Ferrol Tourism

Ferrol Tourism You can visit our channel in YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/Ferrolturismo

🎊 You can visit the Ferrol Christmas Market, located in Plaza de Armas, where there will be 12 artisan stalls offering a...

🎊 You can visit the Ferrol Christmas Market, located in Plaza de Armas, where there will be 12 artisan stalls offering a wide variety of handmade products, such as jewelry and food products.
It will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. until January 5th.

We wait for you! 🥰🚶‍♀️🚶👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👑⛄️🎀

🎄 Unha ducia de postos de artesáns de Ferrol e comarca danse cita dende hoxe no mercado de Nadal.
Estará aberto de 11:00 a 14:00 horas e de 17:00 a 21:00 horas ata o 5 de xaneiro.


📣 If you are planing to visit Ferrol next week, don't let go the opportunity to attend to different events between the 8th to 10th of December. These will take place in important historic locations in the city, and you can assist to events of concerts, theater, dance, photography and gastronomy. You have here more information:



👏 Recent study by UDC and the Association of Councils of the English Way highlights an increase in female participation ...

👏 Recent study by UDC and the Association of Councils of the English Way highlights an increase in female participation and emphasizes safety and preferences of pilgrims. 🚶‍♀️🚶👣🥾
Let's explore the way and check it 🥰

Descubre el Camino Inglés: Crecemento e Preferencias no Camiño Inglés. El estudio de la UDC revela tendencias y seguridad de peregrinos

😅 And for bad weather good gastronomy :) From the 9th until the 19th of November visit the different bars and restaurant...

😅 And for bad weather good gastronomy :)
From the 9th until the 19th of November visit the different bars and restaurants, where you can taste "tapas" in Ferrol 😋 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌮🍳🥙🥘🍲


☝️ During your visit to Ferrol you have the opportunity to enjoy Las Maquetas de Carlos, at the Carvalho Calero cultural...

☝️ During your visit to Ferrol you have the opportunity to enjoy Las Maquetas de Carlos, at the Carvalho Calero cultural center in O Inferniño, between November 6 and 30, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 5:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. There you can see 47 pieces, among which you can find lighthouses, churches, emblematic cinemas and unique modernist buildings such as the Ideal Room of the architect Rodolfo Ucha or the Ferrol Town Hall. 👨‍🎨🎨👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🏫


Este ferrolano ha replicado edificios singulares de su ciudad


🇬🇧Are you already thinking about which Camino de Santiago you'll be taking in 2024? The English Way is the best option due to its stunning landscapes, rich history, delicious cuisine, and the hospitality of its people!

🇮🇹Stai già pensando a quale Camino de Santiago farai nel 2024? Il Cammino Inglese è la migliore opzione grazie ai suoi paesaggi mozzafiato, alla sua ricca storia, alla deliziosa gastronomia e all'ospitalità della sua gente!

🇵🇹Já está pensando em qual Caminho de Santiago vai fazer em 2024? O Caminho Inglês é a melhor opção devido às suas paisagens deslumbrantes, rica história, deliciosa gastronomia e a hospitalidade do seu povo!

🇩🇪Denken Sie bereits darüber nach, welchen Jakobsweg Sie im Jahr 2024 gehen werden? Der Englische Weg ist die beste Option wegen seiner atemberaubenden Landschaften, reichen Geschichte, köstlichen Gastronomie und der Gastfreundschaft seiner Menschen!


➡️We have new signage! We present to you the new sign that indicates the beginning of the English Way from Ferrol, in th...

➡️We have new signage! We present to you the new sign that indicates the beginning of the English Way from Ferrol, in the port of Curuxeiras, now there is no loss 😉 👍👣🚶‍♀️🚶🥾🌍🌥

🥰 Hello!For those of you who are coming to visit us in Ferrol, we leave you the link with the cultural agenda until the ...

🥰 Hello!
For those of you who are coming to visit us in Ferrol, we leave you the link with the cultural agenda until the month of December in case you dare to enjoy some cultural activity 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦🎬🎤🎹🎺

Teatro Jofre Desde 22/09/2023 a las 20:30 Hasta Viernes, 22 día Septiembre del 2023 a las 21:30 16 El Traje Con Javier Gutiérrez e Luis Bermejo Duelo interpretativo subterráneo de Javier Gutiérrez y Luis Bermejo con un accidente en el primer día de rebajas en unos grandes almacenes como argumen...


💛Hiciste el Camino Inglés con nuestro mapa?

💙Did you walk the English Way with our map?

💚Fixeches o Camiño Inglés co noso mapa?


• • • • • •
Mapa O Camino Ingles desde A Coruña e Ferrol_2023 .cuervo.escribano

Very good days!Well, from the Ferrol Tourist Offices we will have new things to explain to our tourists and pilgrims... ...

Very good days!

Well, from the Ferrol Tourist Offices we will have new things to explain to our tourists and pilgrims... even if the medieval remains of San Francisco Street are covered up, by decision of the General Directorate of Heritage of Galicia, some explanatory panels will give an account of the the city's medieval past.


Los trabajos de urbanización se retomarán en breve en el primer tramo, que está actualmente parado ...

👋 You have available in the two tourist offices the program of the Ferrol festivities this year, where you can choose va...

👋 You have available in the two tourist offices the program of the Ferrol festivities this year, where you can choose various activities to enjoy your stay 🥳💃🕺👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌞🎼🥁🎺🎡


💛🚶‍♂️ El Camino Inglés: Una joya única para todos los peregrinos del 🌍. Disfruta de una exquisita gastronomía 🥘, la perfecta mezcla de costa 🌊 y montaña 🌲, patrimonio inigualable 🏰, y sumérgete en su rica historia y cultura 📜. ¡Todo en una sola provincia!

💙🚶‍♂️ The English Way: A unique gem for every pilgrim around the 🌍. Savor delectable cuisine 🥘, the perfect blend of coast 🌊 and countryside 🌲, unparalleled heritage 🏰, and dive into its deep history and culture 📜. All in one province!

💚🚶‍♂️ O Camiño Inglés: Unha xoia única para todos os peregrinos do 🌍. Degusta unha gastronomía exquisita 🥘, a perfecta mestura de costa 🌊 e interior 🌲, un patrimonio inigualable 🏰, e mergúllate na súa rica historia e cultura 📜. Todo nunha única provincia!



💛Búscate en el Camino Inglés, una ruta donde es imposible perderse.

💙Get lost in the English Way, a path where it's impossible to lose your way.

💚Busca no Camiño Inglés, un roteiro onde é imposible perderse.


😃 Hello! On April 1, 2023, Mariska Roovers began her way to Santiago from The Netherlands, and today she continues her j...

😃 Hello! On April 1, 2023, Mariska Roovers began her way to Santiago from The Netherlands, and today she continues her journey from Ferrol, buen camino! 🦯🚶‍♀️🦯🙌👣🌷🌞🌦🌍

Good morning🌎! The Northern Way, the French Way, the Silver Way, the Winter Way, to Fisterra and Muxía....and now the En...

Good morning🌎! The Northern Way, the French Way, the Silver Way, the Winter Way, to Fisterra and Muxía....and now the English Way! Today begins this path Julita July Ramos, hospitable of the way and a woman with courage in life. Buen camino! 🥰💪🦯🚶‍♀️🦯🚶🌞


A pé, en bicicleta, a cabalo... xa sabes como vas facer o Camiño?
Aquí tes información útil para preparalo: http://bit.ly/ComoFacerCamino

A pie, en bicicleta, a caballo... ¿ya sabes cómo vas a hacer el Camino?
Aquí tienes información útil para prepararlo: http://bit.ly/ComoHacerCamino



• • • • • •
The start of a very different but very exciting summer holiday, walking the Camino in northern Spain, approximately 120km with the family for adventure, fresh air and hopefully some digital detox (although I will obviously be sharing some of it with you guys!) We’ve booked a one way ticket & no accommodation so will see where we end up. I’ve also packed an extremely small back pack (but it still weighs a ton!) Keep an eye on stories if you want to follow our little adventure. #


Estrellas del Camino, una exposición de arte urbano al aire libre impulsada por Estrella Galicia, ha ampliado su recorrido al Camino Inglés

Hello! 😀For those of you who plan to visit Ferrol, today we present one of our beaches, Santa Comba, where you will enjo...

Hello! 😀
For those of you who plan to visit Ferrol, today we present one of our beaches, Santa Comba, where you will enjoy the landscape, the tranquility and the beauty of this magnificent natural area. In addition, there is a hermitage that you can visit, if the tide allows it 😉Would you like to visit it? ☀️🕶🏊‍♂️🏄‍♀️🌊


🟡¡Disfruta de un delicioso caldo gallego en pleno julio! 🍲😋🌞 En el Camino Inglés, una de las opciones más fresquitas de los Caminos, podrás saborear este tradicional plato gallego incluso en los días más calurosos.
🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🌿 El caldo gallego, con sus verduras, patatas, alubias y carne, es reconfortante y nutritivo, perfecto para recargar energías durante tu caminata. ¡No te lo pierdas! 😉🥣

🔵Enjoy a delicious Galician broth in the middle of July! 🍲😋🌞 On the Camino Inglés, one of the freshest options among the Caminos, you can savor this traditional Galician dish even on the hottest days.
🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🌿 Galician broth, with its vegetables, potatoes, beans, and meat, is comforting and nutritious, perfect for recharging your energy during your walk. Don't miss out! 😉🥣

🟢Desfruta dun delicioso caldo galego en pleno xullo! 🍲😋🌞 No Camiño Inglés, unha das opcións máis fresquiñas dos Camiños, poderás saborear este prato tradicional galego incluso nos días máis quentes.
🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🌿 O caldo galego, coas súas verduras, patacas, fabas e carne, é reconfortante e nutritivo, perfecto para recargar enerxías durante a túa camiñada. Non o perdas! 😉🥣

with .repost
• • • • • •
CUARTA ETAPA (la más dura)
Betanzos > Hospital de Bruma (23,5 km)

:) During your Camino you will want to capture every moment. What is your best snapshot?

:) During your Camino you will want to capture every moment. What is your best snapshot?

📷 Durante tu Camino querrás capturar cada momento. ¿Cuál es tu mejor instantánea?

📷 Durante o teu Camiño quererás capturar cada momento. Cal é a túa mellor instantánea?

📷 During your Camino you will want to capture every moment. What is your best snapshot?

😀Today, in the Municipal Office of Tourism and Pilgrim Assistance, we had a wonderful visit of two English pilgrims, who...

😀Today, in the Municipal Office of Tourism and Pilgrim Assistance, we had a wonderful visit of two English pilgrims, who today will visit the city of Ferrol and tomorrow will begin the English Way. I'm sure they will enjoy it 😎😍
What better plan? ¡Buen camino! 🦯🚶‍♀️🦯🌳🌞🌍🌥

😀 Hello folks! Today pilgrims from Japan begin the English Way, and they have the Double Pilgrim Credential, it is a typ...

😀 Hello folks! Today pilgrims from Japan begin the English Way, and they have the Double Pilgrim Credential, it is a type of passport for pilgrims with two sides, one for the Kumano Kodo and the other for the Camino de Santiago, both paths declared World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO and are twinned since 1998. More information in the next link:
https://www.spiritual-pilgrimages.com/en/unesco-routes/ 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🦯🦯


Plaza De España S/n

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 18:00
Martes 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 18:00
Miércoles 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 18:00
Jueves 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 18:00
Viernes 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 18:00
Sábado 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 18:00
Domingo 10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 18:00




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