We are the first community for back-packing travelers in Egypt.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain
هو ليس جروب للرحالات العاديه التى تسعى لتمضيه وقت الفراغ فى مكان ما بهدف المتعه و حسب. انما هو نادى يضم اكثر من 3 الاف شخص يقومون بممارسه هوايه الترحال.
هدفنا هو احياء فن الترحال الذى عرفه ال
عرب قديما و اشتهروا به و خلق جيل جديد من الرحاله كابن بطوطه على المثال. دورنا ان نستكشف اماكن كثيره مجهوله غير معتاد الذهاب اليها.
و ايضا تعليم الشباب و الفتيات من كل الاعمار مهارات و خصائص الرحاله ليبدأ الرحاله رحلته الخاصه الى مصر و العالم كله يعتمد فيها على نفسه و يكون مرشد نفسه فى تلك الرحلات. ليس الغرض من سفرنا المتعه فقط و انما المغامره و التحدى و الاستكشاف.
بعض رحالتنا:
جبل قطرانى - دير ابو ليفه - الغابات المتحجره - مدينه ديميه السباع - وادى البطيخ - مدينه كرانيس - جزيره كلابشه - كهوف حمامات فرعون - راس شيطان - بير واحد - بحر الرمال العظم - بحيره البرولوس - بحيره البردويل - و اماكن اخرى كثيره
“So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.” - Quotation by Christopher McCandless
The developers of Rahala Club have created an incomparable community which provides unlimited informational, technical and field support of travelers and culture enthusiasts, all in an exquisite atmosphere of endless entertainment, fun and discovery. Feel the real taste of cities and countries, exploring points of interests in each city including the historical places, museums, parks and the most amazing natural spots. Through an exciting program of both local and international trips, information manuals, cultural seminars and technical courses, Rahala Community will continue to be recognized as a leading organization for excellence in traveling, cultural preservation and exploration. This community is dedicated to those who contemplate the Wonders of Cities and the Marvels of Traveling. For hundreds of years, our forefathers have been traveling and establishing themselves throughout the world always searching for new lands. And today we are setting on our own journey, following their footsteps, and those of the most celebrated travelers in history, men like Ibn Batouta, Ahmad Ibn Jubayr and Ibn Fadlan who had left their Arab homelands and wandered the ancient world, spreading culture, science and knowledge and leaving a legacy of discoveries and stories behind. Not only is the community concerned with navigation and on-road experiences, but also empowering the travelers with techniques and working skills of camping, hiking, rock climbing, Safari, diving, snorkeling and many other exciting outdoor activities. In order to ensure premium quality of Rahala Club services presented to its members, each member will be allowed better involvement in trip management and organization in different areas like navigation, logistics, procurement and strategic planning. This can only be achieved through exclusive training of each individual on the personal and technical skills.