 rooms, were made.
▪︎Each room contained a coffin made of black granite, basalt, and stone.
▪︎ The weight of one coffin with the lid reaches more than 100 tons.
▪︎ The Ibis calf was mummified in the same manner as the ancient Egyptians mummified the dead, except for one method, which was that it was not wrapped in linen. ▪︎ Some mummies of the Apis calf were found intact and are preserved in the Egyptian Museum to this day. ▪︎The Serapeum is one of the miracles that occurred on the land of Egypt. It is a miracle of astonishment and beauty.
▪︎If there are seven wonders of the world, then Sasserapium of Saqqara is considered the eighth of the wonders.
▪︎ And here remains the question that has puzzled everyone and scientists, which is that how were the ancient Egyptians able to carve a place of such magnificence underground, and how were they carving those passages with such precision and planning?!! How were they able to transport and insert 24 coffins of this size and weight into those corridors?!!!

[ منزل السحيمى  _ Al-Suhaimi's house ]📝 written by :- tour guide Rema Fayez ✨️◇ من أجمل بيوت القاهرة الذي يقع في الدرب ا...

[ منزل السحيمى _ Al-Suhaimi's house ]

📝 written by :- tour guide Rema Fayez ✨️

◇ من أجمل بيوت القاهرة الذي يقع في الدرب الأصفر في منطقة الجمالية .
◇ ينقسم هذا البيت الي قسمين القسم الأول بناة رجل يدعى الشيخ عبد الوهاب الطبلاوي سنة 1648م ،و قام ببناء القسم الثاني الشيخ إسماعيل بن شلبي سنة 1796م ، ثم دمجة بالقسم الأول ليصبح بيت واحد .
◇ و عرف بمنزل السحيمى نسبة الي اخر من سكنة الشيخ أمين السحيمى هو احد كبار علماء الأزهر و شيخ الأتراك في العصر العثماني .
◇ يبدأ المنزل بقاعة علي يسار الحديقة التي تتوسط المنزل و من أهم فنيات هذة القاعه هي المقاعد و المشربيات الخشبية التي كانت توضع علي النوافذ لتسمح بدخول الهواء و تمنع مرور الضوء .
◇ اما في الدور العلوي نجد القاعات المخصصه للحريم ذات الجدران المصفوفة علي تجويفات تحتوي علي تشكيلات من السيراميك و كذلك النوافذ و المشربيات التي من خلالها تستطيع النساء ان تلقي نظرة خفية علي الزوار في قاعة الرجال و الحديقة .
◇ اما حديقة المنزل ذات المناظر الخلابة تحتوي عي ٣ من المشربيات الخشبية الرائعه و مقعد كبير و ساقية مياة تستخدم في الري التي مازال ترسها الخشبي موجود حتي اليوم .
◇ من أهم التحف الفنية الإسلامية للمنزل هي الأواني ذات الخزف العثماني .
◇ من روائع منزل السحيمى القناديل الزجاجية ذات الألوان الزاهية و الأثاث المنزلي الذى يعطي رونق للمنزل لعصر الالف ليلة وليلة .
◇ تحول المنزل الي متحف بعد بيعة الي لجنة حفظ الآثار العربية و تحويلة الي متحف .
◇ يعتبر المنزل من روائع مباني القاهرة في العصر العثماني .

كُتب بقلمي : tour guide Rema Fayez《مسجد محمد علي Mohamed Ali Mosque 》▪︎يقع داخل قلعة صلاح الدين الأيوبي و يبلغ مساحتة 50...

كُتب بقلمي : tour guide Rema Fayez

《مسجد محمد علي Mohamed Ali Mosque 》
▪︎يقع داخل قلعة صلاح الدين الأيوبي و يبلغ مساحتة 5000م .
▪︎قام بإنشائة الحاكم التركي محمد على و هو يرجع للعصر العثماني . و التي أستمرت فترة حكم أسرته لأكثر من 150 سنة .
▪︎أطلق علي هذا المسجد جامع الألبستر او المرمر و ذلك إشارة للالواح الرخامية التي كسيت بها الجدران الداخليه و الخارجية .
▪︎ تم بناء الجامع علي الطراز العثماني:- حيث يتكون المسجد من صحن مكشوف و قاعة الصلاة التي تتكون من مساحة مربعة تتوسطها قبة مركزيه ضخمة مدون عليها كتابات نصها ( بسم الله _ ما شاء الله _ تبارك الله ) ثم يحيط بها 4 أنصاف قباب مدون عليها أسماء الخلفاء الراشدين الأربعة و يوجد في الأركان 4 قباب صغيرة .
▪︎يوجد للجامع منبران إحداهما من الخشب المطلي باللون الاخضر و اللون الذهبي و هو المنبر الأصلي للمسجد و المنبر الآخر مصنوع من الرخام الذى أضيف للجامع لاحقاً في عهد الملك فاروق.
▪︎يحتوي المسجد علي 365 مشكاة بعدد ايام السنة .
▪︎اما في الركن الجنوبي الغربي علي يمين الداخل يقع ضريح محمد علي الذى بني من الرخام الأبيض مدون عليه بعض الآيات القرآنية باللون الذهبي و يوجد اعلي القبر طربوش كرمز ان المدفون فية حاكم تركي .
▪︎يوجد في صحن الجامع ساعه من النحاس أهداها لويس فيليب ملك فرنسا الي محمد علي مقابل مسلة رمسيس الثاني التي كانت قائمة أمام معبد الأقصر و الآن توجد في ميدان الكونكورد بباريس .
▪︎و في الواجهه الغربيه للصحن يوجد مئذنتا الجامع و هما الاعلي في مصر فيبلغ ارتفاع كل منهما 84م .
▪︎يعد هذا المسجد من افخم المساجد الموجوده في مصر علي الطراز العثماني .





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