Mallorca Nature Tours

Mallorca Nature Tours Discover the birds, wildlife and landscapes of our beautiful island with our local experts - JOIN US

We are a local company based in Pollença, at the North Mallorca. We organise birding and wildlife tours to the main natural sites on the island. In our tours we offer the best combination of birding, discovering Mallorca’s wildlife, landscapes, history and culture. We also organize tours "a la carte" and personalized packages for several days in partnerships with other specialized tourism busines

ses, in order to meet your interests and requirements. And always based on a code of ethics and responsible tourism principles. Our tour leaders are local professional biologists, ecologists, ornithologists and naturalists. We have considerable experience in observing and studying Mallorca’s nature, excellent knowledge of the best sites and many of us have worked in protected areas and biodiversity conservation. For more information contact us on: [email protected]



Mortitx-Mallorca April 24
Eine große Überraschung gab es bei der Tour in Mortitx mit Mallorca Nature Tours .
Der Kuckuck war nicht zu höre aber gut zu sehen, daher wahrscheinlich ein Durchzieher.

Fujifilm x-h2, 600mm + cop, 1.4 , f8, 1/640, ISO 1000

A new week full of color begins with some of the most spectacular and beautiful orchids on our islands.Començam una nova...

A new week full of color begins with some of the most spectacular and beautiful orchids on our islands.

Començam una nova setmana plena de color amb algunes de les orquídies més espectaculars i belles de les nostres illes.

1. Orchis olbiensis
2. Anacamptis pyramidalis / barreret / pyramidal orchid.
3. Orchis robusta / orquídia de prat / Marsh orquid (from Mallorca).
4. Orchis coriophora / abellera olorosa / bug orchid.


The dramatic side of nature.El dramatisme de la natura.

The dramatic side of nature.

El dramatisme de la natura.

🪷 Les orquídies de Mallorca són apreciades tant per la seva bellesa i diversitat morfològica i cromàtica, com per les se...

🪷 Les orquídies de Mallorca són apreciades tant per la seva bellesa i diversitat morfològica i cromàtica, com per les seves adaptacions úniques que captiven a quasevol amant de la natura. La primavera és el moment ideal per observar aquestes plantes tan singulars en el moment de màxima floració.🪻

🪷 The orchids of Mallorca are appreciated both for their beauty and their morphological and colour diversity, and for their unique adaptations that captivate almost any nature lover. Spring is the ideal time to observe these unique plants at the moment of maximum flowering.🪻

1. Orchis italica
2. Ophrys apifera
3. Ophrys tenthredinifera
4. Ophrys balearica
5. Ophrys lutea


🌍The Squacco heron, one of our rarest heron, arrives to Mallorca in April from subs-Saharian Africa to breed in mixed co...

🌍The Squacco heron, one of our rarest heron, arrives to Mallorca in April from subs-Saharian Africa to breed in mixed colonies with other herons and egrets. It lives in wetlands and it feeds on small animals such as aquatic insects and their larvae, frogs and small fish. The best site to enjoy this unique bird is s'Albufera de Mallorca and the best season, spring. 🌾
➡️ JOIN OUR BIRDING TOURS to discover this and other birds in their natural environment. See you soon!

🌍 El toret, un dels nostres agrons més escassos, arriba a Mallorca el mes d’abril des de l'Àfrica subsahariana per reproduir-se en colònies mixtes amb altres agrons. Viu als aiguamolls i s'alimenta de petits animals com a insectes aquàtics i les seves larves, granotes i petits peixos. Per gaudir d’aquest singular ocell, el millor lloc és el Parc Natural de s’Albufera de Mallorca i la millor època, la primavera. 🌾
➡️ SUMA'T A LES NOSTRES RUTES D’OBSERVACIÓ D’AUS per a descobrir aquest i altres ocells en el seu entorn natural. Fins aviat!

📸 Otto de Zoete

🛁 An elegant Glossy ibis having a bath at S'Albufera last week.  Its iridescent plumage turns every movement into a magi...

🛁 An elegant Glossy ibis having a bath at S'Albufera last week. Its iridescent plumage turns every movement into a magical dance.✨

🛁 Un elegant ibis negre fent un bon bany a S'Albufera la setmana passada.
El seu plomatge iridescent converteix cada moviment en una dansa màgica.✨

📸 Otto de Zoete

🌊🐦The Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), is one of the two endemic and most emblematic species of the Balearic...

🌊🐦The Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), is one of the two endemic and most emblematic species of the Balearic Islands. It can live for more than 30 years and keeps the partner for life; in March, it starts breeding on the cliffs and islets of our islands.

This species is listed as critically endangered and its future depends on taking urgent measures to prevent its extinction. The main threats are predation by cats and rats in the breeding colonies, and their bycatch in fishing gear.

🌊🐦El Virot Petit (Puffinus mauretanicus), també conegut com la Baldritja, és una de les dues espècies endèmiques i més emblemàtiques de les Illes Balears. Pot viure més de 30 anys i manté la parella tota la vida; aquest mes de març, inicia la reproducció als penya-segats i illots de les nostres illes.

Aquesta espècie està catalogada en perill crític i el seu futur passa per prendre mesures urgents per evitar la seva extinció. Les principals amenaces són la depredació per part de moixos i rates a les colònies de cria, i la seva captura accidental en arts de pesca.

📸 Miguel McMinn Grivé

🦩🍃🦆Just one year ago we organized a birding week for a HPB Biniorella group which was a great success. We visited some o...

🦩🍃🦆Just one year ago we organized a birding week for a HPB Biniorella group which was a great success. We visited some of the best birding sites on the island, including Albufera, Salinas de Levante and Son Real where we saw many great birds.

This March, we do the birding week again and, a part from those three sites, we also enjoy sa Dragonera island and the Mortitx valley in the Serra de Tramuntana mountains; always with the same spirit and enthusiasm as last year!

🦩🍃🦆 Fa just un any vàrem organitzar una setmana d'observació d'aus per clients de HPB Biniorella que va ser tot un èxit. Vam visitar algunes de les millors zones per les aus de l'illa, com ara s'Albufera, el Salobrar de Campos i Son Real.

Aquest mes de març, repetim la setmana de birding i gaudirem a més de sa Dragonera i de Mortitx a la Serra de Tramuntana; sempre amb les mateixes ganes i entusiasme que l'any anterior!

In the winter months, we receive visitors from other parts of Europe that come to Mallorca to enjoy our mild climate. Am...

In the winter months, we receive visitors from other parts of Europe that come to Mallorca to enjoy our mild climate. Among others, the highlights are the Black redstart, one of our commonest winter passerines, and the Alpine accentor, a regular species in Formentor, La Victoria and the Serra de Tramuntana mountains.

Durant els mesos d'hivern, rebem visitants d'altres parts d'Europa que venen a Mallorca per gaudir del nostre clima suau. Entre d'altres, destaquen el el coa-roja de barraca, un dels nostres passeriformes hivernants més comuns, juntament amb el xalambrí de muntanya, espècie habitual a les zones de Formentor, La Victòria i la Serra de Tramuntana.

📸 Biel Servera Salas

🦆🦆 Estam contents d'anunciar-vos que durant els propers mesos ens farem càrrec del Centre de Turisme Ornitològic de la G...

🦆🦆 Estam contents d'anunciar-vos que durant els propers mesos ens farem càrrec del Centre de Turisme Ornitològic de la Gola, amb l'objectiu d'oferir a totes les persones interessades informació pràctica sobre les aus i els espais naturals de Mallorca. Vos convidam a visitar el centre i a gaudir d'una passejada pel parc. Fins aviat!
OBERT: dilluns, dimecres i divendres de 9h a 16h.

🦆🦆We are happy to announce that during the coming months we will be running the Birding Information Center of La Gola, with the aim of providing all the people interested with practical information about the birds and the natural sites of Mallorca. We invite you to visit the center and enjoy a walk in the park. See you soon!
OPEN: Mon, Wed & Fri 9am-4pm.

☁️🐦 For sunset lovers, starling murmuration is a phenomenon worth observing at least once each winter. They often fly in...

☁️🐦 For sunset lovers, starling murmuration is a phenomenon worth observing at least once each winter. They often fly in large groups, creating an artistic bird show in the evenings and being an example of coordination, teamwork and adaptability.
Thanks Biel Servera Salas for your great photographs. 📸

☁️🐦 Per als entusiastes de les postes de sol, els estornells són un fenòmen que val la pena observar almenys un cop a l’hivern. Sovint volen en grans grups, creant un espectacle artístic els capvespres. Són una mostra de coordinació, treball en equip i adaptabilitat.
Gràcies Biel Servera Salas per les teves magnífiques fotografies. 📸

👀🔭 Our   tour to the   mountains today  has been really productive. We have seen the whole family of  's eagles that liv...

👀🔭 Our tour to the mountains today has been really productive. We have seen the whole family of 's eagles that live in a valley near .

🦅🦅 The two juveniles born this year were training their flying skills under the watchful eye of their parents. The 4 eagles were in view together for more than 1 hour and at one point a and a came close and the six huge raptors flew together for a while.

👉 If you'd like to live a similar experience, join in our birding tours in the mountains. CONTACT: [email protected]

🦅 With its impressive wingspan and piercing eyes, the Bonelli's Eagle is truly a sight to behold.

🌍 These incredible birds can be found in various parts of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, where they inhabit mountainous, rocky landscapes.

🐤 Bonelli’s Eagles mainly prey on small or medium-sized birds, but they will also take mammals, some reptiles and insects.

🐣 Their nest is composed of sticks, that can reach up to 2m in diameter! Generally, they prefer to nest on remote cliff ledges or in a large tree and will reuse the nest year after year.

🚨 However, like many birds of prey, Bonelli's Eagles face threats to their survival.

🆘 Habitat loss, illegal persecution, and collisions with power lines are just a few of the challenges they encounter.

📷 Jesus Giraldo Gutierrez / Shutterstock

In 2011, the reintroduction of the Bonelli's eagle in   started after its extinction in the 70s due to shooting and pois...

In 2011, the reintroduction of the Bonelli's eagle in started after its extinction in the 70s due to shooting and poisoning. Twelve years later some eight territorial pairs are established on the island.
Join one of our tours in the mountains to experience the dramatic landscape where this unique raptors lives. For more info, contact us at [email protected].

🦅 With its impressive wingspan and piercing eyes, the Bonelli's Eagle is truly a sight to behold.

🌍 These incredible birds can be found in various parts of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, where they inhabit mountainous, rocky landscapes.

🐤 Bonelli’s Eagles mainly prey on small or medium-sized birds, but they will also take mammals, some reptiles and insects.

🐣 Their nest is composed of sticks, that can reach up to 2m in diameter! Generally, they prefer to nest on remote cliff ledges or in a large tree and will reuse the nest year after year.

🚨 However, like many birds of prey, Bonelli's Eagles face threats to their survival.

🆘 Habitat loss, illegal persecution, and collisions with power lines are just a few of the challenges they encounter.

📷 Jesus Giraldo Gutierrez / Shutterstock

MALLORCA AT THE 2022 GLOBAL BIRDFAIR Glad to be at this great event after 2 years of impass. Come and see us at the stan...

Glad to be at this great event after 2 years of impass. Come and see us at the stand NIGHTINGALE 76


En el nostre darrer recorregut a s'Albufera ens va rebre una fotxa banyuda molt curiosa. Va estar molt a prop i aviat la seva parella també va venir a investigar-nos. Sembla que els va agradar la nostra presència mentre estaven picant aquí i allà al nostre voltant. Una experiència inoblidable! !

In our last tour to s'Albufera we were greeted by a very curious Red-knob coot. It came really close and soon his/her pa...

In our last tour to s'Albufera we were greeted by a very curious Red-knob coot. It came really close and soon his/her partner also came to investigate us. It seems they liked our presence as they were picking the groung just around us. What a unique experience!!



🦔🦇A FAUNA REFUGE is a legal designation of land where hunting is nor permitted and fauna is fully protected. Many private landowners have converted their land into a fauna refuge with the support of the , the main NGO in the . If you own land in the countryside, care about the fauna and wish to convert your finca into a true bird and wildlife home, contact the GOB and they will inform you and assist in the procedure.


SNOW BUNTING IN MALLORCA.A rare visitor turned up in Felanitx, South-east of Mallorca, a few days ago.

A rare visitor turned up in Felanitx, South-east of Mallorca, a few days ago.

Aucells rars a les Balears, Rare birds in the Balearics

BLACK VULTURE CENSUS IN  This weekend 70 ornithologists and photographers have carried out  the   census in 17 locations...

This weekend 70 ornithologists and photographers have carried out the census in 17 locations around the Tramuntana and the Llevant mountains. This count will show the current conservation status of the only BV island population in the world.


Simplement natura.
Simply nature.

INTERNATIONAL VULTURE DAYEach year, the first Saturday of September is the celebracion day for vultures. In Mallorca we ...

Each year, the first Saturday of September is the celebracion day for vultures. In Mallorca we have 3 of the 4 species existing in Europe: Black (=Cinereous), Griffon and Egyptian. The best celebration is to visit one of the vulture areas in the mountains. Want to join us?
Serra de Tramuntana

These days, with temperatures near 40°C and low humidity, the risk of forest fire is extreme. Do not take any risk and b...

These days, with temperatures near 40°C and low humidity, the risk of forest fire is extreme. Do not take any risk and be extremely careful.

⚠️ Aquests dies, extrema la precaució quan et trobis en terreny forestal o a prop d'aquest. Les temperatures altes empitjoren les condicions de la vegetació i poden fer que el foc s'estengui amb més facilitat

🔥Recorda aquestes cinc regles perquè no hi hagi

NEW BUTTERFLY OASIS AND PLATFORM AT S'ALBUFERA NATURAL PARKNext time you visist he park (hopefully very soon!) you will ...

Next time you visist he park (hopefully very soon!) you will enjoy two new facilities.

🦋🐝🦋🐝 A new butterfly oasis with a diversity of aromatic flowers that will benefit pollinators.

🦆🦩👀 A new birding platform in cami des Polls, in the western part of the wetland. This is the ninth platform in the protected area, in addition to the many existing bird observatories.

👏👍 👏👍 Many thanks to the park staff for conserving these species and making birding and observing insects easier for all of us.



Horario de Apertura

Lunes 07:30 - 18:00
Martes 07:30 - 18:00
Miércoles 07:30 - 18:00
Jueves 07:30 - 18:00
Viernes 07:30 - 18:00
Sábado 08:00 - 13:00
Domingo 09:00 - 13:00


+34 620 229687


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