Fuerteventura Holiday

Fuerteventura Holiday Agenzia turistica


CELEBRATING 1 BILLION VIEWS AND COUNTING! Subscribe for more IZ!Stream More From IZ!: https://lnk.to/aloneinizworldCheck out the Best Of Israel "IZ" Kamakawi...

Vuoi vivere serenamente? Beh, allora non avere aspettative su niente e nessuno, tanto le cose non sono quasi mai come le...

Vuoi vivere serenamente? Beh, allora non avere aspettative su niente e nessuno, tanto le cose non sono quasi mai come le hai pensate.

New entry: Duplex, 2 bedrooms ( 1 ½ bed, 1 single bed ), 2 bathrooms, 2 terrace. Available from 15th May until to 30th o...

New entry: Duplex, 2 bedrooms ( 1 ½ bed, 1 single bed ), 2 bathrooms, 2 terrace. Available from 15th May until to 30th of May 2022.


Canarias eliminará todas las restricciones por la pandemia este jueves


Más de 25 millones de asientos con destino Canarias para la temporada de invierno. Fuerteventura es la isla con mejores cifras

Spain Travel Health

Still awaiting the actual BOE, but these will be the rules as from 14th november. UK are of course included.
Resolution of 11 November 2020, of the Directorate-General for Public Health, on health checks to be carried out at entry points into Spain.
1. All passengers arriving in Spain by air or sea must undergo a health check before entering the country. These checks may include taking a temperature, a documentary check and a visual check on the passenger's condition.
The provisions of the previous paragraph shall be applicable to international passengers whose final destination is Spain and not to those international passengers in transit at a Spanish port or airport with a final destination in another country.
The health check prior to entry will be carried out at the first Spanish port or airport where the passenger arrives.
2. Passengers arriving in Spain by air or sea must undergo a temperature control, which will be carried out routinely in order to identify travellers with fever. A temperature of 37.5ºC or higher is established as the detection limit.
The temperature must be taken using non-contact thermometers or thermographic cameras. No personal data or images captured by thermographic cameras will be stored, and the passenger's privacy must be guaranteed at all times.
The shipping companies, under the supervision of the Foreign Health Service, must take the temperature of passengers on international trips before their arrival at a Spanish port, in accordance with the provisions of this section.
3. As far as documentary control is concerned, all passengers departing from any airport or port located outside Spain must fill in a public health form called "Health Control Form" before departure, through the website www.spth.gob.es, or the Spain Travel Health-SpTH application. Its content differs depending on whether the journey is made by air or by sea and its models are attached as Annex I to this resolution.
When the traveller uses the sea route, while the computer system is enabled for this route, or when in exceptional cases it has not been possible to complete the Health Control Form electronically, the form must be presented on arrival in Spain on paper, in DIN A4 format, completed on both sides as shown for downloading at https://www.mscbs.gob.es/.../sanidadExterior/ControlHS.htm
4. All passengers coming from a country or area of risk listed in Annex II, who intend to enter Spain, must have a Diagnostic Test of Active Infection (hereinafter PDIA) for SARS-CoV-2 with a negative result, carried out within seventy-two hours prior to arrival in Spain.
As part of the documentary control carried out at the entry points, the passenger may be asked, at any time, to prove the result of the PDIA. The supporting document must be the original, written in Spanish and/or English and may be presented in paper or electronic format. The document shall contain at least the following data: name of the traveller, passport number or national identity card number (which must coincide with that used in the Health Control Form), date of the test, identification and contact details of the centre carrying out the analysis, technique used and negative test result.
The PDIA for SARS-CoV-2 admitted is the PCR (COVID-19 RT-PCR). Until its harmonised use is accepted in the European Union, other diagnostic tests such as rapid antibody tests, rapid antigen detection tests or high performance serologies (ELISA, CLIA, ECLIA) will not be admitted.
By way of exception, it may be admitted that the PDIA will not be carried out at origin, regardless of the country of origin of the passenger, for seafarers who arrive in Spain on their return from their campaign on board a ship or in transit to embark or disembark, having to justify their condition as crew members and the impediments to carrying out the PDIA, without prejudice to the application of that which is set forth in section six of this resolution.
5. The port and airport managers and the airlines and shipping companies will collaborate with the Ministry of Health to implement the measures provided for in this resolution, in accordance with the sixth additional provision of Royal Decree Law 23/2020, of 23 June, and the first and second additional provisions of Royal Decree Law 21/2020, of 9 June, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Travel agencies, tour operators, air or sea transport companies and any other agent selling tickets individually or as part of a package tour must inform passengers, at the start of the process of selling tickets to Spain, as well as during the process of issuing boarding passes, of the obligation to present the Health Control Form at the airport or port of destination. Likewise, if the country or area of origin of the trip is classified as a risk area, they must inform of the obligation to have a PDIA for SARS-CoV-2 with a negative result, carried out in the seventy-two hours prior to arrival.
In application of the duty of cooperation provided for in paragraph 4 of the sixth additional provision of Royal Decree Law 23/2020 of 23 June, airlines will check prior to boarding that passengers bound for Spain have the QR code generated through the website www.spth.gob.es, or the application Spain Travel Health-SpTH. Those passengers who, exceptionally, have not completed the Health Control Form electronically may present it on paper before boarding, and must always be accompanied by the document proving that the PDIA has been carried out, if they come from a country or area classified as at risk. In this case, the action taken by the companies will be limited to verifying that the passenger presents the aforementioned documents and under no circumstances will the information contained therein be accessed.
6. Upon arrival in Spain, when carrying out the documentary health control, passengers who, coming from a country or area at risk of those listed in Annex II, do not adequately accredit the carrying out of a PDIA for SARS-CoV-2 with a negative result carried out in the seventy-two hours prior to arrival, must submit to the carrying out of the PDIA established by the foreign health services.
Likewise, those passengers who, after carrying out temperature, visual or documentary controls, are suspected of suffering from COVID-19 must undergo the PDIA.
Alternatively, passengers may be required to undergo a COVID-19 RT-PCR test within 48 hours of arrival, the results of which must be communicated to the External Health Services by the means indicated for this purpose.
7. Passengers with a temperature of more than 37.5ºC and those for whom it is determined that there is a suspicion that they may suffer from COVID-19 or another transmissible pathology after the visual check or after analysing the information contained in the Health Check Form, in the event that the latter indicates the presence of symptoms or close contact with COVID-19, must undergo a health assessment, which will include an evaluation of their clinical and epidemiological condition.
If the health assessment confirms the suspicion that the passenger suffers from a pathology that could pose a risk to public health, if there is close contact with COVID-19 or if a positive result is obtained after a PDIA for SARS-CoV-2, the health alert protocols established in coordination with the health authorities of the Autonomous Communities will be activated. To this end, the health authority may request the collaboration of other administrative bodies, civil servants or other institutions.
8. The list of countries or areas at risk established in Annex II, as well as the criteria used to define them, will be reviewed every fifteen days and its update will be published on the website of the Ministry of Health: https://www.mscbs.gob.es/ and on the SpTH website: https://www.spth.gob.es.
Updates to the list of countries or areas will be made effective seven days after publication, with the aim of allowing transport companies, travel agencies and tour operators to adjust the information measures for passengers.
9. In the event of non-compliance with the provisions of this resolution, the regime contemplated in Title VI of Law 33/2011, of October 4, General of Public Health, referring to infractions and sanctions, will be applicable.
10. The provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data and the free movement of such data and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights, shall be respected in all cases.
11. This resolution shall be effective from 23 November until the Government declares the end of the health crisis situation caused by the COVID-19, in accordance with that established in article 2.3 of Royal Decree Law 21/2020, of 9 June, on urgent measures of prevention, containment and coordination to address the health crisis caused by the COVID-19.
This resolution supersedes the Resolution of 24 July 2020, of the Directorate-General for Public Health, Quality and Innovation, regarding health checks to be carried out at entry points into Spain.
12. This resolution, which does not put an end to the administrative procedure, may be appealed against in a court of law before the Secretary of State for Health, within a period of one month starting from the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette", in accordance with the provisions of Articles 121 and 122 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
Madrid, 11 November 2020. The Director General of Public Health, Pilar Aparicio Azcárraga.

España exigirá desde el 23 de noviembre una PCR negativa a los viajeros de países de riesgo

España exigirá desde el 23 de noviembre una PCR negativa a los viajeros de países de riesgo

Share Tweet Share Pin Email España exigirá a los viajeros internacionales procedentes de países de riesgo que tenga una prueba de PCR negativa en las 72 horas previas a la llegada a España para poder entrar en el país, y su acreditación podrá ser solicitada al pasajero en cualquier momento, s...

Bungalow.............. - Castillo Caleta de Fuste

Bungalow.............. - Castillo Caleta de Fuste

.................................... - 35€ por noche (precio medio) - Castillo Caleta de Fuste - Servicios: Piscina, Internet, TV, TV Satélite o por Cable, Admite niños, Aparcamiento, No fumadores ✓ Dormitorios: 1 ✓ Huéspedes: 3 ✓ Estancia mínima: 7 noche(s) ✓ Reserva online - Reserva ...

Apartamento de 45mc. - Nuevo Horizonte

Apartamento de 45mc. - Nuevo Horizonte

Fuertepark297 - 25€ por noche (precio medio) - Nuevo Horizonte - Servicios: TV, TV Satélite o por Cable, Aparcamiento, No fumadores ✓ Dormitorios: 1 ✓ Huéspedes: 2 ✓ Estancia mínima: 7 noche(s) ✓ Reserva online - Reserva el alquiler vacacional 10775619 con Vrbo.


Canaries will not be able to stay in a hotel if they traveled abroad fourteen days before

The islanders will have to sign an affidavit that they have not left the Archipelago during the two weeks prior to their stay or they will not be able to stay.

Residents in the Canary Islands will not be able to stay in a hotel or apartment in the region if they traveled outside the Islands in the 14 days prior to the stay. Upon arrival at the establishment, at the time of check-in, residents must sign an affidavit stating in a reliable way that they have not left the Archipelago during the previous two weeks. This will be the case as soon as the modification of the laws on tourism management and classified activities that the regional Executive is finalizing comes into force. In principle, it will be tomorrow when the Governing Council approves the decree law that will modify both regulations with the aim of protecting tourism and citizens themselves against the coronavirus. The regional Executive has given itself a period of about 15 days for the application of the decree law to be effective; From that moment on, all regulated accommodation, that is, hotels, apartments and also holiday homes, will be obliged to require an affidavit from their Canarian clients. And they will in turn be obliged to subscribe it if they want to stay.


The representative social and economic agents in the Canary Islands (unions -UGT and
CCOO- and employers -CEOE and CCE-) and the island councils supported in the afternoon of
this Monday the decree law of the Government of the Canary Islands that will make possible the anti-COVID control
of tourists who come to the Islands, whether foreign or national. This assessment
was transferred today by the members of the President's Advisory Council, who saw
satisfactory legal changes projected by the regional Executive that presides over
Ángel Víctor Torres in order to ensure that tourists stay in the Islands with the maximum
health security and upon presentation of a certificate at the tourist establishment
that shows that they are not infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

The President of the Canary Islands informed his Advisory Council on Monday that the Government
autonomous community prepares its own regulation that minimizes the risks of incidence and
spread of COVID-19 by possible imported cases. This is intended to achieve
with the obligation to comply with the requirement that all people who stay
in a regulated tourist establishment undergo, prior to their trip, a test
that proves not to be a transmitter of the disease or that it is carried out as soon as they arrive
to the Archipelago.

“It is a very important decree law that has been prepared before Germany and
Great Britain will lift the restrictions to travel to the Canary Islands, "said the president to the
at the same time that he recognized the work done in recent weeks. For angel
Víctor Torres, «the proposal is quite professional and adequate; is the first document
of this type to be approved by an autonomous community ".

Through a decree law of extraordinary measures, developed by the Ministry of
Tourism to face the effects of the health and economic crisis produced by the
COVID-19, the Government of the Canary Islands will give its own response to the fight against
pandemic and its effects on the economy, a claim of the Islands on which already
there is a broad social, business and political consensus regarding the protection of health
public, both for the resident population and for visitors, in addition to benefiting
to the main economic sector of the Islands: tourism. This is also accomplished by giving
confidence and security in travel to reactivate demand.

The details of the proposal were presented today by the President of the Canary Islands, Ángel
Víctor Torres, and by the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Yaiza Castilla, at
Advisory Council of the President, which, given the importance of the matters discussed, had
a broader convocation, since the meeting was also joined by representatives of the
island tourist employers and presidents of town councils.

The Minister of Tourism explained that the formula to implement these controls "is based on
in three basic precepts; health security, commercial security for agents who
intervene in the sector and transparency in the information to which the
customer ”, said Yaiza Castilla.

The legal text proposed by the Government, which is expected to be approved as a decree law in
Governing Council this week, involves the modification of basic aspects and the
extension of Law 7/1995, of April 6, on the Canary Islands Tourist Planning, and of the
Law 7/2011, on Classified Activities and Public Shows.

Through these changes, and via the right of access to tourist establishments
accommodation, on the one hand, and via the right of users to prior truthful information about
the conditions of access to these, on the other, the guarantee is sought that, for reasons
health and in order to limit the impact on people's health, the client
must prove with a negative result of a COVID-19 test to be free of the
virus, either after getting it at the origin or, if there is no place, at the destination, upon arrival.

The legal proposal is based on trying to give the maximum guarantees available so that the
tourist when traveling to the Islands is free of COVID-19, which can be credited with a
test and for which the antigen test, faster and cheaper, or other
that it considers or could be accredited as valid by the health authorities.
The decree law complies with the limits set by the autonomous powers for
undertake legal regulation on this matter and “has been configured to respond to
a situation that requires immediate action ", assured the counselor.

If necessary, the Canary Islands Government would even contemplate, as a guarantee of reciprocity
health that defends that it should exist, offer the tourist a test before returning to the
country of origin. In addition, the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands already has established the
attention to tourists in destination if this is necessary when a visitor is positive in
COVID (through your healthcare, quarantine accommodation and repatriation),
thanks to the complementary travel assistance policy that the Ministry has signed
of Tourism.

The regulation of this obligation to provide a negative test to access the
accommodation establishments, involves the design of the different measures for
guarantee the adequate circuit and procedure for its application.

It is intended with this to avoid brakes and minimize inconvenience in tourist operations, at the
Once it is safeguarded that, for the client and prior to the formalization of
the reservation or contracting of tourist accommodation services in any of the
regulated accommodation establishments located in the Canary Islands, it will be reported that between
conditions of access to the establishment includes that of accrediting the completion of the
test, with a negative result, within a period of no more than 48 to 72 hours prior to your
arrival at destination.


The regional Government recognizes that they cannot directly impose a test to travellers from the rest of Spain, or from another country, but can exercise their right of admission in regulated accommodation, which will now ask their clients for a PCR or negative antigen test done a maximum of 72 hours before their arrival to check in.
If a test is not presented they will not be allowed to check in or stay on the complex, and will not qualify for the Canary Island Covid insurance policy.


The Government forces hotels to take and pay for tourist tests
The Executive will approve it today after taking a decree on covid, tourism and health to the council. Entrepreneurs reject it and call it "nonsense"

The Government forces hotels to take and pay for tourist tests.
The Government of the Canary Islands will take today for approval to the council a decree law of Tourism, Health and Covid 19, to whose draft CANARIAS7 has had access, and in which, among other measures, it will oblige all tourists (foreigners, Canaries and nationals) to present an antigen test, PCR or equivalent when accessing a lodging establishment on the islands. The test must have been carried out within a maximum period of 48 hours upon the client's arrival at the hotel and non-hotel establishments, and the tourist will be informed of this requirement upon arrival when making the reservation.

The text adds another article in its sole transitory provision (of admission conditions to tourist accommodation establishments located in the Canary Islands during the pandemic), controversial and rejected by businessmen, when it states that if tourists arrive without this test done, they will be carried out in the complex itself and the expense will be borne by the entrepreneurs.

«All tourist accommodation establishments in the Canary Islands must inform tourist users prior to the formalization of the reservation or contracting of tourist accommodation services that they will have at their disposal the possibility of carrying out in the establishment itself, or in the place that this determines, previously or upon arrival at the same, an antigen test or equivalent, which must have the approval of the health authorities, the performance of which will be free for the client, understanding such gratuity in the sense that Any additional payment to the client with respect to the one corresponding to the contracted services ", reads in the draft of the articles.

The Federation of Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurs of Las Palmas (FEHT), held a board of directors yesterday in which it showed its rejection of the decree as it is raised, considering that it was an «abuse».

"We refuse to allow hotel receptions to become clinics and to be testing guests," indicated sources from the employer, who think that the test is done or carried out at the airport.

The businessmen criticize that the Government of the Canary Islands has lowered its arms in front of Madrid and finally, has chosen to carry out the tests in the hotels, given the refusal of the State to give up the airports and as a way to silence the business and union demand for the islands of which the airport precincts are the places to perform. «A test can have a cost of 25 euros. If three canaries decide to stay in a southern bungalow for a weekend it is 75 euros. You eat the profit », say business sources.

According to the draft of the Government, in accommodation units with less than ten accommodation units or places, the antigen tests may be replaced, with prior authorization from the tourism and health authorities, by a responsible declaration signed by all those over 18 years of age who go to make use of the establishment and certify that they have not presented symptoms in the last 14 days or have been subjected to situations of risk of contagion.

In this case, all guests will be forced to use the Radar Covid tracking application, which must be downloaded before being admitted to the establishment. "The refusal to use it (...) will automatically imply the denial of admission and entry to it", it is stated.

At the time of return, those tourists who return to destinations that require a negative PCR "will have the right" to have the accommodation facility provide it. In this case the cost will be borne by the guest. If you test positive for covid, expenses outside the reserve will be covered by the insurance signed by the "tourist and / or health authorities.


The Canary Islands are now on the UK 🇬🇧 and German 🇩🇪 government’s safe travel list. British & German visitors will NO longer need quarantine on their return. Flight connections will be restarted and Germany and UK schedules 163 flights with 31.000 seats for next week to the Canary Islands. Negative test covid required or disclaimer of responsibility and Radar Covid app activated on phones. ⠀


Los Veleros

Not only Caleta...


Los Veleros

💶 rented for a weeks/months
👨‍👩‍👦One double bedroom bungalow for 2 adults and a child ( in a travel cot ). Self catering mode . No Oven. Internet included. Community washing machine.
📆Dates available from 24th November onwards 📃Rented from 7 nights to 3 months (30€/day or 600€/month).
!!! PRE-TEST Sars-CoV-2 necessary !!!
!!! The bungalow follows the anti-covid hygiene protocol !!!
🏝Caleta de Fuste-Montecastillo . VV-35-2-0002576


Fuerteventura Park

✅📆‼️Now available from 10th October onwards 🔝🔝📆✅One double bedroom apartment. Available for days/weeks/months.
🏠500€/month (bills included) or as 🏝holiday house ( + 40€ final cleaning ). ⚖️VV-35-2-0002577 🏖. 📃Contract for short term rental * 4 months max.: 75€, 1/2 month of deposit. 💰💡🚿All bills are included (except internet, but it is available), 📺terrestrial and satellite tv, washing machine, oven. In Costa de Antigua, opposite Hotel Elba Lucia . No pets.
!!! PRE-TEST Sars-CoV-2 necessary !!!
!!! The apartment follows the anti-covid hygiene protocol !!!

Los Veleros

Los Veleros

Bungalow for 2 adults e 1 child ( in a travel coat) , available for rent from 7 nights until to 90 nights. In a residence with 3 big and 3 small swimming pools. No pets. SELF CATERING. VV-35-2-0002576 .

Onda Fuerteventura

Onda Fuerteventura

☀️☀️ ‘Abierto por vacaciones’, el vídeo que anima al turismo interinsular y nacional a visitar Fuerteventura




Follow the new Re-start...

Onda Fuerteventura

Onda Fuerteventura

🐠🐠 Jose Landa Zapirain vuelve a maravillarnos con los fondos marinos de la Isla


Pools & beaches @ Fuerteventura Holiday


Phase 1 until to 1st of June.

Fuerteventura entra en Fase 1 el lunes 11

Fuerteventura entra en Fase 1 el lunes 11

Share Tweet Share Pin Email El ministro de Sanidad, Salvador Illa, y el director del Centro de Coordinación de Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias, Fernando Simón, han detallado las unidades territoriales que iniciarán la Fase 1 de desescalada, el próximo lunes 11 de mayo. Illa ha advertido que se ...

La ministra plantea la posible apertura de restaurantes, hoteles y bares en Navidad

The minister raises the possible opening of restaurants, hotels and bars at Christmas

La ministra plantea la posible apertura de restaurantes, hoteles y bares en Navidad Publicado el Sábado 18 de Abril de 2020 - 11:42H Se trataría de "la segunda fase de reactivación del empleo" que planteaba la ministra en una entrevista televisiva Redacción NoticiasFuerteventura Según afirmaba ...

Certificado médico para hacer turismo

Certificado médico para hacer turismo

Certificado médico para hacer turismo Publicado el Sábado 18 de Abril de 2020 - 11:12H El presidente insular ofrece Fuerteventura como espacio para aplicar esta medida excepcional y medir su efectividad Redacción NoticiasFuerteventura El presidente del Cabildo de Fuerteventura, Blas Acosta, ha re...





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