Oxmar Rental Tenerife

Sport cars rentals: FERRARI 488/LAMBORG

5 tips from Oxmar on how to choose a vacation property:⠀✅Location:Decide in which part of the island you want to spend y...

5 tips from Oxmar on how to choose a vacation property:

Decide in which part of the island you want to spend your vacation.
In the south of the island, the sun shines all year round; in the north you can get even caught in the rain. In the south of the island are three of the most popular tourist areas and all of them are connected by the beach. Think about what you want, noisy parties or silence. How far you want to live from the beach. Whether you will have a car to rent.

✅Apartment or house:
It all depends on the number of people on holiday. The maximum capacity of Oxmar Apartments is from 1 to 4 guests. In Oxmar Villas from 1 to 14 guests. The choice will also depend on the budget of the rental property for vacation.

✅Without what you do not represent a vacation:
As they say beauty is in eye of the beholder! Each of us has our own preferences. If you are used to sleeping with a nightlight, it is a must. Oxmar's team has spent 12 years studying the needs of tourists and has filled the property with all the essentials. Everything you may need is on the site in the description of the property. And if you can't find something, we'll make sure it's there waiting for you on your holiday.

✅Holidays with children:
In this case, will you need a pool, a cot, a high chair, toys, utensils and a nanny? Trust such a delicate moment as a vacation with children, the company which has all the above. And your vacation will be a happy memory, not a time spent searching for the things you need.

✅Personal Manager:
The following questions often come up during a holiday: where to go, where to check the schedule of events on the island, where to eat, where to rent a car and so on. Oxmar's guest care service accompanies your holiday quietly, answering questions, helping you adapt to the area and, in case of emergency, available 24/7.

🙌Now it’s up to you.
👩🏼‍💻Our website www.oxmar.net will help you to choose your property.

Quality assurance - Oxmar⤵️What do you expect from a vacation in Tenerife? This is the question we asked our guests to u...

Quality assurance - Oxmar⤵️

What do you expect from a vacation in Tenerife? This is the question we asked our guests to understand what exactly the environment should be in our apartments to make them feel most comfortable. "Relax, beautiful views, comfort, good sleep, delicious food, convenience to move around, proximity to the beach, sightseeing experiences, etc." - these were some of the many responses we received. The most interesting answer was "I want a good rest for both soul and body”. The island itself is, of course, in charge of the soul, and the Oxmar team will take care of a comfortable rest for your body.

While creating the cozy ambiance of this apartment on the 12th floor of the residential complex Club Paraiso in Playa Paraiso, we have tried to take into account everything you need for your comfort.
The bedroom will be your space for relaxation. You remember that healthy sleep is a guarantee of excellent health, activity, and vitality, don't you? Here you will find a comfortable 180*200 bed with an orthopedic mattress and comfortable pillows. A spacious built-in closet can accommodate your entire summer closet. Feel free to pack everything you want in your suitcases! A comfortable armchair and a floor lamp add coziness to the bedroom. In the evenings you can enjoy the sunset right from the bedroom in the company of a book or an interesting movie.

‼️More details on our website in bio. Booking takes you no more than 120 sec.


Finally a Monday!

Today is a day for micro, small and medium-sized companies! Which means it's our holiday. That's where we'll start the usual Monday news!

Oxmar, although a small company, but the contribution to the tourism sector of the island is huge! It is no secret that over 11 years in the tourism market 10,000 happy tourists from all over the world have rested with us. Most of them have become regular customers and come to rest on the island year after year.

What do we offer?
▪️Accommodation in more than 20 apartments in the most popular areas of the south of Tenerife.
▪️For lovers of private holidays we offer one of the 5 best villas of Tenerife.
▪️ A fleet consisting of premium and sports cars, subscribe to .
▪️And a brand new unique product "born" during the pandemic, the first and only one "concierge service". You can read more about it on the website www.oxmar.net

All Oxmar services are managed by a team of 10 people. Small company with great success.

We accept congratulations in the form of booking apartments and cars! It’s vacation time and we will take care of the organization.

Hello again, everyone!Already by tradition, the Oxmar team starts Monday with news.Has the TEIDE volcano woken up?On Fri...

Hello again, everyone!
Already by tradition, the Oxmar team starts Monday with news.

Has the TEIDE volcano woken up?
On Friday last week, geologists recorded earthquakes with a magnitude of 1.6 points at a depth of 13 kilometers. Already today, the president of Tenerife, Pedro Martín, appealed to the inhabitants of the island to calm down and assured them that there were no signs that there would be an eruption of the TEIDE volcano in the near future. The situation is under control around the clock. Thanks to the Involcan system at the moment we have more information than ever!

Great! Then this Thursday 23.06.2022 you can enjoy a riot of colours and creativity of the residents of the town of La Orotava-in the north of the island. They are already preparing for one of the most important event in Spain- Corpus Christi. On this day, the main streets of the city are literally lined with carpets of fresh flowers and sand. Only one day and only in La Orotava! Hasten to see art with your own eyes, for already in the evening of the same day, the festive procession will pass through the streets destroying carpets under your feet.

On the same day, there are two other interesting events to choose from. To the beach or to the island's capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Only once a year on this day the inhabitants of the Canary Islands are allowed to burn fires 🔥 on the beach. One of the favourite holidays of San Juan coincidentally coincided with the beginning of the street carnival processions, which have not been the last 2 years!

So, friends, you have a plan of events. You can rent a car to make it everywhere in time on the account . Write to us, we will help you.

Have a great start to the week!
Your lighthouse in Tenerife is Oxmar.


¡DELEGA EN PROFESIONALES y duerme tranquilo, mientras sus inversiones en propiedad le generan un beneficio estable.

¿Con qué frecuencia piensa en cómo construir un sistema de gestión de sus inmuebles para que todo funcione como un reloj, permitiéndole a la vez disfrutar de su tiempo libre?

¡Estamos seguros de que esto ocurre bastante a menudo! En su día, nosotros mismos nos enfrentamos a todas estas preguntas, buscando respuestas en nuestra propia experiencia durante varios años, para hoy poder ofrecerle un producto único - un servicio de conserjería turística (SCT).

SCT es un servicio que permite delegar a los profesionales el alcance total o parcial de las tareas de gestión, mantenimiento, servicio y capitalización de los inmuebles.

¡Para la tenencia, explotación y gestión de inmuebles! A primera vista, todo parece fácil: simplemente hay que comprar y alquilar una propiedad, ¡nada complicado! En la práctica, este camino hacia la rentabilidad es mucho más tortuoso. Todo aquel que tarde o temprano compra una propiedad en España se enfrenta a una serie de preguntas, cuyas respuestas se buscan por prueba y error. La lista incluye decenas de tareas y, por supuesto, uno puede resolver todas estas preguntas por su cuenta, siempre que hable el idioma y, por supuesto, que tenga tiempo libre y mucha paciencia.

Para cada inmueble y propietario, realizamos un cálculo individual de los servicios requeridos. Le enviaremos una lista completa de los servicios y sus precios en un mensaje personal bajo petición. Para ello, escríbanos 🤳

Car rental tasks will take minimum time.How to order a car for rent from Oxmar:⠀🧑‍💻On the website www.oxmar.net, select ...

Car rental tasks will take minimum time.How to order a car for rent from Oxmar:

🧑‍💻On the website www.oxmar.net, select the car you like.
🧑‍💻If you haven't found the desired car, write to the Director 📧 or call us, we speak on 🇪🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧🇷🇺
🧑‍💻After studying the technical specifications and the cost of car rental, fill out the form. By providing us your contact details, dates of car rental and your comments, for example: a child seat, time and place of delivery car, etc.
✔️The reply would be quick, maximum 30 min. depending on the time of day.
👌In case of contact with us by phone or Whatsapp, the car rental tasks will take minimum time.

🏎Minimum age: 32 years old
🏎Driving license: 2 years min
🏎Payment by card
🏎Security deposit: 1.200€

If you have any questions, please comment on them👇

Finally it's Monday and we start it off with our weekly Oxmar News column.⠀One of the highlights of the past week was Un...

Finally it's Monday and we start it off with our weekly Oxmar News column.

One of the highlights of the past week was United Airlines' first direct flight between Tenerife and New York.

The flights between Reina Sofia Airport and Internacional Airport Newark Liberty will continue until September 30th, with no stopovers, three times a week.

The flights will take 6,5 hours and are currently available from 348€ round trip. American tourists will be able to experience the island's culture, traditions, unique nature and the hospitality of the Canary Islands! Oxmar team is delighted to welcome new customers and offers a travel concierge service!

Another and no less welcome event took place last week. The selection of the first Carnival Queen 2022 after a two-year gap. There were 11 candidates and the winner was Ruth Gonzalez Martin with her fantastic costume with the intriguing title 'Mírame'. Check out this incredible costume from designer Santi Castro and come along to the most anticipated event 2022. The street event programme starts on June 23d. Carnival parades, music, dancing and concerts will take place on the streets of the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife almost 24/7 until 26 June 2022.

Here is another interesting news from last week. According to research of internet platforms, specialized in searching and booking holiday destinations in 44 European countries, Tenerife is the searched leader not only in Spain, but also in Belgium, Iceland, Latvia, Moldavia and Scotland. Tenerife ranks second after the Greek island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea. Among the multifaceted travel offers in Tenerife, the users mention the attraction of the volcano and the natural park of Teide, family tourism opportunities and the "spectacular mountain and beach sites". Are you among those tourists planning a holiday to Tenerife this year?

These were the hot news of the past week.
See you next Monday with even more burning news!



We provide rentals of
🚗 Premium
🏎 Sports
🛺 Electric cars.

We will deliver the car to any point on the island at your request.
The service is available 24/7.

More details are in the "Rent a car" section of the website. https://oxmar.net/en/rentacar/

What do you expect from a vacation in Tenerife? This is the question we asked our guests to understand what exactly the ...

What do you expect from a vacation in Tenerife? This is the question we asked our guests to understand what exactly the environment should be in our apartments to make them feel most comfortable. "Relax, beautiful views, comfort, good sleep, delicious food, convenience to move around, proximity to the beach, sightseeing experiences, etc." - these were some of the many responses we received. The most interesting answer was "I want a good rest for both soul and body”. The island itself is, of course, in charge of the soul, and the Oxmar team will take care of a comfortable rest for your body.
While creating the cozy ambiance of this apartment on the 12th floor of the residential complex Club Paraiso in Playa Paraiso, we have tried to take into account everything you need for your comfort.



TENERIFE - uno de los mejores lugares para pasar el tiempo con la familia!

En la isla besada por el sol pueden hacer lo que más les gusta cualquier día del año gracias a su clima, esas playas divinas, la naturaleza poderosa junto con su Majestad el volcán Teide, una gastronomía celestial e instalaciones turísticas!

Esperamos que disfruten mucho de esta Semana Santa en Tenerife.

Los servicios de conserjería OXMAR es la oportunidad de delegar las tareas para organizar su viaje a Tenerife, así como administrar, gestionar y monetizar las propiedades.

Les ofrecemos 24 servicios de la conserjería turística para sus vacaciones en Tenerife:

✅Alquiler de sport cars: FERRARI 488 / LAMBORGHINI HURACÁN
✅Alquiler vacacional y coches de clase premium
✅Personal auxiliar: chef / limpiadora / niñera / chofer etc.
✅Excursiones y actividades personalizadas

Queremos verles en Tenerife🙌


Una de las islas más bellas del mundo, con unos paisajes impresionantes y únicos, unas vistas espectaculares, una gastronomía inigualable y un ecosistema especial que la convierte en el "mejor clima del planeta". 2.000 km2 de naturaleza única y centenaria que no deja indiferente a nadie. Bienvenidos a Tenerife!


Watch the best videos in high quality in VK Video's free catalog!


🇺🇸Villas for rent in Tenerife

🇪🇸Alquiler de Villas en Tenerife

🇷🇺Аренда вилл на Тенерифе


🇬🇧Order the chef's service and enjoy a lovely evening on the cozy terrace!

🇷🇺Услуга персональный шеф-повар появилась у нас в апреле 2020 года, в самый разрар пандемии. Рестораны были закрыты, доставки не было, а клиенты, которые остались на острове, просили нас организовать им питание.

Шеф-повара, с которыми мы сотрудничаем по организации мероприятий, мобилизовались, и вместе мы организовали их выезды с командой к клиентам на дом. Услуга стала очень популярной, это ведь и правда удобно: не нужно бежать в магазин, закупать продукты, стоять у плиты и мыть посуду.

Закажите услугу шеф-повара, и наслаждайтесь уютным вечером на террасе!

С заботой, команда Oxmar

#шефповар #шеф #консьержсервис #тенерифе


Hi! Our team is looking for a client support manager. Full time. Fluent English and Spanish is a must!


✔️ CRM / Channel manger control
✔️ Communication with clients
✔️ Payments control
✔️ Check-in / out management
✔️ Cleaning / maintenance control
✔️ Requests processing
✔️ Reviews processing
✔️ Maintenance of statistics
✔️ Admin tasks

What we are waiting from the team player:

✔️ Multitasking
✔️ Responsibility
✔️ Interpersonal skills
✔️ Courtesy
✔️ Competent oral and written languages (eng, esp)
✔️ Stress resistance
✔️ Possibility to respond on clients requests off hours
✔️ Knowledges of social networks
✔️ Sense of teamwork

Who we are:

❗️First travel concierge in Tenerife! Sport cars and vacation rentals! A team of young, active, motivated and very friendly people!

To know more about us, check out our instagram account: https://instagram.com/oxmar.rental.tenerife

If you feel you are the person we look for, please send a message to our boss Olesya Ramos or contact her by WhatsApp +34672137762


Знакомьтесь, новая рубрика «Пусть говорят»

Наши комментарии излишне, а ваши - очень приветствуются

Благодарим за доверие!

Команда Oxmar


Наступили новые времена! Теперь без предварительной записи ни куда.

Рестораны, сеансы в кино, SPA, парки, пока ещё не пляжи! Друзья, везде нужна бронь как минимум. Купленный билет на вход как максимум.

Хотим быть полезными. И делиться информацией из жизни и отдыха на о. Тенерифе.

Сегодня поговорим о подъеме на вулкан #Тейде. Но не о глобальном восхождении которое начинается у подножья вулкана с ночевкой и встречей рассвета на пике. Если пожелаете этому посветим отдельный пост.

А сегодня о том, как подняться на подъемнике по канатной дороге на высоту 3555 м.

Итак, советуем сохранить пост, следовать инструкциям и наслаждаться удивительными видами на высоте «птичьего полёта».

🗻Запланируйте день экскурсии
🗻На сайте www.volcanoteide.com купите необходимое количество билетов на подъёмник. Выбрав дату и время подъёма. Сайт проинформирует о количестве оставшихся билетов.
🗻Купите билет как на подъем, так и на спуск! Если спускаться пешком не входило в планы.
🗻Захватите с собой тёплую одежду, даже если путешествуете летом. Перепад температуры - гарантирован!
🗻Конечно увиденное на высоте 3555 м останется в памяти. Если возьмете с собой фотоаппарат, то и после отпуска будете наслаждаться фото и видео и заинтригуете друзей на следующее совместное путешествие.
🗻У подножья Тейде расположился единственный отель с уютным кафе. Там можно перекусить и выпить чашечку горячего Барракито наслаждаясь марсианскими видами с террасы.

Поставьте 🧡 если этот пост оказался полезным

С заботой, команда Oxmar!

#тенерифе #путешествия #турист #туристы #туризм #канарскиеострова #канары

🇷🇺У нас появилась роскошная усадьба! На сегодняшний день являющаяся одной из лучших на Канарских островах, расположена н...

🇷🇺У нас появилась роскошная усадьба! На сегодняшний день являющаяся одной из лучших на Канарских островах, расположена на юге Тенерифе в центре самого престижного района острова - El Duque.

Тихая урбанизация, окруженная зелеными парками, находится в 10-15 минутах ходьбы от большинства центров развлечений, магазинов, ресторанов, пятизвездочных отелей, красивейшего пляжа El Duque и длинной пешеходной набережной.

Описание всех деталей и важных мелочей вы найдёте на сайте www.oxmar.net а вопросы по бронированию можно задать в Директ!

🇬🇧 A luxury villa, currently one of the best on the Canary Islands, is located in the south of Tenerife in the heart of the most prestigious resort  - El Duque. It is a quiet residential area, surrounded by green parks and gardens, and it will take you only 10-15 minutes by walking to the majority of the entertainment centers, shops, restaurants, five-star hotels, a beautiful El Duque beach and a long pedestrian promenade.

Discover the villa La Rosa de Los Vientos!

You will find all the details and important little things at www.oxmar.net and can ask questions about the booking by DIRECT messages!

#отпуск #отпуск☀️ #отпускпродолжается #тенерифе #канарскиеострова #канары #вилла #виллависпании #виллаваренду #острова #солнце #океан


Costa Adeje
Santa Cruz De Tenerife

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