How to change FEAR into CURIOSITY- Wisdom Sample
UltreiaCamino Wisdom Sample...
During our #walks we explore our deepest #thinking patterns, understand our #emotions, unhealthy patterns, change them and generate Your Way of working of living life. You are the main actor and we provide the environment and the support to guide this #process.
Today is about #Fear: that innate voice inside of us that has the aim of protection, of "saving" us from danger. But in today's society, this emotion is escalated to dimensions that stop us from engaging in #fullfiliing activities and pushes us away from decisions that deep down we want to make.
Was there any time in your life when you didn't angage with a certain person because you were afraid of rejection?
Have you ever backed down from a project because you were not sure if you are good enough?
Or didn't shared your opinion because you believed it was not relevant?
Do you think back on those times with a slight regret and wanting things to be different? Or just curious how things would have been if.....?
That is the expression of #Fear. And the best way of dealing with it is:
1. Ackowledge and validate its voice- "Yes, it is there, and now let's see how rational and true this statement is."
2. Map out your fears and you will map our your blockages.- great tool coming your way on Sunday, so stay tuned!
When asking about #UltreiaCamino, I hear the #expression of a lot of those voices (Am I able to walk so many km? I am afraid of actually seeing what I want and the changes that come with it..I don't know if I am able to make that investment in myself).
And my answer to that is always: You will not know until you have tried. Don't let fear decide YOUR life. YOU decide your life and actions.
We offer all the support for you to take this chance. So take it!
Join us in one of our three walks:
Detox Your #Mind: April 30 – May 7, 2019
#Women Power: 30 May – 6 June, 2019
#Relationship Booster: June 7 – 14, 2019
Send me a PM and let's talk. M
Women Empowerment- Walking St James Path
Some call them small step celebration. I like to see them as showing the way. Showing the direction.
When was the last time you celebrated the smallest element in your life? For example. the fact you ran 1 km more than yesterday. or that you plannd that trip, you bought that ticket, or you just asked someone you liked out.
Sometimes we lose ourselves in the bgger picture because that is brighter, more solid (maybe), where everyone says you should be. Is it actually? Is it actually where you should be if we don't pay attention to our small steps?
Why am I writing about this now and here? Because sometimes I forget to celebrate the part of the road that I am still walking. That eventhough I didn't reach the destination, I am there, going and not giving up. Gathering information along the way.
Oh honey! You will figure it out..slowly and you don't need to know everything from the beginning. It will come.
In September we have an amazing group of women ready to challenge themselves, to find their way and to walk it...Everyday. Together and alone. How is feels good.
Join us if you are one of them, or send this message to someone you feel needs it.
From the 20th until the 27th of September.
UltreiaCamino- women empowerment walk!
A walk with a strong female energy....
The September group is slowly building as a female empowerment program, with strong feminine energy. So today, we introduce you our founders: Irina Buruiana and Annika Paeutz.
We strongly believe that elements just come together when you strongly believe in your work. This September group is buildt by strong, independent, conscius women. Women that want to feel more grounded, more into their body.
That want to leave behind stereotypes of "how it needs to be". And create their story on "how it truly is".
Women that want to accomplish, every day, their inner strenght by connecting with themselves, with their vulnerability and their true power.
Women that move mountains in their professions, that show a different side of the world, that use emotions as their guidance. That let themselves be seen, because they are confident and sure on themselves. That inspire others by their presence.
If you know any women that needs a push, a reminder of who she really is, send her to us or if you are one of these women, join us in September from the 20th until the 27th in walking the last part of Camino de Santiago (French Camino) and participate in the coaching program.. We are eager to create OUR TRIBE!
UltreiaCamino-what is all about?
What are you doing from the 20th until the 27th of September?
Join us for a week of walking, beautiful conversations, nature and getting some direction in life.
Taking one week for yourself to be in nature, walk, to push your limits and get to know yourself better.
Why? You should ask.
Let's talk about facts. After walking the Camino, I developed a business that has meaning, purpose and drive in it. This was pushed by the courage and the determnation that I lived by walking. I always go back to the moment when I arrived in Santiago de Compostela and I looked back to see that I have walked for 120 km.
When was the last time you went out of your comfort zone and pushed your limits a little bit more?
Video credits to Martin.
It's all about ATTITUDE!!
How you approach life and challenges makes you go that extra mile in all areas of your life!!
An insight look on what we are dealing with in UltreiaCamino!
We are looking for 4 more people to join our group in September. PM if you know someone or you are one of them!
Self awareness on St James Path (Camino de Santiago)
Sometimes we evaluate #ourselves through glasses that are not ours. Success is: the money you have in your bank account, the diplomas that you have gatered until now, the job title you acquired etc.
How do you believe your life will be if you will measure success in moments of #alivenes, of #connection with #yourself and with other #people.
I have been always fascinated by the topic of #death and how it influences the way we #live. And what I realize, by asking myself always the question: if I will have a day to live only what will I do? is that the answer is no way close to: count the money in my bank account, or flashing my CV around. Is always connecting with time spent with people that I deeply love, seeing beautiful nature and feeling the impact of this Earth on myself.
Living fully, breathing so deep that my lungs will never forget the taste of air.
#Time is something we believe we have for ever. If we will perceive time as a resource that will be over soon, what will be a #decision you will take #today. An action.
If you will have a limited amount of time, what will be your #investment in #yourself?
These are some #persective that we work with during our walks. Join us and a beautiful group in September, from the 20th until the 27th. If you want to make a step towards your #wellbeing, contact us.
How often you stop to #reconnect with #yourself ?
Sometimes we just need to get out from our #dailyroutine to have a different perspective on life, on our decisions, on our interactions.
By moving our #bodies we transform the mental energy into something that pushes us forward. It stops the #rumination and creates #action . We connect with our #sensations and we gain clarity.
Think about it: whenever you have a decisions to make, or your head feels full and heavy isn't your first impulse to stand up and #move your body. Isn't this the step that motivates you to change the situation?
Ultreiacamino exists for bringing this #opportunity of rebooting to people. By moving we ignite #reflection . By following certain questions we ignite #decisions .Decisions that are allined with whom we truly are, and not with what the world needs from us.
Join us from the 20th of September until the 27th in this memorable #experience . Contact me for more information.
Thank you @martin_mostert for the beautiful video.
#coaching #movement #walking #mindfulness #mindfulwalking #connection #personaldevelopment #personaldevelopmentcoach #journey #camimodesantiago #stjamespilgrimage #reflection #hapiness #creativity #timeoff #yourself #empowerment #motionisemotion
UltreiaCamino- St James pilgrimage and self discovery
Join us from the 20th until the 27th of September for a beautiful week of self discovery, nature and connection. Take your sweet time off to rethink elements of your life and to redefine your direction.
We believe in health and movement. We believe in going back to the roots and enjoying simplicity and nature. In this way we realize how much we have and how grateful we can be for our present.
Join us in this mission. Walk with us St James path (Camino de Santiago) and enjoy the presence of nature, reflection and a beautiful group to share this experience with.
How do you want to recharge your batteries for the winter?
Send me a PM for booking your spot!
Enjoy a glimse from our May adventure.
#coaching #nature #caminodesantiago #walking #mindfulness #beingpresent #selfdiscovery #personaldevelopment #decisions
UltreiaCamino September edition
Hello beautiful people,
Just a short message to show my excitement for the September group. Today I was working on the website It is almost done!
I am trying to find the right words to express this amazing experience. It is difficult to describe a process that changed your perspective upon life and your limitations, as well as motivators.
One of our May's participant put it wonderfully, Cameron. "UltreiaCamino is making me more aware of my habits."
Join us for the September group by sending an email at [email protected] or filling in this form.
We have only 5 spots left! Amazing..Thank you!
Updates and reflection. September program is coming soon!
Are you ready for a new challenge in your life?
Insights form our May walk, inspired by our beautiful participants:
Being vulnerable inspires connection and makes relationships be more meaningful and worth experiencing. Letting yourself feel all emotions, also the nasty one, creates a space of honesty and just looks more fun and wirth living.
In the following weeks we are going to post pictures from our May walk, so you people, can see what I am talking about. And the amazing scenery of Galicia.
Update on UltreiaCamino programs:
We are now preparing the webpage with descriptions, useful information, future programs..All together with amazing images credits to Martin.
Stay tuned for more info and if you already want to join us, the September program is waiting for you. From the 20th until the 27th of September! Send a message if interested, we are happy to answer to you!
Buen Camino pelegrinos and see you on the road!
Movement is emotion! The new core of UltreiaCamino and the words that best summaries everything that is happening on the Camino.
When you move your body, you start feeling grateful for being able to move, you start being mindful for the present moment and you move elements inside of you that otherwise you will not be able to do.
You let your body do its work and you get out of your mind in thinking how you should "feel" your body!
ONE SPOT left for the group in MAY! And some goodies we are going to have with this group of Ultreia Camino!
Super thank you for everyone that spread the message!