Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa

Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa Los Amigos Golf Society is a mixed society.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 29 October 2016

The conditions were excellent and this reflected in some very good scores being posted.

Today’s format individual stableford.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3: Gwen Wylie, Hole 6: no takers, Hole 13: Dave Jones and Hole 16: Gwen Wylie (again).

Stableford competition
The winner was Evelyn with 38points, 2nd prize was for Mark Preston with 35 points, 3rd prize was for Martin Osmond with 33 points and the 4th prize was for Mick Brown with 32 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Todays format was “Medford Competition”
It was a bit cool when we arrived at 8am, but after a few holes it soon warmed up, the fairways were dry and the green were true and fast.
The winner was Kay Chapman with score of 18 on count-back from Ron Kerry who also ended with a score of 18. The stableford points on the back Ron scored 18 points and Kay had 20 points. The 3rd place was Mick Rivers with 21 points.
Nearest the pin.
Hole 3: Mick Rivers, Hole 6:Mick Rivers, Hole 13: Kay Chapman and Hole 16: Martin Osmond.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 1 October 2016

4-BBB Ryder Cup Competition
To get into the spirit of the Ryder Cup, we had also produced 5-teams to represent each country, and played 4-BBB.
Team US won this competition with winning 3 matches out of 5.
The winning team were presented with bottle of wine and all participants received a ball marker with the inscription LAGS (Los Amigos Golf Society).
The food supplied by the restaurant was also special for this day, “stuffed” mussel shells/chips, which were delicious.

Nearest the pin.
Hole 3: Kelham Mountain, Hole 6: Mick Brown, Hole 13: Mark Preston, Hole 16: Mick Brown.
We also had guests partaking in this event and our thanks to Bernie, Phil & Evelyn for joining us.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Today we played golf at La Finca and the weather was perfect.

Nearest the pin.

Hole 3: Mark Preston, Hole 6: Gwen Wylie, Hole 13: Jayne Saunders, Hole 16: Mick Rivers.

Stableford competition
The 1st prize Jean Bishton with 37 points2nd prize Martin Osmond with 35 points,3rd prize Noel Stonehouse with 33 points (on countback) and the 4th prize was for Seamus O´Reilly with 33 points (on countback with Gwen Wylie wh had also 33 points)

10 pins Bowling
We played in teams of 3.

1st team was Gordon Chapman, Jean Bishton and Mark Preston with 802 points

2nd team was Shirley Rivers, Alan Fleming and Robert Pronk with 690 points

3rd team was Don Bishton, Dave Jones and Mick Rivers with 642 points

4th team was Marlene and Ron Kerry and Peter Reid with 602 points

5th team was Kay Chapman, Mike Jee and Gwen Wylie with 530 points

6th team was Maureen Jones, Seamus O´Reilly and Prudence Neil with 510 points

After the bowling we had a nice diner and we could look back on a lovely day.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 11 September 2016
After the course maintenance the greens are becoming better, they are faster now.

The weather conditions were perfect.

We played a medal competition combined with an eclectic competition.
Nearest the pin.
Hole 3: Martin Osmond, Hole 6: Mick Rivers, Hole 13: Gwen Wylie, Hole 16: Alan Fleming (1 cm from the hole)
Medal competition
1st was Robert Pronk with a net score of 71, 2nd was Gordon Chapman also with a score of 71, but after recalculation he lost from Robert. 3rd was Alan Fleming with a net score of 72 and 4th was Tony Snow with a net score of 73.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa

Captains Weekend

Saturday, 3 September 2016

The weekend commenced with our Captains Day Golf Competition on Saturday, we had a good turnout for the time of year as some members were still on holiday. The weather was hot and humid, the fairways being watered made the humidity that more unpleasant, it was like walking into a sauna.

The format was stableford which also included a separate putting completion over front & back nine. Members are always generous with their donations and we were able to cover every hole, plus additional prizes for putting competition and main prizes for 1st, 2nd,3rd & 4th place.

Winners special hole prizes
1 Nearest Captains Drive (incl rough) Dave Jones
2 Nearest string on fairway (incl rough) Jean Bishton
3 Nearest the pin Martin Osmond
4 Nearest the tree on the fairway Alan Fleming
5 Nearest the pin over the water Gwen Wylie
6 Nearest the pin Seamus O´Reilly
7 Longest Drive (HC 19-36) Martin Osmond
8 Nearest the pin in 2 Gwen Wylie
9 Nearest the bunker on the fairway Ron Kerry
10 Nearest the string Jean Bishton
11 Longest Drive (HC 1-16) Gwen Wylie
12 Nearest the string Jean Bishton
13 Nearest the pin Dave Jones
14 Nearest Pin (approach shot not putt) Dave Jones
15 Nearest the string Jean Bishton
16 Nearest the pin Kelham Mountain
17 Nearest the string Jean Bishton
18 Nearest the ditch (not in water) Seamus O’Reilly

Winner of Putting Competition
Alan Fleming with 14 putts on front nine
Mick Rivers with 13 putts on back nine

Winners of Stableford Competition and Captains Trophy
1st 39 points & Captains Trophy Alan Fleming
2nd 36 points Gwen Wylie
3rd 35 points Mick Rivers
4th 32 points Kay Chapman

A ‘Group Photo’ was taken before we commenced play which you can see on Facebook

Captains BBQ
Sunday, 4 September 2016
For the 2nd year running Noel & Nicki Stonehouse hosted the Captains BBQ in their garden and we were spoilt yet again with a fantastic lunch. The garden was beautifully laid out, plenty of tables/shade and of course refreshments were flowing nicely thanks to Donna & Suzie. We were all truly spoilt. An excellent end to Captains Weekend.

We were entertained by ‘Sunshine Boys’ with light background music during the afternoon.

The prize presentation took part after the BBQ.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 27 August 2016
After the course maintenance the greens have still a lot of sand on it. You have to hit the ball hard to get to hole, but the greens are thru. Hopefully it will be becoming better next week.

The weather conditions were perfect.

We played a stableford competition.
Nearest the pin.
Hole 3: Noel Stonehouse, Hole 6: Dave Jones, Hole 13: Dave Jones (again!), Hole 16: Seamus O´Reilly.

Stableford competition
1st was Noel Stonehouse with 39 points, 2nd was Seamus O´Reilly with 37 points and 3rd was Dave Jones with 34 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 20 August 2016

It is not happening much, but this morning the mist was so dense that it was not possible to see the bridge on the first hole. The marshal told us that we had to wait till the mist was cleared. After about 1 hour the sun came through and we were allowed to start.

The humidity was very high; sometimes it was like we were playing in a sauna.

Today’s format was a “walls” with teams of 3 players.

Nearest the pins:
Hole 3: Noel Stonehouse, Hole 6 and 13: Gwen Wylie, Hole 16 again Noel Stonehouse.

“Walls” competition
The best team with 69 points was: Seamus O´Reilly, Ron Kerry and Robert Pronk.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 13 August 2016

Most of our members did not want to play in the competition on La Finca so we played Villamartin instead.
The weather was again perfect for playing golf and the format was Stableford. We were held up nearly on every shot. The result was a round of more than 5 hours. Next time when we play Villamartin we will try to get an early start.

Nearest the pins
Hole 6: Mick Rivers, Hole 6: Steve Rhodes, Hole 13 Steve Rhodes and Hole 17: Gwen Wylie.

Stableford competition
The first prize was for our Guest Mike with 35 points.
Second prize was for Seamus O´Reilly with 31 points
(he had a better back nine than Ron Kerry and Alan Fleming which both had also 31 points).
Third prize was for Ron Kerry with 31 points (he had a better back nine than Alan Fleming).
Fourth prize was for Alan Fleming with 31 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 6 August 2016
It was again hot, as it is normally in August, this was why the scores were not high. The format was Medal and the scores are also counting for the Eclectic.

Nearest the pins
Hole 3: Kel, Hole 6: no takers, Hole 13: Noel Stonehouse and Hole 16: Seamus O´Reilly.

Medal competition
First prize: Seamus O´Reilly with a net score of 75,
Second prize: Dave Jones with a net score of 76 (better back nine than Steve),
Third prize: Steve Rhodes with a net score of 76,
Fourth prize: Alan Fleming with a net score of 77 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 30 July 2016
It was hot, maybe this was why the scores were not high. The format was Stableford.

Nearest the pins
Hole 3: Martin Osmond, Hole 6: Mick Rivers, Hole 13: Robert Pronk and Hole 16: again, Martin Osmond.

Stableford competition
First prize: Seamus O´Reilly with 34 points,
Second prize: Martin Osmond with 33 points,
Third prize: Noel Stonehouse with 32 points,
Fourth prize: Alan Fleming with 29 points (he had a better back nine than Gwen Wylie who had also 29 points)

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Today we had our usual golf at La Finca and had to commence play on the 10th as the green staff were preparing the course for a 14:00 hrs Shotgun Competition. We could see they were rolling the green on the front 9, and knew to expect even faster greens when we came to the turn.

The weather was again perfect for playing golf and the format was ‘Walls Competition” (also known as 1,2,3).

Nearest the pins
Hole 3: Gwen Wylie, Hole 6: Alan Fleming, Hole 13 & 16: Mick Rivers.

Walls competition
We played in teams of 3 players. On the 1st hole only the best score counted on the 2nd hole the 2 best scores and on the 3rd hole all 3 scores counted, which continues throughout the game. This can be tricky at La Finca, as all 3-score count on the Par 3 (hole 3,6,13 & 16)

The best team was: Mark Preston, Peter Reid and Ron Kerry with a score of 68 points.

10-pins Bowling
We also had a social evening of 10-pin bowling and dinner at Ozone, Torrevieja.
We played in pairs and had prizes for everybody
1st team: Don Bishton and Mick Jee with 448 points
2nd team: Kay Chapman and Alan Fleming with 445 points
3rd team: Dave Jones and Gordon Chapman with 420 points
4th team: Shirley Rivers and Mark Preston with 401 points
5th team: Linda Preston and Mick Rivers with 352 points
6th team: Gwen Wylie and jean Bishton with 347 points
7th team: Maureen Jones and Robert Pronk with 341 points

This was followed by a pleasant dinner and we could look back on a lovely day despite the Brexit.

IIf you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 18 June 2016
The weather was perfect for playing golf.
We played a better ball competition at the Villa Martin golf course.
Nearest the pin.
Hole 6: Noel Stonehouse, Hole 9: Gwen Wylie, Hole 13: no takers, Hole 17: Mark Preston.
Better ball competition
1st was Noel Stonehouse and Robert Pronk with 44 points. To be honest Noel murdered the course with 7 pars and 2 birdies. The second place was for Mark Preston and Ron Kerry with 38 points.
If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 4 June 2016
After the course maintenance the greens are becoming better, but they are still woolly, bumpy and not fast.

The weather conditions were perfect.

We played a medal competition combined with an eclectic competition.

Nearest the pin.
Hole 3: Alan Fleming, Hole 6: Tony Snow, Hole 13: Dave Jones, Hole 16: Mick Rivers.

Medal competition
1st was Martin Osmond with a net score of 73, 2nd was Ron Kerry with a net score of 74. There were 2 players with a net score of 75. After a recalculation of the score on the back nine, Peter Reid became 3rd and Tony Snow 4th.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 28 May 2016

The course maintenance was in progress over the past few days and the greens had been hollow tined and sandy, this made for a firmer putting stoke to keep the ‘true’ line.

Weather conditions were perfect but getting rather humid towards the end of our round.

Today’s format was individual stableford.

Nearest the pins:
Hole 3: Mick Rivers, Hole 6: Martin Osmond, Hole 13: Gordon Chapman and Hole 16: Alan Fleming.

Stableford competition
The winner was Martin Osmond with an excellent score of 39 points., 2nd place Alan Fleming on 38 points, 3rd place Steve Rhodes on 34 points and 4th place we had 3 players with 32 points, on count back twice (first the back nine and then the last 6 holes on the back nine) which was won by Mick Jee.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 21 May 2016

The conditions were excellent and this reflected in some very good scores being posted.

Today’s format individual stableford.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3: Alan Fleming, Hole 6: Steve Rhodes, Hole 13: Robert Pronk and Hole 16: Kay Chapman.

Stableford competition
The winner was Gordon Chapman with 35 points. The 2nd prize was for Ron Kerry with 34 points, 3rd prize was for Mick Rivers with 33 points. Peter Reid had the 4th prize with also 33 points but with less points on the back nine.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 14 May 2016

It was very windy; this was reflected in the scores.

Today’s format was individual stableford.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3: Ron Kerry, Hole 6: Dave Jones, Hole 13: Tony Snow, Hole 16: Mike Rivers.

Stableford competition
The winner was Martin Osmond with 33 points. The 2nd prize was for Mick Rivers with 32 points and the 3rd prize was for Steve Rhodes with 29 points. He had a better back nine than Peter Reid with also 29 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa

Saturday, 7 May 2016

It was a perfect golfing weather no wind, but slightly overcast.

Being the first Saturday of the month we played our monthly medal combined with an eclectic competition.

Nearest the pin.
Hole 3: Ron Kerry, Hole 6: Tony Snow, Hole 13: Mike Jee, Hole 16: Steve Rhodes.

Medal competition
1st Tony Snow with a net score of 71, 2nd was Ron Kerry with a net score of 73. There were 6 players with a net score of 79, 3rd place with a best score on the back nine was Gordon Chapman.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 30 April 2016

The forecast was for rain during the morning, we were all pleased to only experienced 10 minutes of light drizzle on our front nine, after which the weather improved and we continued the round in sunshine. The conditions were excellent and this reflected in some very good scores being posted.

Today’s format individual stableford.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3: Mick Rivers, Hole 6: Mark Preston, Hole 13 and 16: Mike Jee.

Stableford competition
The winner was Alan Fleming with 34 points. There were 4 players with 30 points, Mike Jee had the best back nine, he won the 2nd prize.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 23 April 2016

The weather conditions were excellent.

Today’s format was better ball.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3: Mick Rivers, Hole 6: Steve Rhodes, Hole 13: Martin Osmond,
Hole 16: after searching several minutes for his ball, Peter Reid found his ball in the hole. HOLE IN ONE. He paid for the drinks afterwards.

Better ball competition
The winners were Steve Rhodes and Peter Reid with 44 points.
It helps off course when you have 1 for 5 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 16 April 2016

The weather conditions were excellent.

Todays format was stableford.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3 & Hole 6: no takers, Hole 13: Robert Pronk, Hole 16: Mick Rivers

Stableford competition
1st Mick Rivers with 34 points, 2nd Peter Reid with 32 points and 3rd Dave Jones with 31 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 9 April 2016

The weather conditions were good, slight breeze with a chill in the air first thing, after 3 holes we were in sunshine, so nobody could complain about or use the weather as an excuse.

Todays format was pairs better ball.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3 & Hole 6: no takers, Hole 13: Mark Preston, Hole 16: Gordon Chapman.

Better ball competition
1st team Mick Rivers and Mike Jee with 44 points , 2nd team Mark Preston and Dave Jones with 41 points.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 2 April 2016

There was a chilly wind in the morning but after a few hours the sun had warmed up the air and it was again a lovely day for playing golf.

We played a medal competition combined with an eclectic competition.

Before the prize giving we paid our respects in remembrance of the recent death of Alex Wylie, the husband of Gwen Wylie who is a member of our Golf Society. We wish Gwen all the strength to go through this difficult time.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3: Robert Pronk, Hole 6: Peter Reid and again, just as last week, 2 prizes for Mark Preston on Hole 13 and 16.

Medal competition
1st was Mark Preston with a net score of 70, 2nd Peter Reid with a net score of 74 and 3rd Martin Osmond also with a net score of 74 but with a higher score on the back nine.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 26 March 2016

What a pleasant morning, we never expected it to be this hot so early in the day. Now the clocks go forward this weekend it will make a different to us playing so early in the morning.

Todays format was single stableford.
With her new handicap Jean Bishton came in with a score of 34 points to win the match, 2nd Peter Reid on 33 points and 3rd Dave Jones on 32 points.

Nearest the pin:
The winners were: Hole 3, no takers, Hole 6: Mark Preston, Hole 13: Martin Osborn and Hole 16: Mark Preston

During the prize presentation we had a lovely Easter Simnel Cake baked by Kay Chapman. The cake was so nourishing not many members wanted the tapas.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 19 March 2016
It was a lovely day for playing golf, hardly any wind, only the temperature did vary a lot, when it was cloudy it was cold and when the sun came through it was hot.

Our format today was single stableford competition.
How is it possible, when your handicap went down one week by 4 shots, you can score the next week again with 36 points? If you read my report of last week, you will know who this was.

Yes, the winner was: Jean Bishton with 36 points, 2nd Peter Reid with 34 points and 3rd Mick Rivers with 33 points. Mick Rivers beat Mark Preston, who had the same score but a lower score on the back nine.

Nearest the pin:
We were happy to see Mark Preston back, but to take away 3 prizes from the 4 available ones, was a little over the top.

So the winners were: Hole 3: Mark Preston, Hole 6: Mark Preston, Hole 13: Mark Preston, and Hole 16: Jean Bishton, who made also a birdy on this hole.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Tuesday, 8 March and Saturday, 12 March 2016

What a change in the weather this week, both mornings were very cold, but after a few hours it soon brightened up.

Tuesday, 8 March – Format Single Stableford
I had the honour to play with the winner. I have never seen so many putts going in from 5m upto 12m, it was a delight to see, after I realized that I was watching the winner of the day.

The winner was: Jean Bishton on 42 points, 2nd Mick Rivers on 36 points. (a score like that Mick must have thought, this could be a winning score), 3rd Dave Jones on 30 points.

As expected with 42 points it was inevitable that Jean’s handicap would be reduced drastically. It’s nice to see members improving and reducing their handicap. Well done Jean, that was some achievement.

Saturday, 12 March we played a team came

We had teams of three and we played a “walls” game. In this case we counted the best score on the first hole, then the 2 best scores on the second hole and all scores on the 3th hole. We repeated this sequence for 18 holes.

The winning team was Mick Rivers, Peter Reid and Robert Pronk with 66 points

Not an impressive score but it was 2 better than the 2nd team who had 64 points.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 6: Mike Jee (gets a habit of winning this hole), Hole 13: Mick Rivers, and Holes 3 & 16: no takes this week.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Golf Society Los Amigos at La Finca Algorfa
Saturday, 5 March 2016

The weather was not that cold but it was very windy. Maybe this, plus the fact that it was our monthly medal competition the turn-up was not great.

Today’s format was Medal combined with eclectic and we had 3 teams of 3 players.
The winner was: Steve Rhodes with 78 points he had a better back nine (31 points) than Martin Osmond with 36 points on the back nine.

Nearest the pin:
Hole 3: no takes this week, Hole 6: Mike Jee, Hole 13: Peter Reid and Hole 16: Steve Rhodes.

If you are interested in joining our Los amigos Golf Society call our captain; Robert Pronk, Tel. 627 068 532 or contact us via page Golf Society Los Amigos Algorfa.


Carretera Algorfa/Los Montesinos, Km 3



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