FTS is a new marketplace that links travelers with tour companies in the Middle East and soon all over the world. We help travelers to check, compare, and then pick the best travel deals through easy-to-use features. Travelers can choose from different tour suggestions listed by local travel companies. We ensure that we publish only the trustworthy travel companies' packages and day trips. Our par
tners are carefully chosen to ensure that we always offer the best and most efficient services and tour information. Vision:
We believe that the more we travel and move around the world the more experienced we become, so we travel to new cities to get a taste of local life and see how other people live and to experience their culture and learn their history. Mission:
Prior to offering our customers unique all inclusive vacation packages, FTS team conducted extensive market research to get the best deals at the most competitive prices with Quality and preciseness
Why FTS:
Our tours are published and offered by only recommended tour companies. Easy to use
Free – No booking fees
We are group of experts in travel industry, marketing and software engineering with many years' experience aim to help the travel community with new marketplace which helps travelers to easily find, compare and book online tours using easy features.