️I'm Naglaa Samir a free licensed tour guide and organiser, studied history and archaeology, obtained license from ministry of tourism and guidance syndicate, i can arrange full itinerary day by day starting by your first moment of arrival at airport till departure.
✳️ Best services and cheapest prices ever for private tours,
Our itineraries include airport transfers, transportations, personal tour guides, book at Nile cruises and hotels by the cheapest prices.
✅️ For more information please
Feel free to contact;
Tour Egypt Egyptian tour guide
002 01279149615
Email address: [email protected]
The camel is having his breakfast 😋 Good day 🥰
Good morning from the pyramids 🥰❤
Al Fishawy coffee shop
Al-Fishawy Coffee is one of the famous and historical cafes in Old Cairo
قهوة الفيشاوي من المقاهي الشهيرة والتاريخية في القاهرة القديمة، يرجع تاريخ المقهى إلى عام 1797 حيث تم افتتاحه في أحد الأزقة الضيقة المتاخمة لمسجد الإمام الحسين في حي الأزهر، منطقة خان الخليلي. يرتاد المقهى مزيج من الزبائن المحليين والسائحين العرب والأجانب من حول العالم، للاستمتاع بتجربة أجواء المقاهي الشعبية الشرقية. تتميز قهوة الفيشاوي بالطاولات والمقاعد الخشبية والمعروفة بالأرائك العربية المطعمة، فيما تتزين جدران المقهى بالمرايا والخشب المزخرف
يرجع تاريخ مقهى الفيشاوي إلى عام 1797 حيث افتتح المقهى الحاج فهمي علي الفيشاوي، في قلب خان الخليلي. اكتسب مقهى الفيشاوي شهرة واسعة بفضل الكاتب المصري العالمي نجيب محفوظ، الذي كان من رواد المقهى، حيث اعتاد محفوظ لقاء أصدقائه ومعجبيه على هذا المقهى
The history of the cafe dates back to the year 1797, when it was opened in one of the narrow alleys adjacent to the Imam Hussein Mosque in the Al-Azhar district, Khan Al-Khalili area.
The café is frequented by a mix of local customers, Arabs and foreign tourists from around the world, to enjoy the atmosphere of popular oriental cafés. Al-Fishawy Coffee is distinguished by its wooden tables and chairs, known as inlaid Arabic sofas, while the walls of the café are decorated with mirrors and ornate wood.
The history of Al-Fishawi Café dates back to the year 1797, when the café was opened by Haj Fahmi Ali Al-Fishawi, i
باب النصر
باب النصر في القاهرة الإسلامية: هو بوابة حجرية ضخمة محصنة بنيت في الجنوب من باب الفتوح، شيدها القائد العسكري الفاطمي جوهر الصقلي
سمى باب النصر بهذا الاسم لأنه الباب الذي تدخل منه الجيوش العائدة من المعارك بالنصر، وعبر منه سلاطين مصر العظام منهم الظاهر بيبرس وقلاوون والناصر محمد بن قلاوون بأسرى الأعداء
Victory Gate
Bab al-Nasr in Islamic Cairo: It is a huge fortified stone gate built to the south of Bab al-Futuh, built by the Fatimid military commander Jawhar al-Saqilli.
The Gate of Victory was given this name because it was the gate through which armies returning from battles entered with victory, and through which the great sultans of Egypt, including al-Zahir Baybars, Qalawun, and al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun, passed through with enemy captives.
The valley temple today 😍
Egypt is safe 🇪🇬
Saqqara step pyramid today 🥰
Egypt is safe 🇪🇬
Join us & visit Egypt
Egypt is safe 🇪🇬 ❤️
I'm Naglaa Samir a free licensed english-speaking tour guide and organiser, I can arrange a full itinerary starting by your first moment of arrival at airport till departure, arrange private tours to Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada, luxor and Aswan,....
I offer budget tours, great offers, cheapest prices and excellent service 👍
Prices starting by $10 per person per day (a/c car & tour guide)
Great offers 👌
Free airport transfers
Free fellucca ride
Provide private transportations, airport transfers and book at hotels and Nile cruises as well.
For details please don't hesitate to Contact me by private message
Tour Egypt Egyptian tour guide
🔸️Whatsapp: 002 01279149615
🔹️Email address [email protected]
The Hanging Church today
Egypt is safe 🇪🇬 ❤️
The jewish synagogue,
old Cairo today 🌹😍
Tour Egypt 🇪🇬 ❤️
️I'm Naglaa Samir a free licensed english-speaking tour guide and organiser, studied history and archaeology in faculty of tourism and hotels, guidance section, obtained license from ministry of tourism and guidance syndicate as well, i can arrange full itinerary day by day starting by your first moment of arrival at airport till departure.
✳️ Offer the best services and cheapest prices for private tours,
Our itineraries include airport transfers, transportations, personal tour guides, book at Nile cruises and hotels by the cheapest prices.
✅️ For more information please
Feel free to contact;
Whatsapp/ 002 01279149615
Tour Egypt Egyptian tour guide
Email address: [email protected]
Join us & visit Egypt 🇪🇬
Land of beauty, history & civilization .
🔸️I'm Naglaa Samir a free licensed english-speaking tour guide and organiser, studied history and archaeology in faculty of tourism and hotels, guidance section, obtained license from ministry of tourism and guidance syndicate as well, i can arrange full itinerary day by day starting by your first moment of arrival at airport till departure.
✳️ Offer the best services and cheapest prices for private tours,
Our itineraries include airport transfers, transportations, personal tour guides, book at Nile cruises and hotels by the cheapest prices.
✅️ For more information please
Feel free to contact;
Whatsapp/ 002 01279149615
Tour Egypt Egyptian tour guide
Email address: [email protected]
Join us & visit Egypt 🇪🇬
Land of beauty, history & civilization .
🔸️I'm Naglaa Samir a free licensed english-speaking tour guide and organiser, studied history and archaeology in faculty of tourism and hotels, guidance section, obtained license from ministry of tourism and guidance syndicate as well, i can arrange full itinerary day by day starting by your first moment of arrival at airport till departure.
✳️ Offer the best services and cheapest prices for private tours,
Our itineraries include airport transfers, transportations, personal tour guides, book at Nile cruises and hotels by the cheapest prices.
✅️ For more information please
Feel free to contact;
Whatsapp/ 002 01279149615
Tour Egypt Egyptian tour guide
Email address: [email protected]