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This building, with the austere design of a fortress, is supposedly the place where the destinations of the Province of ...

This building, with the austere design of a fortress, is supposedly the place where the destinations of the Province of Ternopil are decided
But sometimes it is good to avoid confusing, "the continent" ... and "the content"

Because the multitude of windows offers a sensation of openness when the reality is that the darkness in the decisions that are taken inside them, obscure - to a large extent - the daily life of the citizens of Ternopil and its small and large towns.

The problem, in my opinion as a journalist, this building should guard and protect democracy .... but the democracy, concept and Greek origin of the word, is the power of the people... and for the people.

And, as, it is possible, that, in a real democracy ... the man who presides over this fundamental seat of popular power, the man who stands as president of this center of power, is not elected by the people to whom he claims to defend??

This building, with the austere design of a fortress, contains in reality a president elected by the magical finger that comes from the presidency of Kiev and this ... gentlemen ... is not at all a democratic act. The presidency of the Government of the Province of Ternopil, should be chosen by the citizens of the province of Ternopil ... and never by the finger of the president of a country, where their different provinces have the right to disagree.

𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝘆 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗯𝘆𝗲 (𝟭)....𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 ...(Лист до прощання (1).... Це прощальний лист ...)Настає день попр...

𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝘆 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗯𝘆𝗲 (𝟭)....𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 ...
(Лист до прощання (1).... Це прощальний лист ...)

Настає день попрощатися з Україною, живучи в цій країні на 14% мого життя ... прийшов час попрощатися

Я знаю, що ви не любите читати, ви віддаєте перевагу selfies і фотографії, ну, я можу завантажити на цей сайт 2800 фотографій, які я зберегла ... але я думаю, що після того, як стільки часу діляться моїм життям з вами, це нормально Прощай, висловлюючи почуття тим, що відрізняє нас від тварин: написане слово (вибачення за переклад Google)

Україна взагалі і це місто, Тернопіль, ви дали мені гостинність, а також, часом, відсутність емпатії, що характеризує вас. Але це велика країна, країна, яка заслуговує того, щоб вас цінували, доглядали і цінували. Не тільки політики, ви повинні також змусити Україну зайняти місце, яке вона заслуговує у світі. Це не питання кричати "Віва Україна", а потім пошук життя, що працює в іншій країні ... на мій погляд, це питання боротьби за поліпшення країни, повною ресурсів, які ви помістили у свої руки

Признатися негативний вплив "олігархів" ... абсолютна відсутність серйозності так званих "бізнесменів", які платять мінімальну заробітну плату і купують великі автомобілі, не є способом отримати крик "Віва Україна", щоб бути правильний шлях підняти країну до рівня, якого вона заслуговує серед народів світу

Я з гордістю можу сказати, що за роки, які я був у цій країні, а особливо в Тернополі, я ніколи не використовував ресурси цієї країни. Навпаки, всі мої витрати були профінансовані за рахунок коштів Іспанії та мого малого чи великого бізнесу. І з цієї причини, я можу говорити про свою дружбу з вами без будь-якого збентеження, тому що, щоб бути в змозі сказати, що необхідно поставити на стіл життя, ресурси у вас є, а потім ... може бути, ви можете відчувати себе чистою висловити. Ваша думка

На жаль, серед населення України (взагалі кажучи) відсутність посмішок або емпатії є більш серйозною проблемою, ніж це може здатися. Маючи постійно серйозний жест (за винятком випадків, коли в організм входить алкоголь), це не те, що це «серйозна людина», хто платить заробітну плату, і податки, і дбає про тих, кого вони мають у своїх руках.
На мою думку, Україні, народу України потрібно підняти свій голос, забути постійну гордість, яку ви завжди носите з собою і вимагаєте прав, яким мають право всі українці.

Але, для цієї першої частини мого "листа, щоб попрощатися", я думаю, що цього достатньо, тому що треба говорити про друзів, більш-менш реальних, які оточили мене протягом цих років
Але це буде в наступному "посту" ....


The president is afraid ...

and with good reason, after years of allowing a galloping corruption and impoverishing the country, with the apology of a "war" that only produces unjustified deaths and is the apology for two dictators: Putin ... and well, the other you have chosen you

But the rejection of corruption and the lack of management to favor the people of Ukraine, can not be avoided by adding hundreds of police in successive security cordons that, the only thing they produce, is the rejection of a population weary of the lack of opportunities and the continuous plundering of the assets of a country that calls itself "democrat"
It can be said that the number of police officers is proportionally proportional to the fear of a ruler who knows ... that he is aware that he has defrauded the people of a country that in a very delicate moment gave him his confidence
Governing to fill the pockets of politicians is not, at all, an exercise, democratic, it is simply a shame
But it is you, the Ukrainians, who have in your hands the solution to the problems of Ukraine.
That Porosenko needs fracotiradores and special forces of the police to give a speech in a city like Ternopil, the unique thing that demonstrates is the insurmountable fear that Mr. President of the Ukraine has to his management absolutely useless and shameful during the last years.
But I repeat, in my opinion, the power is in your hands, and it is you who have to change the situation, because the apology that you were a Soviet country ... is no longer valid. There are many young men and women, who after shouting "Viva Ukraine", only think about leaving this country and never defending the rights of citizens.
The act of yesterday ... yesterday's ceremony, with the religious of the new Ukrainian Orthodoxy, and then, saying four lies surrounded by police and security forces, are only evidence of a fear that you, the citizens of Ukraine, you are the only ones that you can use to make Ukraine the great country that is and that corresponds to it in the world
I think that, if you stop thinking about leaving the country and you start to fight for democracy in Ukraine, maybe you can change the situation and avoid shameful circumstances like yesterday.
A president who has no way out, because, honestly, I do not think he is well received in any country in Europe or the US ... perhaps, his future will be with Maduro in Venezuela ... or with Putin in Russia with Yanukovych

Prosenko Vs Putin. Confrontation ... or "dirty game"?(A note: this article is written as a journalist, but from the expe...

Prosenko Vs Putin. Confrontation ... or "dirty game"?
(A note: this article is written as a journalist, but from the experience of having lived, traveled, and bought in the same stores as any Ukrainian, since 2011, for long periods of time)

Actually, I can not talk about Presiente Porosenko's intellectual quotient, but what is undeniable is that he knows how to handle the circumstances and also knows handle perfectly the silence and acceptability of Ukrainian citizens.
Accustomed to the sovietic era and in many cases heirs of some "oligarchs" who used the time of privatization, these supposed businessmen (supposedly, because a businessman is something else) the people of the Ukraine are accepting situations that are not absolutely justifiable

I have started to write with the phrase: "players of advantage" because obviously I mean the other ctor in this play, this drama that is costing human lives and the impoverishment of a great country, Ukraine, a nation literally destroyed by continuing corruption
We can all assume - by their actions you will know them - the kind of person and dictator who is Putin, but in which the situation of Ukraine has improved since the Maidan??
The great explosion of hope that caused that whole Europe will support a new president that finally does not have much difference about practical effects with Yanukovich (I apologize for my gramarical errors)

But, why do I raise the doubt that this dramatic game between Porosenko and Putin? ... As a journalist who has been living minute by minute the situation in Ukraine, I wonder, how is it possible that Putin's attack against four warships takes place? that do not pose any danger? who benefits? Obviously, maybe, perhaps can be a Porosenko's desperate attempt to stay in power, because Putin also finds it beneficial to maintain the same unfortunate situation in the East of Ukraine. But there are more important things that make me doubt the "fair play" in the game between two "Democrats of the same ilk" as Putin and Prorosenko.

It never ceases to amaze me that after Porosenko cut off the friendship between Russia and Ukraine, Putin's reaction has been at least surprisingly superficial. Because, a man like Putin, who in little more than a week takes an illegal possession of Crimea, has no reaction against the breakup of friendship and the limitation to the transit of Russians by Ukraine.
Honestly, I am very surprised that Putin has not exposed literally the thousands of Ukrainians who live and work in Russia

And it is for this reason that, sincerely, presumably, it seems that this is split between two "advantage players", who maintain a tension that is being paid with the lives of innocent youth, to maintain a tension that does not really exist, because it is a game with traps.
But, unfortunately, the pitfalls in this political game of Porosenko, has been clearly demonstrated by making a movement to win the speeches of the priests of the Independent Church of Ukraine, which will surely support porosenko to continue the game rigged and cheating he has with Putin for too long
Actually, the "success" of President Prorosenko are reduced to two: The Biometric Passport ... and more than 4 million Ukrainians forced to work outside Ukrainian

Sincerely, I believe that this "card game" between Putin and Porosenko, is only a rigged and completely corrupt game. Like everything.

Happy Day of EpiphanyToday has been celebrated the Day of the Epiphany in Ukraine. I suppose it will be the first Epipha...

Happy Day of Epiphany

Today has been celebrated the Day of the Epiphany in Ukraine. I suppose it will be the first Epiphany of the recently splintered Ukrainian Orthodox Church

It must be recognized that it takes courage to submerge in the icy water at this temperature ... the value can not be denied by anyone ... but I sincerely hope that, above social customs ... or above demonstrate personal courage ... immerse yourself in the icy waters only in the name of God

Because only the acts performed in the name of God ... come to the Creator

I do not know who this woman is that struggles not to fall to the ground, covered in snow and ice. But I wonder if the "...

I do not know who this woman is that struggles not to fall to the ground, covered in snow and ice. But I wonder if the "great men" of this beautiful country, are concerned about the life of this woman who carries on her back much of the history of the last years of this Ukraine.
It is confusing, not to say hypocritical, that concern centers on changing or making one religious faction independent of another, when it is important to fulfill the belief in the word of God.
Yesterday, in a monumental traffic jam and for more pageantry of his pride, the president of the country has arrived ... and sincerely I do not know very well if this visit surrounded by magnates, oligarchs and representatives of the New Independent Church of Ukraine, will help in something to this woman with the cold reflected on her face.

I think it's a shame for Ukraine that pensions do not exceed 40 EUR ... and at the same time, others, benefited by luck influences, stroll with luxury over their luxury cars, even if they are bought second hand in Poland
Anyway ... I, personally, I stay with this woman, staggering on the snow, because I prefer to be, a human being, than a fool on a second-hand Lexus

All the life can be inside...  only in one cammera...

All the life can be inside... only in one cammera...

My corner

My corner



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