Masquetours transforma el concepto de visita guiada para convertirla en una experiencia de conocimiento del lugar, realizada en espiral, a través de diferentes escalas: desde el territorio y su geografía hasta el detalle del alicatado o del tallado en piedra o madera. Acompañada además de una arquitecta granadina, hija, nieta, bisnieta y tataranieta de alhambreños*, que conoce cada matiz de su hi
*Personas que han nacido y habitado la Alhambra desde el siglo XIX llegando a conformar un barrio más de Granada
Masquetours transforms the concept of the guided visit and turns it into a knowledge expanding experience. As if travelling a along the course of a spiral, laces are shown at every level and scale: from the territory and its geography to the detail of the tiling or the stone work. All in the company of an architect born in Granada who is a daughter, a granddaughter, a great-granddaughter and a great-great-grand-daughter of alhambreños*, a person who knows every aspect of its history.
*people who were born and have been living in the Alhambra since the 19th Century and who turned the place into another neighborhood of Granada