Today is the big Day if San Sebastián, our patron saint.
A 24 hour drumming celebration full of joy and music. You never know who you are going to bump into...
#tamborrada2025 #sansebastian #donostia #bigday#betipozikbetialai #citycelebration #txakoli #gastronomy #angulas #cookingclub #tamborrada #gros #adorebasque
Great exhibition at @maatmuseum Black futurist artists in Lisboa.
#lisboa #arttour #kunstreise #museum #blackartists
Nuestra cena de navidad de autónomos en @belukafebar gracias por todo. Lo pasamos genial, en buenísima compañía 🎉
Por cierto, un restaurante muy recomendable!! Deliciosos paltos artesanales de Honduras. Onda caribeña en ésto días invernales nos cambia el ánimo. Alejandra y su familia os recibirán con mucho gusto. Ya estáis tardando. 🔥
Calle San Francisco 56.
Tel. 843699324
#soulfood #gros #sansebastian #foodporn
Last visit to our favorite in San Pedro, Falcon Crest (Muguruza). This place has been home to many locals and has welcomed visitors, pilgrims.. we will miss you!
Azken bisita Falcon Crest, Muguruza tabernan. María Luisa Arregi eta familia 20 urte egon dira pintxoak eta bazkaria prestatzen. Milesker eta eskerrik asko!! 💚💙
#pasaia #sanpedro #falconcrest #basquestyle #fishingvillage #baskenlandreise #basquecountry #txakoli #antxoak #gastronomytourism #basquefood #basquetradition #meetingfriends #bodega #adorebasque
Dinner at a typical basque cooking club.
We cooked hake with pil pil sauce, which requires a lot of movement, it is an emulsion with olive oil and the collagen of the fish, garnished with parsley and garlic. 😋
#basqucookingclub #basquestyle #baskenlandreise #basquefood #foodtour #culinarytour #culinarypleasures #privatetoursansebastian #gastronomytourism #merluza #fishreceipe #txakoli #customizedtour #kulturreise #cocinavasca #adorebasque
Film shoot for a documantary at the Basque Coast...
Traineras rowing championship of Gipuzkoa.
More to come.
#estropadak #trainerafemenina #trainerarentxapelketa #basquestyle #adorebasque #regatasdetraineras #basquerowing #hondarribiakotrainera #basquetradition #filmshoot #stringerjob
A visit to Getaria is always a fantastic plan and if you visit a txakoli winery and get the chance to enjoy a delicious fish meal at @elkano_jatetxea you will have a wonderful time. Pure enjoyment!
#getaria #txakoliwinery #txakoliwineryvisit #michelinstar #basquestyle #basqucountry #baskenland #rodaballo #turbot #steinbutt #besugo #fishgrill #fishingvillage #culinarypleasure #gastronmytourism #culinarytours #adorebasque