Bravissimo Girona

Bravissimo Girona Cool Apartments • More than Traveling • Local Lifestyle • Cycling • You'll live a unique experience in Girona!

Our concept is make you feel like home; this is an amazing city, our city, we love it and we really would like you enjoy it as much as we do. Cool Apartments • More than Traveling • Local Lifestyle • Cycling •

Recorda! El nostre Front Office, situat al Carrer de la Cort Reial 13, Girona. 🏡✨ Estarem encantats d’ajudar-te perquè l...

Recorda! El nostre Front Office, situat al Carrer de la Cort Reial 13, Girona. 🏡✨ Estarem encantats d’ajudar-te perquè la teva estada sigui perfecta.

Remember! Our Front Office, located at Carrer de la Cort Reial 13, Girona.🏡✨ We’ll be happy to help make your stay perfect.

Sorprèn la teva persona especial amb una estada romàntica en un dels nostres apartaments únics. 💕✨ A Bravissimo, t’oferi...

Sorprèn la teva persona especial amb una estada romàntica en un dels nostres apartaments únics. 💕✨ A Bravissimo, t’oferim una experiència acollidora i inoblidable per fer que cada moment sigui especial. Reserva ara i deixa que l’amor ompli l’aire.
Feliç Sant Valentí!

Surprise your loved one with a romantic stay in one of our beautiful apartments. 💕✨ At Bravissimo, we offer a cozy and unforgettable experience to make every moment special. Book now and let love fill the air.
Happy San Valentine’s day!🫂

At Bravissimo, we pay attention to every detail in our apartments to ensure you have an unforgettable experience✨From th...

At Bravissimo, we pay attention to every detail in our apartments to ensure you have an unforgettable experience✨
From the perfect ambiance to the little touches that make you feel at home, we strive to make every moment special 🪴🧺

A Bravissimo, cuidem fins al més mínim detall als nostres apartaments perquè gaudeixis d’una experiència inoblidable ✨
Des de l’ambient perfecte fins als petits detalls que et fan sentir com a casa, treballem perquè cada moment sigui especial.🪴🧺

Avui us portem els nostres 3 consells per gaudir d’unes vacances “top” a Girona ❤️Si vols descobrir els millors plans, n...

Avui us portem els nostres 3 consells per gaudir d’unes vacances “top” a Girona ❤️

Si vols descobrir els millors plans, no t’ho pots perdre 🚴🏝️🏡

Esperem que us siguin útils i que gaudiu al màxim✨

Today we’re sharing our 3 tips for a “top” vacation in Girona❤️

Want to know the best plans? Don’t miss out! 🚴🏝️🏡

Hope you find them useful and enjoy every moment✨

✨Your home, your starting point✨ If cycling is your lifestyle, we have the perfect home for you 💛 🚵 Close to incredible ...

✨Your home, your starting point✨
If cycling is your lifestyle, we have the perfect home for you 💛
🚵 Close to incredible routes 🚵
Spaces to securely store your bike
Live surrounded by nature and adrenaline 🍂
Find the perfect balance between home and your passion for cycling!
👐 Contact us and discover your next cyclist home 👐

✨La teva llar, el teu punt de partida✨
Si el ciclisme és el teu estil de vida, nosaltres tenim la casa perfecta per a tu 💛
🚵 A prop de rutes increïbles 🚵
Espais per guardar la teva bici amb seguretat
Viu envoltat de natura i adrenalina 🍂
Troba l'equilibri perfecte entre la llar i la passió pel ciclisme!
👐 Contacta'ns i descobreix la teva propera casa ciclista 👐

🚴Bravissimo in Every Kilometer 🚴Our Bravissimo cycling jersey accompanies us wherever we go.Style, comfort, and elegance...

🚴Bravissimo in Every Kilometer 🚴
Our Bravissimo cycling jersey accompanies us wherever we go.
Style, comfort, and elegance in one piece. ✨

🚴Bravissimo a cada quilòmetre 🚴
El nostre mallot de ciclisme Bravissimo ens acompanya allà on anem.
Estil, comoditat i elegància en una sola peça. ✨

Do you want to feel at home? 🏠Come to our apartament on the Rambla. In the heart of the Barri Vell of Girona, you will f...

Do you want to feel at home? 🏠
Come to our apartament on the Rambla.

In the heart of the Barri Vell of Girona, you will find a refuge of calm and tranquility…🍂🍃


Vols sentir-te com a casa? 🏠
Vine al nostre apartament a la Rambla.

Al centre del Barri Vell de Girona trobaràs un refugi de calma i tranquilitat…🍂🍃

Plans in Girona during the Autumn.🍁We suggest visiting 4 emblematic places in Girona: 🍂 La Devesa: the largest urban par...

Plans in Girona during the Autumn.🍁
We suggest visiting 4 emblematic places in Girona:

🍂 La Devesa: the largest urban park in Catalonia.
🏞️ Riu Onyar: a tributary of Riu Ter that runs throughout Giorna.
🍯Local markets: markets like Mercat del Lleó (Monday to Saturday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM) or Mercat de la Devesa (Tuesday and Saturday from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM).
🌳Els Jardins de la Francesa: a small garden located behind Cathedral and next to the emblematic wall of Girona.


Plans per Girona durant la tardor.🍁
Et proposem visitar 4 llocs emblemàtics de Girona:

🍂 La Devesa: el parc urbà més gran de Catalunya.
🏞️ El riu Onyar: un afluent del riu Ter que recòrrer tot Girona.
🍯 Mercats locals: mercats com el Mercat del Lleó (de dilluns a dissabte de 8:00 a 14:00) o el Mercat de la Devesa (dimarts i dissabte de 7:30 a 14:00).
🌳 Els Jardins de la Francesa: un petit jardí situat a darrera de la Catedral, i junt a l’emblemàtics muralla de Girona.

You've just arrived with a bag full of local food, still immersed in the scents of the Market and the advice from the sh...

You've just arrived with a bag full of local food, still immersed in the scents of the Market and the advice from the shopkeepers swirling in your mind 😬

And now you have the entire evening ahead to cook and savor that recipe that caught your eye 👨‍🍳🍲

If this plan thrills you, you'll understand why we pay such close attention to the kitchens in our apartments 😉


Arribes carregat d'aliments locals, embriagat encara amb els aromes del Mercat i amb els consells dels botiguers bullint al cap 😬

I tens per davant tot el vespre per cuinar i degustar aquesta recepta que tant t'ha cridat l'atenció 👨‍🍳🍲

Si aquest pla t'emociona, entendràs per què cuidem tant les cuines dels nostres apartaments 😉

Goodbye summer, it's been a pleasure 👋💙The swallows leave, the temperatures drop and the blazing sun gives way to changi...

Goodbye summer, it's been a pleasure 👋💙

The swallows leave, the temperatures drop and the blazing sun gives way to changing weather; but the beauty remains, along with our apartments 😉

If you want to enjoy the Costa Brava in its wild state, with the calm of autumn, go to our website and book your stay.


Adéu estiu, ha estat un plaer 👋 💙

Les orenetes marxen, les temperatures baixen i el sol ardent deixa pas al temps canviant; però la bellesa es manté, juntament amb els nostres apartaments 😉

Si vols gaudir de la Costa Brava en estat salvatge, amb la calma de la tardor, entra a la nostra web i reserva la teva estada.

New apartment in town: Bravissimo Mora is a fantastic 2-bedroom apartment located in the heart of Barri Vell 🙌From here,...

New apartment in town: Bravissimo Mora is a fantastic 2-bedroom apartment located in the heart of Barri Vell 🙌

From here, every corner of Girona is just a stroll away – whether you want to explore historic streets or savor the local cuisine ✨

Book your stay and get ready for unforgettable holidays 🫶🏽


Nou apartament a la ciutat: Bravissimo Mora és un fantàstic apartament de 2 habitacions situat al cor del Barri Vell 🙌

Des d’aquí, cada racó de Girona està a només un passeig – tant si vols explorar els carrers històrics com assaborir la gastronomia local ✨

Reserva la teva estada i prepara’t per unes vacances inoblidables 🫶🏽

Where comfort meets adventure 🚴🏡✨In Girona, a city full of paths to explore, our apartments are not just a haven for you...

Where comfort meets adventure 🚴🏡✨

In Girona, a city full of paths to explore, our apartments are not just a haven for you, but also for your bike: here finds its place, hung on the wall like a piece of art, waiting for the next adventure 🫶🏽

We know that after every ride, you need a space to rest and dream of new journeys, because the adventure continues both inside and outside our apartments 🙌


On el confort es troba amb l'aventura 🚴🏡✨

A Girona, una ciutat plena de camins per explorar, els nostres apartaments no són només un refugi per a tu, sinó també per a la teva bicicleta: aquí troba el seu lloc, penjada a la paret com una obra d'art, esperant la pròxima aventura 🫶🏽

Sabem que després de cada sortida necessites un espai per descansar i somiar amb nous camins, perquè l'aventura continua tant dins com fora dels nostres apartaments 🙌

This is what we mean when we talk about apartments designed to connect with Girona and enjoy the beauty that surrounds u...

This is what we mean when we talk about apartments designed to connect with Girona and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us ✨🫶🏽🍃


A això ens referim quan parlem d'apartaments per connectar amb Girona i gaudir de la bellesa que ens envolta ✨🫶🏽🍃

We often feel the need to check off every landmark, and sometimes the most memorable moments are the ones where we simpl...

We often feel the need to check off every landmark, and sometimes the most memorable moments are the ones where we simply pause and take it all in 💆🏻

Our apartments aren't just a place to rest; they are a space to slow down, to breathe and to truly connect with Girona: relax and enjoy the beauty that’s right in front of you 🫶🏽


Sovint sentim la necessitat de visitar tots els llocs emblemàtics, i de vegades els moments més memorables són aquells en què simplement ens aturem i ho absorbim tot 💆🏻

Els nostres apartaments no són només un lloc per descansar; són un espai per desaccelerar, respirar i connectar realment amb Girona: relaxa’t i gaudeix de la bellesa que tens just davant teu 🫶🏽

"A lamp must illuminate, not dazzle. For this reason, the best design accompanies and does not disturb"- Miguel Milà.We ...

"A lamp must illuminate, not dazzle. For this reason, the best design accompanies and does not disturb"- Miguel Milà.

We take the design of our apartments very seriously: your well-being is our priority 😉


"Una làmpada ha d'il·luminar, no enlluernar. Per això, el millor disseny acompanya i no molesta" - Miguel Milà.

Ens prenem molt seriosament el disseny dels nostres apartaments: el teu benestar és la nostra prioritat 😉

In a happiness ranking, leisurely breakfasts would surely take one of the top spots 🫶🏽Local products, sun and the Onyar ...

In a happiness ranking, leisurely breakfasts would surely take one of the top spots 🫶🏽

Local products, sun and the Onyar river at your feet at Bravissimo Ballesteries 🥐🧃✨


En un rànquing de felicitat, els esmorzars sense pressa segur que ocupen un dels primers llocs 🫶🏽

Productes locals, sol i l'Onyar als peus a Bravissimo Ballesteries 🥐🧃✨

Today we introduce Maria, our Project Manager (she's the one in charge of managing the decoration and renovation project...

Today we introduce Maria, our Project Manager (she's the one in charge of managing the decoration and renovation projects for the apartments) 🙌

To help you get to know her better, here are some photos that define her 😉👇

🧐 Here she is selecting materials for the apartments
🐕 With her dogs, whom she absolutely adores: her time to unwind is when she goes for a walk with them ❤️
⛱️ She loves the beach!
🐕 Did we mention she has two dogs?
🏃‍♀️ She also really enjoys hiking
✈️ And traveling (and if it’s to a place with a beach, even better 😜)


Avui us presentem a la Maria, la nostra Project Manager (és a dir, l'encarregada de portar els projectes de decoració i reforma dels apartaments) 🙌

Perquè la conegueu millor, us deixem algunes fotos que la defineixen 😉👇

🧐 Aquí està triant materials pels apartaments
🐕 Amb els seus gossos, que els estima amb bogeria: el seu moment de desconnexió és quan surt a caminar amb ells❤️
⛱️ Li encanta la platja!
🐕 Us hem dit que té dos gossos?
🏃‍♀️ També li agrada molt fer senderisme
✈️ I viatjar (i si és a un lloc amb platja, millor 😜)

Can Bufas is an open door to calm ✨Relax yourself in a country house in the middle of Baix Empordà 🍃----------------Can ...

Can Bufas is an open door to calm ✨

Relax yourself in a country house in the middle of Baix Empordà 🍃


Can Bufas és una porta oberta a la calma ✨

Relaxa't en una casa de camp al mig del Baix Empordà 🍃



Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Martes 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Miércoles 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Jueves 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Viernes 10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00
Sábado 10:00 - 14:00




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Our Story

Our concept is make you feel like home; this is an amazing city, our city, we love it and we really would like you enjoy it as much as we do. You'll live a unique experience in Girona! Cool Apartments • More than Traveling • Local Lifestyle • Cycling • #bravissimo