My name "Aitor" comes from the French Basque expression "aita onen semea", which means nobleman.
I don't have a nobleman lineage, but my soul is. I am noble in my dealings, affection and joys.
Discover the Basque Country with me. I will design, together with you, your exclusive trip through the Basque lands.
#aitordelgadotours #basquecountry #basquecountryspirit #Basquetours #basqueluxury #culturetour #culturetrip #historylovers #historytours #foodie #foodtour #arttourism #basquecountrytour #basqueluxurytours
Look at this magical site where I have been sleeping in the last days in #Rioja
@marquesderiscal is well known for their top wines and historical #winery but it has also a #LuxuryHotel @hotelmarquesderiscal part of @marriottintl and @marriottbonvoy which outstands with its wonderful #LuxuryService and it's unique #Arquitecture by @frankgehry_official in a facility surrounded by #RiojaVineyards
Come here and meet me for a #RiojaPrivateWineTour
#AitorDelgado #BasquePrivateTourGuide #WineTours #WineryVisit #RiojaWineTours #BilbaoDayTours #BasqueTours #BasqueLuxury #AitorDelgadoTours #BilbaoWineTours #RiojaPrivateTours #BasqueLuxuryTours #FamilyTravel #BasquePrivateTours #BilbaoLuxuryTours @okudart #luxurycollection
What a wonderful #privatetour today in #RiojaWine🍷 area #topRiojaWines #MedievalVillages #Vineyards... a true paradise
#AitorDelgado #BasquePrivateTourGuide #RiojaAlavesaTours #BasqueWineTours #RiojaWineTours #BilbaoDayTours #MultigenerationTours #BasqueTours #AitorDelgadoTours #BasqueLife #RiojsPrivateTours #BasqueLuxuryTours #FamilyTravel #BasquePrivateTours #BilbaoLuxuryTours
¡Gracias por ser una de las personas que más ha interactuado esta semana y por estar en mi lista de interacciones semanales! 🎉
Irene Ortega,
Yoyi Perez,
Ileana Jaen
¡Un saludo especial a mis nuevos fans destacados! 💎
Ileana Jaen,
Jorge Pal
If you really want to be in the clouds on your visit to Rioja, you can not only achieve it by drinking its magnificent wines, but also getting intoxicated with its beautiful views from the heights by helicopter.
Come and discover Rioja with Aitor Delgado on the tour that you design yourself together with me. Travel your way. Custom private Rioja wine tours.
¡Gracias por ser una de las personas que más ha interactuado esta semana y por estar en mi lista de interacciones semanales! 🎉
Ileana Jaen,
Belén Corón Mora,
Irene Ortega
Today the #sculptor #RichardSerra passed away.
He has many sculptures in the #BasqueCountry some of then you can see in this pictures and videos.
It has been here where I discovered his work and the reason why I look for his work when I travel.
We are lucky of having his art to remember him. R.I.P. Richard Serra
#AitorDelgado #BasquePrivateTourGuide #BilbaoArtTours #BasqueArt #ContemporaryArtTours #BilbaoDayTours #MultigenerationTours #BasqueTours #AitorDelgadoTours #BasqueLife #BilbaoPrivateTours #BasqueLuxuryTours #FamilyTravel #BasquePrivateTours #BilbaoLuxuryTours