El grupo de empresas Diásticus se compone especialmente de consultorías de planificación, urbanismo, arquitectura, ingeniería y obras, gestión y desarrollo de proyectos empresariales, etc. También se cuenta con empresas constructoras, hoteleras, sanitarias, agroalimentarias, TIC (Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación), que están interesadas en colaborar bien participando mediante la gestión
y desarrollo de proyectos empresariales, bien con inversiones en sectores estratégicos de desarrollo que permita su implantación. DIÁSTICUS is an Economic Interest Group created and driven by Andalusian consulting firms to increase their front‐line capacity and ability to provide professional services. Empresas de Diásticus:
Agespla, SCA, Culmen, PRP Arquitectos, INYSUR, Alquevir, EYGEMA
The main objective of this group is the internationalization of its member´s activities in other countries outside Andalusia and Spain. By joining forces our firms are more competitive and have the best guarantees for success as we are able undertake the economic costs that arise with this shift in strategy. In the field of Architecture we specialize in city planning, building construction, including residential, industrial, commercial, hotel industry and tourism. In the field of engineering we offer services for road infrastructure, hydraulics, electrical and communications. Our services encompass specific activities related to these professions. Diasticus consists of the following firms with more than 70 professionals. The group is not exclusive and in the near future may incorporate firms in other disciplines. The firms of Diásticus:
Agespla, SCA, Culmen, PRP Arquitectos, INYSUR, Alquevir, EYGEMA