CTMC NEWS Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC) News: call for papers, guest-editors nomination, new special issues,... Allen B. Reitz
Prof. H.

Page created to publish news from the scientific journal
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC)
ISSN: 1568-0266 (Print)
ISSN: 1873-5294 (Online)

Prof. of Chemical Biology
Institute of Hepatitis and Virus Research,
CEO, Fox C hase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc. Doylestown, PA 18902, USA. Linkedin: http://linkd.in/11L9c9t

Research Prof. Gonzalez-Diaz

1) Department of Organic Chemistry II,
Faculty of Science and Technology
Euskal Heriko Univertsitatea (UPV/EHU),
Leioa, 48940, Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain. (2) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science ,
48011, Bilbao, Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain. Ikerbaske: http://www.ikerbasque.net/humberto.gonzalez
Linkedin: http://linkd.in/UpodjS

Associate Editor:
Rhoda W. Joseph
Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc
Doylestown, PA 18902, USA
Linkedin: http://linkd.in/WKCC8K

Manager Editor:
Ambreen Irshad
Bentham Science Publishers
Email: [email protected]

Editorial Director:
Matthew Honan, PhD FRSPH
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. Email: [email protected]
Url: www.benthamscience.com

Dear colleagues I am glad to inform you that I am acting as co-Editor-In-Chief (EIC) of Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC). In this sense, I invite you to read/share this open call for authors/guest-editors. CTMC is a prestigious journal listed by JCR ISI Web of Sci with a high Impact Factor in 2012 = 4.17!!! INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS AND/OR GUEST EDITORS: You only have to send an email with your paper and/or your proposal of special issue to Co-EIC Humberto González-Díaz, Email: [email protected]. Standalone papers shall by allocated by EICs in the special issue that better fits on paper topic. Special Issue Proposals should be focused on one topic selected by you. We strongly recommend authors of standalone papers to carefully read journal instructions previous to submission: http://www.benthamscience.com/ctmc/MSandI.htm

RECOMMENDED ISSUE TOPICS & SCOPE: All Classic topics of Medicinal Chemistry as well as New Trends and Enabling Technologies in Medicinal Chemistry including but not limited to:
(1) Organic Synthesis & Pharmacological Assays of new compounds; Natural compounds isolation and characterization;
(2) Chemoinformatics & Computational Chemistry: Methodological basis and applications to drug discovery of: QSAR, Docking, CoMFA-like methods, Quantum Chemistry & Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM), High-performance Computing (HPC), Cloud Computing, Biostatistics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learnig (ML), and Bio-inspired Algorithms like Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Genetic Algorithms, or Swarm Intelligence. (3) Bioinformatics & Biosystems: Methodological basis and applications to drug design, target or biomarkers discovery of: Alignment tools, Pathway analysis, Complex Networks, Non-linear methods, Microarray analysis, Software and Web servers
(4) High Throughput Screening (HTS) of drugs; Fragment Based Drug Discovery; Combinatorial chemistry and syntheis
(5) Molecular Biology, Genomics, and Proteomics for Drug Targets and Disease Biomarkers identification...;
(6) Nanotechnology, Nanochemistry, Polymer and Biopolymer chemistry, Material chemistry, and Conjugation chemistry for drug discovery, drug carriers design, vaccine design, or diagnostic tools development. PROPOSALS SHOULD INCLUDE: Short summary of the topic for the special issue you want to edit along with the posible titles, authors, affiliations, AND country of the main authors of these planned papers. Enclose also a list of your publications, patents, and/or meetings to asses your degree of expertise in the topic proposed. GUEST-EDITORS DUTIES: If approved by CTMC EICs, the Guest Editor should then set deadlines, send email request to authors who in turn should write the reviews, and follow-through as appropriate. The Guest Editors will have the discretion to write a review in their issue, but they are not essentially required to do so. CTMC shall supply you a personal link to access your own guest-editor backpack. BACKPACK is an online web page system that shall allow you upload, manage, and send all papers, cover, letters, copyright forms etc., you need to request from authors. CTMC shall send you official forms and all information necessary. Sntrongly recommend authors to read journal instructions: http://www.benthamscience.com/ctmc/MSandI.htm

NOTE FOR SCI EVENT MANAGERS: In the case you receive this invitation per being member of a scientific board and/or involved in event management of a scientific meeting take into account also the following aspects. (1) Please, forward the invitation to the person who may concern into the scientific board of the meeting in the case it do not fits on your duties. (2) The topic of the special issue should be the same of the meeting. (3) The guest-editor should select the papers that better fits in terms of quality and topic among those presented in the event. (4) The papers should be rewritten (in form and/or extension) by authors in order to fit journal standards of CTMC (http://www.benthamscience.com/ctmc/MSandI.htm). (5) Refereing of papers is not necessary in the case of sci meetings with peer-review of papers previous to acception if the authors do not made very important modifications of the manuscript presented. (6) Peer-review of papers by external referees is mandatory if it was necessary to present the paper in the meeting. (7) The guest-editor have to upload the filled reviewer opinion forms in official CTMC in anycase (read also general instructions at follows). (8) Papers should be letters, research papers, reviews, short-reviews or a combination of those formats (review + research). PUBLICATION CHARGES: CTMC papers will be published FREE OF CHARGE. However, the authors should be aware that there are fees to be payed for color figures, online pdf acces (pay-per-view) or additional post-print copies of full journal issues. ISSUE PUBLICATION: The completed special topic issue (when all papers are ready) should be submitted by means of the online BackPack system to the CTMC Editorial Board for final review, approval, and publication. EIC: Allen B Reitz, Prof. of Chemical Biology, Institute of Hepatitis and Virus Research, CEO, Fox C hase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc Doylestown, PA 18902, USA. Co-EIC: Humberto González-Díaz, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Santiago de Compostela, 15782, Spain. Associate Editor: Rhoda W Joseph, Fox C hase Chemical Diversity Center, Inc Doylestown, PA 18902, USA.

Spiro-Lactams as Novel Antimicrobial Agents. Author(s): Américo J.S. Alves, Nuno G. Alves, Catia Caratao, Margarida I.M....

Spiro-Lactams as Novel Antimicrobial Agents. Author(s): Américo J.S. Alves, Nuno G. Alves, Catia Caratao, Margarida I.M. Esteves, Diana Fontinha, Inês Bártolo, Maria I.L. Soares, Susana M.M. Lopes, Miguel Prudêncio, Nuno Taveira, Teresa M.V.D. Pinho e Melo*. Journal Name: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 20 , Issue 2 , 2020, http://www.eurekaselect.com/176397/article

Synthesis of Coumarin Derivatives as Versatile Scaffolds for GSK-3β Enzyme Inhibition. Author(s): Carla S. Francisco, Cl...

Synthesis of Coumarin Derivatives as Versatile Scaffolds for GSK-3β Enzyme Inhibition. Author(s): Carla S. Francisco, Clara L. Javarini, Iatahanderson de S. Barcelos, Pedro A.B. Morais, Heberth de Paula, Warley de S. Borges, Álvaro Cunha Neto, Valdemar Lacerda*. Journal Name: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 20 , Issue 2 , 2020, http://www.eurekaselect.com/175884/article



Background: Neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) are the only class of antivirals in clinical use against influenza virus approved worldwide. However, approxima...


New Developments in the Medicinal Chemistry Targeting Drug-Resistant Infection – Part-I, 20(2): 87 - 88, Fernando de Carvalho a Silva, Vitor Francisco Ferreira and Luana da Silva Magalhães Forezi
DOI: 10.2174/156802662002200219090340, http://www.eurekaselect.com/179518/article

CTMC NEWS DRUG DISCOVERY SERIES: New Experimental and Computational Tools for Drug Discovery. - Part-VII.  Marcus Tulliu...

CTMC NEWS DRUG DISCOVERY SERIES: New Experimental and Computational Tools for Drug Discovery. - Part-VII. Marcus Tullius Scotti, Eugene Muratov, Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz. Curr Top Med Chem. 2019;19(11):898-899. doi: 10.2174/156802661911190725100827.
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/project/CTMC-Series-Drug-Discovery .

CALL FOR PAPERS:JOURNAL: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC) (ISSN: 1873-5294, IF 3.37) TOPIC: Anticancer drugs...

JOURNAL: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC)
(ISSN: 1873-5294, IF 3.37)
TOPIC: Anticancer drugs: Structures, Function and Synthetic Strategie EDITORS:

Prof. Yagamare FALL DIOP
Catedrático de Química Orgánica
Regional Editor of CTMC for Africa
Departamento de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Química y IIS Galicia Sur
Edificio Ciencias Experimentales
Universidad de Vigo
36200 Vigo, Pontevedra (Spain)
E-Mail: [email protected]

Prof. Generosa GÓMEZ PACIOS
Catedrática de Química Orgánica
Departamento de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Química y IIS Galicia Sur
Edificio Ciencias Experimentales
Universidad de Vigo
36200 Vigo, Pontevedra (Spain)
E-Mail: [email protected]

Special Issue Proposal


Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC)

Title: “Anticancer drugs: Structures, Function and Synthetic Strategie”

Aims and Scope: Mechlorethamine is an alkylating agent and one of the first drugs clinically used for the treatment of cancer, being found later to be effective in treating lymphomas. In 1956, the first drug to cure a solid tumour appeared to be methotrexate and a year later 5-fluorouracil was described as a new class of anti-tumour compound known as pyrimidine analogue. Since then a plethora of structures has been described and used as anticancer drugs. To cite some examples, in the field of vitamin D, since the discovery that calcitriol promoted cell differentiation and inhibited the proliferation of tumor, a huge number of vitamin D analogues has been synthesized and some of them are being used as anticancer drugs.
The aim of this special issue is to carry out comprehensive and critical overview of the literature on anticancer drugs and the different synthetic strategies developed, not only in the field of vitamin D, but also in many other areas of medicinal chemistry. We expect invited reviews/mini-reviews articles and also focused reviews from research groups describing their contribution in the field of anticancer drugs.

One year from now on: Dead line July 31th 2020


CTMC NEWS Curr Top Med Chem Editors
Profs. Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz (Europe), Cristian Robert Munteanu (Guest), Marcus Tullius Scotti (Guest), etc., participates in:
(EN) USEDAT: USA-Europe Data Analysis Training School mol2net-05.sciforum.net/usedat-07, Free Enrollment School, Email: [email protected]. *Note: No Enrollment fees.
(ES) UseDat: EEUU-Europa Escuela de Verano en Análisis de Datos. Envío de Comunicaciones: https://mol2net-05.sciforum.net/usedat-07, Matrícula Gratis, Correo: [email protected]

CALL FOR PAPERS:JOURNAL: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC) (ISSN: 1873-5294, IF 3.37) TOPIC: Nitrones; Synthe...

JOURNAL: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC)
(ISSN: 1873-5294, IF 3.37)
TOPIC: Nitrones; Synthesis, structure, reactivity, properties, and pharmacological analysis for therapeutic applications in medicinal chemistry
Prof. José Marco-Contelles
Laboratorio de Quimica Médica
Instituto de Química Orgánica General
Juan de la Cierva, 3; 28006-Madrid (Spain)
E-Mail: [email protected]

Prof. Yagamare FALL DIOP
Catedrático de Química Orgánica
Regional Editor of CTMC for Africa
Departamento de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Química y IIS Galicia Sur
Edificio Ciencias Experimentales
Universidad de Vigo
36200 Vigo, Pontevedra (Spain)
E-Mail: [email protected]

Special Issue Proposal


Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC)

Title: “Nitrones: Synthesis, structure, reactivity, properties, and pharmacological analysis for therapeutic applications in medicinal chemistry”

The scope of the thematic topic of this CTMC Special Issue covers the synthesis, structure (computational analysis), reactivity (Kinugasa reaction, 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions, etc.), properties, including antioxidant capacity, and finally, as a very important and key point, the thematic issue should contain reviews describing the potential therapeutic applications of nitrones in stroke, cancer or other pathologies, where the oxidative stress has been identified as a key biological event. In the area of stroke, for instance, free radical scavengers, such as nitrones, have proved to be efficient neuroprotective agents in experimental ischemia studies. However, to date, no nitrone has been marketed for ischemic stroke treatment, due to failed clinical studies. This is the case of (Z)--phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) or sodium (Z)-4-((tert-butyloxidoazanylidene)methyl)benzene-1,3-disulfonate (NXY-059), which based on its good neuroprotection in suitable animal models of transient and permanent focal ischemia, was assayed in several clinical studies, unfortunately without success. In spite of these unfulfilled expectations, the current efforts devoted to discover new nitrones for the treatment of stroke show and prove that the antioxidant and neuroprotective strategy is still a choice for the development of new drugs for stroke.

Broadening the topic, we expect to attract the interest of the readers and potential invited authors to contribute.

One year from now on: Dead line April 1st 2020

Georgia Melagraki, Georgios Leonis, Evangelos Ntougkos, Vagelis Rinotas, Christos Papaneophytou, Thomas Mavromoustakos, ...

Georgia Melagraki, Georgios Leonis, Evangelos Ntougkos, Vagelis Rinotas, Christos Papaneophytou, Thomas Mavromoustakos, George Kontopidis, Eleni Douni, George Kollias* and Antreas Afantitis. Current Status and Future Prospects of Small–molecule Protein–protein Interaction (PPI) Inhibitors of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Receptor Activator of NF-κB Ligand (RANKL) CTMC (2019) Volume:18, Issue:8, Pp: 661-673, http://www.eurekaselect.com/node/162870

Irina Moreira and Ozge Sensoy. Modulation of Protein-Protein Interactions for the Development of Effective Therapeutics ...

Irina Moreira and Ozge Sensoy. Modulation of Protein-Protein Interactions for the Development of Effective Therapeutics - From a Joint Perspective of Experiment and Computation free to download. CTMC (2019) Volume:18, Issue:8, Pp: 645-646 DOI: 10.2174/156802661808180718151704. http://www.eurekaselect.com/node/163880


CTMC NEWS Panelfit.news paper:   and    : Toward a   in the  . Duardo-Sánchez A, Iñigo De Miguel Beriain. Curr Top Med C...

CTMC NEWS Panelfit.news paper: and : Toward a in the . Duardo-Sánchez A, Iñigo De Miguel Beriain. Curr Top Med Chem. 2018;18(25):2165-2173, http://www.eurekaselect.com/167643/article

In the last few years, the fields of Medicinal Chemistry and especially the ones related to the so-called Personalized Medicine, have received a great atte...

CTMC Panelfit.news   Paper: New   and   Tools for  :  ,  , Ethical & Legal Issues - Part-V.Arrasate S, Duardo-Sánchez A,...

CTMC Panelfit.news Paper: New and Tools for : , , Ethical & Legal Issues - Part-V.
Arrasate S, Duardo-Sánchez A, Iñigo De Miguel Beriain, Casabona CR, Humbert Gonzalez-Diaz. UPV/EHU, Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science . Curr Top Med Chem. 2018;18(25):2141-2142. doi: 10.2174/156802661825190118124556. http://www.eurekaselect.com/169128/article






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