As every year at the beginning of June, Moraira celebrates one of its most important fiestas: the Moors and Christians. From the 2nd to the 18th of June you will be able to enjoy an extensive programme to celebrate a tradition that is so characteristic of the municipality. This year the organising captains are Filà Muladíes, on the Christian side, and Filà Almorach, on the Moorish side.
"Summer is here and with it Moraira is full of colour. We can smell the gunpowder, feel the music and start preparing our costumes for Moors and Christians. I encourage all citizens to take part in one of our most representative fiestas, a living history that shapes the identity of our municipality", said the councillor for Fiestas, Rosana Caselles.
The Central Board of Moors and Christians, in collaboration with Teulada Town Council and other organisations, has prepared a varied programme of events for residents and visitors to enjoy the Moraira Moors and Christians:
Friday 2 June
19:30h. Inauguration of the Medieval Andalusian Market.
Saturday 10th June
12:00h. Concentration of Moors and Christians in the Urban Forest and preparation of the brotherhood meal. All enlivened by the charanga Bataclán de Jalón.
21:30h. Gathering of all the ranks in the Fortí and parade accompanied by the Colla El Falçó de Teulada and the Llebetjà de Benitachell.
22:00h. Presentation of the banners on the Castle esplanade. Followed by a disco with Sergio Pérez.
Sunday 11th June
18:00h. International Festival.
Monday 12th June
20:00h. Concert by the British Choir in the Parish Church of Moraira.
Wednesday 14th June
19:30h. Opening speech of the fiestas by Silvia Tatnell. Afterwards, there will be a prize-giving ceremony for the XXII Drawing Competition, organised by the Junta Central and in collaboration with the AMPA of the CEIP Cap d'Or in Moraira and the AMPA of the CEIP Sant Vicent Ferrer in Teulada. At the end of the event, CONCERT by Colla el Falçó, Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada in c/ Doctor Calatayud.
Thursday 15th June
21:00h. CENA DE HERMANDAD in c/Dénia, entertained by Javi Mas.
Friday 16th June
13:00h. Concentration of the Christian Bando in the Fortí and the Moorish Bando in the pergola in Paseo del Senillar and parade accompanied by charangas.
14:00h. Arcabucería firing on the Castle Esplanade.
19:15h. Offering of flowers in honour of the Santísimo Cristo de Moraira in the Castle Chapel. At the end of the act, performance of the march "Ofrena al Castell" composed by Rafa Soriano, dedicated to the Central Board of Moors and Christians of Moraira and especially to its president, Carla Beltrán. This march will be performed by all the bands under the direction of Montserrat Tro Peris.
23:00h. Moorish Conquest on the beach of La Ampolla, followed by the Moorish Embassy and Conquest of Moraira Castle. Afterwards, captains' night.
Saturday 17th June
08:00h. General awakening with harquebuses and charanga.
11:00h. Concentration of all the ranks in the Fortí and parade with banners.
12:00h. Mass in honour of the Santísimo Cristo in the Parish Church of Moraira and parade.
13:00h. Firing of arquebuses in the Castle Esplanade. Afterwards, informal parade by the Moorish and Christian sides.
19:30h. Parade of the Moorish and Christian sides to l'Ampolla beach.
20:00h. Christian Reconquest on the beach of l'Ampolla. Assault on Moraira Castle by the Christian side, followed by the Christian Embassy and Reconquest of the Castle.
00:00h Popular Retreta from the Fortí. Afterwards, Night of Cábilas with a performance by the AVALANXA orchestra in Portet Avenue.
Sunday 18th June
08:00h. General awakening with arquebuses.
12:00h. Concentration of the Moorish Bando in the Fortí and the Christian Bando in the pergola of Paseo del Senillar and parade accompanied by brass bands.
12:30h. Firing of harquebusiers in the Castle Esplanade.
19:00h. Entrance of Bands of Music from the Castle to the Fortí.
20:00h. Grand Gala Parade of the Moors and Christians Bands.
Christian side:
Filà Conquistadoras
Filà Almogàvers
Filà Huestes del Cid
Filà Caballeros del Rey D.Jaime
Filà Muladíes - Capitania Cristiana
Moorish side:
Filà Califas - Capitania Mora
Filà Almoraima
Filà Marsa Mudhayra
Filà Bashira
Filà Al-Madhrabba
Filà Almorach - Capitania Mora
All the events and activities included in this festive programme are subsidised by Teulada Town Council in order to promote the culture and traditions of the town.
As every year at the beginning of June, Moraira celebrates one of its most important fiestas: the Moors and Christians. From the 2nd to the 18th of June you will be able to enjoy an extensive programme to celebrate a tradition that is so characteristic of the municipality. This year the organising c...