El delfín listado tiene un tamaño y una forma similares a los de otros delfines que habitan las mismas aguas. Este delfín se desplaza en grandes grupos, normalmente de hasta miles de individuos. 🐬 The striped dolphin has a similar size and shape to several other dolphins that inhabit the same waters. This dolphin moves in large groups — usually up to thousands of individuals in number.
#dolphinandwhale #dolphinandwhales #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #freedolphinsandwhales #freedolphins #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #dolphinwatching #cleanocean #stripeddolphins #delfineslistados #strippeddolphins #stripeddolphinsrock #happydolphins #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphinsencounters #happyfreedolphins #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife🌊 #glassbotomboat #natureworthpreserving #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice
La mejor manera de proteger y mantener nuestro lugar favorito es evitar que los desechos acaben en el océano, pero lamentablemente encontramos muchos objetos ♻ The best way to protect and maintain our favourite place is prevent that debris end in the ocean but sadly we find a lot of things
#centrorecuperaciónfaunasilvestre #rescueturtle🐢 #getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #cleaningoceans #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #pardelacenicientaatlantica #pardelacenicientacanaria #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlife #beautifullnature #happyfreedolphins❤️ #happyfreedolphins
Si nos envía sus fotos favoritas tomadas a bordo del «Spirit of the Sea», tendrá la oportunidad de ganar bonitos regalos. 🖼 🐬 🐳 🖼
By sending us your favourite pictures taken on board of " Spirit of the Sea" you make a chance to win some beautiful gifts.
#whalewatch #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #cleanocean #happydolphinsencounters #beautifullnature #oceanlife #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlifephotography #glassbotomboat #natureworthpreserving
Envíanos tus fotos tomadas durante nuestra excursión para tener la oportunidad de ganar uno de nuestros bonitos premios.
Consulta las bases del concurso y más información por correo electrónico "[email protected]" o en nuestra página web "dolphin-whales.com"🖼
Send us your pictures taken during our excursion for a chance to win one of our nice prizes.
Check the contest terms and conditions and more information by email "[email protected]" or on our web site "dolphin-whales.com"
#dolphinandwhale #dolphinandwhales #whalewatch #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #dolphinwatching #happyfreedolphins #beautifullnature #oceanlife #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlifephotography #natureworthpreserving #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #getyourguidepartner
Avistamiento de delfines mulares muy relajados/ Viewing of very relaxed bottlenose dolphins. 🐬 #dolphinandwhale #dolphinandwhales #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #glassbotomboat🐠 #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #freedolphinsandwhales #freedolphins #freedolphinsandorcas #dolphinwatching #bottlenosedolphins #bottlenosedolphin #bottlenosedolphinsofinstagram #cleanocean #bottlenoseddolphins #bottlenosedolphins🐬 #bottlenose #happydolphins #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphinsencounters #happyfreedolphins #happyfreedolphins❤️ #beautifullnature #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlifephotography #natureworthpreserving #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024
Nos llena de satisfacción y alegría poder devolver al océano una tortuga sana que previamente ha sido rescatada porque estaba herida o enferma./It gives us great satisfaction and joy to be able to return to the ocean a healthy turtle that has previously been rescued because it was injured or sick. 🐢 #PlanDeRecuperación #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #cleaningoceans #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #releaseturtletothesea #releaseturtles #releaseturtle #FreeTurtle #freeturtle #freeturtle🐢 #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife #beautifullnature #cleanocean #dolphinwatching #whalewatching #whalewatchingtour #freedolphins #freedolphinsandwhales #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #grancanaria #dolphinandwhalewatching #cleanoceansforfreedolphins
El delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba) es una especie de cetáceo odontoceto de la familia Delphinidae. Ha sido ampliamente estudiado ya que se encuentra en aguas de zonas templadas y tropicales de todo el mundo.🐬 The striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is a species of odontocete cetacean of the family Delphinidae. It has been widely studied as they are found in temperate and tropical waters around the world.
#dolphinandwhales #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #glassbotomboat🐠 #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #dolphinwatching #stripeddolphins #cleanocean #strippeddolphins #stripeddolphinsrock #happydolphins #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphinsencounters #happyfreedolphins #happyfreedolphins❤️ #beautifullnature #oceanlife #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlifephotography #natureworthpreserving #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #getyourguidepartner #roughtootheddolphin
La segunda parte del año nos trajo más imágenes fantásticas. Gracias a todos nuestros visitantes./The second part of the year brought us more great imagens . Thank you to all our visitors. 🐬 🛥 🐳
#getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #tripadvisortravellerschoice #cleaningoceans #delfínmular #delfinmularonarizdebotella #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #pardela #pardelacenicienta #pardelacenicientacanaria #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlife #beautifullnature #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happyfreedolphins #happyfreedolphins❤️ #cleanocean #cleanoceans #spotteddolphins🌊🐬 #bottlenosedolphin #bottlenosedolphinsofinstagram #whalewatching #dolphinandwhalewatching
A principio de año es el momento perfecto de repasar las aventuras que vivimos durante el año pasado. Con tantos momentos divertidos tenemos mucho que mostrar. /At the beginning of the year it is the perfect moment of revisiting the adventures that we had during the past year. With so many fun times we have a lot of to show. #ÚltimaMilla #TransformaciónDigital #dolphinandwhaleswatching #dolphinandwhales #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #spotteddolphins🌊🐬 #bottlenosedolphinsofinstagram #babydolphin #rescueturtles #turtlerehab #cleanocean #bottlenoseddolphins #bottlenosedolphins🐬 #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happyfreedolphins #happyfreedolphins❤️ #beautifullnature #oceanlife #oceanlife🌊 #glassbotomboat #natureworthpreserving #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #delfínmular #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024
La ballena yubarta, es una especie de cetáceo misticeto de la familia Balaenopteridae. Es una de los ballenas más grandes, los adultos pueden alcanzar una longitud de 12 a 16 m y un peso aproximado de 36.000 kg. La especie posee una forma corporal distintiva, con aletas pectorales largas y cabeza nudosa. 🐳 The humpback whale is a species of mysticete cetacean of the family Balaenopteridae. It is one of the largest whales, with adults ranging from 12 to 16 m in length and weighing approximately 36,000 kg. The species has a distinctive body shape with long pectoral fins and a knobby head.
#whalewatch #dolphinandwhales #glassbotomboat🐠 #dolphinandwhalewatching #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #humpback #cleanocean #beautifullnature #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlife #oceanlifephotography #glassbotomboat #natureworthpreserving #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #cleaningoceans #viator #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisor #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #getyourguidepartner #yubartas #yubarta #yubartalaballenajorobada #humpbacks #humpback #humpback_whale
Regala momentos inolvidables: Descubre delfines, ballenas y tortugas con Spirit of the Sea./Give the gift of unforgettable moments: Discover dolphins, whales and turtles with Spirit of the Sea. #FelicesFiestas #reyesmagos #bonoregalo #bonoregalo #bonoregalo🎁 #getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #cleaningoceans #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #glassbotomboat #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #glassbotomboat🐠 #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #freedolphinsandwhales #dolphinwatching #cleanocean #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphins #happyfreedolphins❤️ #beautifullnature