Join us at the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF12) for a session on Strategic Partnerships in Action in the Arab States to End Violence Against Women and Girls in Public Spaces in Multiple Settings.
This session covers:
Creating Safe Public Spaces: Gain insights into making public spaces safer for women and girls across the Arab States.
Cross-Sector Collaboration: Explore how diverse sectors join forces to prevent and respond to violence.
Scalable Solutions: Discover effective strategies from successful safe spaces programs that can be scaled.
Local Impact: See how policies are adapted to create real change at the community level.
Advancing SDGs: Learn how these initiatives contribute to SDGs 5, 11, and 16.
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#WUF12Egypt #wuf2024 #takween_icd #WUF12 #SafePublicSpaces #GenderEquality #SDGs
Join us at the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF12) for a session on Climate Resilience in Mediterranean Cities: From Strategies to Local Action.
This session covers:
Local Solutions and Action: Explore community-based approaches to building climate resilience.
Collaborative Knowledge Sharing: Connect with peers to exchange experiences and best practices.
Policy Advocacy: Discover how to turn ideas into actionable policies for sustainable urban development.
Gender-Inclusive Urban Planning: Learn how to incorporate women’s perspectives for inclusive, resilient cities.
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#WUF12Egypt #sustainablecities #privatesectorimpact #wuf2024 #takween_icd #WUF12
Join us at the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF12) for a session on Thriving Cities – Can the Private Sector Help Create Sustainable Urban Environments.
This session covers:
the Private Sector Impact: Discover how businesses drive urban sustainability and ensure transparency.
Strategic Policy Guidance: Learn from case studies on effective collaboration between companies and local governments.
Tools for Stakeholder Engagement: Access resources to support productive partnerships for sustainable urban growth.
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#WUF12Egypt #SustainableCities #PrivateSectorImpact #wuf2024 #takween_icd #wuf12
Join us at the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF12) for Actualizing Gender-Inclusive Urbanism: Between Policy and Implementation. This session explores:
National Guidelines: Learn about Egypt’s gender-inclusive urban planning guidelines, with impactful case studies.
Policy Development and Implementation: Understand the GOPP's role in shaping policies for sustainable urban development across national and regional levels, alongside their collaboration with UN-Habitat to create a gender-mainstreaming manual for policy integration.
Advancing the SDGs: Discover how gender equality in urban planning strengthens public spaces, mobility, and economic resilience.
#WUF12Egypt #wuf2024 #genderinclusiveurbanism m #sdgs #inclusivecities #genderequality #takween_icd
Join us at the 12th World Urban Forum (WUF12) for a session on Housing Rehabilitation in Historic Urban Settlements in the Arab Region. Discover strategies to balance conservation with modernization, ensuring historic spaces remain vibrant and resilient. Gain insights from 18 case studies across 10 countries, a roadmap for housing rehabilitation, and a call to action for cities to protect and revitalize their heritage.
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#WUF12Egypt #housingrehabilitation #heritageconservation #wuf2024 #takween_icd #WUF12
نسعى من خلال مشروع "الاستثمار في السياحة المستدامة والمتكاملة بمدينة إسنا (VISIT-Esna)" إلى تمكين المجتمع المحلي، وخاصة النساء، عبر تطوير مهارات الحرف اليدوية التقليدية مثل الأويمة والتطعيم في صناعة الأخشاب. 🛠️
يحكي حسن، منسق الحرف اليدوية بالمشروع، تجربته في تمكين المشاركات وتزويدهن بالمهارات التقنية والفنية اللازمة لإنتاج منتجات سياحية مميزة بجودة عالية، مستوحاة من تراث إسنا العريق وهويتها الفريدة. ✨
ينفذ المشروع بواسطة شركة تكوين لتنمية المجتمعات المتكاملة بالتعاون مع وزارة السياحة والآثار، ووزارة التعاون الدولي، ومحافظة الأقصر، وبدعم من الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية، لتعزيز مكانة إسنا كوجهة سياحية رائدة.
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities وزارة السياحة والآثار
#culturalheritage #DiscoverEsna #VISITEsna #woodworking #womenempowerment
A glimpse of Esna in Cairo 🧡It’s been a real pleasure highlighting the charm of the magical city of Esna at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization NMEC المتحف القومي للحضارة المصرية. We would like to thank the museum for this great collaboration and we look forward to future joint events!
📣📣 Pr.Ba concept store now in Luxor! If you’re looking to shop authentic products or bring home travel mementos from your trip to Luxor, Pr.Ba is where you need to be! Our new store is located in Luxor market! Here you can shop a wide variety of highly curated handmade Egyptian products from Malaika Linens, Chagara, Hathor Organics, @imperfection_ns, @naia_design_house, trove, @rofoofegypt, AKKA and Nahla Soliman Designs!
Pottery House- Esna
Another success story that showcases the power of innovation and local community partnerhsip to achieve sustainable tourism!
Today, Omar Badran, the owner of Pottery House in Esna, tells us how the project is impacting the prosperity of the community in Esna, as well as providing visitors with a very unique shopping experience.
This store was enhanced through the efforts of a unique partnership between the local people of Esna, Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt and Takween ICD, under the larger project “VISIT-Esna” funded by USAID/Egypt , implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities وزارة السياحة والآثار and Luxor Governorate.
#DiscoverEsna #esna #luxor #egypt #local #shopping #sustainable #tourism #sustainability #handmade #crafts
A coffee shop is a can’t-miss destination on any trip and Omar’s café has become a big part of the visitors experience and one of the city’s attraction, especially after its recent renovations. We’ve partnered with the local community to provide visitors’ an opportunity to travel beyond country highlights, experience more unique features of the charming city of Esna; a chance to connect with locals! Omar’s been a change agent in his hometown Esna, contributing to the city’s local economic development by investing in his local coffee shop with the support of the project. The coffee shop was enhanced through the efforts of a unique partnership between the local people of Esna, Embassy of the Netherlands @nlinegypt and Takween ICD, under the larger project “VISIT-Esna” funded by @usaidegypt , implemented in partnership with the @ministry_tourism_antiquities and the Luxor Governorate. #esna #luxor #egypt #sustainable #tourism #local #shoplocal #coffee #coffeeshop
Selecting the right logo for the enhanced stores in Esna is never an easy process! But we’re lucky to be working with @ahmadelzanaty who designed this unique and creative logo for Ali Baba store specializing in handmade local products with scarabs!
Ali Baba Store
Now that you’ve seen the before and after photos of Ali Baba store, tune into the story of the shop owner Mohamed Ali, as he explains his journey through the incentive program to contribute to enhancing the tourist shopping experience in Esna.
One shop at a time, the incentive program is turning Esna into a one of a kind destination for shopping, contributing to the prosperity within the city.
This store was enhanced through the efforts of a unique partnership between the local people of Esna, Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt @nlinegypt and Takween ICD, under the larger project “VISIT-Esna” funded by @usaidegypt, implemented in partnership with the @ministry_tourism_antiquities and Luxor Governorate @visitluxor .
📸 Ahmed Mostafa & Eyad Yasser