Guiasdemalaga Apit Malaga

Guiasdemalaga Apit Malaga Somos la Asociación Profesional de guías turísticos oficiales e intérpretes del patrimonio hist?

La delegación de APIT Málaga en la presentación del Plan Director del Cabildo Catedralicio de Córdoba con Monseñor Demet...

La delegación de APIT Málaga en la presentación del Plan Director del Cabildo Catedralicio de Córdoba con Monseñor Demetrio Fernández Gonzalez y la Consejera Doña Patricia del Pozo Fernández. Un gran éxito

Maravilloso y ya vamos por el segundo borrador.Ahora que estamos en plena temporada!!Esperemos que la calidad siga siend...

Maravilloso y ya vamos por el segundo borrador.Ahora que estamos en plena temporada!!
Esperemos que la calidad siga siendo el marco de todas nuestras reuniones.

"Nuestros guías siguen las huellas de nuestra historia y le dan voz a nuestro patrimonio".
Hoy, la Directora General de Calidad, Innovación y Fomento del Turismo y el Secretario General para el Turismo se han reunido con las asociaciones más representativas de Guías de Turismo de Andalucía.
🎯Objetivo: Tratar la modificación del Decreto que regula esta actividad turística, apostando por una mejor cualificación y profesionalización✅.

AGIP Asociación Guías de Granada APIT Sevilla Guías de Córdoba Guiasdemalaga Apit Malaga Junta de Andalucía

The tour guide Association of Malaga visits the Malaga Museum (7th of October 2016)The Museum of Malaga, located in the ...

The tour guide Association of Malaga visits the Malaga Museum (7th of October 2016)

The Museum of Malaga, located in the “Palacio de la Aduana”, has opened its doors to the public on December 12. A historical date for the city to re-count with a gallery of such characteristics and that is called to be a true attraction not only cultural but also from a tourism development point of view. It is the 5th biggest museum of Spain and the largest of Andalusia.
The Museum of Malaga houses the collections of two important museums, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Provincial Archaeological Museum. It has more than 15,000 references of archeology and a large pictorial collection of 2,000 works produced in the 19th and 20th century.
The headquarters of the museum was the Customs Palace, designed in 1788. In neoclassical style (Italian Renaissance palaces style) with four cradles around a central portico courtyard. In addition to customs, it has been the headquarters of the Royal To***co Factory and Sub delegation of the Government of the province of Malaga.
As a whole, the museum has a magnificent section of Fine Arts, which includes canvases and sculptures by artists such as Luis de Morales, Luca Giordano, Murillo, Antonio del Castillo, Alonso Cano, Ribera, Velázquez, Vicente Carducho, Goya, Pedro de Mena or Zurbarán.
The institution holds what is considered one of the largest collections of nineteenth century painting of Spain, consisting of works by Sorolla, Carlos de Haes, Federico Madrazo, Esquivel, Vicente López Portaña or Ramón Casas, as well as several of the most celebrated members of the “Malagueña” Painting School: Moreno Carbonero, Enrique Simonet, Muñoz Degrain, José Nogales and Bernardo Ferrándiz.
In addition it owns an interesting collection of Spanish modern art until the decade of 1950 with works of Picasso, Rafael Canogar, Juan Barjola, Óscar Domínguez or Josep Guinovart, among others. The archaeological collection has funds of more than 15,000 pieces, which cover a historical period from the 8th century BC. to the Middle Ages.
In the last decades pieces have been added from the excavations carried out by the University of Malaga.
Members of the Tour Guides Association of Malaga Board have encouraged the management of the museum (Mrs. Maria Morente) to organize specialized courses for tour guides to be able to offer adequate information and have priority access to all information sources. It is expected to notice a massive affluence of local citizens during the first months after the opening of the Malaga Museum.

Avda.Joan Miró 4,Edificio Salomé 1º
Tf: 952 386042/45 662 397961 (telef. 24 horas) /669127457
E-Mail: [email protected]

Authors: Sergio Garrido & Daniel Stachel


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Los albañiles dejarán paso a los profesionales del turismo en cuestión de semanas, aunque tendrán que convivir en la recta final de la obra y la apertura del primer cinco estrellas gran lujo de Málaga. El Gran Hotel Miramar inicia su cuenta atrás para recibir a sus primeros huéspedes a mediados del…


La consejera de Cultura, Rosa Aguilar, anuncia la esperada fecha de inauguración del Museo de Málaga


Los ciudadanos malagueños podrán acceder gratuitamente al excepcional recorrido arqueológico y artístico por la historia de su ciudad que atesoran los muros del Palacio de la Aduana. Y no sólo ellos:


Barcelona, 20 sep (EFE).- La Comisión de Economía y Hacienda del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha aprobado una propuesta de ERC para regular el sector de los guías turísticos en la ciudad y evitar la...


Ya podemos decirlo.
Murcia será la sede en el próximo mes de diciembre de un encuentro nacional de guías de turismo de España, a la vez que se celebrará la AGO (Asamble General Ordinaria) de CEFAPIT.
Esperamos más de 100 guías habilitados profesionales de toda España para poner en común problemáticas y actuaciones en el sector. Pero también, no lo olvidemos, aprovecharemos para enseñarles nuestra querida Región de Murcia.
Si eres guía de turismo no lo dudes, ven a Murcia al encuentro.
Dentro de poco publicaremos programa oficial y medios de inscripción.


Patrimonio Cultural de Ronda


Thomas Cook es conocido como “el padre del turismo”,  fue predicador y evangelista, y tiene un gran reconocimiento en el sector turístico por ser la primer persona en organizar de manera profesional un viaje, y mas tarde, también pionero, al crear la primer agencia de viajes. Sin duda es parte de Lo...

Brief history and curiosities on the courtyards of CordobaThe Patios (courtyards) of Cordoba are one of the landmarks of...

Brief history and curiosities on the courtyards of Cordoba

The Patios (courtyards) of Cordoba are one of the landmarks of the city; they are especially attractive due to their popular character, history and culture.
There are many Patios in Cordoba. Some of them are well preserved and remain almost untouched, like small oasis of memory. Other ones have disappeared due to the difficulty for maintaining such an austere lifestyle, so far away from today´s comfortable standards. Finally, some Patios have welcomed the arrival of new tenants who have reformed the houses while retaining the traditional flavour of these areas.
All of them have something in common; they are a meeting place… a place that reaches its zenith in the month of May, when visitors crowd into the streets and the courtyards enjoying in their retinas the unforgettable pictures of this colourful celebration.
This article explains briefly history, structure and use of these unique and high valued Patios that remain largely untouched despite the years.
The first examples of courthouses date from 3200 BC with the creation of the first walled city – states in Mesopotamia. With the Greco – Roman culture, the courtyards became the most prominent feature of the house. In Greek times there is to be seen the first buildings with a courtyard surrounded by a columned portico, situated far from the entrance and used for recreational and social purposes. Nevertheless, the Roman houses will be the first ones that give courtyard a unique and principal role.
The arrival of Muslim belief in Spain brings singularity to the courtyards where water achieves an outstanding importance. Along the Reconquista period, the convergence between Christians and Muslims created the ´Mudejar` style, reproduced in some courtyards. With the irruption of the baroque style in the seventeenth century, façades are enhanced, doors are widened and the traditional structures of the courtyards modified. Finally in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries great changes take place. Neoclassicism is adopted for façades and interiors, new materials are used for floors and arches, and wooden doors are replaced by wrought iron bar gates.
General structure of a Courtyard in Cordoba:
1. Courtyards have usually a rectangular or a square form
2. At ground level, the courtyards has access to rooms as well as in the first floor
3. The floor of the Courtyards are made of river´s gravel
4. Very often there is a central staircase that leads to a picturesque balcony
5. Usually all doors and windows face the Courtyards
6. The Courtyards were the central part of the house; daily life took place in it
7. Residents decorated with the flower pots and ornamental trees the courtyards in order to make daily life nicer and more habitable; decoration brought colour and freshness to the hot climate of Cordoba
Examples of flora of the Courtyards of Cordoba
1. Jasmines, Queens of the Night (night blooming cestrum) and Bougainville
2. Coloured pots with different types of geraniums and pelargoniums cover great parts of the walls of the Courtyards
3. Aspidistras, Ferns, Violas, Dianthus, Scheffleras and Hydrangeas can also be seen often in flower beds
4. Cinnamon Laurel, lemon verbena, Cyclamen, Surfina Petunia, Fuchsias and other aromatic plants and flavour and colour
Nowadays the Association of Friends of the Patios of Cordoba play an important role in the maintenance and marketing of these Courtyards. A large number of Courtyards are open to the public all year around and is daily visited by a large number of people from different cultures and nationalities. In occasions, various cultural organizations have their seat and art exhibitions are held in some of the rooms of the Courtyards.
Cordoba`s Courtyards represent nowadays one of the most unique and special cultural characteristics of the region of Andalusia and received on December the 6th 2012 its distinctive title: ´The Courtyards of Cordoba Intangible heritage of humanity`.
Avda. Joan Miró 4,Edificio Salomé 1º
Tf: 952 386042/45 662 397961 (telef. 24 horas) /669127457 E-Mail: [email protected]
Authors: Sergio Garrido & Daniel Stachel

Somos la Asociación Profesional de guías turísticos oficiales e intérpretes del patrimonio histórico artístico andaluz con 45 años de existencia en el sector.


Desde el archivo histórico de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda presentamos este documento, guía y referencia para toda aquella persona que esté interesada en conocer e investigar nuestros …


Felicidades por la iniciativa, me parece muy buena y se echaba de menos un blog de "Las cosas de Málaga" Cuanta con mi colaboración siempre que quieras y como lo he venido haciendo en facebook desde que me vine a vivir a Málaga...Un abrazo!!


Desafió al rey Fernando VII. Y defendió a los suyos. Es por ello que este hombre que quizá hubiera pasado a la historia como villano es recocido hoy como un héroe. Con sus armas, con su singular aspecto, hizo de Sierra Morena su guarida y su propio reinado.

Facts on cultural tourism of AndalusiaOne of the major subsectors of tourism is based on the tourist’s motivation to vis...

Facts on cultural tourism of Andalusia

One of the major subsectors of tourism is based on the tourist’s motivation to visit and experience a different culture (gastronomy, monuments, folklore, museums).
In 2013 6,7 million tourists visited the region of Andalusia with cultural interests. 69,4% representing national tourism and 30,5% international tourists. Concentrating on the international tourists the following distribution is to be analysed as main countries suppling Andalusia with cultural tourists:

The average stay in hotels and resorts in Andalusia of international cultural tourists is 7,6 nights in comparison to the average international tourist is 3,8 nights. Also the average spending is higher (69,50 € - international cultural tourists) in comparison to the average tourists (58,50 €). Also remarkable is that international cultural tourists spend greater percentage of their budget on monuments and gastronomical offer than accommodation and transport.

According to the latest market research following factors are to be surveyed and improved by the different departments of local and regional governments to boost the satisfaction of cultural tourists:

Information & facilities on local markets
Recreational activities
Culutral offices of monuments
Tour guiding offices for tours and excursions
General opening & closing hours

Avda. Joan Miró 4,Edificio Salomé 1º
Tf: 952 386042/45 662 397961 (telef. 24 horas) /669127457 E-Mail: [email protected]
Authors: Sergio Garrido & Daniel Stachel


Las puertas abiertas de la ciudad.. en las defensas construidas desde el siglo XI por los andalusies.
Diseño 3D Antonio Laporte
Por: Rambla Torralvo, Iñiguez Sánchez, Mayorga Mayorga..
sobre todos los yacimientos arqueológicos y documentales que allí aparecen.


La famosa Ruta de los Pueblos Blancos de Andalucía comprende una serie de localidades ubicadas en terreno de las provincias de Cádiz y Málaga


El itinerario transcurre por el barrio gótico de la ciudad Turisme de Barcelona ha creado la primera ruta guiada por la ciudad para personas con movilidad reducida. Se trata del producto Easy Walki…


Málaga para dos (para dos que se gustan), y en cualquier época del año: esas son las premisas que hemos tenido en cuenta a la hora de elaborar este recorrido por los rincones más romanticones de la ciudad. Píllate un AVE, un avión o incluso el coche, y si eres de aquí, hazte turista durante un finde…


Recreación de la Época Romántica. Un encuentro con el más genuino pasado de esta tierra legendaria y sus señas de identidad


Analizamos el impacto que la Normativa Bolkestein tiene sobre el sector de los guías de turismo en España con ayuda de una profesional acreditada, representantes de varias administraciones públicas y de las empresas que ofrecen conocer las ciudades con guías locales sin titulación oficial.


La entrada de los Reyes Católicos y el nombramiento de Pedro de Toledo como obispo de Málaga pusieron la primera piedra de la futura Semana Santa de Málaga, que más de 500 años después sigue muy presente en la vida de los malagueños, aunque ha evolucionado su puesta en escena


“Free Tours”: product of the liberalization of services and severe consequences for the cultural tourism market in Andalusia

During the past ten years the cultural tourism market in Andalusia has been going through a great transition. Especially since the liberalization policy of the European Union has succeeded and was brought into power in 2015.
Severe consequences are the result. A new type of tourism service and low cost policy has entered the market in the main cultural capitals such as Malaga, Granada, Seville & Cordoba, the so named “Free tour”. In often occasions the profile of the service provider has the following features:
1. Young and inexperienced
2. Rare knowledge of the legal framework of official tour guides
3. Ignorance or avoidance towards taxation & invoice legislation
For an average tourist it is difficult to appreciate the difference between an official tour guide or a cultural service provider as it is usually a one of consumed product. Which are though the remarkable and outstanding points that are indicating a possible new trend?
1. There is a clear lack of public administration intervention to clarify to cultural tourists the awareness of legal and official tour guides
2. The growing necessity of the internet presence to capture cultural tourists
3. Cultural tourists empathize with the “free tour” providers due to their lack of knowledge towards tour guides legal framework
The transition to a more stabilized market is subject to two factors:
1. The intervention of the regional government which has the legal competence to uphold a quality tourism destination
2. Probably the factor time is decisive; the market is going to segregate quality from low cost
Avda. Joan Miró 4,Edificio Salomé 1º
Tf: 952 386042/45 662 397961 (telef. 24 horas) /669127457 E-Mail: [email protected]
Authors: Sergio Garrido & Daniel Stachel


Avenida Joan Miro, 4


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