Adam Sharm Tour

Adam Sharm Tour Sharm El Sheikh trips
For reservations and inquiries,Iphone � Whatsapp �+201069992894

Adam Sharm tours _napqbay
احجز_الان� افضل واجمل�الرحلات في خدمه VIP اعلي جوده وأفضل خدمه وعروض اضافيه للجروبات �
� ��
�بيتش_باجي سنجل ، دبل � � كار باجي ثنائي فردين � كار_باجي رباعي 4 أفراد ��رحله ركوب الجمل �،رحله ركوب الخيل �
�يمكن اضافه حفله العشاء البدوي مع الرحله
�شامل الانتقالات� - وقفة صدى الصوت� - تناول الشاي البدوي�- مرشد الرحله
�حفله ف

قط � شامل باربيكيو بوفيه مفتوح �- مشروبات و مياه معدنيه� - مرشد الرحله �- البند و الفقرات�� شامل الانتقالات
� صباحا من شرم الشيخ VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء ) برنامج الرحله . #سنوركلنج � باجمل مكان بالعالم او #الكانيون � و ركوب الجمال� علي البحر �و غداء بمطعم� �علي البحر� و شوبنيج �بمدينه دهب و دخول الكانيون الجبال الملونه والطويلات �وشرب الشاى البدوى�.� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
�- من شرم الشيخ VIP (من 12 ظهرا الي 11 مساءا ) برنامج الرحله. ركوب #الجمال علي البحر �وسنوركلينج �في الثري_بول او الكانيون للتمتع بالشعب المرجانية والاسماك �و الغدا في المطاعم المطله علي البحر ���و زيارة الممشي السياحي� الاشهر في دهب �و زيارة الجبال_الملونة �و العشاء البدوي والسهرة البدوية بوادي الطويلات شامل باربيكيو بوفيه مفتوح �- مشروبات و مياه معدنيه � البند و الفقرات���
� � VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء) برنامج الرحله .� رحله بحرية باليخت � غنية بالاسماك الملونة والشعب المرجانية الخلابة� وقفات اسنوركلينج � المركب الغرقانه �وجزيره تيران� والجوردن لمشاهده الشعب المرجانيه �الغذاء� والمشروبات� يمكن اضافه غطس مع الرحله .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� � بالمركب VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء) برنامج الرحله. � رحله بحرية باليخت � غنية بالاسماك الملونة والشعب المرجانية الخلابة� سباحة بجوار محمية راس محمد � وقفات اسنوركلينج� الغذاء�والمشروبات� يمكن اضافه #غطس مع الرحله . � الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� من الساعه 8.30 صباحا الى1.30 مساء عباره عن زياره بوابه الله �وهيه مشهوره للالتقاط افضل الصور زياره شجر المنجروف� شق الزلزال البحيره المسحوره محميه راس محمد لعمل سنوركلينج� لمده ٤٥دقيقه مرشد سياحى مرافق طول الرحله لشرح البرنامج ثم العوده الى الفندق .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� � � من الساعه 8م إلى 1ظهرا ثانى يوم عباره عن صعود �جبل سيدنا موسى إلى كلم ربنا من عليه فى 3ساعات مشى على القدمين� لمشاهده الجبل ثم مشاهده شروق الشمس� من على قمه الجبل ثم النزول إلى دير سانت كاترين لمشاهده الشجره المعلقه� وشرح معالم سانت كاترين وجبل سيدنا موسي .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� � � برنامج الرحله :الانتقالات من الفندق والعوده بعد الرحله من الساعه ٦ص إلى ٦م مشاهده بانوراما ميناء ومدينة نويبع . راس شيطان� والتقاط الصور .شاي بدوي في راس شيطان . جيب سفاري لكانيون نويبع الملون �. زيارة وادي الوشواش والسباحه� . اسنوركلنج وسباحه في مدينه دهب . الغداء علي البحر في دهب�� . زياره معمل الزيت والعطور المشهوره بيها سيناء� . جوله في دهب .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� على يخت � في شرم الشيخ VIP ( من 5 مساء الي 9 مساء ) وتشمل . عشاء �فاخر �وحفله عباره عن رقص شرقى �وتنوره ومطرب دى جى فقرت #الساحر�.� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق
� #الغواصة #يونايتد �� استمتع لمدة ساعة ونصف ب واحدة من أجمل الرحلات ب شرم_الشيخ لمشاهدة �الاسماك� والشعاب المرجانية� عن طريق الشباك الزجاجي لل #غواصة .مواعيد الرحلة يومياً : ( 9 صباحاً & 11 صباحاً & 2 عصراً ) � الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� #الدولفين ���. ساعة من المرح لمشاهدة اذكي الدلافين � وعرض شيق للكبار والصغار. الرحلة يومياً الساعة 3 عصرا .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� �� استمتع لمدة ساعةبمشاهدة �الاسماك� والشعاب المرجانية� عن طريق الشباك الزجاجي للمركب .�
� #الغطس مشاهده المرجان تحت الماء.... � مش مهم بتعرف تسبح او لاء احنا رح نخليك تغطس � معدات وادوات حديثه وأمنه على مستوى عالي . تعال واترك الباقي علينا � نعلمك كيف تغطس و بسهوله كبيره. احلى الصور مع الاسماك والمرجان �� والشعب المرجانيه�� � الرحله كامله شامله المعدات والتدريب ����غطس من اجمل شواطي شرم الشيخ الغطس من شاطئ فنادق 5 نجوم ملئ بالشعاب المرجانيه والاسماك .�
� ��� .
� #الباراشوت ��
� #التيوبة ���
� ���
� #الفراشه ���
� #الحلزونه ���
�جميع الرحلات تشمل مرشد مرافق الرحله ��
� جميع المعدات معقمه مع الالتزام بكافة التدابير بعدد محدود فى الانتقالات �
للحجز والاستعلام فون� واتس �+201069992894

Book now � the most beautiful trips in Sharm El Sheikh �� Sharm El Sheikh trips �
Beach Buggy �/ Safari �/ Ras Mohammed �/ Diving �/ Tiran Island �/ Dolphin �/ Aquapark �/ Glassboat �/ Dahab �/ Three Bowls �/ Blue Hole �/ Submarine �/ Parachute �/ Tube �/ Banana �/ Romantic dinner �/ Bedouin dinner �/ camel �/ horses �/ kar baji � / ras devil �/ Wadi al-Washwash � �/ Jabal Musa �........
� All trips include transfers to and from the hotel �
� All trips include a guide for the trip facilities ��
� All equipment is sterile while adhering to all measures with a limited number of transfers �
For reservations and inquiries,Iphone � Whatsapp �+201069992894
El-Sheikh El-Sheikh_Hotels El-Sheikh_Offers

Забронируйте сейчас � самые красивые экскурсии в Шарм-эль-Шейхе � экскурсии в Шарм-эль-Шейхе
Пляжный багги �/ Сафари �/ Рас Мохаммед �/ Дайвинг �/ Остров Тиран �/ Дельфинарий �/ Аквапарк �/ Стеклянная лодка �/ Дахаб �/ Три чаши �/ Голубая дыра �/ Подводная лодка �/ Парашют �/ Трубка �/ Банан �/ Романтический ужин �/ Бедуины � / верблюд �/ лошади �/ кар баджи � / рас дьявол �/ Вади аль-Уошваш � �/ Джабал Муса �........
� Во все поездки включен трансфер до отеля и обратно �
� Во всех поездках есть гид по объектам поездки ��
� Все оборудование стерильно при соблюдении всех мер с ограниченным количеством пересадок �
Для бронирования и запросов, Iphone � WhatsApp � +201069992894
#Шарм-Эль-Шейх #Туры #Шарм-Эль-Шейх_Отели #Шарм-Эль-Шейх_Предложения #Круизы /

Prenota ora � i viaggi più belli a Sharm El Sheikh �� i viaggi a Sharm El Sheikh �
Passeggino da spiaggia �/ Safari �/ Ras Mohammed �/ Immersioni �/ Isola di Tiran �/ Dolphin �/ Aquapark �/ Glassboat �/ Dahab �/ Three Bowls �/ Blue Hole �/ Sottomarino �/ Paracadute �/ Tubo �/ Banana �/ Cena romantica �/ Cena beduina � / ca****lo �/ cavalli �/ kar baji � / ras devil �/ Wadi al-Washwash �/ Jabal Musa �........
� Tutti i viaggi includono i trasferimenti da e per l'hotel �
� Tutti i viaggi includono una guida per le strutture di viaggio ��
� Tutta l'attrezzatura è sterile pur aderendo a tutte le misure con un numero limitato di trasferimenti �
Per prenotazioni e richieste, Iphone � Whatsapp � +201069992894
El-Sheikh El-Sheikh_Hotel El-Sheikh_Offerte

הזמן איתנו עכשיו � ספארי שארם א-שייח. � הטיולים הכי יפים בשארם א-שייח � למוזין להעברות בתוך סיני � שירות הזמנת בתי מלון � . כל הטיולים הפנימיים בשארם א-שייח / ביץ'_באג �/ ספארי �/ ראס מוחמד �/ צלילה �/ האי טיראן �/ דולפין �/ פארק מים �/ סירת זכוכית �/ דהב � הולמרין/ שלושה כדורים/ צוללת �/ שלושה כדורים ברשוט �/ טובה / בננה �/ ארוחת ערב רומנטית �/ ארוחת ערב בדואית �/ גמל �/ סוס �/ קאר בהאג'י � / ראס שיטן �/ ואדי וושוש � ��........ .
� כל הנסיעות כוללות העברות מהמלון וממנו �
� כל הטיולים כוללים מדריך למתקני הטיול ��
� כל הציוד סטרילי תוך הקפדה על כל האמצעים עם מספר מוגבל של העברות �
להזמנות ובירורים, אייפון � WhatsApp � +201069992894
#שארם א-שייח #טיולים א-שייח אל-שייח / (
Instagram # #

Get to know Ras Mohammed Reserve: Ras Mohammed Reserve is one of the most amazing natural spots in the world.  It was gi...

Get to know Ras Mohammed Reserve:
Ras Mohammed Reserve is one of the most amazing natural spots in the world. It was given this name because it represents the head of a triangle, the mountain ranges of southern Sinai represent the rest of its sides, and it resembles the head of a man with a beard. Ras Muhammad was considered a protected area in 1983, with an area of ​​480 km2, and it is 12 km away from Sharm El-Sheikh. This reserve is located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, and its eastern edge represents a rocky wall with the waters of the Gulf in which there are coral reefs.
There is also a mangrove channel that separates the Ras Muhammad peninsula from the island of Al-Bairah, with a length of about 250 meters. It is one of the areas of the great earthquake that shook Egypt hundreds of millions of years ago, where a rocky channel called (the mangrove channel) was opened, and it is truly a piece of paradise surrounded by trees. Mangroves are rare, which are found only in four regions of the world, including Egypt, and it is a strange type of tree that absorbs salt from the water, and salt appears on its green leaves, where you can see and feel it, and visitors are prohibited from swimming in it to preserve it, but it is allowed to take pictures.

The Ras Mohammed region is characterized by coral beaches located in the depths of the watery ocean of Ras Mohammed, colorful fish, endangered sea turtles and rare aquatic organisms. "Earthquakes" are water caves at the bottom of the island, and the reserve is home to many important birds and animals, such as:

The Nubian ibex lives in mountainous areas, as well as the types of small mammals, reptiles, and insects that appear only at night. There are also fossils ranging in age from 75 thousand years to 20 million years.

The gate of the nature reserve is called the “God” gate, and it is a gate designed by an Egyptian engineer after the October War from a group of giant concrete stones that are incredibly similar to granite stones. The engineer then discovered that it resembles the name of His Majesty, and everyone who visits the reserve is keen to take pictures of it. .

The Suez beach is decorated with shells and snails, and it is a hotbed for many marine creatures, such as endangered sea turtles and rare aquatic life, crabs that emerge from their shell caves to roam gracefully and cautiously, and types of mollusks, sea urchins and crustaceans, and about 200 species of coral reefs. Marine life in Ras Mohammed Reserve

One of the most exciting stations in the Ras Mohammed reserve is the “Enchanted Lake”, a lake whose water colors vary to bring together various colors of water. Some of Ras Mohammed’s lovers say that this lake changes its color, as the water changes color about seven times a day. While the Bedouins called it the Lake of Wishing, the Bedouins in the past used to swim in it and throw some stones making wishes, which is what tourists do when they visit it, where they swim and enjoy the water and colored sand, and some paint their face with splashes of this sand.

It also has the most beautiful diving areas in the world, which are filled with sea caves, from which swarms of fish of various sizes, colors, and rare marine organisms flow, and in the depths you will feel that you are truly in a lush garden flooded with water, and you will be amazed at the view of the sand in the depths covered with what looks like flowers, with butterflies-like fish hovering around them. The colorful ones are called butterfly fish, and you will also meet thin, gelatinous creatures in various colors such as rose, purple, white and yellow, and you will find marine fossils that have passed millions of years. You will also be dazzled by the splendor of the colors of the coral reefs and their number, including those lush with marine plants. You will also see the fire reefs or fire corals, which were named as such because they secrete substances that burn the skin for those who touch them only, so the guides warn you about them.

The trip starts from 8 am until 1:30 pm by car
This trip includes the entrance fee to the reserve, the guide and transportation

Good night forme Sharm el sheikh!!!And you will say Good night forme where!!!!

Good night forme Sharm el sheikh!!!
And you will say Good night forme where!!!!

You will never learn this in school! The area of ​​Africa = 30.37 million square kilometers *  The area of ​​China = 9.6...

You will never learn this in school!
The area of ​​Africa = 30.37 million square kilometers *
The area of ​​China = 9.6 million square kilometers
The area of ​​the United States = 9.8 million square kilometers
The area of ​​Europe = 10.18 million square kilometers
● Africa is larger than all of Europe, China and the United States combined.
● But on most world maps, Africa is represented by a reduced size.
This is done deliberately to create the visual effect of Little Africa to manipulate, brainwash and deceive Africans wherever they are.
- Africa owns 60% of arable land;
- Africa has 90% of the reserves of raw materials;
Africa holds 40% of the world's gold reserves.
- Africa, 33% of the diamond reserves.
Africa has 80% of the world's reserves of coltan (a mineral for the production of phones and electronics), mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Africa holds 60% of the world's reserves of cobalt (the mineral for making car batteries)
Africa is rich in oil and natural gas.
Africa (Namibia) has the richest fishing beaches in the world.
Africa is rich in manganese, iron and wood.
Africa is three times the size of China, three times the size of Europe, and three times the size of the United States of America.
Africa has an area of ​​thirty million square kilometers (30,875,415 square kilometers);
Africa has a population of 1.3 billion (China has a population of 1.4 billion over an area of ​​more than 9.6 million square kilometers).
Which means that Africa is uninhabited.
The arable land of the Democratic Republic of the Congo can feed all of Africa.
And all the arable land in Africa is a rope to feed the whole world.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has important rivers that can light up Africa.
The problem is that Westerners, their companies, and some African puppets have destabilized Africa for decades.
Africa is a culturally diverse continent
- Africa is home to 30,000 prescriptions and medicinal herbs that the West is modifying in its laboratories.
The global population of young people in Africa is expected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050.
Africa represents the future of humanity.. ❤️❤️

Adam Sharm tours _napqbay Book _ now ✍ The best and most beautiful 🌹 trips in  -Sheikh VIP service, the highest quality,...

Adam Sharm tours _napqbay
Book _ now ✍ The best and most beautiful 🌹 trips in -Sheikh VIP service, the highest quality, the best service and additional offers for groups 👌
⭐ 🥰🌊
🔥 Beach buggy single, double 🏍 🔥 Car buggy for two people 🏎 Car buggy for four people 🏎🔥 Camel ride 🐪, horse riding trip 🐎
🔥You can add a Bedouin dinner party with the trip
🔥Transfers included🚍 - Echo pause🗣 - Bedouin tea ☕ - Tour guide
🔥 _ dinner party only 🍗 including BBQ open buffet 🍗 - drinks and mineral water 🍷 - tour guide 👍 - item and paragraphs 💃💃 including transfers
⭐ in the morning from Sharm El-Sheikh (from 8 am to 5 pm) the trip program. 🏺 in the city of Dahab and entering the canyon of the colorful and tall mountains ☄ and drinking Bedouin tea ☕. ⚓ The trip includes a transfer service to and from the hotel 🚍
⭐- from Sharm El-Sheikh VIP (from 12 noon to 11 pm) the itinerary. Ride on the sea 🐪 and snorkelling 🤿 in the rich_pool or the canyon to enjoy the coral reefs and fish 🧜 ♀️ and lunch in restaurants overlooking the sea 🍽🌊🍗 and visit the tourist walk 🏃 ♀️ The most famous in Dahab 🏺 and visit the colorful mountains 🏔 and Bedouin dinner and Bedouin evening in Wadi Al Taweelat Including BBQ Open Buffet 🍗- Drinks and mineral water 🥂 Item and Paragraphs 💃💃🍗
⭐ ⛵️ VIP (from 8 am to 5 pm) the itinerary program.🔥 Yacht cruise 🛳 rich in colorful fish and picturesque coral reefs 🧚 ♂️ snorkelling stops 🤿 the sinking boat 🗽 Tiran Island 🏔 and the Jordan to watch the coral reefs 🏊 ♂️ Food 🍽 and drinks 🍹 Diving can be added with the trip. ⚓ The trip includes transfers to and from the hotel 🚍
⭐ _ trip ⛵️ by VIP boat (from 8 am to 5 pm) the trip program. 🔥 Yacht cruise 🛳 rich in colorful fish and picturesque coral reefs ♂ ♂️ Swimming next to Ras Mohammed reserve 🏊 ♂️ Snorkeling stops 🤿 Food 🍽 and drinks 🍹 can be added with the trip. ⚓ The trip includes a transfer service to and from the hotel 🚍
bus 🚍 from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm It is about visiting God’s Gate 🌟 which is famous for taking the best pictures. Visiting the mangroves 🌳 The earthquake split the enchanted lake Ras Muhammad Protectorate for snorkeling 🏊 ♀️ for 45 minutes with a tour guide accompanying the length of the trip to explain the program and then return to The hotel. ⚓ The trip includes a transfer service to and from the hotel 🚍
🔥 🗻 ⛰ From 8 pm to 1 pm The second day is about ascending the mountain of our master Moses to the word of our Lord on it in 3 hours he walked on feet 👣 to watch the mountain and then watch the sunrise 🌞 from the top of the mountain and then go down to Saint Catherine's Monastery to watch it The hanging tree 🪵 and an explanation of the features of Saint Catherine and Mount Moses. ⚓ The trip includes a transfer service to and from the hotel 🚍
🔥 -Washwash_and Nuweiba 🌐 ⬅️ Trip program: Transfers from the hotel and back after the trip from 6 am to 6 pm Watching the panorama of the port and city of Nuweiba. Devil's head🪨 and taking pictures. Bedouin tea in Shaitan's head. Jeep Safari for the colorful Nuweiba Canyon 🚜. Visit Wadi Al-Washwash and swim 🏊‍♀️. Snorkeling and swimming in the city of Dahab. Lunch by the sea in Dahab🍴🍽. A visit to the famous oil and perfume factory in Sinai. A tour in Dahab. ⚓ The trip includes a transfer service to and from the hotel 🚍
🌟 on a yacht 🛳 in Sharm El-Sheikh VIP (from 5 pm to 9 pm) and includes. Luxurious dinner 🍽 🦐 and a party that is about oriental dance 💃 Tanoura and DJ singer Fuqarat Magician 🧚 ♂️. ⚓ The trip includes transfers to and from the hotel
🌟 🛥🛥 Enjoy for an hour and a half on one of the most beautiful trips in Sharm El-Sheikh to see 👀 fish🐟 and coral reefs ⚓ through the glass window of the . Daily trip times: (9 AM & 11 AM & 2 PM) ⚓ The trip includes a transfer service to and from the hotel
🌟 🐬🐬🐬. Hours of fun watching the smartest dolphins 🐬 and an interesting show for adults and children. The trip daily at 3 pm. ⚓ The trip includes transfer service to and from the hotel 🚍
🔥 🚢🚢 Enjoy for an hour watching 👀 fish 🐟 and coral reefs ⚓ through the boat's glass net .
🌟 Watching coral underwater.... ♂ ♂️ It doesn't matter if you know how to swim or not, we will let you dive 😉 Modern and safe equipment and tools at a high level. Come and leave the rest to us 😎 We teach you how to dive with great ease. The best pictures with fish and coral 🌊🐬 and coral reefs 🐬🤿 😍 The complete trip including equipment and training 🐬🤿🍃🌱 Diving from the most beautiful beaches of Sharm El Sheikh Diving from the beach of 5 star hotels full of coral reefs and fish .
🌟 💧🌊❄ .
🔥 🪂🪂
🔥 -tauba 🌊🌊🌊
🔥 🌊🌊🌊
🔥 butterfly 🌊🌊🌊
🔥 🌊🌊🌊
⚓ All trips include a guide for the trip facilities 👍👍
⚓ All equipment is sterile while adhering to all measures with a limited number of transfers 😷
For reservations and inquiries, Iphone 📞 WhatsApp ✅ 📞 Whatsapp ✅ +201069992894
El-Sheikh rmk/ (

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Office # 2 & Second Floor In Front Of The Grand Plaza Hotel. Byfor RIXOS SHARM Next To The Aqua Blu-Nabq Hotel
Sharm El-Sheikh

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 11:49pm
Tuesday 9am - 11:47pm
Wednesday 9am - 11:55pm
Thursday 9am - 11:56pm
Friday 9am - 11:50pm
Saturday 9am - 11:51pm
Sunday 9am - 11pm
9am - 11:50pm




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