ماهى أكثر التجارب المدهشه التي حظيت بها مع شركه دي ايه أي؟ هل كانت قائمه من العطلات المشوقة من خلال عضويتك، الاحتفال بمناسبه خاصه او تجمع عائلي في أحد منتجعاتنا ام اهداء هذه العطلة لاحد الأقارب او الأصدقاء؟
نود ان نعرف ما الذي وجدته ممتع عن شركه دي ايه أي للتبادل!
العطلات اللا محدوده لم تعد مجرد حلم، فقد قمنا بالتعاقد مع عدد لا محدود من الأماكن التي يمكنك فيها قضاء عطلاتك لنقوم بتوفير أكبر عدد من الأماكن المتنوعة والتي يمكنها ان توفر لك أروع الصفقات حول العالم.
تخيل ان تقضى فصل الصيف في السويد، التجول في روما , قضاء فتره مميزه في دبى او أسبوع ساحر في موريشيوس. ماذا عن استكشاف البرازيل , مدينه بلايز ام بيونس ايريس؟ يمكنك بسهوله ان تبحث عن وجهتك القادمة عن طريق محرك البحث الجديد الذى قمنا بإضافته لك على الموقع الإلكتروني تحت اختيار (خيارات السفر الإضافية) او عن طريق زياره الرابط التالي:
قم بتجربته الان وستنبهر بما ستجده!
والبدأ في استقبال مكالماتكم أيها الأعضاء الأعزاء، أعضائنا في DAE الشرق الأوسط الكرام، وذلك باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.
إليك كل التفاصيل الجديدة:
سوف تكون ساعات العمل من الأحد إلى الخميس أسبوعياً، من الساعة 09:00 صباحاً حتى 05:30 مساءاً بتوقيت القاهرة
(أرقام الاتصال الأرضية وعبرالهواتف المحمولة): 35580 246 202 +
البريد الإلكتروني [email protected]
كما يمكنكم الاستمرار في التواصل معنا عبرخدمة WhatsApp.
We have some good news! Our friendly DAE Middle East team will be ready to open up the phones and commence taking calls from you, our valued Middle East members, in Arabic and English, from 10th June.
Here are all the new details:
Office hours will be Sunday – Thursday, 09:00 am – 05:30pm Cairo Time
Phone number (dialable from a landline and mobile phones): +202 246 35580
Email: [email protected]
Plus, you can continue to communicate with us on WhatsApp.
Simple have-a-week, get-a-week exchange. That’s what you get when you deposit your week with DAE! And you get 3 years to use your deposit credit. That’s exchange made easy. Where you will go? ✈️
Find more of our free membership benefits at daelive.com
As a timeshare owner, you may not realise all the options available to you. But that’s why DAE exists - to give you more options to enjoy the benefits of your ownership. 🙌
Once you join DAE for free, the first step is registering your ownership for the week (or weeks) of timeshare you own.
You can then deposit your week in our system in exchange for a credit to use on any exchange, anywhere in the world.
We’re not kidding - it’s that simple. If you haven’t deposited a week with us yet or you need a little help, our exChange agents are ready to help!
Get the vacation that you are waiting for! ✈️
Can you see yourself in Italy for a spontaneous getaway?
We are sure you can! 😎
Check out the fresh batch of Bonus Weeks available in Italy and book online right now, for travel in 8 weeks or less!
Visit: https://dae.travel/2HxNBRf
Wondering how get the most of your DAE membership?
While DAE is primarily a timeshare exchange company, we also offer a whole bunch of great non-timeshare products, including rental and travel products all around the globe.
Our Cairo Office is currently relocating.
You can still use our website to search, book and confirm your reservations during this time.
The thing we love most at DAE is sending our members on amazing vacations.
But we also quite like it when our members say nice things about us! 💙
It’s no secret that Egyptians produce some of the most beautiful rugs in the world, and all handmade! Anyone else suddenly feels like a day of shopping at the street markets?
DAE Website Guide - Explore Destination Articles & Resort Collections
Here are two ways the new website can help you find inspiration for your next journey.
1- If you have a specific destination in mind, go to the [Search] tab to find more information on a specific region that you select.
2- Scroll down to the Collections to find lists of resorts based on the activities you love!
It is easy to identify the type of weeks available by the coloured icons next to each resort.
🌟Super tip: To help you with your search, we have included colours for each transaction type: blue for exchange, purple for bonus and orange for rentals.
You know the drill by now. Once you find the resort you want to book, click on [See availability], select your week and book your next adventure.
DAE Website Guide - How to exchange a week?
Are you wondering how to exchange a week on the new website?
The process is now even simpler than before!
Check out the steps below:
1- Go to the Dashboard and click [Search what’s available]
2- Let us know where you would like to go by selecting a country and region
3- Include the dates you would like to travel
4- Include who is going (this is important so we can offer you the right size room. Plus resorts have certain restrictions and if you get the right room size up-front, then things will be much easier for you at check in!)
5- Choose the inventory type you want to search: exchange weeks, rental or bonus (you can even select to exclude All Inclusive inventory). If you know where you want to go but you don’t mind what type of week it is, choose “All week types” to see everything that is available.
6- Click on Search!
💫To help you with your search, we have included colours for each transaction type: blue for exchange, purple for bonus and orange for rentals.
And then, the fun part….reviewing your search results and finding your ultimate vacation:
Accessing the resort profiles is super simple, just click on [View Resort] to see photos and more information about the resort.
After you choose the resort that you want for your exchange, just click BOOK or HOLD for 24 hours to finalise your order. 😉