Best 15 restaurants in the Basque Country by @macarfi_com 2025 guide, with Asador Etxebarri as one three The Top of the Top! 🤩🧑🍳
Any of them still in your list to visit??
#basquerestaurant #basquecountry #basquefood #etxebarri #arzak #elkano #porrue #basquekitchen #euskadi #gourmet #foodie #foodpassion Restaurante Arzak Azurmendi Nerua Guggenheim Bilbao Garena Jatetxea
Gure Ardoak
Euskalduna Bilbao Congress Palace hosted today Gure Ardoak Basque Drinks Fair, an event designed exclusively for professionals and which brought together wineries and producers of all categories of Basque Drinks. Organized by Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco.
Gure Ardoak has brought together 101 wineries and wine companies from Rioja Alavesa, Txakoli from Araba, Bizkaia and Getaria, Basque Beers, Euskal Sagardoa Basque Cider, spirits and other Basque drinks.
Cheers! Topa! Salud! 🤩🥂🍷🥃
Credits 📹 mantala gastronomy
#basquewine #basquebeer #market #showroom #sagardoa #cider #best #basquecountry #euskadi #wimelover #winetasting #riojaalavesa #riojawine #txakoli #spririts Bizkaiko Txakolina Getariako Txakolina D.O. Abra Rioja Alavesa Eusko Label EuskadiGastronomika Bilbao Turismo
Yesterday first young wines of 2024 Harvest of Rioja Alavesa were uncorked in the XIX Edition of Uztaberri Eguna in the charming village of Lapuebla de Labarca
Apart of the new Wines, the visitors could enjoy and taste the delicious local Stew called "Boli" made with rice, Cod fiel and potatoes 🍲🍚🥔
A great way of immersing in the Wine culture and traditions of Rioja Alavesa!
Willling to taste new Wines of the season? 🍇🍷
Credits 📹 @ramirogonzalezvicente
#riojaalavesa #riojawine #lapueblalabarka #uztaberrieguna #wineculture #winelover #winetasting #basquewine #rioja #newharvest #uncork #euskadi #araba #alava #basquecountry Eusko Label Álava Turismo Abra Rioja Alavesa Rioja Alavesa Turismo Visit Euskadi
Big Winter festivity is taking place today in different locations, like Bilbao, Abadiño or Idiazabal in honour of Saint Blase - San Blas! 🤩
The tradition marks to buy a cord, bless it and put It around your neck during 9 days, Saint will protect you against cough and cold. And in Bilbao you have the chance to get blessed in the beautIful Gothic Saint Nichol's Church.
You can also buy the classical "Santiaguitos" Marshmellow sweets and white anisete bagels!
One of the most traditional days in the Basque calendar Great to keep the old traditions alive!
#sanblas #fair #festivity #market #baggel #cord #blessed #santiaguito #marshmellow #malvavisco #saint #saintblaise #winter #tradition #basqueculture #basquetradition #basqvium #euskadi #bilbao #basquecountry Bilbao Kultura Bilbao Turismo Bilbao Udala - Ayuntamiento Idiazabal Turismo
After Sunbilla, yesterday, today was the time for the ancestral Carnivals of Ituren and Zubieta are.
On the Monday after the last Sunday in January, "Joaldunak" characters from the Basque cultural tradition set out on the path that separates Zubieta from Ituren (3 km) to announce the arrival of Carnival. They do so dressed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheep coats around the waist and shoulders, colored scarves around their necks, conical hats with ribbons called ttuntturros, and a horsehair swab in their right hand.
But if there is something that powerfully attracts attention, it is the large bronze cowbells that they carry attached to their hips and that they shake rhythmically with the aim of awakening the land from its winter lethargy, so that it can be productive again during the upcoming spring.
One of the most beautiful Rural Basque tradition that is kept alive for centuries! 🤩🎭
Credits 📹 Diario de Noticias de Navarra
#carnaval #carnival #ihauteriak
#tradition #ituren #zubieta #joaldunak #nafarroa #euskalkultura #euskalherria #ancestral #nafartoa #navarre #navarra #basquwculture #euskalkultura #basqueculture #basqvium Reyno de Navarra Turismo Navarra / Turismoa Nafarroa Amerikanuak Basque Culture Euskal Kultura
Attending the official opening of the Basque Country strand at FITUR one of the biggest International travel expos.of the year.
Great chance to greet many friends and new clients and providers.
#fitur #fitur2025 #basquecounry #euskadi #basqvium #travelexpo #travel IFEMA MADRID Visit Euskadi Visit Biscay Gipuzkoa Turismoa Álava Turismo
Like this amanzingly sounds Donostia - San Sebastian tonight!
At Misnight punctually started the famous "Tamborrada" Drum Parade in honor of its patrón San Sebastián!
It is the biggest day of the year for the city and during next 24 hours drums will be heard non stop all around the city!
A tradition dated back from 1870
Credits 📹 Gipuzkoa Turismoa
#donostia #sansebastian #donostiasansebastian #tamborrada #danborrada #tambor #drums #drumparade #festivity #20january #20enero #festival #24hour #gipuzkoa #euskadi #basquecountry Donostia - San Sebastián Donostia Kultura
Corporate meeting today by Basqvium. Food, Culture & Luxury Experiences partners to plan new year projects in one of the most exclusive outdoor terraces of the city of Bilbao.
Next steps - attend FITUR Tourism Fair next week, after enjoying tonight the beggining of the Tamborrada - Drum Parade in San Sebastian., that Will start tonight at midnight! 🥁 Stay tuned for the latesr news! 🤩🎧
#basqvium #projects #planning #events #turismo #tourism #bilbao #terrace #terraza #outdoorterrace #basquecountry #abbahotels #exclusive #luxury #beautiful #airview #viewpoint #view #euskadi Abba Euskalduna hotel Bilbao Turismo Comisión Gestora de Zorrotzaurre. Zorrotzaurreko Batzorde Kudeatzailea
One of the first Big Markets IS taking place this morning in the charming village of Mungia to celebrate San Antontxu Day.
Focused mainly in pork products like txorizo or morcilla (black pudding) you can also find best seasonal vegetables, together with sweets and desserts, without forgetting Txakoli and Basque Cider. A complete "showroom" of best Basque Food products! 🤩🥓🎃🍾🎊
#sanantontxu #mungia #chorizo #talo #morcilla #odoloste #txorrizo #txistorra #mungialdea #bizkaia #gourmet #market #fair #alubias #vegetables #basquefood #basquecountry #euskadi BBK Azoka Eusko Label Euskal Sagardoa Bizkaiko Txakolina ENBA Nekazal Sindikatua Visit Euskadi Visit Uribe, Bilbao-Bizkaia, Euskadi Visit Biscay
🎉 Great day in the charming fishing village of Getaria concurring San Antón festivity, together with Txakoli Eguna, where the new harvest of Getariako Txakolina D.O. Basque Wine is launched and and first popular tasting of the new Wines took place.🤩🍇🍷
That's why this morning, the streets came alive with music, dancing, games, and flavors that remind us how special it is to share our roots with the community. From live performances to unforgettable family moments, this event truly captured the essence of our heritage.
A huge thank you to everyone who joined and helped make this celebration a success. This is just the beginning of many more to come! 🤩🥂
#GipuzkoaLanda #TraditionalCelebration #LivingCulture #LocalFestivities #getaria #txakoli #uncork #harvest #wine #winelover #winetasting #winelife #txakolina #getaria #giipuzkoa #basquecountry #basquewine #euskadi
Getaria Turismoa Getariako Udala Txakoli Aizpurua Winery Hiruzta Txakoli Txomin Etxaniz Ameztoi EITB Bodega Agerre Gipuzkoa - Gure Lurra Gipuzkoa Turismoa Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa