The shipping industry won't meet it's decarbonization goals without investing more in offset projects.
International shipping keeps the world economy afloat, carrying approximately 80% of all global trade from port to port and emitting substantial greenhouse gases along the way. Counted as a country, shipping would rank among the top 10 largest polluters globally.
Most commercial vessels currently run on heavy fuel oil, a thick tar-like substance which has been used in shipping since 19th century. Heavy fuel oil has a high energy density, meaning it can propel ships a long distance on a small amount, and is relatively cheap because it's a byproduct of the oil refining process that produces diesel and petrol becoming in a big challenge reaching net-zero by 2050 will enquires not just strong commitments but a revolution in clean fuel technologies, efficient ship design, supportive infrastructure and offsetting their emissions through nature base solution or climate solution together with Carbon Solutions to enable this transition.