Bravissimo Girona

Bravissimo Girona Cool Apartments • More than Traveling • Local Lifestyle • Cycling • You'll live a unique experience in Girona!

Our concept is make you feel like home; this is an amazing city, our city, we love it and we really would like you enjoy it as much as we do. Cool Apartments • More than Traveling • Local Lifestyle • Cycling •

Bravissimo Sant Feliu: the perfect apartment for remote workers 🧑‍💻It is very well located (the name comes from its prox...

Bravissimo Sant Feliu: the perfect apartment for remote workers 🧑‍💻

It is very well located (the name comes from its proximity to the Sant Feliu church), has a very comfortable work area, and fast internet connection ⚡️

For this reason, the minimum stay is 31 nights: click on the link and take a look 😜


Bravissimo Sant Feliu: l'apartament ideal per teletreballar 🧑‍💻

Està molt ben situat (el nom ve de la proximitat amb l'església de Sant Feliu), té una zona de treball molt còmoda i connexió ràpida a internet ⚡️

Per això, l'estada mínima és de 31 nits: entra a l'enllaç del perfil i fes-hi una ullada 😜

Slow mornings in Bravissimo Canigó 🥱✨ 🍃 --Matins tranquils a Bravissimo Canigó 🥱✨ 🍃

Slow mornings in Bravissimo Canigó 🥱✨ 🍃


Matins tranquils a Bravissimo Canigó 🥱✨ 🍃

Happy World Bicycle Day 🚴‍♀️❤️Since our beginnings, the bicycle has been part of the Bravissimo philosophy, thanks above...

Happy World Bicycle Day 🚴‍♀️❤️

Since our beginnings, the bicycle has been part of the Bravissimo philosophy, thanks above all to the passion that one of our founders, , has for it.

And throughout all this time we have learned everything it means: sustainability, sport, joy, friends... 🫂

For this reason, we are particularly happy that our apartments (100% bike friendly) have contributed to the fact that hundreds of fans have been able to enjoy a cycling paradise such as Girona and all its surroundings 🫶🏽


Bon Dia Mundial de la Bicicleta 🚴‍♀️❤️

Des dels nostres inicis la bicicleta ha format part de la filosofia Bravissimo, gràcies sobretot a la passió que sent per ella un dels nostres fundadors, .

I al llarg de tot aquest temps hem après tot el que significa: sostenibilitat, esport, alegria, amics... 🫂

Per això, estem especialment contents que els nostres apartaments (100% bikefriendly) hagin contribuït a que centenars d'aficionats hagin pogut gaudir d'un paradís del ciclisme com és Girona i tots els seus voltants 🫶🏽

Bravissimo Pont de Pedra and Girona: It's a match! 💙Don't you think?--Bravissimo Pont de Pedra i Girona: és un match! 💙N...

Bravissimo Pont de Pedra and Girona: It's a match! 💙

Don't you think?


Bravissimo Pont de Pedra i Girona: és un match! 💙

No creus?

Bravissimo Turbau is a perfect option for family trips: lots of space, 1 double bed and 4 singles, a fully equipped kitc...

Bravissimo Turbau is a perfect option for family trips: lots of space, 1 double bed and 4 singles, a fully equipped kitchen, and just a stone's throw away from Barri Vell ✨

Check it out in this link and enjoy an unforgettable holidays


Si viatges en família, Bravissimo Turbau és una opció molt interessant: molt d'espai, 1 llit doble i 4 d'individuals, una cuina molt ben equipada i ben a prop del Barri Vell ✨

Fes una ullada a l'enllaç i gaudeix d'unes vacances memorables

Sometimes you just need a quiet place to read 📚. Sometimes, a terrace facing the street to observe how the city beats ❤️...

Sometimes you just need a quiet place to read 📚. Sometimes, a terrace facing the street to observe how the city beats ❤️

There are days you just want to lie down on the sofa after touring the city. And always, a comfortable bed to recharge your batteries 🫶🏽

Bravissimo Bali has it all ✨


A vegades només necessites un lloc tranquil per llegir 📚. D'altres, una terrassa que doni al carrer per observar com batega la ciutat ❤️

Hi ha dies que només vols estirar-te al sofà després de recórrer la ciutat. I sempre, un llit confortable per recarregar piles 🫶🏽

Bravissimo Bali ho té tot ✨

This moment when the intensity of the day becomes calm: time to cook, read a little, rest ✨--Aquest moment en què la int...

This moment when the intensity of the day becomes calm: time to cook, read a little, rest ✨


Aquest moment en què la intensitat del dia es transforma en calma: moment per preparar el sopar, llegir una mica, descansar ✨

If you stay at Bravissimo Pont de Pedra, don't make plans early in the morning: waking up peacefully is a must 😜--Si t'a...

If you stay at Bravissimo Pont de Pedra, don't make plans early in the morning: waking up peacefully is a must 😜


Si t'allotges a Bravissimo Pont de Pedra millor que no facis plans per primera hora del matí: fer el ronso a l'habitació és un plaer 😜

The best apartments for you and your bikes ✨📸 .singh--Els millors apartaments per a tu i les teves bicicletes ✨📸 .singh ...

The best apartments for you and your bikes ✨

📸 .singh


Els millors apartaments per a tu i les teves bicicletes ✨

📸 .singh


How we've missed celebrating Sant Jordi on the Rambla 🌹📚❤️


Com es trobava a faltar celebrar Sant Jordi a la Rambla 🌹📚❤️

Every moment needs its atmosphere ✨--Cada moment necessita la seva atmosfera ✨

Every moment needs its atmosphere ✨


Cada moment necessita la seva atmosfera ✨

Mornings of calm, peaceful awakenings, coffee on the terrace, spring bursting around us ☀️✨🫶🏽--Matins de calma, desperta...

Mornings of calm, peaceful awakenings, coffee on the terrace, spring bursting around us ☀️✨🫶🏽


Matins de calma, despertars tranquils, cafè a la terrassa, primavera que esclata al nostre voltant ☀️✨🫶🏽

Calm is the place from which everything else blossoms 🌷✨--La calma és el lloc des d'on floreix tot el demés 🌷✨          ...

Calm is the place from which everything else blossoms 🌷✨


La calma és el lloc des d'on floreix tot el demés 🌷✨

Your rest, our priority ✨--El teu descans, la nostra prioritat ✨

Your rest, our priority ✨


El teu descans, la nostra prioritat ✨

Bravissimo Pont de Pedra Penthouse: the new apartment we told you about in the last post ✨Well located, sunny and comfor...

Bravissimo Pont de Pedra Penthouse: the new apartment we told you about in the last post ✨

Well located, sunny and comfortable, available for long stays (minimum 31 nights) ☀️

All the information in this link:


Bravissimo Pont de Pedra Penthouse: el nou apartament del qual et vam parlar a l'últim post ✨

Molt ben localitzat, lluminós i molt confortable, disponible per estades llargues (mínim 31 nits) ☀️

Tota la informació en aquest enllaç:

The views of the new apartment are fantastic ☀️: if you want to see the whole apartment, like this post 😉--Les vistes de...

The views of the new apartment are fantastic ☀️: if you want to see the whole apartment, like this post 😉


Les vistes del nou apartament són fantàstiques ☀️: si vols veure l'interior dona like 😉

The rush of the daily routine disappears in Can Bufas: only the calm of the leisurely life remains 💫--La pressa de la ru...

The rush of the daily routine disappears in Can Bufas: only the calm of the leisurely life remains 💫


La pressa de la rutina diària desapareix a Can Bufas: només queda la calma de la vida pausada 💫

Spring, Easter and the processions and this city 🫶🏽We are ahead some of the most beautiful days of the year.--Primavera,...

Spring, Easter and the processions and this city 🫶🏽

We are ahead some of the most beautiful days of the year.


Primavera, Setmana Santa i les processons i aquesta ciutat 🫶🏽

Tenim per davant una de les millors èpoques de l'any.

Bravissimo Mercaders: love at first sight 😍 --És obrir la porta de Bravissimo Mercaders i enamorar-se a l'instant 😍     ...

Bravissimo Mercaders: love at first sight 😍


És obrir la porta de Bravissimo Mercaders i enamorar-se a l'instant 😍


Every day, a world of possibilities opens up in our apartments 👨‍💻📚☕️☀️


Cada dia s'obre un món de possibilitats als nostres apartaments 👨‍💻📚☕️☀️

Bravissimo Pont de Pedra: new apartment for medium-lenght stays ✨This apartment is nestled in the beating heart of Barri...

Bravissimo Pont de Pedra: new apartment for medium-lenght stays ✨

This apartment is nestled in the beating heart of Barri Vell, overlooking Onyar River 🫶🏽

More info in this link:


Bravissimo Pont de Pedra: nou apartament per a estades de mitja duració ✨

Aquest apartament està situat al cor del Barri Vell, amb vistes al riu Onyar 🫶🏽

Més informació a l'enllaç:


We never get tired of walking around Girona ✨


No ens cansem mai de passejar per Girona ✨

Spring is almost here ✨--Ja arriba la primavera ✨

Spring is almost here ✨


Ja arriba la primavera ✨

There's a better way to discover the surroundings of Girona?We don't think so 😉Remember you can check our komoot profile...

There's a better way to discover the surroundings of Girona?

We don't think so 😉

Remember you can check our komoot profile ( with some of the faourite routes of 🚴


Hi ha una millor manera de descobrir els voltants de Girona?

No ho creiem pas 😉

Recorda que pots consultar el nostre perfil de komoot ( amb algunes de les rutes preferides de 🚴

Corners where you can rest from the hustle and bustle of discovering the city ✨--Racons on descansar del tràfec de desco...

Corners where you can rest from the hustle and bustle of discovering the city ✨


Racons on descansar del tràfec de descobrir la ciutat ✨

On rainy days, nothing like comfortable spaces to see the classic cycle races 🫶--En dies de pluja, res com espais còmode...

On rainy days, nothing like comfortable spaces to see the classic cycle races 🫶


En dies de pluja, res com espais còmodes per veure les clàssiques ciclistes 🫶

A sunny Monday over the Onyar houses, a good way to start the week ☀️🫶🏽--Un dilluns assolelat sobre les cases de l'Onyar...

A sunny Monday over the Onyar houses, a good way to start the week ☀️🫶🏽


Un dilluns assolelat sobre les cases de l'Onyar, una bona manera de començar la setmana ☀️🫶🏽



Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Martes 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Miércoles 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Jueves 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Viernes 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Sábado 10:00 - 14:00




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Our Story

Our concept is make you feel like home; this is an amazing city, our city, we love it and we really would like you enjoy it as much as we do. You'll live a unique experience in Girona! Cool Apartments • More than Traveling • Local Lifestyle • Cycling • #bravissimo

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