Mr. Muhammad Ahmed Zeineddin the founder of Mosaic Club is Introducing the first annual international iftar dish party to prof. Akmaljon Odilov Head of tourism department, Silk Road international university of Tourism And Cultural Heritage.
14 different countries participated
(France, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Greece, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Uzbekistan) sharing food, cultural aspects and love, spresding tolerance as part of cross cultural activities.
Thank you so much for joining us and your support 🥰❤️😍🙏
#mosaicclub #mosaicclub_culturalawareness #zeinsdiary #crossculturalexchange #sriutch
Field study..
Exploring the other side world..
Pointing out using the quote "the sulton is the shadow of God, who's being generous to him, is being gerous to God, and who's being to him is being bad to God.. السلطان ظل الله فى الارض، من أكرمه فقد أكرم الله، ومن أهانه/أذلة فقد أهان/أذل الله.."
Why is it important? And how? What does it indicates?
#zeinsdiary #mosaicclub #mosaicclub_culturalawareness#review
Mr. Muhammad Ahmed Zeineddin the founder of Mosaic Club
Presenting a gift reperesting friendship between Egypt and Uzbekistan to H.E.Mr. Aziz Abduhakimov
Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan
#zeinsdiary #mosaicclub #mosaicclub_culturalawareness #review #egypt #uzbekistan #samarkand
Ibn Tulon mosque (mosque and congragetion mosque) the fourth congragetion mosque in all Egypt, also the biggest mosque in all the country with a capacity of 6 acres, the oldest mosque still intact since it's foundation which is about 1200 years ago.
There's alot of things to be told about it, but you can watch it in the movie "the spy who loved me"
#zeinsdiary #cairoeveryday #cairo#checkoutegypt #mosaicclub#mosaicclub_tripsandtours
Ibn Tulon mosque (mosque and congragetion mosque) the fourth congragetion mosque in all Egypt, also the biggest mosque in all the country with a capacity of 6 acres, the oldest mosque still intact since it's foundation which is about 1200 years ago.
There's alot of things to be told about it, but you can watch it in the movie "the spy who loved me"
#zeinsdiary #cairoeveryday #cairo#checkoutegypt #mosaicclub#mosaicclub_tripsandtours
Merry Christmas everyone 😘❤️😍🙏
شرف السيد محمد أحمد زين الدين مؤسس نادى موزايك بتكليفه من الهيئة المصرية العامة لتنشيط السياحة بمصاحبة فخامة الرئيس شوكت ميرزيف رئيس دولة اوزباكستان ومعالى وزراء الخارجية والثقافة لدولة اوزباكستان ومعالى وزير الصناعة المصرى ولفيف من كبار رجال الدولة من كلا الجانبين المصرى والاوزبكى خلال زيارة فخامة الرئيس الرسمية لمصر خلال شهر فبراير من العام الجارى وذلك خلال زيارة فخامته لمقياس النيل بجزيرة الروضة، وترجع زيارة الرئيس لمقياس النيل لما يمثله المهندس المعمارى أحمد الفراغانى الذي يعود بأصله لفراغنة والتى تقع فى دولة اوزباكستان الحالية وما يمثله فى الحضارة الإسلامية حيث إن مقياس النيل يعتبر من أقدم الاثار الإسلامية الباقية علي حالتها الأصلية منذ وقت إنشائها.
The founder of Mosaic Club Mr. M.A.Zeineddin had the honor to be appointed as the Egyptologist to his excellency Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev the prisedent of Uzbekistan during his official visit to Egypt February 2023 by the Egyptian general authority for tourism promotion, to the Nilometer in Rouda island, as the architect Ahmed El fraghani who designed the Nilometer belong to village called fraghana located in the state of Uzbekistan, and what it represents for the Islamic civilization as one of the oldest Islamic monument in Egypt still intact since the time of its foundation.
#zeinsdiary #cairoeveryday#cairo #mosaicclub #mosaicclub_tripsandtours #uzbekistan #egypt #president #islamicart #islamicarchitecture