Lanzarote Country Villas - Holiday Rentals

Lanzarote Country Villas - Holiday Rentals Introducing Villa Ann, Casa Ida and Casa Joanna at Lanzarote Country Villas, based in the rural village of Nazaret, in the centre of the island.

Villa Ann (3 bed villa with private, solar heated pool), Casa Ida (beautiful 1 bed apartment with lovely terrace) Casa Joanna (stunning 1 bed apartment with great views/terrace/garden) at Lanzarote Country Villas - FREE WIFI Villa Ann ideal for couples, friends etc. Casa Ida and Casa Joanna ideal for walkers, bird watchers, sports enthusiasts, including tri-athletes, cyclists, runners, swimmers.

Lanzarote hosts many large sporting events including The Ironman, Haria Extreme and Ocean Lava and we have many returning athletes using our facilities. All properties benefit from FAST, FREE WIFI

Cheeky little lunch stop today ❤️

Cheeky little lunch stop today ❤️

We have availability in Villa Ann throughout October (including half term) - message me or WhatsApp me on 0034 620 896 1...

We have availability in Villa Ann throughout October (including half term) - message me or WhatsApp me on 0034 620 896 137 if I can help


Big walk today - beautiful scenery ❤️


❤️ this - great video from The Ayuntamiento de Teguise - thank you ###

Quiet day on the island ❤️

Quiet day on the island ❤️

We have availability in both Villa Ann and Casa Joanna throughout the next few months - drop me a message or give me a c...

We have availability in both Villa Ann and Casa Joanna throughout the next few months - drop me a message or give me a call on 0034 630 896 137 if I can help you

Again - this is what is REALLY happening here!!!

Again - this is what is REALLY happening here!!!

Let's talk about the protests.

You might have seen on the British morning news, reports of protests in the Canary Islands "against tourism". Here's the truth from on the ground here in Lanzarote from a long term British immigrant through consultation with Canarian friends. Put simply, it's basically the Cornwall problem but in smaller places, with less income and more sun. Let us explain why you shouldn't be concerned and what the media gets wonky...

Firstly, let's get something straight. I'll be joining those protests (which will take place on the 20th of April across many islands including Lanzarote). The event will be safe and there is no reason not to visit and enjoy your break during this time. Standing up to the government and hotel-chain-industry to protect the natural environment is very much in the DNA of Lanzarote. Ever since Cesar Manrique encouraged limited development in synergy with nature, we've frowned on the idea of concrete paving over coves and timeless plateaus. He stood in front of the construction machines too and we always will when the architects get it wrong. You'd want us to but let me explain why that is and why it isn't about you and your well earned vacation.

It's true that the wages in the Canary Islands are very low. On average, they are the second lowest in all Spanish territory. Around 1500 Euros a month to be precise. Just like "back home" the rising cost of living had already made that figure tough to live on but that coupled with the influx of AirBnb and second home ownership makes renting almost impossible for many. It's frequently the case that people who work even the most societally critical jobs (healthcare, teaching and even government) will need to share basic accommodation or even rough it. Yes, we know of people in those key positions living in housing without services, simply to get by. We also know that this isn't in any way, YOUR FAULT. Nobody blames the visitor, we blame the government.

There has been a lack of affordable or social housing for the last 20 years here. Too many hotels were allowed to go up before 2008 and far too many were allowed to remain in a half-finished state when regulations tightened. This left less physical space for housing and the same basic land crisis you see all over the world where commercial and lifestyle desires clash. Despite this, we want to work and here on Lanzarote at least, for many of us, this means we come for the jobs in tourism and leisure. We certainly don't want those to go away or be harder to get. But we have to live somewhere.

What the islanders are calling for in the most part is the same as those living in Cornwall or Devon might be. Some regulation of access to housing and a wage that allows us to have our room bedroom and access to water, power and even a car to get us to work. Seems easy on paper but it means adopting new regulations on the use of houses for short-stay tourism (now coming) and a deep hard look at where the money from tourism is being spent. Lanzarote is not too crowded but the week day commute on Tenerife and Gran Canaria for example has become tedious with failing roads and blocked highways. Remember, those workers cannot live in the resorts. It's just too expensive.

There has been graffiti on other islands pointing out this issue. Not so much here but we kinda get it. Still, that's a small group of young workers who see that their lives and lifestyle are no longer compatible with those of their parents or grand-parents. People who have lived here for generations. Not everyone works in tourism, my village for example is a farming community. We've been made incredibly welcome as Brits but we support their culture rather than replace it. We plant alongside them, so to speak. To be clear, we have never, not even for on day, felt unwelcome in any part of Lanzarote over many years and few would be able to guess if we live here or are visitors for the week until we sit down to chat.

Those in charge here know that tourism is important, welcome and the source of our gold. "Whoever comes to enjoy, to spend a few days and leave their money in the Canary Islands does not have to be rebuked," said the president, Fernando Clavijo. Everyone agrees with that. We are an island with friends from many places. Perhaps here though the sentiment that something ought to be done was heightened by reports this year (the biggest year for decades in Lanza tourism) of people disrespecting the national park by sliding down the lava and trampling the untouched land. It's only those we're not so keen on because those inherited treasures are fragile and can never be replaced.

To really understand the protest, you need to hear them. "This is not against tourism (...), what they are asking is that no more be built." said biologist and filmmaker Felipe Ravina in our local press today. I think we all agree with that. The size of some of the newest hotels being finished here is incredible. We doubt the beach is large enough for those visitors to actually enjoy and the tourbuses will be waiting in queues. Already we feel for some people when the line for taxis gets long. We often ask if people want to share our car to relieve it. If you follow this page you will have seen my recent photo of the one hour wait to access Timanfaya and you'll get the idea.

So, you see, it's really not about visitors. It's not about shooting ourselves in the foot. Just because we're remote we're not daft. Nobody here wants to remove tourism or for you to have any interruption to your vacation. Quite the opposite. We want everyone to be able to enjoy the landscape for generations to come. And we want you to be able to get to your hotel without delays and enjoy that pool without water restrictions or the power going down. Those things happen with more and more frequency these days. As they do, all over the world. Imagine if Padstow had our weather, month in, month out. Or if the wages in the Cotswolds were such that rent was 200% of your income. Ok, that latter concept is probably also true but you get the idea.

I wasn't going to write this post. I thought long and hard about doing so. Our page is an honest one and we knew that if we posted anything at all, we'd see frustrating responses such as "well we won't come" and "you need our money". As a sensitive chap, I know those will annoy me because they will show me that they've read only the headline. We do want you here, we all rely on money. We also love our island and like you, have chosen to be here. It would be VERY MUCH easier on our wallet to relocate to the mainland but Lanza is home. We just need to point out to our government (here and in Madrid) that the rules on construction need amending and incomes adapting. Important changes that help us reach that good balance. We've done the same for decades, protesting to protect the zen. When have you known a Canarian heart to be quiet? No, we are passionate and virile. It shows in our love.

So will you be safe amongst protests? Yes, for sure. You probably won't actually notice them happen. This isn't a place where things get out of hand. At the core of the matter, that protest is not actually for you or at you. It's about the economy and trade. Industry and society. Philosophy and journalism. So don't worry about it but if you fancy it, just tip your waiter a little bit on the 20th of this month. As you probably do every day. The conversation is common but it's kind to be kind.

Love Lanza. x



In a time when headlines are dominated by scaremongering and claims of an imminent collapse, Mr. TravelON is on a mission to set the record straight with gen...

Please vote for our beautiful village, it really does deserve it - thank you ❤️

Please vote for our beautiful village, it really does deserve it - thank you ❤️

The beautiful town of Teguise has been selected as a finalist for “Best Cultural Village” in the Pueblo del Año awards. There are only a few days left to vote, which you can do online for free.

Ok - bit early to be talking about Christmas (as we only just finished the last one) - however, our Casa Joanna is alrea...

Ok - bit early to be talking about Christmas (as we only just finished the last one) - however, our Casa Joanna is already booked for Christmas 2024. Villa Ann is still available so be quick if you want a Christmas/New Year getaway! 🎄🎄🎄🎄

Love this view from one of the bedroom windows ❤️❤️❤️

Love this view from one of the bedroom windows ❤️❤️❤️

Well, here we go in to a New Year (sorry it’s a bit late!!) - 2023 was extremely busy for us and we would like to thank ...

Well, here we go in to a New Year (sorry it’s a bit late!!) - 2023 was extremely busy for us and we would like to thank all our guests for making it so. Here’s to 2024 when we hope to see you again and look forward to meeting some new guests as well. We wish you all the very best for 2024

We have availability in Casa Joanna during July and August.  We also have 1 week available in Villa Ann 15-22 August and...

We have availability in Casa Joanna during July and August. We also have 1 week available in Villa Ann 15-22 August and 1-27 September. Check our website for availability

Our charming properties situated in Nazaret, Teguise are the perfect location to relax. Only a short drive away from the main resorts and beach, you have plenty to keep you happy. NB: WE DO NOT HAVE FACILITIES TO CHARGE ELECTRIC VEHICLES AT THE PRESENT TIME

Great review ❤️

Great review ❤️

The week ahead 😎😎😎😎

The week ahead 😎😎😎😎


Here’s our availability for the rest of the year:

28/4 - 5/5
27/5 - 7/6
16/6 - 8/7
15/8 - 22/8
1/9 - 27/9
14/10 - 9/11
26/11 - 16/12

27/5 - 27/9
11/10 - 30/10
8/12 - 22/12

Please PM if we can help you.

Love Famara ❤️

Love Famara ❤️


The President of the Cabildo has put out this statement to clarify the situation regarding British Tourists (translated from Spanish)

My Sunday opinion piece ✍🏼

🔺A false controversy with British tourism

👉You can't clarify something that hasn't been said.

It is categorically false that on the island we don't want British tourism or that we want to reduce their number. So I will say it once and for all: British tourism has always been, is and will always be welcome in .

In we are also fortunate to have an excellent British community that has been resident for a long time, a community that is sensitive to the environment and involved in the care and defence of sustainable development for our island.

We share with the British our island character and that makes them understand very well the existence of limits in an insular, fragile and reduced territory such as ours.

Having said that, I am saddened by the false controversy that has arisen over British tourism and which has been fuelled by misinformation. Some have taken out of context and others have intentionally distorted the assessment I made of the future of the island's tourism sector on my return from the International Tourism Fair in Madrid.

I feel obliged to point out that here, in Lanzarote, the controversy has been stirred up by a media outlet owned by a hotel businessman who has a court order to demolish one of his establishments.

Having said that, all tourist destinations attend trade fairs to showcase their attractions and attract new markets to diversify the tourism they receive.

has also been doing so for years because common sense and the basic laws of economics advise us not to depend on a single issuing country, especially in times of uncertainty such as those we are experiencing as a result of the war in .

But this does not mean that we do not love those who visit us most, British tourists, quite the contrary.

Having clarified the above, what the Cabildo of Lanzarote and I as president have said and what we defend is that we cannot continue to grow in tourist beds, as the island's tourist capacity is exhausted.

This is not new, as this was already considered by the Cabildo itself in 2003 and is something shared by the vast majority of the population and the business community.

To bet on increasing the number of beds is to overcrowd the destination, which not only worsens the quality of life of the residents, but also the tourist experience itself.

For this reason, we want to declare the island's tourist carrying capacity officially exhausted and, at the same time, commit ourselves to a rational and sustainable development based on quality and on the elements that differentiate us as a unique tourist destination in the world.

An example of this is our public network of Art, Culture and Tourism Centres.

Therefore, 'tourist development' cannot be confused with 'increasing the number of tourist beds'.

Lanzarote receives more than 3 million tourists a year and does not need more accommodation places, but to direct tourism development towards a qualitative and innovative growth of the complementary leisure offer that incorporates new products and experiences for the tourist, all of them respectful with the environment.

Lanzarote Tourism
CACT Lanzarote

We have availability in Villa Ann on the following dates:27 March - 15 April17 May - 7 June16 June - 8 July16 August - 2...

We have availability in Villa Ann on the following dates:
27 March - 15 April
17 May - 7 June
16 June - 8 July
16 August - 27 September
14 October - 9 November
26 November - 16 December
Let me know if I can help

Well, this happened today in LANZAROTE 😲😲😲

Well, this happened today in LANZAROTE 😲😲😲

We dined at the weekend at Restaurante Finca La Florida which is a 10 minute drive from our properties. We had a private...

We dined at the weekend at Restaurante Finca La Florida which is a 10 minute drive from our properties. We had a private dining experience in one of the “igloos” and it was fab - great for celebrating a special birthday, anniversary etc. Food was excellent - highly recommended and then only €15 for a cab home!

2023 already shaping up to be a good one - lots of bookings coming through - most of August gone and Christmas already s...

2023 already shaping up to be a good one - lots of bookings coming through - most of August gone and Christmas already sold in both Villa Ann and Casa Joanna. Get in quick if you want to pay us a visit!

Thank you all so much for your support during 2022 - we really do appreciate it. Looking forward to 2023 - let’s make it...

Thank you all so much for your support during 2022 - we really do appreciate it. Looking forward to 2023 - let’s make it a good one. Feliz año ❤️❤️❤️

❤️this ❤️

❤️this ❤️




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