Andaluciatourguide & Manilva travel club

Andaluciatourguide & Manilva travel club Tourism services, transfers, excursions.


День детокса для гида или искусство клизмой.
После долгих пяти недель, которые мы провели взаперти наших муниципалитетов, нам открыли краник передвижений и мы с Еленой сразу умчались в очередную андалузскую тьмутаракань. Главной целью вояжа было качественно нашопиться керамикой в Кордовского деревне Ла Рамбла.
О том, что эта деревня живёт глиной можно понять сразу увидев на подъезде горы этого творческого материала. А потом начинаются бесконечные мастерские и шоурумы керамики на любой вкус и предназначение.
По весьма демократичным ценам тут можно разжиться традиционным ярким андалузским хендмейдом, керамикой в стиле современного дизайна или арт- керамикой, где у художник-керамиста вместо холста будет внушительных размеров салатница.
Других достопримечательстей, кроме бесконечных керамических мастерских в деревне не наблюдается. Но креативная энергетика от людей мнущих глину, магия печей обжигающих всевозможные сосуды и эта роспись клизмами делают Рамблу уникальным местом.
#керамика #кордова #рамбла #глина #искусство #хэндмейд #гид #гидвандалусии #андалусия #туры #экскурсии #лицензионныйгид


Riding fun in the sun.

#касарес #верхом #лошади #андалусия #белыедеревни #гид #путешествия #тур #экскурсия #андалусиятургайд


Roman road at Los Alcornacales natural park.

#андалусия #провинциякадиса #кастельяр #дубы #пробковыерощи #туры #официальныйгид #природа #выходные #пополям #экскурсии #испания


Про москатель александрийский из Манильвы замолвите слово.. Или ударим винчиком по короновирусной реальности.
Есть у меня замечательные соседи-виноградники сорта Москатель, они же самые южные виноградники Европы, они же яркие "представители теруар" со всеми особенностями: почва "альбариса", влияние двух ветров " Леванте и поньенте" (перевожу: средиземноморский и Атлантический), отсутствие осадков в летние месяцы и искусственного полива впринципе, морская соль, которая оседает на винограде и придает ему особый соленоватый привкус, мягкие температуры круглый год и влажность.
Александрийский москатель -универсальный виноград и поэтому уникальный. Он одинаково хорош, как столовый виноград, из него получается отличный изюм и вино, как сухое, так и сладкое.
А виноградники в Манильве были еще в далеком 16ом веке и до недавнего времени москателем было засажено 500 га... Но строительный бум сменившийся кризисом, низкая рентабельность при высоких затратах, да и большая конкуренция на рынке испанских вин сократила виноградники почти на 75%, большая часть этого ароматного винограда все же попадает на стол для сезонного поедания. Традиционных "бодег" осталось раз два и обчелся...
Но в такую бодегу можно попасть, потому у меня везде свои люди. (когда нас опять выпустят в свободное передвижение)
#манильва #вино #москатель #энотуризм #гид #официальныйгид #андалусия #костадельсоль #виноградники #традиции #энотур #бодега


Dear all, due to the new Covid restrictions and overall recommendations to reduce social contacts. All the activities will be temporary suspended till the coronavirus situation gets better. I will keep you posted and see you soon!


Chestnut paradise in Serrania de Ronda.

#каштаны #осень #андалусия #гиды #партизаны #нашответковиду #деревни #белыедеревни #ронда #серрания


Cathedral- Mosque in Cordoba. Unesco heritage and fantastic monument.

#архитектура #мечеть #собор #арки #кордова #юнеско #наследие #андалусия #альандалус #гид #гидвандалусии #путешествия



• e x c i t i n g n e w s ! • 🤩🥳

👉 The olive season is slowly beginning and we are starting with our Olive Oil Tour this Friday, too! 🤩

Considering the circumstances, we didn’t think we could start the season, so we feel pretty excited and thankful 🙏🥰.

👉 You can join us if you want, there’s still a few places left! 🥰

We will spend the morning in nature, in a centenarian olive tree plantation where we will learn how to collect the olives and afterwards, we will move to a gorgeous cortijo in inland Axarquía, where we will learn and taste how bio olive oil is made, both in the old ways and the modern ways🥰🤩. We will also marvel at the different landscapes we can find within a few kilometers, as we will drive to the so-called the Pyrenees of the Axarquía and visit Alfarnate and Alfarnatejo, two lovely villages of the area. Oh, and did we mention that lunch is also included? 😉

Living new experiences and discover the place we proudly call home is still possible in a safe way🙂.




Hello there, an exciting news on this rainy day. We have a new activity coming!
Full day tropical farm experience

Have you ever wondered from where all these mangos and avocados "made in Andalucia" are actually coming from?
Well, this day trip will open the Andalusian tropical paradise for you!
Exotic fruit program that will blow your mind and your mouth away.
- we will meet at Cañada shopping center, get on the private minivan and head to Axarquia region (our neighbors from oriental Costa del Sol)
-our first stop will be exotic fruit farm run by a local family. Farm visit with lots of curious information and tasting included
- our second stop will be Vélez-Málaga city where will do 1,5 hour city walk to learn its history and main monuments (easy activity)
- our third stop will be an exotic fruit cooperative (we will see the facilities from outside) that will include a 3 course lunch (selection of courses for every taste available, drink included)
-local products shop visit (Holiday season is around the corner, guys)
When: Saturday, 31st of October
Start time: 8.30
Duration: 8.30-17.00
Meeting place: parking La Canada shopping center in Marbella
What includes: all the visits, tasting, lunch, official guide and private transportation
Price: 80 € per person (unique experience for great value)
Small group with only 7 spots available
This fantastic day trip is possible thanks to Oletrips our friends and travel experts of East Costa del Sol.

Please hurry up since there fruit season is almost over and we will not repeat it till next year.
Book through Andaluciatourguide & Manilva travel club


Beautiful city of Cordoba at night. Autumn is definitely one the best season to explore Andalucia.

& Manilva travel club


Моя деревня в ночи.
Casares Pueblo at night.

#касарес #гид #гиднакостадельсоль #официальныйгид #туры #экскурсии #ночь #андалусия #гидвандалусии


Thank you so much for coming for our tremendous visit & cheese making work shop st Sierra Crestellina.
It was relaxing, educational, creative, ecological. During this year we accumulated a lot of stress and these 3 hours shared with nature, animals and genuine family of cheese makers from Casares Pueblo were like oxygen for my spirit.


Окна белой деревни Гаусин.
Windows of white village Gaucin.
#окна #андалусия #гаусин
#экскурсии #гид #гидвандалусии #гиднарусском #лицензионныйгид #югиспании


After enjoying our beaches during the summer it's our turn to give something back to the mother nature. It was fun and relaxing morning. Thank you Onou - Socio Cultural Travel Experiences in Andalusia for your initiative. We hope more neighbors can join us next time!


Any adventurers out there? Came and join Juan & Onou for fun adventure in Ronda!

Are you guys ready to end the summer with some action, adrenaline and wild water 💦 fun?

Come with us on Saturday the 10th to el Tajo de Ronda and enjoy a spectacular day out canyoning, abseiling down from a 25m waterfall & cliff jumping 🤩!

We provide you with all the necessary gear in order for you to have the most amazing experience, and we take pictures along the way so you can share them afterwards with your family and friends...

Of course our signature backpack with a refreshment & snack to keep your energy going is included 🎒

All our canyoning trips are under supervision off a licensed and experienced guides and we have full insurance!

Price: 75€

Due to the Covid restrictions we are only allowed 10pax per trip!


Есть такая белая деревня, в которой все прекрасно.
#вехерделяфронтера #вехер #белыедеревни #андалусия #кот #двери #гид #гидвандалусии #гидввехере #лицензионныйгид #экскурсии #туры #жизнь #путешествия ❤️❤️❤️❤️


A white village where everything is beautiful.
#вехерделяфронтера #вехер #белыедеревни #андалусия #кот #двери #гид #гидвандалусии #гидввехере #лицензионныйгид #экскурсии #туры #жизнь #путешествия ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for visiting Nilva winery today! Great time, top people, good wine, beautiful weather and terrific views! Thank you for supporting local businesses and promoting local Moscatel wine traditions!


Last call, last call! Beautiful people, just to remind that I will run a free tour (based on tips) of Castellar Castellar. Old Castellar is a mix of a Muslim castle and medieval village with reach history and charming pedestrian only streets. And by the way since 2019 Castellar Castle is officially on the list of the most beautiful villages of Spain.
When: Friday, 25th of September
Time: 16.30
Duration: 1 hour

Following by:
Horseback walk through Almoraima estate (Alcornocales natural park). Almoraima estate is an unique eco environment and the largest oak forests area in Europe. If we are lucky we might witness a "berrea" or a "concert" of deermale trying to attract a potential girlfriend.
Time: 18.00
Duration: 1,30
Price: 30€ per person

Please book at Andaluciatourguide & Manilva travel club

Last but not least : your participation in the local activities is a great support and promotion for tourism professionals. Thank you.


Hello lovely community, I would like to offer you perfect plan for this coming Saturday, 26th. It's a perfect before-lunch activity with friends and wine lovers.
We will visit a local winery in Manilva. It's a 3 in 1 activity. First we will visit Moscatel museum (really nicely done enological center), then we will get into the Nilva winery (it's a pocket size but we can learn all the wine processes in one place in easy way) and after we will visit the vineyard itself and do the wine tasting with the best views.(I hope will have nice weather and no heavy winds)
When: 26th of September, Saturday
Starting time: 12.00
Duration: 2,5 hours
Price: 20€ per person tasting included
Only 6 spots available
Let me know if you are interested🙂 at Andaluciatourguide & Manilva travel club


Hello everyone and I'm glad to share the agenda of San Roque tourism office for this coming World Tourism Day on Sunday 27th. Please make your booking directly with Turismo San Roque
TLF: 956694005 o en el correo electrónico: [email protected]

All the activities are free of charge and have limited space due to Covid restrictions.

Amplia agenda de actos para celebrar el Día Mundial del Turismo.
Cierre de inscripciones 26 de septiembre de 2020.
TLF: 956694005 o en el correo electrónico: [email protected]


And big thank you again for coming! What a fantastic morning we all had together: visit of the dolmens, andalusian breakfast with best views, stroll through Casares Pueblo, visit of the unique cave house received by its lovely owner, visit secret neighbor garden.
Stay tuned, lovely folks! We have an international Tourism day next Sunday and we will fill the coming weekend with activities!


Dolmens of Carominas is unique prehistoric site located near Estepona. It offers a look back to the prehistory of Iberian settlers 5000 years ago. Five graves conserve perfectly the funerary construction, bones and funerary objects that guide us through the life style, religious beliefs, social system and day to day routine of our ancient neighbors.
There are still spots available for tomorrow's tour to visit Dolmens and stroll through old Casares Village.


Hello everyone, here is our fantastic Saturday plan:
10.00 we meet at Dolmenes de Corominas ( easy to get to and plenty of parking)
10.00-11.30 visit of the Dolmens and the prehistoric museum
12.00 arriving to Casares Pueblo (short and beautiful ride and easy parking)
12.00-14.00 Casares Pueblo tour
We have a unique opportunity to visit one of the cave houses of the village. Angela ( cave house owner) runs the local bar and can provide us a quick snack and refreshment along with some unique interiors and real stories about the life in the Pueblo during the civil War.
Car is necessary to move around. Comfortable non slippery shoes are recommended. We will not be walking much but it will be some uphill parts (glutes workout included)
12€ per person the walking tour included tickets to the Dolmens + 3€ snack at Angela's cave house.
Please make your bookings with the private messages.


Next Saturday, 19th of September we have a special date with our neighbors from 5000 years ago. We will visit the unique Dolmens de Corominas with its archaeological site and after that we will do a historical stroll through beautiful Casares Pueblo.
Small group as usual and 12 € per person entrance tickets to the Dolmens included. More details to come on Wednesday.


Thank you everyone for joining us today for a tour around Carteia (now you know that Cepsa refinery hides a Roman town inside) and we discovered medieval village of Castellar, one of the most beautiful villages of Spain. See you all next Saturday and we will meet our neighbors from 5000 years ago!


Very last two spots for Carteia & Castellar tour on Saturday!


Saturday 12.09
We have a fantastic program to visit Carteia and Castellar Castle.
10.00 meeting at Carteia archeological site and touring around for 50 minutes
It's absolutely free of charge activity run by the tourism office (easy parking)
11.00 heading to Castillo de Castellar with a coffee break on the way
12.00-13.00 touring around the castle (easy parking, few kilometers of slow but picturesque drive uphill)
13.30-14.00 stop at Almoraima hotel (XVII century monastery)
No fixed price for this activity but you are welcome to leave the tips according to your enjoyment level.
It's an easy activity, comfortable shoes are required. The car is needed to move around the points of interest. I will provide locations and those easy to find places.


Quick heads up of our next activity. We will be exploring beautiful Castellar de la Frontera with its fantastic views, rich history and the castle. We will drive through Almoraima estate and visit the XVII century monastery.
Date: Saturday, September 12th
Starting time: 10.00
Meeting place: tba
All the details will be posted on Wednesday since I'm trying to arrange the visit to the archaeological site of Carteia as well.


Charming windows of white villages. Jimena de la Frontera has a Muslim castle, Roman remains and cosy streets. Besides that it's a great wild mushroom 🍄 place. So we will wait for some rains and we will discover the village and enjoy some incredible scrambled eggs with wild forest 🍄 and jamon!


Thank you for coming! Yesterday we enjoyed a 3 hours historical tour "San Roque under the stars". We visited 4 local museums and ended up on top of the watchtower with breathtaking views of Campo de Gibraltar.
Special thanks to San Roque tourist office to make it possible!
And we have a new activity coming next week! Stay with Andaluciatourguide & Manilva travel club


Last two spots available for our San Roque night walk this Thursday, 3rd of September. It's 2 hours historical city walk and we will visit some of the local museums too! We will start at 20.00 and finish about 22.00.
It's a complimentary activity from the San Roque tourist office. Cheers and have a fantastic Tuesday!


Discover the history of San Roque while enjoying an evening walk.
Due to the Covid restrictions we can accommodate up to 9 persons group. Please make your reservation in advance.
This activity is supported and performed by San Roque Tourist office therefore is free of charge.


San Roque historical night tour planned for next Thursday, 3rd of September.

#гидвандалусии # гидгибралтар #гидкадис @ San Roque, Spain




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